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Beasts of the Sanctuary: Hotfix 22.20.3


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On ‎2018‎-‎05‎-‎18 at 3:29 PM, Leqesai said:

Really though Melee should never have worked through walls. Why on earth can you stand in another room, swing a large sword/whip/stick and kill someone in another room.


This is a positive change. It just needs refinement.

Passthrough of small objects/corpses (and possibly enemies in general) is needed to bring it up to a sweet spot.

I suppose so. It's what you mentioned about small objects and enemies that really bugs me during gameplay. My favorite melee in the game is the Silva & Aegis Prime, as well as the zaws, and I love the combo system. It frustrates me to no end when a corpse blocks a combo and I'm stuck swinging at nothing. 

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Khora fixes are good, her 2 is much much more viable now.

Venari teleporting is nice, but she only does it when she feels like it/is too far away, and her disarm is still too limited to be really useful.


-Venari should teleport by default, regardless of distance from the target. This would be way easier from your end since you don't have to balance distance/pathing issues around when Venari decides when to teleport, she just does it. It would also make her abilities a lot more reliable.

-Disarm should be AoE: Disarming targets one at a time just isn't useful. Never will be.

-Strangledome should propagate Whipclaw damage if the whipclaw hits anywhere on the dome and not if it hits an enemy on the dome. This would remove frustrations when trying to hit dangling enemies.

Aside from that she's moving towards a very good place. 

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Hello, is this the place to put a thing here?
OKAY, When I am selecting how many mods I want to select from the "how many dupes" menu, I want to be able to accept again with ENTER, I was able to do so before update and now I can't use enter to just accept those many mods I chose from.



Also, I want to add a suggestion: Make posible to use the "+" and the "-" keys to be able to chose quickly with the keyboard how many mods I want to chose. Thanks in advance.

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В 20.05.2018 в 18:17, Omega1084 сказал:

Bring back the Controller-Only option. It's really annoying to use a stick to move a cursor around when I could just D-Pad through the menu options, it's the whole point of using a controller on a menu, stop it!!!!

Also, when I hit Square(Not X and it shows in the UI btw, another bug) to chat and use my keyboard to type I can't hit Enter to send the message, what the.

Just roll back this idiotic controller update, really, it was fine before with only minor issues and you ruined it, now it's trash and bad.

I completely agree!
[DE] Please return old navigation for controller.

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Can you atleast acknowledge you know no one that uses a controller wants an option to switch back if your not going just switch it back? Waiting for this fix is annoying and dealing with it the way it is is more annoying.  

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Hi, Just here to add my voice to the conversation on controller brokenness. The change seems to ape destiny's ui but I've always thought that looked tedious and annoying. I've not played warframe too long in comparison to other folks, but I've only ever played it with a steam controller. I was amazed to see the actual bindings for the controller that other games don't even have, showing that the devs or community really worked with steam to make it stand out from other games. That said, I can not play with the mouse being the way it is and I'll be unable to enjoy the game because I can't change loadouts, or style, or any other aspect of my build quickly between missions, and that's the main reason I keep coming back. 


tldr? then this wasn't for you anyway.

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  • Why was the confirm on the controller moved to "X"? (well in most places - some places its still "A" but I'm not telling you where lest you go change that to X as well) X is generally used for Cancel - A is used for confirmation.  It makes no sense.
  • please give us back the ability to actually map custom configurations on the controller. It doesnt save any changes (although it says it does) Very annoying to once have had d-pad hotkeys for gear or abilities and no longer have that work
  • Please give us back the ability to navigate the menus with the D-Pad up and down. Its faster and more intuitive.
  • Please change the modal dialog box for chat that pops up when you use the controller: the only way to send the message is pressing "X" on the controller (which per bullet 1 makes no sense anyway) -
    • Using the mouse to click the OK button closes the window without sending the message (the same if you click the Cancel button - so whats the difference?
    • Pressing <enter> which would be the most intuitive thing since your hand is already on the keyboard to type - does nothing
    • Pressing "A" does nothing
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10 minutes ago, Reynard_Fox said:

I am really, really starting to hate this fake mouse you've forced on controller users.

Being able to quickly tap through menu options with the d-pad or stick was infinitely better than this. Please give us this option back.

I can't play the game, because the UI just makes my teeth itch. It's the little stuff - the tiny delay to bring up the virtual cursor, or the fact that I can't navigate the menus quite like I used to, changing the confirmation button to X instead of A, or when instead of responding to a confirmation/cancellation button press, it has to switch first to the controller version of the confirmation / cancellation popup (meaning every confirmation is actually entered twice). 

I had to step back and stop playing when I realized every UI interaction was prompting profanity. It was a Bad Idea, and I hate it. 

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