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(n00bs) Me and my friend have hit a wall in terms of progression.



Good afternoon everyone,

Thanks in advance for your time.


Me and my friend are considered very new to the game. We just finished Jupiter and have made our way to Europa. However we have come to the point enemies are taking large amounts of damage, destroying any defense objectives very easily and killing our frames like nothing. The way we have been playing is to level a weapon or warframe to level 30 and instantly swap it for something new. So far we have leveled two warframes to level 30 and are currently in the middle of doing our third. Mines a level 17 Ivara. I got her because I was told her bow ability wrecks everything, so far I have yet to see that. I was expecting another exalted blade like Excalibur, but again I could just be doing something wrong. We have attempted to mod the warframes to give as much health and shields as possible and armour if its worth putting on the warframe. In terms of weapons its just Serration really. We've been ranking up our mods to at least rank 5 if possible. But we could just be using the wrong mods entirely.


The idea we had was to just keep swapping out warframes and weapons when they reach max. But now we are starting to think otherwise. We are tempted to just pull out Excalibur again and just blast the content because he seems to be the most capable level 30 frame we have. I don't know if its our mods been terrible or we have the incorrect thinking by constantly trying to level fresh frames and weapons in areas like Europa.


Please correct us if we are totally mistaken.


Thank you again for your time.


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Too less information to really help you out here.

What's your builds? Except Vitality and Redirection (which is btw a bad mod for most frames but in believe to be good since Shields can recharge. But Armor is not taken into account on the damage done to shields)

What's your weapons and their builds?

Considering you just get new ones and throw away maxed ones, I guess you don't use Catalysts, which drastically makes them worse

How are you playing?

Facetank Ivara without Invisibility?

Edited by GnarlsDarkley
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Of course I can't be 100% sure since I'm not looking at your loadouts / builds, but I'm fairly sure you guys need to do one or more of the following;

Get better mods
Further upgrade the mods you have
Look up better builds
Get better weapons and find good builds for them

Of course these are fairly general statements and are more easily said than done. Try the Warframe Builder website, browse some builds on there for some of your gear, then check the wiki on where to get what you need.

Additionally, I would suggest finding and joining a clan to get more easy farming help, more advice on builds and access to a lot more weapons and even warframes.

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Why are you switching your frames and weaps once they're at max level ? In WF you mostly strenghten your gear through mods and that requires some dedication. I assume you have very few important mods, the ones you possess are not leveled up and you have no potatoe or forma to increase the mod capacity of your suits and guns. Stop switching constantly, choose a loadout you enjoy, and start farming or trading for all the basic mods. That would be a first step.

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so, in generell it's good to switch after reaching rank 30 of any kind of stuff as you get mastery point for it.

but: if you want to play on higher lévels you need at least  either a good frame or good weapon. if both are low you can expact some problems...

for example: ivara is a very good frame, but in first place she is a spy-frame. not for slaughtery or something like that. and beside that, a frame ob lvl 17 has not his whole capacitys.

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Warframe has breadth and depth, the game's variety being the former and your dedication being the latter.

Once you get beyond level 30 enemies, you definitely want to dedicate time and resources into one frame. We're talking better mods, upgraded mods, Forma, Min/Max builds, Catalysts, etc...

If you haven't come across Forma: They add an extra polarity to halve a mod's cost. Catalysts double your overall mod points (60 instead of 30). Min/max builds use mods from Orokin Derelict vaults that increase stats beyond normal with a penalty. The wiki is your best friend (it's still my best friend).

But just searching the forums for builds, then searching for the mods and where they drop is a good start. Also, get the Hek. It's a shottie that will carry you. So. Far.

-AxHx-Vile also knows what's up.

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Fuse your mod to reach higher stat bonus 

Forma the frame and weapon slot to give polarity to that slot that half the mod requirement of a corresponding mod that share the same polarity on that slot.

orokin reactor and orokin catalyst to double the frame/weapon mod capacity.

