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  2. Ability that gives 10k armour?
  3. I'm a returning player, after years of a break and trying other games. Has there been an update to get more frame slots or weapons slots? I enjoy the free to play aspect but dont want to spend money for Plat to use on a single slot (20p). I also don't have stuff to sell for plat. Its ust have what I left off with many years ago.
  4. Enforcing CO-OP? In Warframe? Good luck with that. If DE wants to draw the casual majority to consider doing Railjack regularly then they need to give them their kid gloves. They should let players bring their Railjacks with their AI crew into missions, not bounding to the host, so we would have 4 Railjacks simultaneously. Of course, players can come and help each others' Railjack upkeep when needed. This fixes the complaints of having the mission to be at the mercy of the Railjack's host and having to bear the repulsive fashion of the host's Railjack. DE can increase the amount of mission objective demands when needed to compensate for the potential speedup. Players hate Corpus TaxiJack, the solution? Bring skirmish missions to corpus regions so they can enjoy the space-combat-focused nature of it. Moreover, create more mission types that solely focus on the space-combat aspect. I believe a "Space railjack combat Survival pitting against an endless amount of fighters, crew-ships, borders, and capital ships" mission would attract a lot of players. Lastly, Railjack missions required parity with Star-Chart content, e.g.: Omnia Fissures, Steel Path, and Nemesis Missions.
  5. They do turn super fast, but you can mostly avoid them except survival every 90s one. Don't spawn them ever unless you know you can kill the eximus or are in a mech yourself. Companion can help with slow if it's not instadowned. Try rad/cold shiver contagion verglas. On call helps too. And Kahl. exposure, blood rush, weeping, faction, viral, attack speed, CO, cd Heat helps a lot too. Any heat procs from specter or companion or for crit if very low cc. Healers and ospreys help you stay up. The demos are much weaker.
  6. Hello everyone, first time making one of these. I thought of a good idea to equip melee combo duration mods on Exilus. It would save us from equipping naramon or dexterity arcanes for us to make combo builds feasible. IDK, I think it's a good idea.
  7. The cruel irony here is that in your haste to obtain all the loot, you’re stomping all over those that are using said loot. And using the loot is what gives the game a chance to breathe, or as you put it, be slow and tedious, though there’s nothing slower and more tedious than standing around grinding for stuff that never gets used, ask me how I know. Especially when the flip side of that, where there’s actual gameplay using custom builds and being rewarded with even more things to use, is fast-paced and engaging and still progresses along the same path just in a much more interesting way Seriously, you spend all that time rushing to collect, swatting aside anyone else who gets in your way while doing so, what are you going to do with that stuff? Because you’re not using it right now because you’re too busy grinding and forcing others to follow suit, and by time you start exploring using the stuff you were so fixated on getting quickly, if you ever do in the first place, the extrinsic reward is gone because you got everything I dunno, Ervin. It seems to me like stopping or even just slowing down the all-consuming chase of the grind leads to better gameplay, better sense of reward, higher chances of more enjoyable multiplayer gameplay, and overall a more healthy gameplay experience. I’m not sure why you keep roping in the rest of the community like they aren’t subject to scrutiny either, considering they’re the posterchild for the phrase “Given the opportunity, players will optimise the fun out of the game”, which was a lament from game developers that they can’t do anything fun or the players will abuse it and said players need to be babysat
  8. Those mods multiply your damage output by 4 times by virtue of hitting multiple targets. They deserve a normal mod slot and the fact people put them on most builds is a testament to their worth as a significant damage boost.
  9. Eu não estou conseguindo logar minha conta no warframe no Pc está pedindo código de autenticação de tennoguard abrir suporte para você resolveu eu queria faz migração no Playstation!!
  10. If reload speed and magazine size mods were any significant dps boost, you would see them actually being on builds, but the fact of the matter is that they are negligible and almost never worth a mod slot. This definition of "dps boost" that gets used is a bad measure because it just puts the user in an unrealistic scenario of standing in front of a single unmoving target dummy and eating numbers, and in that case, spending less time reloading counts as dps increase. Realistically, people aren't firing nonstop, and they are reloading in between clearing packs or while casting a one-handed ability. And even in the case of a reload happening mid-combat, a reload speed mod may shave off 0.5 seconds off the reload time. Is that really worth a mod slot? Nope. And then you have magazine size mods which basically just make it so you have to reload half as often which is essentially an average reload time decrease, so same thing. A few specific weapons may see some improvement from magazine size such as tenet detron since it has mag dump mechanic. But the thing is, mag dumping on a weak target won't happen. It's just the odd strong target that you would mag dump and in that case, magazine size would only spare you a reload, for example by firing 12 shots at once rather than 6 then 6. The dps increase in the overall context is negligible. Kuva would would gain an extra 2 regular shots before the alt-fire. That just feels nice but isn't that big of a difference. If we use the above definition of DPS(fake single target scenario) then punch-through and blast radius mods should be exilus since they contribute no dps increase. But they are not, because we understand there would be multiple targets and the unmoving single target dummy eating sustained fire is unrealistic. So why do we not apply the same standard on magazine and reload mods? Projectile speed on guns with falloff and beam length mods technically increase your dps by letting you waste less time getting near every target and more time just aiming and shooting in some direction. Should they be non-exilus mods "because they provide a dps increase"? No. It is a negligible side effect of an increase. These mods just make certain guns feel better to use. Magazine and reload speed would be the same. That 3.5 second reload gun? Slap a reload exilus on it. That gun with a magazine gimmick that is kind of fun but not good enough? Slap a magazine mod on it to make it more viable. That Vectis Prime that is much worse than Rubico Prime due to 5x shot combo requirement and headshot instead of crit damage scope, but has an interesting interaction with Primed Chamber? Slap the Depleted reload mod into its exilus which makes it more relevant. Or maybe you just don't feel like reloading as often. Magazine and Reload speed mods are clearly exilus type mods. DE needs to ditch the "they are dps boost" idea and make them exilus already.
