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Petition To have Teshin take over for mission dialogue rather than fake space mom.


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Yes, i prefer Ordis instead the simulated Lotus. Syndicate leaders seems a good choise as well, or Simaris, Darvo, Maroo... Actually anything but Teshin... and i don't want Konzu neither xD

Some "bad guy" as a commander could be funny as well, but would be strange to do a Hek assassination mission while commanded by him

Edited by Dragoncroac
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26 minutes ago, (PS4)supernova_girlie said:

Forget... the... Lotus, Grineer are your masters!

Vay Hek for new Lotus!

That was Sargus Ruk 😛 If it was Vay Hek, every other word would be MAGGOT! haha

Get the life support... MAGGOT! hahaha

Edited by Dallyoop
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20 minutes ago, Dallyoop said:

That was Sargus Ruk 😛 If it was Vay Hek, every other word would be MAGGOT! haha

Get the life support... MAGGOT! hahaha

All this time and I just accepted that that was Vay Hek, and you're right, because I usually here hear this farming for Ember, the boss is Sargus! Let me correct this moment:



Edit: Grammar issues. I'm watching Dexter, my excuse.

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2 hours ago, Orblit said:

"Upgraded" Ordis would be better then fake mom...

Picking a custom precept "Ordis" to take over missions would be great. 

"Upgraded" Ordis from Sacrifice would be Uncaring.

They could have one with nothing but the angry/passionate Ordis we see occassionally corrupt his chat

And of course the Default meek Ordis that's probably a little concerned about how violent you're getting while farming for Khora but supports you anyway


My vote of course has to go to Tyl Regor trying to abuse my verbally the whole time. He'd read off objectives for most missions, but for grineer ones he'd just say the objective by telling us what he's going to do to us if we complete it, not realizing his voice heals all wounds.

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  • 1 month later...

Teshin could actually be a good replacement, because he actually has a debt to the tenno, after saving his butt from the Twin queens he is truly grateful to the star-child for freeing him from the queens, so why not make him the announcer for mission dialogues for players who finished the apostasy prologue or the sacrifice? 

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You can see hints of DE moving toward a new intercom agent.

  • Lotus was dead absent from the Fortuna demo. Instead we got Eudico and company. Compare that to PoE, where both Konzu and Lotus communicate with us.
  • Ordis taking over during the Railjack Demo.
  • Natah's official reconversion in The New War teaser.

There is every indication that Lotus won't be coming back as our intercom agent. Now, if only DE would completely record every non-quest Lotus line post-Apostasy and replace it with either vanilla or Vitruvian Ordis, that would be awesome. Wouldn't mind some occasional operator entries.

Edited by Tellakey
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On 2018-06-27 at 10:09 PM, Dallyoop said:

Not really. They already did it for Darvo in some missions. So it's not that crazy, negative nelly. 

And there shouldn't BE any new dialogue lines from Lotus, being that she is gone. How would she ever say anything new? There is actually very few lines of speaking from lotus over all, it's all just repeats of the same lines over and over. Think about it, how many unique lines of dialogue in ALL the missions does Lotus speak? 20? 30 max? That's not that much my dude. 

I started counting all of her Voice lines for normal missions and Sorties.

I stopped at 300!!

so yes there is a ton of work involved for redoing all the lines.

Don't believe me? count them for yourself



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I can still stand fake spacemom aka glitch mom (btw since ordis is upgraded why is the space mom hologram glitchy?) But if teshin comes around with his slow speech that I get all the time in conclave it will be the fastest I ever mute the volume

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Yea they didn't think for that far away but we need for them to change that. Because with her is just not going in good direction because its just bad to have lotus after all this. And they need to change that. Now game is big and its going to bee bigger and it doesn't make any sense to have here and if she is gone then we need to have that filing that she is actually gone. So this is one of the good point why we need different voice in the game.

Edited by Vlada91
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On 2018-06-27 at 3:26 PM, Gabbynaru said:

Since "Fake Lotus" is Ordis, I imagine DE has a proper excuse to create voice packs and sell them for plat. I've been asking for that since Apostasy Prologue. I want Worm Queen to belittle me in missions.


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