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Warframe.Market Used to Dictate Prices


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14 hours ago, MidoriFuse said:

That is not what "scam" is because by that definition everyone ever that sold something for platinum is scammer.
And prices are exactly what people are willing to pay.
You know why no company does sell car for 90000000000000000000000 dollars? Because no one have that much money,they will still overprice cars as much as they can
Cars that cost 100k to build cost 25m easy and people have no problem to pay that

If you pay 50m for car and you do not get the car,that is scam. If the car cost 49m in other country x km away,that does not mean you got scamed for 1m

Pretty much anything you buy has 20 to 30% margin for factory 20-30% for main seller 20-30% for reseller

I can buy stuff directly from china that cost 1000$ in my country for just 50$ with free shipping
I would not call every business in my country scammers.

And that is very similar to this set selling:You buy parts from factory(people that farm fissures) and assemly it for profit
You can even buy set from someone and become reseller.

No one is forcing you to pay more,you are welcome to google or ask in chat. 

OTOH China does have a MASSIVE counterfeit market, (which is a kind of scam), making everything from cars, to watches, to electronics and designer clothing. I believe they even have a coffee shop chain with logo that looks remarkably similar to Starbucks. :laugh:

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Warframe market literally set Tigris Prime as 60p when some guy was just selling it at 30p in chat. Also, tell them if they think warframe market is cheaper, they should buy from the users there and not complain to you. Anyone can put an item up there but when you message them, they don't respond, I was starting to suspect some people just set a lower price up there but doesn't actually have the item to sell. 

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Tbh i just pick a price on the lower end of the online sellers from the site onky because i don't have neither the time nor the drive to stay on top of the market price in the chat itself. 

Also I'm at a point where i have so much stuff i could sell i only really go there if something new like a deluxe bundle comes up, or i want to buy a new greater lens. 

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18 hours ago, LightsFrame said:

I know that there have already been complaints concerning the topic, but I hope this doesn't come across as one of them. I just want to hear some opinions so I can form my own and answer the following question: Should I stick to my own prices or get in line?

For context, I've been selling (slowly but successfully) prime sets at MUCH higher prices than what Warframe.Market lists because I feel they should be higher. And since Warframe.Market is often used to price check I've been called a scammer a few times. I obviously don't like being known as "that guy" but at the same time I'm making more platinum per set than I would otherwise.

So, should I continue at risk of being seen as a scumbag or change to what's generally accepted?


Well since YOU, the seller, know that your buyers could get a much better deal elsewhere... ... ... well I'd feel dirty about it. Maybe you wouldn't.


Here's the thing. Your "customers" are most likely 99%+ people who are ignorant of WF Market's existence. If an individual is aware of all their options and still chooses your sale, then no, that's fine. That's their total decision.

But when they don't know all the facts, then you're basically taking advantage of them. And it's not really your FAULT, sort of anyway... It could be considered that way, but you'd also have to go out of your way to educate a person of all their options to avoid this kind of connotation with your sales. And nobody expects that, either.


Let me give you a small little scenario that I feel is relevant.

My friend was selling a Drifting Contact for 25 plat. A buyer came to him and said, "can you max rank it please? I'll pay for the endo, how much do you think that is in plat?"

My friend straight up said, "60 plat." Now... Drifting Contact is a 3-rank mod. Maxing is is just barely over 200 endo. He knew god damn well 200 endo is not worth 35 extra plat.

But that's what he said. Somewhat sarcastically cuz he wasn't sure WHAT to say (I woulda said no charge, cuz it's 210 freaking endo), but he SAID a number he KNEW was wrong.

But the customer said Ok! He didn't know either. But obviously knew a bit less than my friend, the seller.


Now... After that event, he asked me and another friend what we thought, cuz he felt guilty. I told him he should feel guilty, for the reasons above. He knew he gave a totally bloated number, and he ran with it. My friend, however, said OF COURSE don't feel bad about it! You simply said a number, and if he accepts it, than that's what it's worth to him! Also some other blargho about "learning the hard way" and yada yada... And the more the conversation went, my seller friend went from feeling guilty to feeling Ok about it.

And to me? That represented his KNOWING that it was wrong, but wanting to hear from someone - ANYONE - that it was Ok. He heard both of our opposing viewpoints, mine being the one he started off with, but just because 1 out of 3 people in the conversation felt it was A-Ok, that's the opinion he strode off into the sunset with.




And so now, here you are. Looking for that one opinion here on the forums - which, of course, you will get in plentiful stock. But my question is... Will you stride off into the sunset with it?

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To op, do what you feel is right. This is an opportunist free market that does not have centralize marketplace. Because for all you know you could be selling the item cheaper than what it actually valued at. Do not 100% trust 3rd party sites like warframe.market, for one they are not directly tied to warframe code to accurately tell you what the going market price (in game market place would thou), these 3rd party sites are simply other places estimating prices of what is being posted (most likely on their site) and a few in the game sells - remember this can change drastically via the time of day you buy and sale to. I personally do not use them because they are way to many unknowns for me, like is someone price freezing.