Utilize deployable gear and specter

learn how to control the mobs using frame ability. Or basically learn to utilized your frame ability efficiently.. like ivara sleep, prowl, invisible dome and so on. Ivara is a powerful frame in many ways 

Edited by novalery
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Maybe I missed this, but do you make your group public or keep it to the two of you? My boyfriend and I constantly duo'd things and struggled for awhile before we realized that yea, sometimes we would have to play with outside people.


Everyone else makes a good point, I would only add, you still, of course, want to level new frames and weapons up, and we would set time aside, (actually it was around the time we opened up the guild to other people and we had these two members who were doing this with us and it is such a good memory,) to go somewhere to grind new stuff.


TBH, I just ground through stuff and didn't even experiment. Only really starting this year(?) have I gone back and begun to experiment and test things out. We used Derelict Survivals, which can get rough, but also drop a lot of rare loot. I'm not sure where the best place to grind up mastery is with lower planet access, otherwise.

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Mods and fitting mods is pretty much the true progression potential for warframe. One of the problems is you have limited slots, points, and need to find and find a way to use those mods while enemies do not. Leveling gear for rank is fine, but focus on trying to find a warframe and weapons you can rely on while using maxed damage, and available elemental mods on them. If critical weapons, take off two elements for critical mods if you can. Endo will be a first priority, followed by getting forma after to fit the polarities of mods that you feel you need. Just mind, in warframe as we customize our gear to fit certain mods better, other polarities are going to fit more poorly. We pay both resources and future flexibility for more power.

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After reading the comments its obvious that we have made a mistake by pushing our luck with low level warframes and weapons, also with weapons and frames we don't enjoy or not ideal for the situations in which we like to play. We just like to kill as much stuff as possible with as little effort as possible and given that Ivara is indeed a spy frame and I have her equipped with a Paris, its not ideal for the way we play. Either way this is the way I have Ivara set up now.

She has a rank 3 Physique Aura, its the only one I have. Rank 3 Fast Deflection, Rank 5 Vitality, Rank 5 Redirection, Rank 3 Flow and Rank 5 Rush. I have a total of 38 Mod Capacity (I brought her with Platinum) at Rank 17 and I have 6 capacity left over. I would put Rank 5 Steel Fiber on her so I dont die as much, but I feel its useless since she only has 65 Armor anyway.

As for weapons I'm only using a Rank 23 Paris (Which is driving my insane because I'm starting to hate it) Equipped with Rank 5 Speed Trigger, Rank 4 Serration and a Unranked Infected Clip. Total Capacity 23 with 3 left over.

Melee is a Rank 18 Fragor, which I'm also starting to hate because its slow and not killing quick enough. Equipped with Rank 5 Fury and Rank 3 Pressure Point with 18 Mod Capacity and 2 left over.

I think we are just gonna use Excalibur from now on because its definitely our favorite frame. But if anyone can give me any suggestions based of what I said in this post I would appreciate it. Let me know if I modded anything stupid or something. Again the only reason we was ranking up these weapons and frames is because we wanted mastery rank. Otherwise we properly would have just stuck with what we know best.

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33 minutes ago, Djwhitfield said:

Ivara set up now.

She has a rank 3 Physique Aura, its the only one I have. Rank 3 Fast Deflection, Rank 5 Vitality, Rank 5 Redirection, Rank 3 Flow and Rank 5 Rush.

Max your Auras...always. The higher the Aura the more points you get to spent.

Ditch Fast Deflection, Redirection and Rush. Play into her cards. Going for strength/efficiency and somewhat range/duration. Avoid head on combat. Use her 4 to defeat crowds of enemies. and shut it off if you don't need it anymore since it's a toggle and will eat away your energy.


33 minutes ago, Djwhitfield said:

As for weapons I'm only using a Rank 23 Paris (Which is driving my insane because I'm starting to hate it) Equipped with Rank 5 Speed Trigger, Rank 4 Serration and a Unranked Infected Clip. Total Capacity 23 with 3 left over.

So far, it's OK. But Europa has Corpus enemies which means you encounter Nullifier. You always have a high fire rate or beam weapon for those. Either as Primary or Secondary. You can however also use your strong Melee weapon to slide into the bubble, kill the Nulli and retreat. But not with a slow and not maxed Fragor.

