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(XB1/PS4) Virtual Cursor Feedback Megathread


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4 minutes ago, (PS4)Hooligantuan said:

I really appreciate the hotfix that re-established the hot buttons in the Arsenal, but this Cursor UI still has a long way to go.

Thank you, really, for listening to some of us so far, but there is really a lot more that needs to be done.

It still won't be enough. It's clearly established that people just don't like having the cursor around at all with the UI. For long time players, myself included we've lost all the muscle memory we've spent years having and this change hasn't done us any good.

Unless we get our old UI back people are going to complain and/or not bother playing which has really hurt all the good will that's been built up.

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How about this DE?

If you insist on denying us a console interface (ie: no cursor) then at least let us mod and fashionframe from the app. Then you get to have your unified cursor and we get to play the game without having to use it.

That's a really poor compromise, but this is a really poor implimentation of a really poor concept so maybe it'll actually happen.

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13 minutes ago, (PS4)Convict_Hammer said:

This is not "fixed", if they wanted feedback on such mechanics for console they should have shipped it with an option to use either the new or old navigation methods...THEN ask for feedback from those willing to test it out. People would still be able to play while DE gets the responses they've been getting since it launched.

No, because as soon as people saw change the vast majority of them would have just switched to the old method and DE would get nothing useful out of it to put towards fixing the mechanical aspects of the control change for when the UI and the Sacrifice releases together.

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DE, I understand your thinking and I get it. You want to make the transitions from PC to consoles faster as the new updates roll out. But the new PC mouse inspired cursor only holds the consoles back. This model works with PCs because this is the universal UI when doing anything on your PC. The cursor is integrated with browsing, gaming, Youtubing, etc. But on consoles, most UI systems snap instantaneously to the next set of menus while the cursor is limited to Web browsing. Why? Because cursors reaction time is slower and less intuitive on consoles. Web browsing is a pain on Xbox. The cursor moves slower than the eye can and turns a fast Warframe game into a crawl as you wait for the cursor to catch up. I fumbling on my controller.

The removal of the colour coded buttons reduces console gamers reaction time. We've been playing QTE games for years, so we all have the colours memorized. Muscle memory kicks in when the corresponding colours flash before us. Without them, we second guess each menu. This has been a staple in all of game. It's weird for you to change it now.

Please provide an option to revert back to the old UI or a new set of sliders for us to customize.

Edited by (XB1)Kebiru25
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Okay, so I've played with the post-hotfix UI and some of it is much better. There are still some major pain points.

  • Leaving a squad is still a royal pain.
  • Show Profile is a pain.
  • You can't easily remove a mod without replacing it.
  • Scrolling is thankfully much faster.
  • Spinning with R2 could be faster.
  • Relic refinement could use some love.
  • Operator menu is a little confusing. They all say secondary for some reason. Also the equipment is under appearance as well as appearance also being under equipment.
  • D-pad is still skipping menu items.
  • D-pad navigation is still flakey. Discrete presses are sometimes lost if made in quick succession. E.g. press it 4 times, but only shifts 3 times.
  • Also the d-pad still doesn't work with the navigation menu (i.e. event, alerts, invasions, etc.)
  • D-pad movement in the arsenal is inconsistent. If you move up to an item and then right you get the top item, but if you move bottom and then to the right you get the bottom item. If you move right, then left, then right you get the middle item.


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My personal priorities for improvements to the new UI are as follows:

1. Find a way to add back in the menu hotkeys like "go directly to mods for this thing" or "go directly to appearance for this thing", etc. This is one of the biggest time bandits of the new menu navigation methods.

2. Add an option for removing cursor travel time while using D-Pad navigation (it is far too slow even at max sensitivity, just get rid of travel time altogether).

3. Find a way around the "drag and drop" mods system. This should exist only as an option for people who (for some reason) would prefer to use full mouse and keyboard support on console. With a controller it is just silly.

4. Add an option for D-Pad scrolling. The current system of changing row/column with D-Pad but having to scroll all rows and columns with Right Stick is not intuitive despite what the patch notes may imply.

5. Maybe triple the maximum cursor sensitivity limit.


Well that's my nickel for today.

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Ugh. I was on a Warframe binge too, got Nyx, Titania, Trinity Prime and Nekros Prime in anticipation of the Sacrifice. Now I can't bring myself to turn it on. That interface gave me headaches on PC, I refuse to deal with it on console.

Can we sac the curse for Umbra instead of being sac'ed for oversight?


What the Hell, DE. We know you're better than this. Destiny copies Warframe not the other way around, a copy of a copy ends with 44 pages of greif.

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Know the drop rate is ridiculously low but just curious if since the recent hotfix Rogue Condroc Tower White Pigment was messed with?

Been running non stop since hotfix on plains(day), been killing em and not 1 single pigment had dropped in 6+ day cycles. I'm all for a good grind but gotta have at least 1 drop to keep the hope up..

