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How We Acquire Focus Needs To Change


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1 hour ago, xXDeadsinxX said:

What’s everyone’s take on this idea as a whole,

Remove Convergence orbs from game entirely. There will be two different focus pools Focus School and Amp school? Don’t know the names quite yet. The first one is what we currently have and the other is one for amps. Warframe can gain focus with killing enemies. Operators can gain focus with killing enemies with an amp. Once you gain enough focus for amp, you can increase its damage output significantly. 

On the Convergence Orb. Yes. Just absolute yes. For your other stuff, I could actually warm up to that concept. Now we would have to figure out how that would work with one another. Like more discussion overall to be fully on board but otherwise a so-so yeah.

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23 minutes ago, PR1D3 said:

On the Convergence Orb. Yes. Just absolute yes. For your other stuff, I could actually warm up to that concept. Now we would have to figure out how that would work with one another. Like more discussion overall to be fully on board but otherwise a so-so yeah.

Glad you like the concept overall, definitely need more to talk about it for sure.

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1 hour ago, xXDeadsinxX said:

I have now realized that yes. What do you think of my new proposed change?

There is nothing stopping you from installing a lens on your amp right now.  If you want to farm focus that way dive right in and go to town.  You could also do it in archwing if you really like that game mode.

Neither of those things though speak to the issue of convergence and that you are highly incentivized to burst affinity gain into semi-random and short time spans.  DE either needs to come up with a focus system that doesn't ride on top of affinity or they just need to let us earn a reasonable flat amount all of the time (like syndicate rep).

It's really that simple.

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16 hours ago, xXDeadsinxX said:

That is a hard part of making a video game, DE has to make decisions that everyone may or may not like, but it’s an overall amazing change that needs to happen.


Who are you to be able to claim that it's an amazing change? It's not, as the guy said, I want to play Warframe, not operators. I sincerely hope they never make it operator exclusive, it would kill the game for me. 

Edited by Sovekz
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hace 6 horas, xXDeadsinxX dijo:

*Disclaimer, if you haven’t completed The Second Dream or The War Within yet, I’d suggest you to leave now, there are spoilers.

Now now everyone, put down your pitchforks and hear me out on purposed changes.


What we know so far

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The focus system was first introduced in Update 18 The Second Dream back in December 2015. In Update 19 The War Within which was added in November 2016 which let us being able to walk around and use our operator freely as we wish. The focus system drastically changed in Update 22 Plains of Eidolon back in October 2017, when the focus system got a rework. The operator abilities were changed left and right to fit the schools accordingly. Now, that’s not why I’m here, I’m here for a different system, the Convergence System.

What is the Convergence System?

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The Convergence system is a massive part of the focus system. The mechanic was also introduced into the game as the same time as the focus system was put into the game, Update 18. For those who don’t know, Focus is like XP in away, you gain focus in-missions when the Convergence Orb drops into your mission, either it be far away from you, or near you. Once you run over and “pick up” the orb, you will start to gain focus when you kill enemies within the 45 second duration. Once the 45 seconds are up, you will gain a certain amount of focus from how much enemies you’ve killed in that amount of time for doing so.

Why I think the Convergence System needs to be removed

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I personally think the Convergence System needs to be removed from the game entirely. We currently gain focus from our Warframes, not our Operators, it should be the other way around. Not that many people use Operators, most of the players only use them for eidolon hunts, kuva missions and fashion kid, which is not a lot of uses compared to our Warframes. What’s the point of killing enemies with your operator when you can kill enemies with your Warframe faster and way easily. Sure, Operators are a bit more buff if you have a good damaging amp with some decent health, but why bother? Without abilites, it’s way slower to use the Operator and there’s not that many benefits to using the Operator over your Warframe. Which is exactly why I would like to see focus be gained by Operators. 

How would it work?

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Without the Convergence System, the 45 second duration would be removed from the game, and you could freely gain focus by killing enemies with your Operator. You would gain more focus if you had an amp equipped on your Operator. This change, it would give Operators more of an actual use and would increase the amount of people playing Operators. 

What would happen to Lens?

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Lens would be removed from the game entirely as well since they would have no actual use to Warframes anymore. Lens could be added to Operators instead of Warframes, but I feel like removing them would be a much easier change instead of keeping them in-game. I’m not against the whole Lens idea, they could add a function where we could add lens to our amps to add more focus, just an idea.


EDIT: Proposed changes from feedback

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Remove Convergence orbs from game entirely. There will be two different focus pools Focus School and Amp school? Don’t know the names quite yet. The first one is what we currently have and the other is one for amps. Warframe can gain focus with killing enemies. Operators can gain focus with killing enemies with an amp. Once you gain enough focus for amp, you can increase its damage output significantly. 

Thank you for your time. If you have any suggestions, please give them if you do have any. This mechanic is in a dire need of a change.

No , the only change i would do its that once you pick the yellow orb you can "activate" when you want , so you can evade the so annoying "no enemies when you pick it" ..

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Delete orb. Raise base gain by 20x. They are a distraction away from mission objectives and teamplay. Annoying. 

Make lenses movable like Arcanes, actually why not make them *be* Arcanes. Idk. At *least* the movable thing, that's the main idea. It gets old playing the same exact loadout every day, and expensive and wasteful otherwise. Or zero progress. 

