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Why is the Warframe Community not as Toxic as other FtP games like Fortnite?


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20 hours ago, Souldend78 said:

Please, my 30 years old would like a word with you.

They are not too bad, but sometimes I wonder why they even game. And glad they can afford their own hardware after rage quit games.:crylaugh:

On topic: Like everyone said, game is mellow and co-op. Also, no p2w, so people who like trolling and have the means to it, can't here.

I play Fortnite, only save the world though.  There are some adults but there's alot more children than anything.  All chat looks like is trade, trade, trade, randomguy 123 is a scammer and I just got scammed.  Might be different on PC but on PS4 it's a daycare.

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It's like going to a rundown bar vs. high-end bar. One is where the drinks are watered down, the patrons are just looking for a fight, and it gives you a massive hangover in the morning. High-end bar gives you smooth drinks, patrons are just there to watch sports or play blackjack, and you wake up in the morning feeling refreshed. Warframes the high-end bar. ;)

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24 minutes ago, (XB1)DerangedMime00 said:

High-end bar gives you smooth drinks, patrons are just there to watch sports or play blackjack, and you wake up in the morning feeling refreshed. Warframes the high-end bar.

Whatever you're drinking, I want some of that.

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There are toxic players, believe it or not. Easily noticed, when I take my allround survival Nova out for a date, making people green. 

So once in a while, there is the usual "Plz stop Nova" and "Stop stealing kills" (which in fact doesn't matter thanks to EXP share) which is rather mild and we all did that on some point in our Tenno Enemy slapping Career. 

I also encountered the "bipolar seller". First nice and all friendly  - until you slapped Plats on the table and you have to GTFO asap. Even worse, he didn't say thanks. Red Flag if he suddenly demands more OR switched the object you want to sell out with garbage while you can't see the slots OR demands you to hurry for no reason as if his Fidget Spinner is starting to slow down and needs another slap. 

There is also the kind of rusher, which probably uses Plat like TP and while you are searching for Ayatans and stuff, he just "Hurry. I have to X" Replying this with "Don't you want an Ayatan Sculpt?", you get the obvious "I got plenty" on an MR6. Ooooh boi, man that edge hurt. 

Edit: I forgot the type of player who thinks he is better then you with "your platinum bought MR17"  and dies so miserably/often, you can't help but smirk. 

Edited by NoSpax
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18 hours ago, MirageKnight said:


When the mods actually get around to enforcing those rules you mean. Sometimes it'll take days before a mod notices and cleans up a thread laced with vitriol.


Since I wasn't speaking to the response time of the mods, no, that is not what I meant.

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10 hours ago, NoSpax said:

I also encountered the "bipolar seller". First nice and all friendly  - until you slapped Plats on the table and you have to GTFO asap. Even worse, he didn't say thanks. Red Flag if he suddenly demands more 

Had someone list a Riven for 120 on one of the 3rd party sites... And when I go to actually do the trade tells me "someone is offering me 400, but because you were first it's yours if you can match it."

Noped the heck out of that one. What saddens me is that it's still totally worth it for them if even 1 player gets hoodwinked like that.

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Being a MOBA player, I don't find Fortnite toxic at all. Especially on PS4 where there's almost no interaction going on (maybe it's different in NA than EU because of language barrier).

However, any game where you're trying to win another human is a lot tougher. If you have teammates it's very tempting for people who can't control their feelings to redirect anger/blame towards them since usually you can't rage at your enemy.

I do find PC Warframe a little more toxic than PS4 because text chat is easier but still it's very rare. Maybe not for Limbo and former Ember WoF mains though. 

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35 minutes ago, MagPrime said:

Since I wasn't speaking to the response time of the mods, no, that is not what I meant.

I know what you said.

What I'm saying is your argument is flawed.

Regardless of the strict rules and the zeal the mods can have in enforcing them...there are too few mods around here to do an effective and proper job of policing the forums and making sure that things remain civil.

Yes there are strict rules. I'm not disputing that.

Yes there are mods that won't hesitate to enforce them. Not arguing against that either.

Yet despite these two facts, we still have an issue of smug, condescending, opinionated, insulting, and often belligerent players attacking people on the forums for posting ideas on the forums they don't like (for example) and despite being reported - will go un-moderated for days.

Feedback in particular can be a fairly toxic place to post in.

Why? Not enough mods saying "Hey, behave children!" People can and will behave badly if they figure they can get away with it. Sadly, for the most part, they do.

