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(XB1/PS4) Virtual Cursor Feedback Megathread


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Just got the hotfix, and while I’m still not terribly thrilled with the changes, it’s much easier to mod now.

 Adding the hot keys back are brilliant! I don’t have to fumble with my two analog sticks now, just hover and hit whatever button I need.

 Modding is nice. Still not used to the layout, but eh, it’s whatever.

tl;dr: It’s not 100%, but it’s a LOT better than before. Thank you for listening to us DE, and sorry for all of the.. less than rational comments you have received.

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2 minutes ago, (PS4)AlexiaWesker said:

Exactly, if they gave us a toggle option it would keep everyone happy. People who use the old style can go back to what they're comfortable with, people who like this new layout can continue to use it if they wish. Like I said to another guy, Archwing controls where changed so people could go with what felt better for them personally.

Toggles are expensive to maintain, slow everything down and instead of one system you know have two and a half to maintain. It's not a good solution. Better to come up with something that works for almost everyone.

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1 minute ago, (PS4)Hiero_Glyph said:

I 100% agree with this but the argument you made was not the same. The reason DE made this change was so that player could use a keyboard and mouse or controller and have the same UI regardless of platform. The problem is that the controller UI is lacking in so many ways that it might as well not exist.

Now factor in that the number of people that use a keyboard and mouse on consoles is very miniscule considering the total number of units sold and the cursor UI has almost no benefit to anyone except DE.

I understand completely. Its a crappy move and one which may drive people away from the game 😕

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1 minute ago, (PS4)FurryZenJustice said:

Toggles are expensive to maintain, slow everything down and instead of one system you know have two and a half to maintain. It's not a good solution. Better to come up with something that works for almost everyone.

They need to sort something out and fast because this has annoyed alot of people, even to the point of leaving 😕

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Hotfix brings the hotbuttons for the arsenal back, but the cursor is still there and the D-pad is busted, so it doesn't really make much of a difference.

I'm not gonna be satisfied until they remove the cursor entirely or give me the option to go back to the old system so I can pretend it doesn't exist. Cursors in a console game are completely unacceptable.

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hace 30 minutos, (PS4)AlexiaWesker dijo:

Although I personally don't like the new UI, do not get rid of it. There are people who are actually enjoying it. So it would be unfair to them for its removal. Instead why not, like others have suggested, make it a toggle option. That way it would keep both sides happy.

The main problems I have with it are;

•It is a lot slower and fiddley to navigate the menus.

•Having to double click "X or A" to select weapons, Armours etc.

•No shortcuts. I'm constantly pressing Triangle and Square to mod and colour my stuff still.

•Dragging and dropping mods to slots takes up way more time than it should.

I know I could buy a mouse and keyboard but I'm on PS4 not a PC. The UI is visually pleasing but Virtual mouse is not needed.

We live in a world were right now, some guys are paying to get kicked in the nuts. Keep that in mind.

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2 minutes ago, (PS4)jaegerbombtastic said:

Just got the hotfix, and while I’m still not terribly thrilled with the changes, it’s much easier to mod now.

 Adding the hot keys back are brilliant! I don’t have to fumble with my two analog sticks now, just hover and hit whatever button I need.

 Modding is nice. Still not used to the layout, but eh, it’s whatever.

tl;dr: It’s not 100%, but it’s a LOT better than before. Thank you for listening to us DE, and sorry for all of the.. less than rational comments you have received.

I don't really see a point in apologizing when they are the ones that screwed it up. If they would have sent a message to our inbox saying we are going to jack up the UI and would like to know if you approve.... That would have made things better, we could have declined.

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If DE could make the d-pad absolute and not reliant on the cursor then it could easily replicate the legacy UI, it would just have to be capable of scrolling and have the same default location for each menu system.

EDIT: Want to leave the party? Press up on the dpad twice.

Want to change your primary? Enter the arsenal, press down on the dpad once, then press triangle/Y (yeah, we desperately need button shortcuts too).


Edited by (PS4)Hiero_Glyph
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I discovered Warframe on Xbox. It almost singlehandedly brought me back into gaming when Dragonage, Destiny, Fallout 4, and Halo 5 could not. I bought a PS4 despite a loathing disgust for all things SONY, because my PS4 friends said they might play it. I started a PC account when Plains of Eidolon was announced because I couldn't wait. The controller support on PC meant I finally played that version enough to get my Operator. I was curious about the new UI and hoped we'd get a peek of it with this update. If this is any indicator, I don't want it.

Keep your Sacrifice, keep your UI. When you mentioned a universal system I had hoped that would mean an input that catered to both, not just choosing one of the three and calling it universal.

Just because you can put a cursor on console doesn't mean you should. Always look at the OS interface when porting. I'm not one to call quits because of a trivial adjustment, but this is a gamewide issue. This is how we interact with the game, you basically cut transferrence on us and made us deal with a small, slow moving, and only partially functional THING and called it an improvement. If this is going to be a trend, I have to say I'm far less excited for the coming UI changes, the Melee changes, or even the Umbra mechanic. These are also huge elements of the game, not just a map or game mode or fine tuning.