An in game trading interface like WoWs auction house or a guild wars market place would relieve a lot of trading issues; even path of exile just implemented an AH/MP system.


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I buy a lot of mods and primed BP sets - I go to WF Market for the going price. If I'm content with that, I'll PM the lowest poster, if not, sometimes I'll PM with a counter-offer.

If I have to B/S (or want T) on chat channel I grit my teeth and watch the (@#$%!) fly-by streaming offers. Usually I post what I want and get a response and go from there, if I get no response twice the offer fails and I go do something else. I hate chat channel trading.

I have also B/S off PM of this forum's trading threads (Rivens, Kavat)

More in context with the OP, if you have a reason to sell above the going price then that's cool. For example, I sold a particularly attractive Kavat for 400 pt when the going rate was more like 120-150 pt - but she was posted right beside the cheaper kavats and I'm sure the buyer was price-aware. Rivens are extremely negotiable, and I bought a riven for 650 which I think was worth twice that, and I would have paid 2x for. I feel that was an honest purchase because he was competing with several others to sell his riven and the prices were all over the map. If, however, you find somebody who pays a lot more because they're ignorant, you're ripping them off - free market or not - because you're taking advantage of their ignorance, which is ok - but not nice. 

Edited by Canach
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There are many types of buyer with their own likes and dislikes. A veteran player with hundreds of thousands of Platinum will have a very different outlook than a new player with their handful of starter Platinum. The veteran may well pay what appears to be an inflated, permium price because they can, the amount is trivial to them and they want a fast purchase. The new player will likely be highly price-sensitive. So, the same item can sell for different amounts and sellers can choose to price for different buyer types. 

The vaulting and unvaulting cycle also creates price fluctuations over time. What may appear inflated in price may actually be reasonably-priced where an item has been vaulted, is unlikely to be unvaulted again for years and stocks in the player-base have fallen. In these cases, last week's prices will not reflect the present supply/demand and undervalue the item. The current appearance of Rhino Prime, for example, may prove to be its last for some years. If this proves to be the case then, as time passes, the number of people holding parts will dwindle and the value/price of those parts will increase once he is vaulted.

Edited by Am0rph15
Typo correction
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Free market, supply & demand, predatory pricing/undercutting, fake accounts (I believe we already had a lil' drama with that one) -- WF trading has it all. Warframe.market isn't the official source of information to begin with, but nothing prevents you from either adjusting your prices to the publicly accepted ones or set your own.

I'd say you're not a scammer as long as you're not trying to pull shady business, or rubbing your stuff with price in the people faces, and prices are reasonable (even if the last two aren't entirely true, it still doesn't make you a scammer, a greedy person -- maybe). If your current.. eh... model serves you and you don't feel ashamed (not saying you should), keep doing what you do. And if it doesn't and you still hesitate to adapt, well... Like

13 hours ago, SqualZell said:

there are 20-50-100 people selling it for less... guess who I'm going to buy it from. 

that and you will most likely end up in the pile of dead/forgotten offers.

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20 hours ago, LightsFrame said:

I know that there have already been complaints concerning the topic, but I hope this doesn't come across as one of them. I just want to hear some opinions so I can form my own and answer the following question: Should I stick to my own prices or get in line?

For context, I've been selling (slowly but successfully) prime sets at MUCH higher prices than what Warframe.Market lists because I feel they should be higher. And since Warframe.Market is often used to price check I've been called a scammer a few times. I obviously don't like being known as "that guy" but at the same time I'm making more platinum per set than I would otherwise.

So, should I continue at risk of being seen as a scumbag or change to what's generally accepted?


Here's what I think your possible future may look like. You'll hit a wall once you've ran out of new players buying stuff before they know the market price, or really anything. If your spamming overpriced stuff chances are you're on many folks ignore list. My entire ignore list is from trade chat and price gougers. I'm not saying this will happen to you but it's possible. On PS4 I've never paid above 110plat for a prime frame despite those same frames being spammed for 300pl.

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Selling at slightly higher prices can actually be a powerful sanity preservative. Aggressive low pricing can lead to being flooded with buy offers, and that brings its own kind of inconvenience.

More than once, when I've decided to do some quick profit-taking and move items in bulk, the buy requests can pile up to half a dozen chat tabs or more being open at once. When that happens, it's a little harder to serve people promptly and I can imagine folks getting really stressed out by that level of incoming communication - especially if some of your buyers are impatient.

If people aren't happy with my prices or want to be particularly pushy about haggling, I just remind them that they can always go someone else if they want to spend more time finding a deal they're happy with.


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22 hours ago, LightsFrame said:

I know that there have already been complaints concerning the topic, but I hope this doesn't come across as one of them. I just want to hear some opinions so I can form my own and answer the following question: Should I stick to my own prices or get in line?

For context, I've been selling (slowly but successfully) prime sets at MUCH higher prices than what Warframe.Market lists because I feel they should be higher. And since Warframe.Market is often used to price check I've been called a scammer a few times. I obviously don't like being known as "that guy" but at the same time I'm making more platinum per set than I would otherwise.

So, should I continue at risk of being seen as a scumbag or change to what's generally accepted?