Always keep at least one maxed and potatoed (maybe formad) weapon with you to kill tanky stuff.


33 minutes ago, Djwhitfield said:

the only reason we was ranking up these weapons and frames is because we wanted mastery rank

If you want to do so go public which yields more enemies and thus more Affinity. There are also better places than just doing missions. Dark Sector missions always have higher Affinity and drops. After reaching Saturn you can go to Helene (Defense) which is a very good Levelspot where you always will find other players either in public or Recruit.

Later on Sedna you can go to Hydron (same as Helene, even same tileset). Or you try Sanctuary Onlsaught. Lots of Affinity but with tough enemies. You definitly need at least one good weapon 

Some FYI:

If Squadmates kill stuff near you: Affinity is split 25/75. Always 25% your frame and 75% split equally on your weapons. If you equip 1 weapon 75% goes to this weapon, 2 weapons both get 37,5%, 3 weapons 25% each.

If you kill stuff: Affinity is shared 50/50 on the weapon dealing the killing the blow and your frame. If you kill stuff with your abilities 100% goes to your frame and none to your weapons.

Use this in Defenses and you max all your gear in no time

Edited by GnarlsDarkley
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15 minutes ago, Djwhitfield said:

I think we are just gonna use Excalibur from now on because its definitely our favorite frame. But if anyone can give me any suggestions based of what I said in this post I would appreciate it.

Just remember that Warframe is a grind game the revolves around doing the same missions over and over and over again.  Gathering resources, trying to get a reward drop, acquire a mod you don't have, etc, etc.  Pushing higher into the star chart is important but it also isn't the only thing you need to do.  You have plenty of opportunities to use lower ranked stuff in easier missions.   Two examples I can think of are farming credits on Gabii Ceres or farming o-cells anywhere on Ceres.

Second you and your friend are a team.  You can take turns using lower ranked stuff and benefit from the other using more powerful gear.  Shared affinity is a wonderful thing and you should be taking advantage of it.

As far as your Ivara modding goes, you really need to get or use the mods that affect warframe powers.  Duration mods, range mods, strength mods, and efficiency.  Ivara lives or dies by her powers. 

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37 minutes ago, Djwhitfield said:

As for weapons I'm only using a Rank 23 Paris (Which is driving my insane because I'm starting to hate it) Equipped with Rank 5 Speed Trigger, Rank 4 Serration and a Unranked Infected Clip. Total Capacity 23 with 3 left over.

Get that serration ranked as high as you can. I seem to remember rank 8 is relatively easy to get to but after that it starts getting pricey in endo.

Base damage mods are the most important (Serration, Point Blank, Hornet Strike, why can't I remember name of melee one). Get them all ranked as high as you can as soon as you can.

Then you want the multishot mods.

Just getting higher ranked base damage and multishot will get you further. Try and learn what mods are good and what aren't. There are sooooooooo many useless mods and the most common builds for most weapons use the same few mods (maybe 16 of them or something silly like that).

Regarding frames, use their abilities to keep you alive. Ivara doesn't need health, shields or armor (nor do a lot of frames if you are using their abilities). She can be invisible. Enemies don't shoot what they can't see. She can put enemies to sleep too.

Oh, and keep moving. Don't stand still too long cos that just gets you killed.

Edited by (PS4)drpunk-yo
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Hi there. New player here too. Levelling a warframe (or weapon) to 30 is not the end of it. You want to pile high level mods on top of it, and in order to do so you need to polarise the slots, which means relevelling the piece of gear from 0.

Now if you are trying to progress by using brand new frames and weapons, you will struggle. You will try to tackle content at the top of your curve with equipment from the bottom.

The easies way is to join a "long" mission like a survival or defense with your new kit, that will level your gear to a good degree. I usually either "progress" (do junctions, missions I haven't done before, story etc) which means I use gear that's levelled (level 30 at least, if not polarized a few times) or play to level my gear/gain mastery ranks, and I do the latter in missions that are somewhat "below" me.

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You need to farm mods and formas to upgrade your weapons and warframes. What makes your warframes and weapons strong are the mods you put in it not their level. For builds, you can search on goolge. Also dont forget to put orokin Catalyst and reactor in your weapons and warframes. And focus on upgrading warframe you like first and 1 at a time only.