Seriously. Whoever approved this needs to be forced to code its replacement with a gamepad.

I will be back to Warframe, for as long as I can tolerate bypassing the menus, but fortunately I'll have a distraction while the devs figure out whether to be stubborn or admit fault. Diablo just started a new season. At least they figured out that cursors don't belong on consoles, and that was a point and click game!

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54 minutes ago, (PS4)IRaQiFiRE said:

DE is being selfish for pushing this on us. DE Steve literally said that the reason they did this switch is to make it easier on them. So screw what the players want and are happy with just so DE has it a bit easier... So incredibly selfish. You are disappointing many players with this move.

You realize that when things get easier on them, they can put effort into other things, right?  And that those other things end up being the new content and bug fixes we all want?

Not saying this implementation of the UI is a good change, but the intentions are good.  I'm hard-pressed to think of a development team that cares as much about their community's feedback as DE; not sure why you'd think this is any different.

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6 minutes ago, (XB1)Kavriel said:

I discovered Warframe on Xbox. It almost singlehandedly brought me back into gaming when Dragonage, Destiny, Fallout 4, and Halo 5 could not. I bought a PS4 despite a loathing disgust for all things SONY, because my PS4 friends said they might play it. I started a PC account when Plains of Eidolon was announced because I couldn't wait. The controller support on PC meant I finally played that version enough to get my Operator. I was curious about the new UI and hoped we'd get a peek of it with this update. If this is any indicator, I don't want it.

Keep your Sacrifice, keep your UI. When you mentioned a universal system I had hoped that would mean an input that catered to both, not just choosing one of the three and calling it universal.

Just because you can put a cursor on console doesn't mean you should. Always look at the OS interface when porting. I'm not one to call quits because of a trivial adjustment, but this is a gamewide issue. This is how we interact with the game, you basically cut transferrence on us and made us deal with a small, slow moving, and only partially functional THING and called it an improvement. If this is going to be a trend, I have to say I'm far less excited for the coming UI changes, the Melee changes, or even the Umbra mechanic. These are also huge elements of the game, not just a map or game mode or fine tuning.

Seriously. Whoever approved this needs to be forced to code its replacement with a gamepad.

I will be back to Warframe, for as long as I can tolerate bypassing the menus, but fortunately I'll have a distraction while the devs figure out whether to be stubborn or admit fault. Diablo just started a new season. At least they figured out that cursors don't belong on consoles, and that was a point and click game!

Very well said. And similar to you,Warframe IS what brought me back to gaming. I even got many of my family members playing it. After the update (they updated before I got home yesterday) they told me the game was ruined and I told them no way these awesome developers would ruin this game. After I downloaded the update I had to call them and admit they were right. I've now lost half of my clan members due to this and would very much like a refund for all the platinum I've dumped into this game if they won't correct the problem they created.

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Please please remove this.. im using a controller not mouse/keyboard an this setup is clearly for pc.. cursor for console always sucks, no matter how great u guys tweak it. Also drag n drop mods? Again on console drag n drop just dont work.. some may be ok with this but please dont force on thouse of us that dislike it..  After trying out all menues/foundry/arsenal i lost my will to play.. please dont make this the default! Please!

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Ladies and Gents,

This is why DE is one of if not, THE best in the biz right now.

24 hours after releasing a patch, they have hotfixed and addressed the wailing and gnashing of teeth.

Shortcut buttons missing from UI in the arsenal menu and elsewhere:  FIXED

Having to click/drag mods:  FIXED  (you click the mod once and drag to where you want it and click again.)

Having to double click on relics: FIXED

I'm sure there are other things as well, but those are the big ones I've already noticed.

I don't normally take the time to post out here (it takes away from actually playing the game), but this kind of work has to have positive re-enforcement.

Last night was very frustrating with the new UI, best line was a friend who has sworn to never play any Bungie game ever again, said "Destiny is starting to look good right now." Extremely funny coming from him. But it was very frustrating.

DE Devs:  You are amazing, I can not believe you folks fixed all of this so quickly.  I can't thank you enough. I've been playing these games for over 20 years and haven't seen anyone do what you do as consistently and as well as you.  Get some rest tonight, cause I'm guessing you didn't get much last night.



PS..  Zoom feature on the system map is awesome.

Edited by (PS4)WraythOsu
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I really do not care for this new interface ! It takes so much longer to do everything.  If I had a keyboard and mouse it would be a different story but this is on Xbox and most don’t.  Selling items takes even longer because it’s not as easy to put them up as it was prior to the update.  I love the color changes but these changes with how to select your warframe, picking relics and selling items is no longer smooth and easy .  Disappointing for a game that I have invested a lot of $ into!  

