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Community Thoughts: How are you with 8 months of low content?


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6 hours ago, (PS4)Zero_029 said:


You really need to stop arguing with idiots.

You provided sufficient evidence to support your arguement.

Just because they refuse to accept that you made a valid point, arguement, and a clear as day example (that water comparison was on point. But when speaking to idoits you need to be more direct. Instead of Water you should have just listed all of Warframe's content. They'll still accuse you of playing with strawmen cause that's their panic room. But those reading it will get the point) doesn't mean you have to keep fighting the fight. If a Lemming is drowning trying to save it only delays the inevitable drowning it'll experience the next day.

Today's society is filled with people who are made of porcelain & live in their own private echo chambers. They only want agreement not actual debate.

To the OP there is a drought. Even when provided with facts & even DE's own statement the OP still sees it as a drought.

Which means that the OP is one of the players who dislikes that DE is taking more time on content & not releasing the content at the lightning fast rate which earned the game it's precious nickname of: Bugframe

The community asked DE to take a step back, refine old content, rebalance content, streamline progression, & begged for DE to release content that is less bug ridden & has received more polish.

Common sense would dictate that more polish equals longer development time which results in a slower content drop cycle.

But that'd mean people would need to have common sense to begin with.

Part of the problem here is that many (not all) of the folks with a mindset like the OP are expecting this Indy game from a developer with less than 300 people employed (FYI only about 170ish of those 300 actually work on the game. The rest deal with the day to day operations of a company.) can fulfill their needs as their one & only game. Too many gamers now says expect to play 1 and only 1 game. Then when they hit the end/current limit of content they cry it's in a drought/____ is catering to ____ players/___ doesn't care, Etc.

I hate to be this guy but...if you're expecting an Indy dev to pump out content like Blizzard, Square-enix, & etc. You need to play another game. I highly suggest FF14 as it has HUGE content drops every 3 months.

I digress, DE cannot pump out content like what players want.

Either we get bug ridden content at break neck speed or polished content at a moderate pace. Pick your poison.

That's literally the arguement at this point.

But so the OP can once again ignore the facts straight from DE itself...


How amazingly conceited. Sure, dismiss others' arguments with this holier-than-thou, "I do what I can to make the world a better place." attitude. Anybody who doesn't conform to you is an SJW living in an echo-chamber. Hypocritical much?

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First of - I am pretty hecking keen for Fortuna. Seems pretty darn dank. 


But my main point of this post is this:

By this time last year we had two whole new Warframes, the third revealed, six brand new weapons (that I can remember off the top of my head), a new sentinal, and had two new events. This is obviously excluding Prime frames  and weapons by the way  

We’re eight months into this year and honestly not much to show for it. I know new things are coming soon, but so far this year has been far too focused on cosmetics rather than actual new content. There was one repeated event as well as frequent ghoul invasions. One new Warframe with another on the way. Three new weapons. Everything else has been purely cosmetic, which while it looks great there’s no real other point to it. 


Late last year you guys were hammering out new weapons, and I was honestly living for it. IMO the Baza and Guandao are the best weapons you guys have ever made. Last year we had four events (im including the ghoul purge). 


Please end this drought soon and give us new toys to play with. ❤️

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Just now, GrimMonsoon said:

A TL;DR would be: “why has there been next to no new content compared to previous years?”

They are reworking balance on every weapon. They are reworking Melee, the mechanics themselves and the melee weapons themselves. Fortuna. Railjack.

Would you rather they make new weapons and ignore old ones or make sure there's an actual chance you might want to use old weapons?

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1 minute ago, peterc3 said:

They are reworking balance on every weapon. They are reworking Melee, the mechanics themselves and the melee weapons themselves. Fortuna. Railjack.

Would you rather they make new weapons and ignore old ones or make sure there's an actual chance you might want to use old weapons?

Pacifism defect, Ambulas Reborn, Harrow and Octavia and their weapons and quests, plus the addition of guandao and zatki (only ones that I can think off the top of my head) were all bought in while DE were working on PoE. New guns were also bought in literally a couple of weeks before the primary/secondary overhaul. So that kind of debunks your response there. 


But to answer your question, I’d like there to be a balance between those two options. 

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2 minutes ago, GrimMonsoon said:

This time last year they were hard at work with PoE and the gun rebalancing. We still got plenty of new content pretty frequently. 