Ty in advance👊🏼




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You have the right to be angry but I must ask you to calm down 

there are currently stuff in the works for tweaking this stuff there is a feedback mega thread about it don't expect much on the terms of developer responses most is in turtle mode till tennocon but they are still reading stuff as for the particles ludicrous will do that 

Console certification if my memory serves me right accepts or rejects based on if all files are working not if they are or not user friendly welcome to playing a beta that is ever changing sometimes you get dealt a bad hand just tough it out or take a break and come back later to see if your specific problem is fixed 

on a side not cant ps4 use like a keyboard and mouse if you got like a usb wireless mouse and the menu is the only thing giving you problems try that as a compromise? just my suggestion I might be wrong 

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again i hate this system, please change it back 

bug report i cant even close tabs in the chat menu from chats with other players, i click their name and it brings down the small menu with talk, inv ect ect

i click close tab or close all and it wont select it, UHG

look at all the grief people are having, just give us back the old U.I, there was nothing wrong with it to begin with

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27 minutes ago, NeithanDiniem said:

No, because as soon as people saw change the vast majority of them would have just switched to the old method and DE would get nothing useful out of it to put towards fixing the mechanical aspects of the control change for when the UI and the Sacrifice releases together.

Actually, although most would probably switch to the old system it would be dumb to assume that no one would give feedback on the new system. In fact we wouldn't have this flood of simple "it sucks" "revert it" threads and comments.

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1 minute ago, (PS4)deathwolfclaw666 said:

Actually, although most would probably switch to the old system it would be dumb to assume that no one would give feedback on the new system. In fact we wouldn't have this flood of simple "it sucks" "revert it" threads and comments.

And there in lies the issue. Most people wouldn't use it, which means less data for DE to collect. Even unhappy people can help locate and track down issues. Just them saying "it sucks" is irrelevant when most of their problems of that nature are solved with the actual UI (No idea why everyone is calling control mechanics UI, they are controls, not an interface) that is releasing with the Sacrifice.

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When in survival, defense or interception,  its a pain in the butt to choose the relic after 5 min as you are time limited and you have so many clicks to do and scrolling

In all the new system is not designed for consoles and players will hate it forever

Please give us the option to revert back to the old one

Edited by (XB1)Oussii
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After the hotfix I feel like the game is better and bearable, however more improvements can be made.  I still wish the market would auto scroll with the d-pad when looking through the different pages (any of the weapon pages are a prime example of how the d-pad can only cycle through what is showing on screen) and allow d-pad to function when you go to the navigator and cycle with the right and left bumpers (xbox controller) across the alerts, invasions, syndicate, etc... when selecting missions from those tabs.  The shortcuts to the arsenal were definitely key and thank you for adding this back.  Not as streamlined as the old UI, but a vast improvement over the initial release, please don't stop updating the current UI until it is at equal speed to the old. Thanks again. 

Edited by (XB1)Church367A
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Again im not trying to throw hate on the new Controller UI changes its a great addition to the PC tenno that plays with a controller but on console where its just a controller there is no need for the virtual cursor and im fully aware that some players like it which is fine all i would like to kindly suggest is that you give us the option to turn off the virtual cursor so those who hate it (like me) can go back to how things were; faster and more efficient and those that like it can still use it to their liking. also i appreciate you guys bringing back the shortcuts and hotkeys that one step in the right direction but please i beg let us be able to turn off and on the visual cursor that would be so much better. Thank you 🙂


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Understandable. I know that Console charges for these updates, which isn’t cool imo.


either way it makes it more prevalent to TEST this kind of stuff first. In case their not aware, they have a few hundred thousand free testers called players that they can call upon.


it does just baffle me.

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I am coming back to thank DE for adding the shortcuts for consoles and for listening to their players (very important), but this UI still has a long way to go, some of the menus are still too small for us console players to press on the options when highlighted, this is specially true when you try to invite people from chat or to open the option to look for the names and i accidentally pressed on an item over and over again from the main chat.

The big difference between Destiny and Warframe when it comes to the user interface is that Destiny never had so many menu options and the menu options they do have are big enough that you rarely miss click/pressing when you want to do something or you want to go somewhere.

My opinion still stands, get rid of the cursor or give us an option to NOT have it, slap on your coat of prime paint that the team wants to drag us all into, which looks good but this game at least the console version did not need their experience to be messed with, we just needed something new that added upon what already exists and that works (very important), a way to freshen things up.

Like i said on my other posts, this update was phenomenal when it comes to the improvements to the quality of the game play, but it was overshadowed by negativity when you guys decided to add the cursor and take out all the shortcuts that made the game much more easier to navigate.

If the cursor is going to stay then we need more shortcuts to be able to invite friends quicker, invite random players quicker, etc.etc.etc

Also one last piece of advice, please whenever a menu is opened, program that cursor to at least start where the menu is located at, it's so bad that we have to drag it across the screen to start getting what we want done, the D pad needs to be more engaging with the user in this case and make the cursor start in the location where the menu that is activated will pop up from, so all i would have to do is push down or up on the stick.


quality of life, cheers.

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I too waited until I heard about the hotfix, and all this talk about DE unable to revert controls to a prior setup is false. It took less than a day for me to log in and see they changed the arsenal loadout from no icons back to x for equip, triangle for upgrade etc.

I appreciate the efforts but it begs the question right now, since the virtual cursor now just follows where we originally would go with the D-Pad, what is the point?

Since it has been proven that the controls UX can easily be changed from virtual to legacy, just keep going.....see where this is going? Drop the cursor and save yourselves from us the players who demand more from you.

On a side note, when it was tweeted to not let discourse sow the seeds of outrage, a more positive way to approach a mistake is to apologize and not use passive aggressive gifs give yourself an out. Just own up, apologize to the playerbase formally and make the changes back to where we wanted them. To confer some statistical inference that changing to a unified UX will result in a faster cert is just naive. No one sees the update in cert in the console and says oh I wish our UX unification had been quicker I was expecting the update to drop in 4.5 days not 5!

Stick to the facts, and apologize. Thanks 


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