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What Led To The Username You Have Now?


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In the late 70s (and ever since...) I was playing a little game called Dungeons and Dragons, and it had a monthly magazine (that's kind of like a blogsite printed on paper and distributed monthly for you youngsters out there... 😛 ) called The Dragon.   In that magazine there was, as an insert one month, a cute board game by Tom Wham (an awesome game designer with a very silly sense of humor... which appeals to me as I've got a similar sense of humor...) called The Awful Green Things From Outer Space (TAGTFOS), later reprinted as a board game by TSR, and later reprinted by Steve Jackson Games.   One of the items in the game was a "Can of Zgwortz", a kind of foodstuff which could have very random effects on the Green Things.   So, in starting up a new D&D character one day, I randomly called him "Zgwortz".

Zgwortz gave way to Zgwortz the Second, and eventually the paladin knight Sir Zgwortz III, who won great renown (I still have his coat of arms which looks a bit like the Can of Zgwortz symbol with a sword through it...) and spawned a number of other Zgwortz variations over the years, and naturally continued with computer RPGs.  In the early 90s when I played one of the earliest multiplayer online RPGs, the Kingdom of Drakkar, I brought the name over and had a whole family of little Zgwortzes, (usually distinguished by a prefix like Wizgwortz for the wizard, etc...).   I had a website with info about the game, including tongue-in-cheek "journals" from several of those characters, which I still keep online today just for giggles.   My Livejournal, back in the day, was entitled "An Open Can of Zgwortz".   And I've continued to use the handle in online and offline games, on discussion boards, and the like, ever since.

For some years, my Google ranking was sufficient enough that my pages came up on top of google searches for the name, but I'm happy to say that they now properly link to pages for TAGTFOS instead, as is proper, because that *is* the origin of the word, after all. (My poor contributions to it are now halfway down the page...)    Curiously, one of the other pages which shows up on google about the game was written by someone I actually know fairly well... but before we both discovered a shared love for that game.   It's a small world.

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Quedas was already taken, but it's because of a weird and puzzled dream I had once about protecting someone named Quedas, since then I just don't wanna forget the name.

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Pope Saint Pius, bishop of rome c. 140 -  c. 154. I had a rogue in WoW and thought it would be ironic to name him Pious, however the name was taken. So I bastardized the name to Pyus. Stuck through 14 years of gaming.

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This name what I am using is 15+ years old and it was one of my original 1500 mail adress what I made because I have a habit to make new accounts in every game and used a tons of adresses to manage these because security reasons and because I like cameos. The name itself is mysterious a bit for others because most of the peoples think I am an alpiner by job or mountainer-wall climber but there is nothing about that just picked because it sounds cool. 

My name in english means Rockmaster but I preferred to use the hungarian version because this sounded much better also the english speakers can stuck on my name because they don't know how to pronounce the Sz and they always say S or Z because in their alphabet there are no sounds like that. 

Szikla - Rock , Mester - Master. It is a pretty simplistic name and I thought noone will use this anyway so I could use one of my names. I hate when the name taken and need to add number or xxx_xxx which is silly for me so I creating then new names. I like the unique names and not become an avarege joe 999 times.

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Back when I first played Space Rangers 2 (props if you know the game btw) I made a Peleng bounty hunter called Hunter Gamma. He had bit RP backstory of being 'hancer bounty hunter/pirate. I usually mix and match more or less random words to find unique but still descriptive names for my characters. This character ended up being one of my most successful characters ever in SR2 so I've kept using the name since then. Sometimes I use the Latin variation of it, Venator Gamma. 

Later I learned there is a creature in Resident Evil called "Hunter Gamma". This amusingly is pure coincidence, as I've never played any RE games. 

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Back in the day, I played a Sci-Fi MMORPG called "RF Online". There were 3 playable races: Cora (elf-like people), Bellato (halfling-like people) and Accretia Empire (robots).
I wanted to play as an Accretian and name him something "gundam-esque", like "MG-X02" or something, but I couldn't insert special symbols like "-". After brainstorming for around 1 hour and a half, I came up with "Zerkeros", as it sounded very badass and cool for a robot race as them. Since that day, it stuck to me.
A few years ago I learned that "zerker" was an internet slang for "berserker" and I get a lot of questions like "is it from berserker or something?" 😛

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Originally I wanted to use the name or Gorak but it was used already then tried to check Gorath but that also was used then I sticked up with the current one which is an alien race from the Startopia a starbase manager game what created by the MuckyFoot entertainment. This was a great game in time but sadly noone made a same quality space manager game maybe because it is a rare kind of game with a small dedicated fanbase. So that's why I am GrekkaTarq.

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Was playing Battlefield Heroes with friends. We were destroying the enemy team, thus someone decided to say we were cheaters, but he was obviously nervous, so he mis-typed it like a lot (over 3 or 4 lines), until "cheware", which was the closest he could come to the original word.

It remained, and I added the -ette because I always play female chars in MMORPGs (their armor fit better 90% of the time).

I'm kinda thankful to him for that though, because this username is never taken anywhere, 100% original, thanks anonymous guy

Edited by Chewarette
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I really like Pawpabean is really interesting. I got pawpa because I always called my dad pawpa when I was just a young boy. Bean came from the guy on the tv show called Mr. Bean. It’s a weird name and a weird story on how I got it. I was going to Change it to my steam name but I don’t think it’s worth 200 platinum.

Edited by Pawpabean
Auto correct/ Grammar errors
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My actual name is Lennart, and upon creating my username I had to think of a funny reference to something, so I referenced a Belgian tv-series called "kabouter plop" by nsming myself lennieplop. Added the sixty later when I forgot my password in a game that doesn't allow you to recover it, and had to create a new account.

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On 2018-06-09 at 7:40 AM, NightmareT12 said:

You should have just written...




Hear me hooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooowl

Time to leave them all behiiiiiiiiind


I am disappoint ;w;

Howl all you want, it won't bring him back 

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Stole a Runescape name from someone in midschool years ago. He changed an accounts name, and I came in behind and took it before he could change it back... the dude was a $&*^ anyways lol

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