If you don't know where mods drop you can search for them in the warframe wiki. Also I recomend you reach mastery rank 10 as many good weapons are lock behind mastery rank

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Work on getting a base build on your frame and weapon. 

Basically starting out you should try to get Vitality, Stretch, Intensify Continyity and Streamline in every frame. Your Aura mods need to be maxed ASAP. Redirection is mostly a trap unless your frame has a damage reduction ability (like Mesa's shatter shield or Trinity's Blessing and Link).

For weapons you need the base damage mod and at least two elementals. A rifle should at the bare minimum have serration, infected clip and stormbringer. 

Build for either Corrosive (electricity and toxin damage) or Viral (cold and toxin damage) because those are the most universally useful elements. 

Try to find a weapon you really enjoy, check if there is a Prime variant (which drops from relics you get as mission rewards from stuff like survivals, excavation, defences, interceptions and spy). If there isn't, try to get an Orokin Catalyst on it if you can grab one (they come from alerts, invasions and from special Gift of the Lotus alerts every other Friday). Once you get those, try to fit more mods in. 

This game's progression system is based around getting good mods and upgrading them. Switching weap9ns is not always the best tactic, quite the opposite. For example a veteran can quite easily do level 80+ content with a Lato with enough investment (that being Formas, Catalyst, a kind of mod you'll unlock later in the story progression etc). 

If you need a helping hand there are a lot of players that are more than willing to help around. Go into the Relays (there's one on mercury) and ask for the Guide of the Lotus, they're players selected by DE to help newbies. 

Also, check the warframe wiki. It's your best friend because the ingame descriptions lie to you a lot and are very vague. 

If you need a hand feel free to PM me if I'm online. 

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I consider myself new to Warframe environment and I have pocketed over 400 hours of playtime in the past 2 months. Warframe has a myriad of things to focus on. When I started I have the exact thought as you, just focus on one frame and one gun. 

But as you progress, you will notice there are certain things you can't do if you haven't done some quests. Take something like Eidolon hunting, it requires you to do a series of quest before actually being able to at least wear down Eidolon's shield. Have you done the quests? 

Warframe also has one section of gameplay that is all about min/max your weapon. The mods you mentioned are the basic ones and there are so much more and trust me you'll need them. As you're modding your weapon you'll notice you'll ran out of mod capacity. At this point, you'd want to apply an Orokin Catalyst on a weapon or an Orokin Reactor on a warframe to double the mod capacity. Even so, sometimes you can't slap all the mods on to make your frame as powerful as you'd like and at this point you'd want to Forma your weapon/warframe. You might want to look into this in the wiki for more details.

Let's say you want to increase the rank of mods, you'll of course need endo. Yes you can farm it with Excalibur or Ivara but there are other much better frames for farming resources. Take Nidus and Nekros combo, endo will flow like river to you in certain places.

Acquiring Nidus and Nekros parts are time-consuming, especially Nidus. You'd want a frame that could speed up these processes, or if you're very patient you can also use Excalibur or any other frame. But a frame like Nova can speed up the process and something like Trinity to provide energy and healing. Every frame has a field where they excel, granted one frame can do everything but some frame are better than the other for something and sometimes the difference is gigantic. Explore them.

If you're bored with how normal warframe looks, there are Prime version of those warframes even though not all warframe have prime version. Prime version of warframe or weapons generally have better stats. You'll need to acquire the parts like when you're building your Ivara from opening Relics or through Trading. People offer parts or even one full set of prime warframes/weapons at the cost of platinum. Platinum can be purchased with money but you don't have to, Warframe is the real Free to Play game. You can acquire platinums real fast from selling Rivens. Rivens are mods with unique stat that works only for one weapon and won't work on any other weapon. You notice you can't put 2 serration on one weapon right? With Riven mods, you can add these stats alongside with other mods. The way you acquire riven is through Sortie or Trading, or trasmuting Rivens to a new, Veiled Riven. Look it up.

