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My thoughts on Peculiar Mods


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Well... imo, those are mods to be used when you out and about goofing off.

Sure, some people find fun in seeing huge damage numbers, but there also those who like silly things. Myself for exemple.

In most missions I go, I OHK my enemies anyways even with just Forma'd weapons, which usually means I have 1 or 2 Mod slots free before I get those extra 10 Mod points.

As Steve said: "There is no point.", you are just using those "just because".

What I see people worried about is about others using such mods for content that requires maximization to be efficient, and honestly? This will go into metacomplain area.

It will just be a niche thing.

Although... I wish we could get some Auxiliary Slot Warframe customizations there instead of just weapons.

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4 hours ago, (PS4)BOSS_TPH76 said:

These mods should not be in the game at all.

And if they positively absolutely feel they need to S#&$ over the aesthetic of the game which previously was used as an argument why we can't have permanent bunny ears or mustaches then there should be a slider to disable these graphics so others can opt out of being confronted by this bs. 



Yeah, the aesthetic currently in the game is 100% always serious when its not a holiday..


Edited by Firetempest
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people seem to be missing the point of these mods. they aren't aimed at min-maxers, they aren't aimed at vets, they aren't aimed at the endurance crowd. they ARE aimed at anyone that doesn't take Warframe too seriously: people who want to have a laugh: the kind of people who love the Sonicor for it's Ragdolls, or Titania's Lantern for the way it makes enemies float. if you're someone who has to have ALL the damage and crit, you're not the kind of person who's gonna use these mods anyway. that's fine, because they aren't really aimed at you to begin with.

being mods, they're also optional, so you're certainly not forced to use them. if you get them from Sanctuary Onslaught but you don't want them, you could always trade them for plat, dissolve for Endo/Credits, or give them to friends. I know a couple people who'll actively grind for these mods just for the lulz, and that's all it's really about.

Edited by (PS4)robotwars7
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24 minutes ago, sleepychewbacca said:

Khora = for those who wanted to know what the tower key system would be like. 

Imagine the grind. Nidus/Harrow/Ivara parts drop chance too. 

I didn't watch the devstream yet so all I have is a few bits of info, but if they're adding khora and peculiar mods in the onslaught, then I can already see this mode not being worth running reward wise. The table is already diluted by S#&$ that is a waste. 

For a mode that is designed to be hard and require effort, they sure are adding rewards that don't reward that effort. Guess I gotta hold judgement till its added

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3 minutes ago, Midrib said:

I didn't watch the devstream yet so all I have is a few bits of info, but if they're adding khora and peculiar mods in the onslaught, then I can already see this mode not being worth running reward wise. The table is already diluted by S#&$ that is a waste. 

For a mode that is designed to be hard and require effort, they sure are adding rewards that don't reward that effort. Guess I gotta hold judgement till its added

I'm... okay with the grind. I've pretty much very little left to do in game, so, grind for something new is pretty okay to me. 

But I can see why others would be annoyed by it. 

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I dont understand how can someone have the impresion that DE is personally attacking the way they mod their weapons with a few innocent novelty mods.

If you min/max, if you like to see huge numbers you wont use them. The only thing that they cause is a mild inconvenience that can be turned into endo/credits/maybe plat and an excuse for you to express your discontent with not obtaining the reward you wanted.


I personally cant wait to make terry, garry and harry grow flowers.

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9 hours ago, NoLazyShadow said:

I dont like this stuff ether.

DE even hinted that the stealth Sleep'inox melee "sweeper" focus farming would be going away soon during the DevStream.

Again, just because it's how some folks do something, not everyone does and/or enjoys doing it. Some of us prefer to play the game to trying to MinMax our builds to within an inch of our lives.

And that is why I don't mind mods that can change up how I'll play the game. Yes, I could put a +90% elemental damage mod in, but maybe I want to show off. Or maybe I'm just going to be farming some low-end content and I don't need to bring Sortie-level gear to the fight. Before Rivens, some weapons could easily destroy the entire star chart without issue. So having some fun with goofy fun mods seems like a fun diversion.

Plus, watch that be something you'll need to do use on occasion to unlock a Riven. "Kill X Lvl 30+ enemies while using a Peculiar mod".

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I don't mind even more useless mods per se. I just am not quite sure what I feel about them showing them at this point when there's been a lack of content for the past few months. It means there's been people working on creating flower animations and other such nonsense things while we're still waiting on Umbra, got a recycled Plague Star event with no improvements to buy DE time, etc.

It feels like something that should have been "for fun" for the new players dropping from enemies in PoE or the future Venus, not something I really want to see in a game mode I have been hoping would be worth playing more than the first week after release.

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1 hour ago, rune_me said:

Dude who cares? The world/universe in Warframe is beyond silly anyway. It's the most generic sci-fi drivel you will ever find. Changing it in almost any way would only be a good thing.

I care. Because I don't want to play a cartoon. It really is that simple. Whether it is generic or not..it is NOT a cartoon. And the fact that it is NOT a cartoon is why I play warframe and not Mario World or Fortnite.  

Changing a quasi scifi reality into a cartoon is a very bad thing. 