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First off, I just wanna say thank you for the quick response and I hope everything stays constructive. Here are some issues I'm still encountering:

  • The chat menu is slow to navigate still, and picking between options and players can be frustrating. We've had difficulty inviting people to clan on account of this.
  • I can't rotate my frame while previewing a color, I have to choose one.
  • To unequip weapons/armor I have to click "none" and then click somewhere outside the menu. Pressing "none" on its own does nothing, and pressing circle leaves my previous item equipped. Fixed
  • Edit: Can't sell partial stacks of items from inventory, it now sells the whole stack or nothing at all.
  • More edit: Can't scroll chat in load screens.
  • Revenge of the Edit: Editing sigils/anything with slider bars is kinda wonky. D-Pad will click to the "middle" of the bar, but it's slightly left of center. Clicking the bar's left arrow seems to move the bar a fixed amount, clicking the right arrow moves it more slowly in a more arbitrary fashion.
  • Goblet of Edit: Pressing square to preview isn't my favorite thing.
  • Edit5: Simulacrum enemy level setting would benefit from keyboard usage vs. tabbing left/right.
  • The Edits of Winter: Can't rotate operator unless you highlight the sigil section first.
  • Edi7: Clicking chat links with cursor is inconsistent, sometimes it refuses to bring up a linked item.
  • EDIT-8 The Ocho: Hitting triangle to try and remove one mod sometimes removes all mods. Might be bad aim on my part but it's not often I want to remove my whole build, and it's a pain when it happens.
  • Nine Inch Edit: On PoE, setting waypoint with plains map puts waypoint where center of screen is instead of using reticle.
  • Edit Day Forecast: Still need to double click to equip arcanes.
  • Edit up to 11 - that's one higher: Can't tag resources/mods I've already picked up for allies to see.
  • An Edit a dozen: Switching weapon/frame configs with L1/R1 feels wonky sometimes. Have to highlight equipped mods first.
  • Edit the 13th: Might not be relevant here, but putting up displays in orbiter is a nightmare because they're always parallel to the ground, not the walls, despite changing settings. Don't even get me started on how weird surface snapping gets with them.
  • I don't have anything clever for Edit 14: Can't scroll chat and fly. Dunno why this wasn't higher on my list.
  • Beware the Edits of March: Can't leave squad sometimes after switching to public.

If I think of anything else, I'll add it here.

Edited by (PS4)RookTheKnight
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Quick buttons fixed. Everything else I regularly use is still borked as far as d-pad-menu-snap goes, and hover-see-what's-in-the-relic is still newly absent. Complete disobedience. Still on enforced hiatus.

Edited by (PS4)Arc1723
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1 hour ago, (PS4)LPCHAZY said:

Making the code easier for them it's better for us because it will translate in shorter time between updates. I don't like the new UI system but calm down, guys. They need constructive feedback, not just hate comments.

Don't know about anyone else but personally I never had any issues with having to wait for updates. If anything I considered it a good thing because any problems seemed to be ironed out by the time it hit consoles. 

Reading between the lines that's a cover for the real reason that it was more work for the devs. Which isn't irrelevant by any means but is it more important than customer satisfaction...not for me. 

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I have been playing Warframe for many years now on console and found that this game has a fluidity like no other. With this new update everything feels slowed down and clunky. I know this may not be very constructive, but I can't get with this new cursor. It would be gladly appreciated if you made it an opinion to switch back and forth thank you so much for your time 

Edited by (XB1)Vidroric64
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Jokes and Rage apart.

About the Update.



  • Great thing to scroll fast in the mods.
  • Press and them drag the mod to slot is slow. [Solution] The same it was before X to highlithg a mod slot, X to apllt the mod. 




  • Needs the Shortcuts back asap [triangle/square]. Not a discussion here, not a counter point, it needs to be implemented as we play on controllers and it is slow to move with a cursor.
  • D-Pad should always work to go to everywhere, to srcoll everything. Needing to stick scroll things is slow on consoles.
  • Double tap X for change things aparrences etc. [Who think it was a good idea?] needs to go. One Tap is enough.
  • D-pad should scroll things like it used to do. 




  • Cursor is good as it was before. 




  • D-pad should always be on top. Period. Whem Options/Start is pressed, it shouf work on ANY i repeat ANY place, to quit missio from leave squad, cursor thing is to clumsy to carefull aiming on leave squad.
  • Double tap to chose relics... [Again who think it was a good idea?] Need to go, one press on X one select.



  • Did not do after update no coments.


Thats simple. "oh but they will change the UI Soon" Soon it's not working, it was working, you do not release a unfinished project and expect it will be ok. The game is not in alfa anymore, you do release the finished update or don't , there is no Part 1 and Part 2 with major changes. You do not release a porlly port of the PC commands for consoles, who don't have the Mouse as native command/imput.


Didin't we all tried at least once to play darksouls on the  PC with K&M just to abandon it because it was clumsy bad without a controller?

the case now is that we had control commands, and you removed to imput K&M commands... on the console, wich frankly don't work.


Soon is not gonna resolve the hate the drop out players, this should be Top priority now, that they released that thing incomplete...


"Tenno brothers! I've done my part! Now clean up this... mess!"

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