Sorties are a set of high level missions and I don't think you can do much with basic Excalibur or Ivara. You'll need more mods and higher rank of the mods to survive. The rewards for completing Sortie are quite generous. Also, you need to complete quests to be able to play Sortie missions.

These are just a glimpse of what is currently offered by Warframe, there are an insane amount of content inside that you'd want to look into. Things like Cephalon Fragments, Somachord, Syndicate, Acolytes and many others are a thing of its own.

It's a waste to just use one or two frames on this game, the full potential of this game is revealed when things started to get complicated. Which is I think why a lot of newcomers stepped back and never return. I might miss some explanations here so please do ask and correct me.

Spend your time and I hope you find something interesting.

Edited by rfdzn
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The short answer is the combination of gears you use are not fit for certain types of missions.

Endless modes impose certain expectations on your gears and frames.

I suggest having ample energy pool for your warframe, a way to regenerate energy and a frame that is capable of decent crowd control and a gun that has high damage per shot and status value ( use hek )

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If you want clear starchart using your highest level frame and weapon is good idea.

If you want to just level up frames doing infested dark sectors defenses on manageable level is easiest.

Vitality is better defensive mod since it benefits also from your armour.

Redirection is good on frames with high base Shields, like Mag (450 vs standard 300)

Armour mods are good if our frame armour is above 100, so Excalibur yes, Ivara no.

As for extra mods: Abillity Power, Duration, Efficiency, Range, could generally be better. Rush or Flow are more specific.

For example Excalibur with more Abillity Power, Range And Efficiency could use radiant Javelins more. Duration will make Blind better.

For any corpus Mag could be a good frame, she drops at phobos.

Rhino is another frame generally good.

Second thing is having right weapon. For Jupiter there is pleanty of Corpus. So generally Impact, Electricy, Frost, Magnetic, Toxin.

Sample weapons may be Hek and Sonicor. Atterax, but only when you drop enemy shield.

As for weapon mods, start with one giving general damage. Like serration. And dounle elemental. For corpus Electricyty + Frost.





Edited by felixsylvaris
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I would just like to say that I have read this entire thread of replies and I can't express my feeling of gratitude at the amount of kind, polite and helpful people that have put forward their thoughts and ideas. I feel rude not replying to you all, but please rest assured I have indeed read all of your posts and I'm incredibly grateful. Thank you very much indeed. My friend and I have truly learnt a lot from this and we are going to take and apply this knowledge we have learnt.


Thanks again,

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I'd also consider myself a new player, and have roughly 100 hours in the game and at MR 6.  For starchart progression, I have only used Excalibur (or Rhino when doing missions requiring more defense such as no shield alerts).  I also have an Oberon and Valkyr at rank 0, but I literally haven't touched them yet.  I haven't had any direct help, as I'm not in a clan, and been relying on the public match making.  Although the wiki and community information has been invaluable.

During my progression, when I saw alerts giving Endo, I tended to take them, along with Maroo's weekly Ayatan treasure quest.  I found that first 3-4000 endo helped a lot, both with weapons and the warframe.  Also as soon as I got one, I put an Orokin reactor into Excalibur, as more and better mods is where effectiveness comes from.

For progression, I found the FREESWORD promo code (thanks to these forums) provided a melee weapon with an Orokin catalyst built in, which was a huge boon.  That sword and some basic mods (Pressure point, the four 90% elemental mods, the fire and cold 60% elemental plus 60% status chance mods), got me through over half the content of the game I think.  Eventually doing quests I got another quest sword with built in Orokin catalyst, which has seen me the rest of the way through, all the way to end of the Sacrifice quest.

I may have gotten lucky, as around the same time I got that quest sword, my first attack by the Stalker  dropped the Dread bow.  Again with some basic mods (Serration, crit mods, elemental mods, fire rate, reload speed) it is an amazing weapon for MR 5.  I put an Orokin cataylyst on that which I had gotten through questing (or perhaps it was the July 27th event?), which provided me with a ranged mid/end-game weapon.

So a combination of simply joining most missions as open and doing most of the spy and quests solo, has gotten me all the way through the quests at this point.

