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Fishing is now even more impossible?


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I usually don't bother fishing or mining in PoE during the events. I rarely do the normal bounties either for the same reason.

Try using Diriga with a potato'd/formaed sniper rifle. One-shots trash mobs reliably.

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1 hour ago, LazerSkink said:

This. Plains are dead to me for the next 10 days.

Well you are optemistic...they've been dead to me more or less a month after release.

PS: No offense DE, I (and apperantly many more, if those riven challenges are anything to go by) just ain't interesting for the long-term...also I would still much rather roleplay with proto gun skins.

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vor 7 Stunden schrieb ssj782:

Limited use. An energy syphon won't keep you in enough energy to stay stealthed. And even with a max duration build, my loki only goes invis for 35 or 40 seconds, I think?

Limited use? Some difficulty in the game is intended. But with Zenurik as focus and an efficiency duration build its working very well and you dont have energy problems.

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17 hours ago, (XB1)RevenantRequiem said:

On what planet is energy siphon not enough to keep invisible. Its 1 energy a second, if you are invisible for 40 seconds thats 40 energy and invisibility requires like 20 energy to cast. Get rid of that blind rage on your loki lol

0.6 energy, not 1 per sec. 


And if you're in a channeled ability like Ivara, you dont gain energy


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VERY IMPORTANT NOTE TO EVERYONE TELLING OP TO USE IVARA (which I complained about last time there was Plague Star):




Fishing with Ivara only works on paper. Of course it's better than non-stealth frames but due to the way AI is coded to 'combat/counter' stealth (and also the reason why you WILL die if you afk stealth on Corpus missions), you will 100% have enemies who technically are coded to know your general whereabouts. It's like how if you're stealthed and you stand in one place, enemies will always still walk towards your general vicinity and for instance in Corpus tilesets where nullifiers spawn, they 100% will walk into you due to their AI coding them to walk within the nullifier bubble range of you being stealthed. As a result, random infesteds will still run to you and basically just stand idle beside you, which doesn't seem like a problem at first.

Now here's the other issue. Fishing isn't silent. Well, it kind of is but also kind of isn't. Whenever you spear down a fish and catch it (or not), you still 'draw attention' to exactly where you were when you threw the spear, like the pinpoint of sound. Imagine it as a smaller scale Ivara noise arrow. So essentially every time you catch a fish you make them stand right on top of you or right beside you. Which again, doesn't seem like a problem at first.

Until random Grineer start to shoot at the infesteds. This causes two things to happen. The first thing that happens is that if the Grineer are high level and have AoE weapons, you'll also get hit and sometimes straight up killed due to AoE (or stray bullets). You don't really build Ivara with any defense since you rely on her stealth so it's quite easy to die like that. But even if you don't die, here's the second thing that happens. Grineer who miss the infested shoot the water, causing the fish you're trying to catching to literally GTFO faster than light speed. Last time Plague Star was around, shooting the water still made 'Pharoma'd' fish still swim away.


Yeah, back when Plague Star was on last time I was essentially living in the plains so I have a ton of experience. Unfortunately, there is literally no way around it. Just a terrible coincidence of coding that would otherwise be fine on their own.

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18 hours ago, (XB1)RevenantRequiem said:

On what planet is energy siphon not enough to keep invisible. Its 1 energy a second, if you are invisible for 40 seconds thats 40 energy and invisibility requires like 20 energy to cast. Get rid of that blind rage on your loki lol


Energy Siphon restores 0.6 energy per second.

That, and constant actively energy-draining abilities such as Ivara’s Prowl prevent the passive gain of energy, as only energy orbs will restore energy while Prowling.

That means, Energy Siphon has no effect on a Prowling Ivara, and even energy restores don’t do anything. Same applies to Mesa’s Peacemaker, Excalibur’s Exalted Blade, Inaros’ Sandstorm, and other abilities that actively drain energy while in use. There are no exceptions, if not very few at all.

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43 minutes ago, (PS4)Aerik93 said:


Energy Siphon restores 0.6 energy per second.

I don't get how you can run out of energy, though. My fishing Loki only has a 130% efficiency. He only stays invis for about 34 seconds and it cost 35 energy to activate it.

I have absolutely no energy problems with zenurik+energy siphon. I can stay permanently invis through a whole night.

EDIT: Zenurik alone would be enough for me. Zenurik gives me 5x30 = 150 energy over 30 seconds. Which means that in the time it takes for my invis to end, I have restored enough energy to recast it 4 times more (+ a little extra). 

Edited by rune_me
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It may be annoying, but think of it in the terms of getting difficult to acquire items through farming the infested missions.  If you are just there to enjoy your fishing that is a completely different story.

On a side note, I wish fishing and mining could be lucrative and interesting for different reasons.  Maybe it is the inner sandbox lover in me, but it'd be kind of cool if there were a way for players to corner certain markets in much the same way as an MMORPG.  Perhaps 'professions' may be outside of the realm of warframe, but it is still kind of a fun thought.