  11. There's are reasonable arguments that they should be. Personally I'd love it if PT were made exilus in some form. Blast radius could be too, but the numbers on the current mods, even post-nerf are far too high for exilus. (Or to be more accurate, the base radius of some AoEs are far too high.) Same issue with making Reach exilus for melee.
  12. Watching grandpa and grandma turn young again
  13. Today
  14. Fun fact: the Torid Incarnon, by far the most high IQ and skilled weapon in the game, has never inflicted self-damage! DE even fixed bugs where it did. Returning self-damage would have no effect on either mode of the Torid, because room-deleting chain beams have never had self-damage either.
  15. Does that mean Punch-through mods and blast radius mods should be exilus? 🤔 Under that poor method of calculating damage, KPM would be "DPS" divide by the total hp of the 1 dude standing in front of your gun. Same old measure. Real DPS would measure concepts like multiple targeting and reloading in-between groups. If we use the lazy "single target hypothetical" definition of dps then punch-through and blast radius mods should be exilus, and reload/magazine would be normal slot. If we use a sensible definition of dps that factors in a little bit of logic, then punch-through and aoe mods would be normal slot because they significantly increase the damage output, by 4x on average, when you hit multiple targets, whereas reload speed and magazine size would have little effect if you reload outside of the time frame you are shooting and best case they save you 1-2 seconds of reloading in an extended window of killing which won't happen often. This means their dps increase is as negligible as any other exilus. One could even argue projectile speed is more of a dps increase than reload speed since being able to do full damage from far away without having to waste time moving from target to target is a net dps increase. I think not many people would argue a reload speed mod is as good as a crit mod either. Nobody puts those mods on except in niche cases. Same way they wouldn't put a -recoil exilus except in a niche case where a weapon has too much recoil and would be much more effective with less. I wonder what the usage statistics for pure +magazine and +reload mods are. Probably used 5% as often as damage, element, crit, status, multi, and fire rate on any decent build.
  16. He wouldn't unrotate. Somebody unrotate my boy. Day 20: Synathid!
  17. de doesn’t care and they don’t want to fix this, I’m sure of and looks likes it.
  18. Same, although that was before Steel Path. Although to be fair, it was also before shieldgating. With some incidental help from that, I'm sure there are players skillful enough to do it now with SP spawns, but I'm not one of them. Certainly not relying on a single target weapon or melee anyway, which is what I enjoy most. Still a big part of my game when I need it though.
  19. Thanks everyone for the advice it really appreciated, you’s have given me a lot of insight I hope to put it to use have a good day! 😁
  20. When dashing in a necramech while the opening cutscene for a sister plays, the mech will get frozen. At this time, you become unable to use transference, any abilities, form up, or move or shoot at all. I haven't tried dying because the enemy AI isn't smart enough to be able kill my mech, but even that may not get you unstuck. Hoping for a fix at some point, thank you in advance. Edit 1: Other players running out the extraction timer doesn't do anything either; it just resets or cancels the extraction.
  21. Ah, I was not aware of that! Are they from an operation from ye olden days?
  22. You might have forgotten about coaction drift which increases the effectiveness of Growing power which should bring you closer to the intended target. And considering you have 1 potential mod slot left... growing power in a solo setting would be brought up to 33-34% ability strength rather than 25% with coaction drift. Edit: I also forgot that there is also Augur Secrets for 24% ability strength and Amar's hatred for 15% ability strength + 25% armor.
  23. I also thought that the survivability of the kit might not be actually used much in other frames, but I gave up because it seemed difficult to comprehensively verify. Thank you for the verification and the idea of the direction of the verification. It's much better to be told "Banshee is too excessively strong and has no place to be used" than "Banshee is weak," but I must also refute that. Fortunately, I recently came up with a good phrase. "Being excessive is not a bad thing. It leads to comfort, fun, and new synergies." With the damage boost, enemies fall with fewer hits and can also be killed with easier-to-handle weapons, bringing a different experience than usual. As for the synergies that occur, you can also have your sentinel and its clone with Duplex Bond kill enemies. (Of course, even in the Steel Path) My recent favorite is transplanting Pillage, stripping armor, and then having the sentinels' Combustion Beam chain explosions slaughter the enemies. In that state, most damage abilities can kill enemies, so there are also frames that can fight differently than usual by teaming up with Banshee, which can also be called a synergy. I do feel that it is difficult to increase Banshee's usage rate. So, I try to attract interest with phrases like "You can clear even the Steel Path just by spamming Sonar and having sentinel attacks" and "You can surprise and entertain your friends and random match squads with abnormal damage boosts." and "It's also optimal for supporting Archimedea." I think my influence is minuscule, but looking at Reddit and such, I feel like the Sonar spam build is gradually gaining recognition. I have been playing almost exclusively Banshee since before normal Nova's implementation, but I think I used to survive almost solely on mobility. I remember preferring Quick Thinking as insurance, but it wasn't very good to suddenly have zero energy. My habit of always fighting while jumping was acquired in that era. I think even now, with a strong AoE weapon and nothing equipped on the frame, I could probably safely clear 20 waves of normal Hydron, maybe. Now I don't have Brief Respite, Catalyzing Shields, or any mods that only provide survivability, but the reason I can survive with just the 0.33-second shield gating from the Auger set mods is also thanks to my jumping habit.
  24. While you're at it please also do the Zarr and the Lenz. LAUNCHERS ARE CRAP AT HIGHER LEVELS SO WHY ARE THEY TRASH ON ALL LEVELS?
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