Anyways, in summary I've found potatoes (Orokin catalyst/reactors) are important, and don't be afraid to use them on warframes and weapons you like.  Similarly, to take advantage of that higher drain capacity, focus on getting Endo and credits to up your mods.  Lastly, I just want to say Excalibur's 2 and 4 are amazing.

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10 hours ago, Djwhitfield said:

After reading the comments its obvious that we have made a mistake by pushing our luck with low level warframes and weapons, also with weapons and frames we don't enjoy or not ideal for the situations in which we like to play. We just like to kill as much stuff as possible with as little effort as possible and given that Ivara is indeed a spy frame and I have her equipped with a Paris, its not ideal for the way we play. Either way this is the way I have Ivara set up now.

She has a rank 3 Physique Aura, its the only one I have. Rank 3 Fast Deflection, Rank 5 Vitality, Rank 5 Redirection, Rank 3 Flow and Rank 5 Rush. I have a total of 38 Mod Capacity (I brought her with Platinum) at Rank 17 and I have 6 capacity left over. I would put Rank 5 Steel Fiber on her so I dont die as much, but I feel its useless since she only has 65 Armor anyway.

As for weapons I'm only using a Rank 23 Paris (Which is driving my insane because I'm starting to hate it) Equipped with Rank 5 Speed Trigger, Rank 4 Serration and a Unranked Infected Clip. Total Capacity 23 with 3 left over.

Melee is a Rank 18 Fragor, which I'm also starting to hate because its slow and not killing quick enough. Equipped with Rank 5 Fury and Rank 3 Pressure Point with 18 Mod Capacity and 2 left over.

I think we are just gonna use Excalibur from now on because its definitely our favorite frame. But if anyone can give me any suggestions based of what I said in this post I would appreciate it. Let me know if I modded anything stupid or something. Again the only reason we was ranking up these weapons and frames is because we wanted mastery rank. Otherwise we properly would have just stuck with what we know best.

That's possibly the worst Ivara mod build I've ever seen. Throw away the survivability, get Quick thinking, Fleeting expertise(rank 4), Streamline(max), then concentrate on duration mods. You're playing Ivara very wrong, it's a frame you take your time with and are never seen with thanks to endless prowl. Ivara is a frame that requires mods acquired later, in order to be very good.

Excalibur is a newbie frame, use it if you must but bear in mind if you just spam exalted blade at everything you will not learn much about how to play this game well and later on when you get to the void you will get slapped down.

Here's a quick list to work towards and the mission types they excel at.

Ember: good for the alerts in navigation, particularly exterminate. Mod mainly for efficiency and range. Drops from Saturn boss(sargus ruk).

Frost: excels at defense and mobile defense, also useful in survival, mod mainly for efficiency and power strength. Drops from Ceres boss(lt. Kril).

Loki: excels at spy, rescue and sabotage, mod for efficiency and duration, the rest in range. Drops from Neptune boss(Hyena).

Rhino: early tank and crowd control, great all rounder, mod for surivability, power strength, some efficiency and duration and eventually for range. Drops from Venus boss(jackal).

Hydroid: great for crowd control and giving you early resources with a syndicate augment mod called pilfering swarm. Mod for efficiency and range, some duration and power strength. Drops from Earth boss(vay hek).

Nekros: harder to get but great for resource farming. Mod for efficiency, range. Drops from Orokin derelict boss(lephantis).

Nova: great crowd control, damage, all rounder etc. Mod for duration and efficiency, power strength with this one is something you will learn later. Drops from Europa boss(raptor).

Early weapons to acquire: Hek, Guandao, Atterax, Pyrana, any others you enjoy.


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While you want to level everything to level 30 to get MR...you will need a stable of frames/weapons that you can use for high end missions. Some frames are tanks while others are glass cannons but all have their uses.

That being said once you hit Jupiter and beyond the level of the gear isn't the point the modding is. Some weapons are MR fodder while others you will want to forma several times to have for harder missions. 

Ivara is a spy godess its her area of strength while Excalibur is a wreaking crew and a solid built Rhino will carry you all the way to the end, the key to all these is the right mods. 

And if there are mods you need but can't get some of us have duplicates and can help you out.

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