They were hard are work on PoE which they released unfinished and is still unfinished today with at least 2 or 3 enemies left to implement like the Grineer Thumper Tank which has a physical model on the plains but now animations or AI hooked up to it.

PoE was rushed, and while the creation of it's base features make creating Fortuna easier, that doesn't mean DE are going to rush such a large project again.
To prevent that from happening the team needs to focus on it and the other major content more while it is in development.
There's only so many ways you can split a Dev team before it's overworked.

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Just now, Klavinmour said:

They were hard are work on PoE which they released unfinished and is still unfinished today with at least 2 or 3 enemies left to implement like the Grineer Thumper Tank which has a physical model on the plains but now animations or AI hooked up to it.

PoE was rushed, and while the creation of it's base features make creating Fortuna easier, that doesn't mean DE are going to rush such a large project again.
To prevent that from happening the team needs to focus on it and the other major content more while it is in development.
There's only so many ways you can split a Dev team before it's overworked.

If you think Railjack and Fortuna aren’t going to be a bugged mess for at least two weeks after release regardless of how long the Devs work on it, then you haven’t been around long, have you?

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1 minute ago, GrimMonsoon said:

If you think Railjack and Fortuna aren’t going to be a bugged mess for at least two weeks after release regardless of how long the Devs work on it, then you haven’t been around long, have you?

I never said anything about bugs.
Specifically unfinished content.
I even made an example of PoE still being unfinished and needing to be completed.

And I've been around Warframe long enough that content being buggy for 2 weeks on release doesn't bother me, because I know how to deal with it or avoid the bugs entirely.

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Well OP has a point tho. I know DE has alot to do on table but we need something new other than deluxes. Not saying they should hurry up and release an unfinished Fortuna update but at least it would be nice to get Tenno Reinforcements like the old times.

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44 minutes ago, Aeon94 said:

at least it would be nice to get Tenno Reinforcements like the old times.

How do they do that and also rebalance existing weapons? Presumably the same people would be working on the same things. Numbers people on numbers, mechanics people on mechanics, art people on art.

DE makes new weapons but ignores older weapons and people complain.

DE revisists older weapons and newer weapons are farther between and people complain.

Why should DE care at this point what the community thinks about the situation?

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On 2018-08-07 at 2:18 AM, (XB1)RDeschain82 said:

I think DE will do one more. Surly after the corpus open area, they will most certainly finish with an Infested open area. That way it's more well rounded, we will have atleast a Grineer/Corpus/Infested areas to play in and they can build on. 

We already have the building blocks.The colony that we explored during the Glast Gambi would make a good "hub', like Cetus, and the could have the open world area be actually ON Eris, as thus far we've only seen derelicts that the infested are consuming, and heard descriptions of the planet as an infested landscape. There's even an idea in there for an Eidolon class enemy: Massive Gravemind sized infested, massively powerful, like Lephantus, possibly composed partially of a consumed capital ship.

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On 2018-08-07 at 4:02 AM, (PS4)vidare said:

Open world is cool and all, but i never go there anymore. Do people really want more of this? Boring bounties, more travel than fighting. Seems like so much work go into this, and so little fun gameplay imo.


On 2018-08-07 at 2:28 AM, (PS4)AllOrNothinDays said:

Not looking forward to any other new open world maps. I only go the plains when I'm forced to eh.. and once I recognized the plains was just an extended grind to grind for the thing you need to use to grind for the thing to grind for the thing and now you can make something you actually want but you have to go back and grind the thing you used to rank up by grinding the thing so you can then farm it again.. yeah, no thanks.

DE is actively working on exactly those problems. Remember, they listen to the community and recognize their mistakes.

On 2018-08-07 at 2:48 AM, noxtare said:

DE will make probably make one more. The next one being an infected world. 

One world for each faction 

I'm absolutely positive that not only will they go further than just three, but that there's plenty more story to tell than just one per faction. Like, what sorta people inhabit Jupiter? Or Saturn? I'd love to see an actual Cloud City, rather than just have the tileset. It would be cool to have floating platforms that we archwing around in, with plenty of room for actual Archwing combat rather than just "Oh, you use it to travel, and good luck not being hit by anti-air!"
Or what about Neptune? Could there be an underwater city?
Or maybe on Sedna or Ceres, we can find another Steel Meridian base from which we strike at the heart of the Grineer war machine.

There's plenty they can add to make interesting Landscapes (what these are officially called) while improving on the actual features and mechanics they have.

