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Community Thoughts: How are you with 8 months of low content?


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I'm asking because so far as DE is willing to reveal, semi open-world nodes are the future of Warframe, sprinkled with more minor features like a yearly cinematic, Sanctuary Onslaught, The Kingpin System, Railjack and so on. The developmental route for these open worlds seems to consist of major usage of the workforce, resulting in less content throughout the year until the eventual release of a centerpiece, previously Plains of Eidolon, and at the moment Fortuna.

This year has been aptly named The Year of the Drought, but could it mark a more significant change in Warframe's content production timetable? What if every year from now on will be similar, with 8 months of small content production leading up to a big release? Would you be satisfied? Or do you like the older system better?

Keep in mind that according to DE Steve the company has an ideological and financial incentive to maintain a moderate scale of staff,  meaning that an expansion in the workforce, while possible, is unlikely, hence a stasis in terms of productivity rates. 

Edited by Tellakey
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I personally hope that after Fortuna, they think up something other than a new open world to add to the game. PoE was an amazing addition that managed to make game-news headlines for quite a while, but they can't make lightning strike twice and they definitely can't make it strike three times. I hope that they can get back into a better release schedule after this.

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36 minutes ago, Tellakey said:

I'm asking because so far as DE is willing to reveal, semi open-world nodes are the future of Warframe, sprinkled with more minor features like a yearly cinematic, Sanctuary Onslaught, The Kingpin System, Railjack and so on. The developmental route for these open worlds seems to consist of major usage of the workforce, resulting in less content throughout the year until the eventual release of a centerpiece, previously Plains of Eidolon, and at the moment Fortuna.

This year has been aptly named The Year of the Draught, but could it mark a more significant change in Warframe's content production timetable? What if every year from now on will be similar, with 8 months of small content production leading up to a big release? Would you be satisfied? Or do you like the older system better?

Keep in mind that according to DE Steve the company has an ideological and financial incentive to maintain a moderate scale of staff,  meaning that an expansion in the workforce, while possible, is unlikely, hence a stasis in terms of productivity rates. 

Almost certainly yes. 

They're not terribly concerned with content drought atm, even though it's sited as one of the biggest issues, simply because the amount of people who actively play warframe is going up. 

They haven't announced any intention to change management styles, which is one of the biggest problems reported by DE staff, and I haven't heard of them wanting to hire a lot more people either. 

If we're lucky, Venus will keep hard core players occupied for more than 3 months. 

Don't expect the them to change the way they do things for a least a year or 2.

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9 minutes ago, BattleChief142 said:

As far as we know there will only be two open(ish) worlds. I do not see DE making many more open worlds mainly because of the current content drought and two open worlds are enough for now. Will we see more open worlds? Mostly likely. Seeing open worlds other than Fortuna any time soon? Maybe, maybe not.

You think? I might be logically biased but it would feel so weird to me if they stop at two worlds. Like, THE RULE OF THREE, man! It's like Deadpool doing two movies then an X-force one... What gives!?

That and, I tried thinking up any other possible open world they could make. So far it's:

Mars/Saturn: Mad Maxframe

Neptune/Uranus: Waterworld

Jupiter: Gas City World

Any of the infested planets: Infestoverse

Lua: Moon colony.

So many options that do not require creativity and are quite obvious. I really really wonder how far this will go.

Personally, I'd like to see more open worlds but not at the expense of frequent content. The compromise would be a new world every two years, one and a half.

Edited by Tellakey
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22 minutes ago, LupisV0lk said:

Boy these content drought threads sure have a drought of intelligence in them.

There is no drought, just a lack of people willing to play the game,

Reading is underrated these days. I don't think OP is trying to make a complaint on content drought here.

As for the OP, I prefer constant content update plus a cinematic of year instead of one main update plus little of others every year. Plains are good and stuff but really the fun just couldn't last long for me. They are far from actual open-world, there is little exploration and basically the same thing is going on either in plains or normal tileset missions. The only difference is they don't even generate a random map anymore instead they're just recycling the same map again and again, and this really don't justify the long wait. I'd rather see some actual progress of the lore and constant addition of new equipments.

Edited by Marvelous_A
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11 minutes ago, BattleChief142 said:

I do not think DE will make open worlds for all Planets/Moons/Dwarf Planets.

Definitely. While I see no issues with moons or dwarf planets, being that although small, they are big enough for PoE times a ton, there is only so much biome variation. Both Neptune and Uranus are water planets, all the moons look similar, one infested planet is another infested planet, and so on.

I do see DE aspiring to build an open world for at least a desert planet and a water planet. Gas? Maybe. Moon? Maybe. Infested? More probable but still maybe. 

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1 hour ago, Tellakey said:


This year has been aptly named The Year of the Drought, but could it mark a more significant change in Warframe's content production timetable? What if every year from now on will be similar, with 8 months of small content production leading up to a big release? Would you be satisfied? Or do you like the older system better?


I think big releases are what DE is aiming for because they generate more interest in the game, especially the kind of interest that brings new players and viewership. I don't think there is any going back for them.