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It happens from time to time, SSJ! Now the Ghouls are gone so only the Infested are still around... but I saw people (even from my Clan) fishing while they were shooting the enemies when they get close! You want a real challenge on Warframe? I think this was one of them! XD

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16 hours ago, (PS4)Aerik93 said:


Energy Siphon restores 0.6 energy per second.

That, and constant actively energy-draining abilities such as Ivara’s Prowl prevent the passive gain of energy, as only energy orbs will restore energy while Prowling.

That means, Energy Siphon has no effect on a Prowling Ivara, and even energy restores don’t do anything. Same applies to Mesa’s Peacemaker, Excalibur’s Exalted Blade, Inaros’ Sandstorm, and other abilities that actively drain energy while in use. There are no exceptions, if not very few at all.

My energy siphon numbers might be off but we were talking about LOKI who isn't any of the frames you mentioned. Also, I know how channeled abilities work. I don't need you to explain mechanics I learned two thousand hours ago, thank you. Either way, I run energy siphon on my Loki with 175% efficiency and have zero issues with energy upkeep. Maybe you should try it out?

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18 hours ago, NSDBL said:

VERY IMPORTANT NOTE TO EVERYONE TELLING OP TO USE IVARA (which I complained about last time there was Plague Star):



You have weapons, periodically use them to clear any mobs away from the area and go back to fishing, its not rocket science people.

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24 minutes ago, AzureTerra said:

You have weapons, periodically use them to clear any mobs away from the area and go back to fishing, its not rocket science people.

Of course, thanks for the belittling, but you can't deny how it can get super annoying when this happens for hours on end. At least to me anyway since last time's Plague Star, I had entire days where I'd spend on the plains and it gets to a point where having mobs show up every 2 to 3 minutes gets on your nerves.

Oh, not to mention chucking bait, pharoma or luminos reveals you for half a second telling every infested around you where you are.

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31 minutes ago, NSDBL said:

Of course, thanks for the belittling, but you can't deny how it can get super annoying when this happens for hours on end. At least to me anyway since last time's Plague Star, I had entire days where I'd spend on the plains and it gets to a point where having mobs show up every 2 to 3 minutes gets on your nerves.

Oh, not to mention chucking bait, pharoma or luminos reveals you for half a second telling every infested around you where you are.

I toss out a roller spector, moa spector, ancient spector, corrupted spector, vapor spector......prowl ivara to fish 4 hours of real time with dual r3 arcane energize maxxed zenirik maxxed primed flow, primed continity, streamline .

Walk towards some enemies my specters killed and zazzatz from arcane energize and maxxed energy aaand back to fishing till either my hands get tired or my controller dies.

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9 minutes ago, Azlen said:

Literally no one with dual R3 Arcane Energize would ever be making this complaint :facepalm::crylaugh:


The op topic was fishing is impossible?

R3 arcane energize is the number 1 arcane to have on any frame in my opinion.

Plus for really maxxed energy besides what i mentioned before toss out a trinity spector to really get energy.

It just sounds like op needs better gear?

Edited by (PS4)aiptekfanboy
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44 minutes ago, (PS4)aiptekfanboy said:

I toss out a roller spector, moa spector, ancient spector, corrupted spector, vapor spector......prowl ivara to fish 4 hours of real time with dual r3 arcane energize maxxed zenirik maxxed primed flow, primed continity, streamline .

Walk towards some enemies my specters killed and zazzatz from arcane energize and maxxed energy aaand back to fishing till either my hands get tired or my controller dies.

Specters is a really good idea, but really shouldn't be 'needed to fish' just cuz the devs accidentally made a really bad situation for fishing.

But yeah, I have permastealth Ivara too with Primed Flow and max efficiency so I can technically stay invisible for I think approximately 3/4 of an hour, though I always bring energy pizzas anyway.

Though tell me if I'm wrong but I don't think you can't get her invisibility to cost less than 0.25 energy per second

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20 minutes ago, (PS4)aiptekfanboy said:

It just sounds like op needs better gear?

Perhaps, but I believe the point of this thread is that no one should need to go get such specialized gear just to fish. There are a ton of ways around this if you really specialize in gear but fishing is probably the most casual gameplay you can get in Warframe. It really shouldn't demand this much. Especially since all this trouble with fishing during Plague Star is purely due to a whole lot of coding which would otherwise be fine in themselves. It just happen to make fishing incredibly inconvenient when all these small mechanics come together

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On 4/7/2018 at 9:25 AM, ssj782 said:

Limited use. An energy syphon won't keep you in enough energy to stay stealthed. And even with a max duration build, my loki only goes invis for 35 or 40 seconds, I think?

Ivara prowl can and will run all but indefinately as it is channeled, just build duration and eff press prowl and fish to your hearts conetent

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