They fully intend, as a long-term goal, for open-world Warframe complete with space exploration.

Edited by DrakeWurrum
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On 2018-08-07 at 1:15 PM, Tellakey said:

This year has been aptly named The Year of the Drought

I may not be neck-deep in community discourse, but that's the first time I've heard this term. Was it you who made that name?

I have to ask, what is content for you? Are you looking for new mission types, zones, or just new frames and weapons? So far this year hasn't been huge in terms of content, but we're well aware of their Fortuna (and Railjack?) project and most that'll come with it. While it does seem that a year's content is given pretty heavily to  a singular update during the year, we've been getting a lot of work and additions to the game besides. This has mostly in the form of revisits to weapons and Warframes, bugfixes and fashionframe additions, but we've received additional weapon and mission content besides. While not the most consistently exciting throughout the year, I would still call this better than last year (or maybe two years ago?) when we were all waiting around for The War Within.

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3 hours ago, SenorClipClop said:

I may not be neck-deep in community discourse, but that's the first time I've heard this term. Was it you who made that name?

I have to ask, what is content for you? Are you looking for new mission types, zones, or just new frames and weapons? So far this year hasn't been huge in terms of content, but we're well aware of their Fortuna (and Railjack?) project and most that'll come with it. While it does seem that a year's content is given pretty heavily to  a singular update during the year, we've been getting a lot of work and additions to the game besides. This has mostly in the form of revisits to weapons and Warframes, bugfixes and fashionframe additions, but we've received additional weapon and mission content besides. While not the most consistently exciting throughout the year, I would still call this better than last year (or maybe two years ago?) when we were all waiting around for The War Within.

Quitte Shy called this year uneventful. Brozime said that if the Sacrifice would not drop before Tennocon then the game would suffer from drought greatly. Paraphrasing there, not literally quoting but something like that. It is not him, it is content creators as well as many players who have expressed this sentiment and left to play other games or stopped repeating their perception since it would be pointless. While Brozimes and Quitte Shy's comments were before the Sacrifice, all in all it is true that in terms of things to do, it has not been as fast delivering content as the game used to be. Years back players used to get new weapons almost every other week or even every week, there were new game modes once or twice per year, new Warframes around every 3-4 months and new Primes started to be released at a similar time cycle. Colors, ships, skins, weapons, modes, all of that.

That all changed since the Second Dream as DE realized they do have a knack for more story telling and more expansive additions in the game. It came as a surprise for players because back then the phasing still followed the old format and it set a new high bar of performance. Performance which as Steve mentioned the studio has been anxious to follow up ever since, and who could blame them? This was yet again broken into new standard when Plains of Eidolon was finally released. And now instead of releasing new content a bit at a time, DE instead focuses on few big events in the year at a time. This is not necessarily a bad thing mind you, it very much depends where the player is at currently in their Warframe cycle and these big content drops have their own perks too at the cost of more balanced cycles that the players used to get.

I wrote about the problem of skins in video games on one Warframe players post complaining about content drought. While I do not think you can necessarily classify current situation as content drought, again depending heavily on each players current cycle position and progression, but the problem with skins is their superficial nature. They do not actually add anything into the game. Aesthetics matter, but they do not add to the games mechanical (physical) content, they do not alter what you do, only how you look while you do them. That is why their ability to sustain a game is not as comprehensive as new gear is. And sure enough, there have been tweaks to weapons and Warframes, few new items and Warframes too. And they have mattered a lot, and they are welcome additions, but in the end of the day you still do the same things you have done before, only slightly differently now. That is why they do not activate the same brain areas responsible for satisfaction stimulation as say new things to do. If you do have things to do then this point will be moot, but it does inform those who do not. hence the ' content drought ' posts each year.

I personally would say that the Sacrifice definitely has been this years biggest positive addition so far and it has given the game new life. And without a doubt Fortuna will be able to revitalize the game quite a lot when it will be released. In the meantime though the world of Warframe is a bit slower and quieter than it has been years back, that is also true, and the way it affects some players is relevant to them at least, and should be relevant to DE as well. What is the solution? I have no idea. It is a difficult problem and a gamble DE takes. Slow down updates like Fortuna that give good press and market, to get more consistent content and keep a portion of players playing, or not but at the gain of faster bigger updates?

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Having watched this thread since it started, this paraphrased quote from Abraham Lincoln (he used fool not please) seems apt:

“You can please some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you cannot please all of the people all of the time.”

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