The problem, for me, is how all big additions to the game dilute my interest in many different -and time consuming- activities. Simply put, doing a sortie per day plus a few missions for syndicates, a few relic runs and the random interesting mission that might pop up make my available time for Plains of Eidolon disappear. Or a night out hunting Eidolons + a sortie doesn't give me time for much else. So, I can't help wondering what will happen when Fortuna is added to the mix? Or when inevitably yet another open(ish) area will become available? In that sense, I'd rather have more of the "smaller" type of content, more focused and doable in shorter amounts of time.

I know the counter-suggestion would be to play the game at my own pace and I will eventually enjoy everything on offer; and I know because that's what I would suggest to others. At the same time, I'm afraid that there will come a time when the amount of content will be so overwhelming that catching up will not be possible without feeling frustrated or losing interest in the game. I'm only giving my point of view here, I really don't know if others think alike, but I really believe DE should try to balance the type of new content it provides with the playerbase it needs to keep.

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Not looking forward to any other new open world maps. I only go the plains when I'm forced to eh.. and once I recognized the plains was just an extended grind to grind for the thing you need to use to grind for the thing to grind for the thing and now you can make something you actually want but you have to go back and grind the thing you used to rank up by grinding the thing so you can then farm it again.. yeah, no thanks.

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I'm confused where these people come up with the idea that we have some sort of "drought"?  In the last 12 months, there have been dozens of updates, not to mention 3 major quests, and a huge Open World....  I don't see the issue.

I mean, I can't be the only one who grew up in a world where games USED to cost money to buy, and there wasn't -ever- an update, because game updates used to be entirely new game discs/cartridges.  I got the latest Ninja Turtles game for NES, and I was set...for more than a year, in most cases.

Nowadays, we get the game (FOR FREE!), updates (For FREEEEE), and more, at zero cost, and all we can do is sit around demanding more!?  

Like, no...I'm fine with what we've got.  We have plenty else to do in life beside play Warframe.  When DE releases more (FREE) stuff, I'll be sure to play that too.  There's no drought, and certainly no need to rush them.  Creativity doesn't always follow a schedule, ya know.

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37 minutes ago, (PS4)Taishin_Ishu said:

I'm confused where these people come up with the idea that we have some sort of "drought"?  In the last 12 months, there have been dozens of updates, not to mention 3 major quests, and a huge Open World....  I don't see the issue.

I mean, I can't be the only one who grew up in a world where games USED to cost money to buy, and there wasn't -ever- an update, because game updates used to be entirely new game discs/cartridges.  I got the latest Ninja Turtles game for NES, and I was set...for more than a year, in most cases.

Nowadays, we get the game (FOR FREE!), updates (For FREEEEE), and more, at zero cost, and all we can do is sit around demanding more!?  

Like, no...I'm fine with what we've got.  We have plenty else to do in life beside play Warframe.  When DE releases more (FREE) stuff, I'll be sure to play that too.  There's no drought, and certainly no need to rush them.  Creativity doesn't always follow a schedule, ya know.

We're counting year to year. Since January, we've only had: 

  • Sanctuary Onslaught + Khora
  • A single quest with nothing to farm once finished.
  • Plague Star: Part Two
  • A dozen deluxe skins.
  • QoL updates.

Might have forgotten something, but yeah, there's definitely a drought. Mind you, the drought exists because of a promised mega-patch near the end of the year, so it comes with compensation, but you cannot deny its presence to begin with.

Once again you're exaggerating everybody's replies with hyperbole. No one here is raving like a lunatic for free things. This isn't even a complaint thread. It's a discussion about the way Warframe's production rate is heading. Some like it, some don't.

Edited by Tellakey
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3 hours ago, Tellakey said:

I'm asking because so far as DE is willing to reveal, semi open-world nodes are the future of Warframe, sprinkled with more minor features like a yearly cinematic, Sanctuary Onslaught, The Kingpin System, Railjack and so on. The developmental route for these open worlds seems to consist of major usage of the workforce, resulting in less content throughout the year until the eventual release of a centerpiece, previously Plains of Eidolon, and at the moment Fortuna.

This year has been aptly named The Year of the Drought, but could it mark a more significant change in Warframe's content production timetable? What if every year from now on will be similar, with 8 months of small content production leading up to a big release? Would you be satisfied? Or do you like the older system better?

Keep in mind that according to DE Steve the company has an ideological and financial incentive to maintain a moderate scale of staff,  meaning that an expansion in the workforce, while possible, is unlikely, hence a stasis in terms of productivity rates. 

You just answered your own question right there.

DE obviously have a long-term vision for this game and want to stay as true to their ideals as possible. This can get diluted with a larger staff (cause all creative people want to pitch in with ideas). Then there is also the associated financial burden of expanding the studio.

Warframe is their baby and they want to keep close control over its development. They clearly care very much about this project, over and above just churning out more content for the sake of it (unlike some larger studios).

Quite honestly I am more than happy to wait for them to release something, only when they feel its ready. Its also why I'm more inclined to be patient when it comes to bug fixes etc.