Rework focus nodes on most schools to actually do things besides drain more energy. Oh and make them not drain more energy. 

Remove capacity unlocks completely.

Add a way to convert Affinity to another school. Maybe add a Focus Booster that you buy from any school for 25k focus, it doubles the next 25k focus you earn. Thus you can move it but have to work a little bit, but don't lose it.

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On 2/26/2018 at 9:06 AM, xXDeadsinxX said:


You clearly didn’t read my post, getting focus isn’t the issue, how we aquire it with our Warframe is.

I think he is saying that getting focus via warframe now is kinda irrelevant because you can get focus 10x easier by just hunting Eidolons. 

Ever since the new 40k shards came out I have completely given up on focus farming via warframe.

FYI I fully expect this to be nerfed into the ground because it means I no longer need an affinity booster to gain focus. And that means DE is loosing money

Edited by Dornez
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5 minutes ago, (PS4)KresTias said:

Focus works fine rn, hope DE will introduce new schools.

Only 1 thing i want is option as for arcanes, but for schools, so i dont need to go and switch schools all the time when i pick another wf.

Yes "fine" being that you can only use one setup to effectively grind focus in one node.

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On 26.2.2018 at 5:45 PM, xXDeadsinxX said:

That is true yes, but it would give players an actual incentive to use their operators in battle. As of currently, there really aren’t many things to do with our operators.

See, the problem is that DE needs to make changes that make players want to play the operator, not changes that make players have to play the operator.

As is, the operator isn't fun to play. No parkour, no abilities and no awesome guns to play with. There's nothing that the operator can do that a warframe can't do better, which is why every single instance in which we use the operator is due to a lack of choice to do otherwise.

Can we kill kuva guardians without the operator? No, which is why we use the operator to bash, dash and then get back into our warframe.

Can we collect kuva without the operator? No, which is why we simply collect and instantly switch back.

Can we kill eidolons without the operator? No, which is why we instantly switch back to deal massively more damage with our guns and warframes.


What I think is lacking is any kind of synergy between one player's operator and other players' warframes. It seems like DE are adamant about having no synergies within a mixed group and allowing the operator to gain any buffs, heals or other kinds of benefits from other players' warframes or the warframes getting benefits from an operator.

Hell, there aren't even any synergies between operators. You're literally just the sum of your barely existing abilities. The only benefit of using operators that players go out of their way to use on their own is reviving allies without any threat of dying.


But enough of a rant on that topic. Yes, focus definitely needs to change and your suggestion to have operator focus gained by warframes and amp focus gained by operators might work, though I don't think that a thing like amp focus would happen because it would likely end up with eidolons dying too quickly for DE's liking if it actually does anything significant. They can't easily go and buff the eidolons shields either, since that would make them bullet sponges for those without much in terms of amp focus.

In the end, you can already gain additional focus by using the operator by killing said eidolons, so you technically already are rewarded for using the operator.

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5 hours ago, Tyrian3k said:

See, the problem is that DE needs to make changes that make players want to play the operator, not changes that make players have to play the operator.

As is, the operator isn't fun to play. No parkour, no abilities and no awesome guns to play with. There's nothing that the operator can do that a warframe can't do better, which is why every single instance in which we use the operator is due to a lack of choice to do otherwise.

Can we kill kuva guardians without the operator? No, which is why we use the operator to bash, dash and then get back into our warframe.

Can we collect kuva without the operator? No, which is why we simply collect and instantly switch back.

Can we kill eidolons without the operator? No, which is why we instantly switch back to deal massively more damage with our guns and warframes.


What I think is lacking is any kind of synergy between one player's operator and other players' warframes. It seems like DE are adamant about having no synergies within a mixed group and allowing the operator to gain any buffs, heals or other kinds of benefits from other players' warframes or the warframes getting benefits from an operator.

Hell, there aren't even any synergies between operators. You're literally just the sum of your barely existing abilities. The only benefit of using operators that players go out of their way to use on their own is reviving allies without any threat of dying.


But enough of a rant on that topic. Yes, focus definitely needs to change and your suggestion to have operator focus gained by warframes and amp focus gained by operators might work, though I don't think that a thing like amp focus would happen because it would likely end up with eidolons dying too quickly for DE's liking if it actually does anything significant. They can't easily go and buff the eidolons shields either, since that would make them bullet sponges for those without much in terms of amp focus.

In the end, you can already gain additional focus by using the operator by killing said eidolons, so you technically already are rewarded for using the operator.

Operators are better for travel speed in PoE and missions and they can save your ass many times. They can have useful CC abilities provided you are in the correct focus tree or more damaging abilities which are more geared towards star chart enemies. But i wouldnt say they have nothing they can do that warframes would do always better.

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No way, sorry, just personal opinion here.

Operators are a hassle for me, in first place. I enjoy way more a fantasy game playing the role of an unstoppable powerful war machine, not a kid with a laser pointer. I never liked this operator mode, I accept it and I support it, but I do not like it.

Anyway, about removing the Convergence Orbs, I agree with this. They break the flow of the fights and it feels unnatural and selfish running away the team, in the middle of a fight, to get one.

Kind regards

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