You can have the most effective traffic rules in the world, but it doesn't mean much if you don't have the manpower to enforce those rules and punish people who are intent on breaking them.

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2 minutes ago, MirageKnight said:

I know what you said.

What I'm saying is your argument is flawed.

Regardless of the strict rules and the zeal the mods can have in enforcing them...there are too few mods around here to do an effective and proper job of policing the forums and making sure that things remain civil.

Yes there are strict rules. I'm not disputing that.

Yes there are mods that won't hesitate to enforce them. Not arguing against that either.

Yet despite these two facts, we still have an issue of smug, condescending, opinionated, insulting, and often belligerent players attacking people on the forums for posting ideas on the forums they don't like (for example) and despite being reported - will go un-moderated for days.

Feedback in particular can be a fairly toxic place to post in.

Why? Not enough mods saying "Hey, behave children!" People can and will behave badly if they figure they can get away with it. Sadly, for the most part, they do.

You can have the most effective traffic rules in the world, but it doesn't mean much if you don't have the manpower to enforce those rules and punish people who are intent on breaking them.

This is going to come across as short, but, please lead with this instead of telling me what I meant.  

I fully agree with this post, I'm not disputing any part of it, my issue was the rather rude and condescending manner you went about making this point.

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On 4/28/2018 at 5:46 PM, Gharsan said:

From what I've heard, the toxicity was real even in WF when there were raids and rail conflicts.

You heard wrong. 

Even compared to MMORPGs like WoW or EQ where the content was mostly PvE, WF has a much easier going community. True, raiding can bring some conflict to the PvE table, but when it's heavily (or in WF's case, entirely) instanced, most of the friction goes away since there's no competition for spawns--or much of anything else. 

Rail conflicts were...odd. Here most of your conflict was in the players' heads; it was entirely perception. Much of the community didn't really care what went on and merely joined in to score a few creds when it was easy to do so. Granted the rail conflicts had some systems that weren't too well thought out, but it never really impacted the coop player experience to any significant degree. 

However, you always have a few in any community that can never be satisfied and are of the mindset that the game 'owes' them something for merely showing up. These tend to make themselves known when the opportunity for imaginary slights is high, whether it be rail conflicts, raiding, or just new content still in need of adjustments.  

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The lack of PVP.

Yeah, folks get into some extremely heated opinions & debates here.

But when PVP is on the backburned communities are a lot friendlier & (I know it sounds like: Duh!) Cooperative.

While PVPers will deny it. PVP breeds hate, anger, & distrust.

Hatred begrets hatred. Anger spreads like wildfire. Distrust is infectious.

All 3 however once imbued in a community become cancer like when trying to remove. Meaning it's hard & nearly impossible to be rid of it.

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20 hours ago, MirageKnight said:

I beg to differ


On 4/28/2018 at 11:45 PM, Souldend78 said:

Also, no p2w, so people who like trolling and have the means to it, can't here.

I meant, they cannot buy power, example any competitive game where you can upgrade your equipment to increase its stats by 120% by dropping a few thousand dollars in cash shop, and that item can only be obtained through cash shop, then join pvp games in order to troll people who would take need to spend months to match such power.

Just needed to clarify that.

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  • 3 months later...

I kind of think PvP and PvE do affect toxicty within our communites and here's my explanation:

 In Warframe, we are all united (mostly), we aren't together out of want but sort of necesity. We battle together on missions that we can't seem to handle on our own (or we just don't want to grind to get to the right level). We trade for items that we want or need and that creates a player made market, which in some cases is more effective (and socialy healthier) than the normal in game market. We even have the forums where people literaly help each other out, and not in a rude or toxic way. Now take a look at Fortnite, a game specfically designed to try to make you fight amongst yourselves and cause arguement over the simplest mistakes (like consuming an item on accident) and makes you feel like you are competing against the whole world to be the best. You may say we have that in Warframe, but that is clearly much less pronunced and optional. Warframe lets you chose between PvP (Conclave) or PvE (normal missions). Fortnite however (unless you want to pay like $20) does not give you the option of PvP or PvE, no, it forces you to be PvP and that is unfortuantely what 125 million gamers have become, distrusful, impatient, of others, thinking they only need themselsves, that they are number one always and forever. Warframe, on the other hand lets you humble yourself and lets you connnect with others and help each other out.


Warframe lets you ally with others in a PvE world but allows PvP in a seperate mode, but Fortnite does not unless you pay for Founder's Pass. Gaming in a mostly PvE world helps gamers make friends better, but gaming in a mostly PvP world leads to distrust among those gamers.