Word of advice my friend, do not follow the pricing for the first 5 items in Warframe Market. Most of them are price fakers or have already been sold and forgot to remove pricing. So stick to your moderate pricing unless you want it to be sold asap. Good luck~

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It depends on sellers. If you are not in rush, then can take your time and sell it at whatever price you like. However, if you are desperate to get some plat fast, then you have to lower your price, the lower your price, the faster you can sell your wares. 

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You can ask the price whatever you want. If someones ignores you, you will not lose much.

One Richard move to avoid "using Warframe Market auto messege and changing the price, fishng responder will not notice. That is quite inpolite.

I sometimes set the shark price since want to sell/buy but not really that much or im not in hurry.

Edited by felixsylvaris
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10 hours ago, Nijyumensou said:

you are not risking because you already am one by admitting to doing so. it is not like you will change and lower your price just to be the better person so why bother about it?


I can appreciate the brutal honesty here, while I may not like it.

And thanks for all the replies. I get that this is the internet and that makes it hard to believe that I may actually want to change over something like this. But believe it or not, being ignored by every person that sees me isn't something I take pride in.

So yes, I'll be pulling my prices back to somewhere more comfortable for both participating parties.

Thanks again to EVERYONE for all the polite replies and healthy criticism. I do really mean that.

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A couple of things,

1. It's a free market. If someone agrees to your price or you agree to their offer, it's all good. If not then you ........ wait for it.....haggle for agreed terms. If no terms are agreeable, you move on, looking for someone else who does agree. If you undercut or make more than others, then it's a sad day for those "others". If there is salt, then they don't understand FREE MARKET. To those I say, do yourself a favor and look it up. Learn a few things.

2. The idea there are is a website that gets to "set" the value of items is utterly laughable. The fact they think they are the arbiters and others agree is equally laughable. Rng is not the same for everyone. No two people playing separately will find the same things at the same rate. Common value is determined by supply, demand and the two individuals haggling for the trade. Don't let someone else con you into thinking the value of something is set. It's not.

3. To all you Store runners, I will always undercut you and take your sales. Thank you for posting your prices. Understand you're not entitled to sales just because you list your stock. If all the sellers list Ember at 700 plat and no one buys it at that price, but I come in and sell it for 350 plat and make a sale, is it really worth the 700 plat the sellers are asking for? All the sellers will be mad I sold so low and think I ripped myself off and in the process screw over their prices skewing them low. When in reality, I am the one with the extra 350 plat buying that spiffy new Tennogen stuff I want and they lost a sale making 0 plat, getting stuck with a set they couldn't sell. Hoping for a sucker to come along. This is a free market, not Walmart. You snooze, you loose. If I made the sale you were never going to make your full asking price. In fact, I sold an ember set to one of you store runners for 650 plat once and he tried to turn right around and sell it for 150 mark up. He never did sell it for his selling price of 800 plat. He took a huge lose for being too greedy. Ember was unvaulted two days later. Meanwhile, I bought a couple of deluxe bundles and filled out my fashion frames.

4. To those crying "scammer". It clearly states the trade rules every time you open the trade chat. Read them, learn them, live by them and you will never be scammed. It really is that simple.

5.Ninjas play free, never pay for what you can farm for free.

Edited by (XB1)Rust Plague
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There arn’t as many sellers in this game as people might think. At least on PS4 it is. So those low informed people will think selling items cheap and fast benefits them so they try competing with other sellers but the truth is there is trade cap in this game and I can wait it out until that idiot is out of his trade for the day and just easily sell it for double the price and I’ve been keep doing that all and well. People are likely desperate to sell items such as Oberon prime 40p but I’ve been selling him for about 90p all the time. Same goes for every other valuable, time consuming items 🙂

They think they saved their time by selling low but the fact is they sell too many things too fast so their platinum dries up quickly thus they have to keep selling low again lol. Selling higher is much more time efficient except for very common, quickly farmable and frequently traded items. It’s very tragic common mistake new players make when they don’t know the trade chat. They should’ve realized they lose much more plat by selling low everytime than getting “scammed” this one time by a greedy tenno. Instead they realize at some point they’ve been ripping off nobody but themselves. Knowing what to sell at wf.market price and what can be sold at your own price is the key.

Edited by (PS4)johnsoigne
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Set your price, its on you.

Except now that sale bot/wfmarket/semron are showing the purchase data and buyers are more keen on accepted item value, you will be less likely to knowingly rip them off in the future as more buyers become aware of these tools.

These tools have had the affect of driving cost down as well, but you can keep on finding those unaware people, slowly as that seems to be your niche.

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If you are preying on unaware people to sell items for prices that are higher than usual, then that's your choice: it's a free market system after all.

It is kinda sleezy though but w/e.

Personally I use WF market to check prices instead of going in blind, I have been burned by a few times when I was a noob so I am thankful there is a site I can use as a price guide now.

Edited by iuki.
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And another One about the Market.........why is it when ever a site comes out for trading someone  wanna stop ppl from using it just becus the dont like the prices???

Simple solution:dont use it or wait for better price

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