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Open world is cool and all, but i never go there anymore. Do people really want more of this? Boring bounties, more travel than fighting. Seems like so much work go into this, and so little fun gameplay imo.

Edited by (PS4)vidare
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Most of the content you actually want is already there, it just needs a revamp/rework in order to feel attractive again.

i think for the next 2-3 years we will be getting something like 1 major content update, 1 cinematic quest, 1-2 small quests and alot of QoL changes, fixes and rework/revamps of existing but non interesting system.

IMHO with 50-60% of the effort going to revamp older content.

in the past year and half we experienced what veterans might call content drought but also the Game got an exceptional level of polish and fixes. New tilesets, new textures, new lightning and particle system, multiple frames reworks and a full primary and secondary weapons balance pass. along with cosmetics new frames etc

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27 minutes ago, JohnKable said:

Most of the content you actually want is already there, it just needs a revamp/rework in order to feel attractive again.

i think for the next 2-3 years we will be getting something like 1 major content update, 1 cinematic quest, 1-2 small quests and alot of QoL changes, fixes and rework/revamps of existing but non interesting system.

IMHO with 50-60% of the effort going to revamp older content.

in the past year and half we experienced what veterans might call content drought but also the Game got an exceptional level of polish and fixes. New tilesets, new textures, new lightning and particle system, multiple frames reworks and a full primary and secondary weapons balance pass. along with cosmetics new frames etc

Right. This can also be considered the year of QoL and fixes, which paints an optimistic future for next year. Perhaps now that so many prominent things have been revamped DE may focus on content. Guess we'll see. 

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2 hours ago, Tellakey said:

We're counting year to year. Since January, we've only had: 

  • Sanctuary Onslaught + Khora
  • A single quest with nothing to farm once finished. (liar, we've got the music somachords added)
  • Plague Star: Part Two
  • A dozen deluxe skins.
  • QoL updates.

Might have forgotten something, but yeah, there's definitely a drought. Mind you, the drought exists because of a promised mega-patch near the end of the year, so it comes with compensation, but you cannot deny its presence to begin with.

Once again you're exaggerating everybody's replies with hyperbole. No one here is raving like a lunatic for free things. This isn't even a complaint thread. It's a discussion about the way Warframe's production rate is heading. Some like it, some don't.

And this folks is why DE NEVER focuses on one thing.

This post aside from the bold section is proof that DE can never win. We've had QoL and balance passes instead of this mystical content and that's now apparently a capital crime.

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it's actually rly suck, now my playtime in warframe shrink to about 30 min, I just do sorties and log off, I just do not have any intrest to play a game and dont excepect any subtential content sooner than october-november, and the saddest part is that warframe is one of two games that I play, so for next couple of mounts I will be toxic LoL player

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48 minutes ago, JohnKable said:

Most of the content you actually want is already there, it just needs a revamp/rework in order to feel attractive again.

i think for the next 2-3 years we will be getting something like 1 major content update, 1 cinematic quest, 1-2 small quests and alot of QoL changes, fixes and rework/revamps of existing but non interesting system.

it's a onlain game where content=life, long time without content and game will be dead, now warframe indeed did increase their playerbase, mainly thanks to the hype thouse big annouces ganerate and huge amount of content it has for new users losers

but, eventualy, all players, that are intrested in such type of games will also came to wasteland where all veterans are rigth now and then process will be reversed, player counts will drop and that's how warframe will die

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9 minutes ago, LupisV0lk said:

And this folks is why DE NEVER focuses on one thing.

This post aside from the bold section is proof that DE can never win. We've had QoL and balance passes instead of this mystical content and that's now apparently a capital crime.

To be fair to OP I don't think he's complaining, as such. I think its more an observation. However I think it does show a lack of understanding, common to a lot of folks on here.

Take the Sacrifice quest for example. Haven't done it yet myself (not even close). But how long do you reckon DE spent creating it and testing it, before they released it? Months...a year...? I'm betting it took a fair bit of time and a lot of work.


Anyway, it gets released, the player base jumps on it and rushes through it in a matter of days, or a week or two at most. Then everyone is all, "Okay - what you got next for us?"

The simple fact is, DE can't hope to match their output of new content, with the speed with which players can get through it. For some reason, a lot of people just don't get that.


How long do you reckon they've spent working on Fortuna & Railjack? Probably a lot longer than they did on Sacrifice. They'll release those (soon) and then about a month later, I guarantee there will be people on here complaining that they've done everything and they're bored again.

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5 hours ago, YUNoJump said:

but they can't make lightning strike twice

It is hot iron not lightning. They have so much to work with now and can only improve from here on out. 

PoE has really obvious issues but they're getting players back on board and they've gotten back loads of feedback which will be interesting to how they apply it to Fortuna which will be their real test of their mettle since PoE was a testing ground. 

Even if this is the new pattern, is that so bad? There's really no difference between having to travel 1000 feet through a series of hallways or simply going 1000 feet in a straight line. 

Edited by (PS4)Tactless_Ninja
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