Also don't tell me that Save the World is going to be free, I know this, but do you really think introducing a PvE world like ours to a community that is esentialy a virus now will help? Most likely, no, its like giving baby antibiotics to a patient that has a super bacteria, it won't work. The toxicty of Fortnite is beyond stopping at this point.

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On 2018-04-28 at 4:33 PM, (PS4)OvalNova said:

I'm just wondering.

Warframe is complicated, non pvp based, not instant epics (or anything really). It's a marathon that seems to require lots of patience. So, it's pretty much the opposite what children like to play thankfully. Children or adults who act like them stay away for the most part, which ascends the community exponentially.

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Le 29/04/2018 à 00:09, Letter13 a dit :

My guess is that it's because Warframe is far less PvP focused (and far more PvE focused).

PvP focused games breed competition, sometimes to the point of fostering toxicity.

Imo that's one aspect but the dealmaker is the fact that this game is pretty easy all in all and thus there are no real skill barriers. 

In fact in the few bits of content (old trials and 4+x3 runs) that require higher end skill and/or team coordination you do see a lot of toxic behaviour. It's not to the point of other PvP focused games, like LoL, WoT, Fortnite, etc, but you don't want to be the guy who has no AW launcher in a 3x3 or 4x3.

Also, the forums are for some reason filled with a hundredfold as many "less than pleasant" individuals as the game is 😐

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Am ‎29‎.‎04‎.‎2018 um 00:57 schrieb LupisV0lk:

Lol, have you seen this forum?

Yeah, but the forum isn't the game. The game for most parts is pretty relaxed, at one point you can play it with your BRAAIIINNS off - going totally ZEN(urik) while smashing hundreds of mobs.

The game has its toxic places too (usually, greed is involved):
- Sortie Spy (never had a single group that stayed after a failed run)
- Eidolon Captures (the higher the target number of runs, the worse)
- Hydron (when no power frame is along and the leeches have to provide for themselves for 5 waves
- Kuva Flood ("which idiot activated OXYGEN?!!!")


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I'm afraid the game will definitely become more "toxic" in players' interactions after Railjack is employed. So far the true co-op element of the game is rather limited i.e. in pretty much every mission each player can do the same thing, more or less. Players are surely "carried" by others. Mistakes are corrected by the team. But in an environment where every squad member has to do a specific something things will become unpleasant.

I think that to a large degree the perceived limited "toxicity" is due to the nature of Warframe: fast action, always running/parkouring, doing things efficiently like in a job. Then you leave the squad and that's it. The basic component of the game is co-op, not PvP. My experience is rather positive so far (and I have enough hours clocked to have a good idea) but I'm not sure this is directly comparable to other games.

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Apart from the whole PvE vs. PvP ideology, it tends to stem, as aforementioned, from individual responsibility. That is, when you can put a name to a face (i.e. the guy not on his platform in a trial). For the most part all warframe players are interchangeable, versitility outweighing individual skill (as many of us deliberately handicap our builds to feign difficulty). With modular squads, no ‘true’ open world, and very clear, simple objectives you may encounter dozens of effectively nameless people a day, they might aswell be bots with (badly) randomized colour schemes. 

It is my belief that this anonymity detracts from the innate toxicity present in many games as a group composition is for the most part unnecessary, a trait well contrasted by Eidolon hunts, which tend to become uniquely hostile due to individual responsibilities in their respective roles. 

But be that as it may, I would not subscribe to the notion that Warframe’s community is a “bastion of good will” above all contempt. Trading may be cut-throat, but depending on the hour Region chat (PC) can be downright acidic, seemingly culturing a xenophobic atmosphere. Unfortunately as this is conveyed largely under the guise of humor, the situation is deescalated to some degree and moreover makes it very difficult to reproach save throwing oneself to the wolves. 

Like any community, however, this appears to be only a small (although terribly vocal) subset. Whereas  the majority keeps to the company of their own circles, or looks on in mute horror. 

Whatever the case, late night Towers (prior to the introduction of the reliquary) could spawn ‘allies’ so abbrassively crass and hostile as to lose one’s faith in Tenno-manity.

Edited by Viktoriana
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It requires cooperation in nearly every aspect of the game. You can't have cooperation if you act like a jerk. Those people won't last in Warframe and move onto something where you can be an asshat and everyone is cool with it, like EVE.

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