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7 minutes ago, (PS4)BOSS_TPH76 said:

I care. Because I don't want to play a cartoon. It really is that simple. Whether it is generic or not..it is NOT a cartoon. And the fact that it is NOT a cartoon is why I play warframe and not Mario World or Fortnite.  

Changing a quasi scifi reality into a cartoon is a very bad thing. 

I guess we just have different views on what Warframe is. I mean, I have bunny ears. I have a snowman in my orbiter. I have a kavat with a silly pointy hat. I do dumb dancing emotes. I have a skin that turns my boltor into a heavy-metal guitar. Warframe always felt cartoonish for me.

EDIT: I do not mean cartoonish in a negative way. The things I mentioned above are some of my favorite things in the game and I love that they are there. Same reason I love the idea for these new mods and thinks they are the best Warframe news I've heard in a long time.

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11 minutes ago, (PS4)BOSS_TPH76 said:

I care. Because I don't want to play a cartoon. It really is that simple. Whether it is generic or not..it is NOT a cartoon. And the fact that it is NOT a cartoon is why I play warframe and not Mario World or Fortnite.  

Changing a quasi scifi reality into a cartoon is a very bad thing. 

Did you complain when the butterfly syandana on tennogen came out? Or Octavia, when she can create any music and everyone's using cheesy, fun mixed tunes? How about Titania, since she's literally a fairy with butterflies all around her. You'd probably cry if you saw my warframes, all rainbow and glittering to the point where it blinds. 

They're all options, same with the mods, no one is forcing you to use, and you should stop trying to ruin other people's fun. You're kinda behind on the fact that Warframe already has cartoon elements, like Clem, or the fact we're all being controlled by (Spoilers) children! 

Time to accept that this game isn't all edgy and adult.

Almost sounds like you'd be embarrassed and hide your screen from others because you saw a pink rhino walk by. 



Edited by FashionFrame
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23 minutes ago, (PS4)Tactless_Ninja said:

Peculiars show why the current mod system needs to be scrapped. If I can't have fun with something then whats the point?

The thing is you can have fun with them, you just can't min/max at the same time. Which is apparently part of the point of the mods. 

Tho I secretly kinda expect to start seeing peculiar mods becoming a staple of Riven challenges. 

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5 minutes ago, rune_me said:

I guess we just have different views on what Warframe is. I mean, I have bunny ears. I have a snowman in my orbiter. I have a kavat with a silly pointy hat. I do dumb dancing emotes. I have a skin that turns my boltor into a heavy-metal guitar. Warframe always felt cartoonish for me.


Cartoons are all around you @(PS4)BOSS_TPH76

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1 minute ago, rune_me said:

I guess we just have different views on what Warframe is. I mean, I have bunny ears. I have a snowman in my orbiter. I have a kavat with a silly pointy hat. I do dumb dancing emotes. I have a skin that turns my boltor into a heavy-metal guitar. Warframe always felt cartoonish for me.

You do not actually have bunny ears because they were temporary. They are temporary because DE stated that making them permanent would not fit into the tone of the game and break immersion. Go figure. 

Either way...all the things you mention have 1 single thing in common: they are specific to you. They do not affect the game play and immersion of other players or the way the universe works. 

Costumes exist. Silly dances exist. They are a reflection of your personal in game identity and don't defy the reality of the game world. 

Enemies running around having stars and tweety birds around their heads turns a game into a cartoon joke...and recreate the ingame reality of the world.  


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1 minute ago, Oreades said:

The thing is you can have fun with them, you just can't min/max at the same time. Which is apparently part of the point of the mods. 

Tho I secretly kinda expect to start seeing peculiar mods becoming a staple of Riven challenges. 

Therein lies the conflict. We have a good majority of mods that aren't min-max or don't fit any real niche at all. It magnifies an existing problem even if mods like +zoom don't fart rainbows it doesn't mean it's any less used. We just had a band-aid mods thread for people who didn't want to remove their power strength mods for alternate or additive ability effects.

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1 minute ago, (PS4)BOSS_TPH76 said:

You do not actually have bunny ears because they were temporary. They are temporary because DE stated that making them permanent would not fit into the tone of the game and break immersion. Go figure. 

Either way...all the things you mention have 1 single thing in common: they are specific to you. They do not affect the game play and immersion of other players or the way the universe works. 

Costumes exist. Silly dances exist. They are a reflection of your personal in game identity and don't defy the reality of the game world. 

Enemies running around having stars and tweety birds around their heads turns a game into a cartoon joke...and recreate the ingame reality of the world.  


An enemy sprouting flowers no more or less changes your perception of the game than a frame with butterfly wings or a kavat with a hat (<-- which rimes). Both are something you don't have to do yourself, but you do have to look at it if other people decide to do it.

And you missed my point: I already think that Warframe is a cartoon joke. That's what I love about the game.

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1 minute ago, (PS4)BOSS_TPH76 said:

None of these things are cartoonish. 

Then your definition and opinion of cartoonish is very bewildering. You expect an adult game, but complain when there's a gun firing flowers, but don't go off on any of the above listed stuff...

I think I understand now, those just seem normal to you because its been around long enough. Give these new mods time then, you'll grow to just accept them like everything else I guess. 

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