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Everything posted by PR1D3

  1. No problem, poor choice of words on my part. DE has given me the impression of 'less is more'. When it comes to Warframe reworks they tend to not do them as much or spend much time on them. Granted the new team has been making this less clear as they have done way more reworks than old team. On the topic of Reworks they tend to say that they don't want to drastically change the WF as to 'preserve' the investment of players and identity of the frame. So they 'typically' don't do massive changes where they would effectively gut the kit of the frame and change large segments of it. So reworks like Inaros, Hydroid, and to a larger extent Vauban have happen where they took out whole abilities for something completely different. Up until the first 2, those reworks were insanely rare. AND if they did happen it was done by Pablo, and due to how rare they were I would bet a lot of pushing had to have happened to get leadership to allow it. Most of the time it's ignore or just add a feature here and there. I tend to chuckle at player suggested reworks that would remove 3+ abilities at minimum. Cause based on their track record of actions regarding 'updating' older content they don't touch stuff, or do as little changes as possible. Massive proper overhauls are rare. TL;DR It's a much more manageable rework that doesn't go crazy on the changes, doesn't get wild with the deviations from the original kit, and has the appearance that it wouldn't super work intensive that wouldn't see the team putting in effort that's comparable of making a whole new frame. Which DE would probably like better. Also. Was reading again. Personally, I don't really like abilities that rotate through selections though I still do like abilities with multiple things on it. I saw you want to go back to the emissive choice but what if you do something different. One of my favorite augments in game is Xaku's The Relentless Lost. It auto rotates The Lost on cast. It makes it where it's way easier to use all 3 if you are someone who wants to use them all. There's some conscious plays you have to do in regards where and when you use it but IMO that should be by default. It's not a huge ask to do, but granted I'm saying this as someone who loves Lavos and he's all about that. I bring this up to say, what if the Element wheel effectively did the same thing? Where when you use an ability it would auto rotate. You still have the option to manually choose but if you wanted something specific you could select it. Or use that Dragon's Domain Augment you suggested for more control. IMO a lot of his power should come from the fact that he can inflict the 4 primary elements in rapid succession. Making him be a comparable or relative side grade to Lavos. Especially since you made that 'empowered' Ice shot in his fourth have built in condition overload.
  2. I fee immense pain just thinking about Eris. Such a cursed tileset.
  3. I just want to get it out of the way. The modifications you did to his 2nd ability. Oh. My. God. I love them. Like you said, I like Elemental Ward too but it's honestly a bit lackluster. I also love that it's a channel now. I know people would scoff at the notion but it makes it where he works with Arcane Intention a tad bit better since instead of getting one of the stacks through something restrictive like his current Spectral Scream it's more free with a general aura. I really like all this. Reworking, mechanically speaking, 2 abilities isn't that bad. It would be a tough sell as most reworks now only will go as far as 1 ability getting gutted, based on team 2's record.
  4. Dude. Give me everything you said. Oh god I could do some serious damage if I had these. +1
  5. Eh, technically you can already do this in game. The Emerald Archon Shards. The Corrosive Stack Buff effects strip immune enemies. Hell I just recently retooled my Lavos with 3 to make it easier to deal with DA Necramechs. It's an investment/paywall to do though as you would have to get shards to do it. And honestly? I think there should be more strip resistant enemies in the game. There should be a retooling of 'Elite' enemies where they would have combinations of Damage Atten., Viral Proc Immunity, Strip Immunity, and Status Proc Stack Immunity.
  6. Yes and no? I generally make generalist builds that can handle all enemies. The thing is that the whole armor stripping and viral damage boost, especially viral, is too strong. Then I'll also consider my frame and if it has some kind of buff or debuffing ability. I use the Astilla Prime with Grendel with straight toxin as the only thing. It works on Corpus due to the toxin bypass and the slash and toxin DoTs deal with most things, but I still get the Viral effect due to Nourish. So I don't concern myself with Armor's weaknesses cause I just strip anyways. I keep Zylok Prime with Corrosive and Radiation for stuff I can't strip, and Wolf Sledge mainly for Infested with Gas, Corrosion from Arcane, and innate Blast. Plus with all the diverse Status Effects I can benefit more from Condition Overload/Galvanized mods. Then I pair up a Kuva Seer with Magnetic Valence Bonus with Viral and Electric with my Fracturing Crush Mag. It handles everything. I could list all my builds but I think this gets it across. I kind of use them but try to be super flexible with it. I do admit that I've been using the Radiation mods to deal with Murmur enemies more times than not. I only truly feel the bonus when I'm trying to hunt Gruzzlings in Netracells and DA. Their massive HP makes it where its actually noticeable when you don't have it. So the updated HP numbers might actually make a difference in the new system despite the changes to Armor. I do have some qualms about Magnetic in the new system cause quite honestly Toxin just completely kicks Corpus in their balls so easily. The only time where you can't*(you can but you have to have someone who can strip armor and you have to get tons of stacks going to make it do anything due to it being immune to Viral procs) use it is when you're fighting the Kyra Raknoid. It can charge up and create a massive over shield that you have to break. But again, the new HP numbers might make this not as effective and balance it all out. Only time will tell when we get it in our hands. On your point, that is my fear. I've mention the Toxin and Magnetic conundrum but the other meta element. Viral. They're going to have to address it. Viral's HP damage amplification is just too good. The solution to this that immediately popped up in my head is one I don't think anyone is going to like. Making the next QoL change is enemy organization and their resistances. Having true Elite enemy classes that have additional resistance. There are some in the game that have Ability Strip Resistances, Status Stack Limiters and Viral Proc Immunity. Maybe a standardization of this might need to be in order. With maybe some enemy type rebalancing. Cause one of thing things I do love about the update are how Necramechs are. They used to be kind of annoying but their current state makes them a threat that won't fold like a wet napkin to us. Status Stack Limiters with Damage Attenuation but you could still do respectable large damage if you're willing to position better and hit their weakspots.
  7. I thought the same before and I'm glad you mentioned Snowglobe being able to do that, so it's totally possible for them to make it do that. I'm reminded of an old game I used to play call Spacelords/Raiders of the Broken Planet. They had that as a damaging mechanic some characters could do. The Push Effect. Where certain things could launch enemies and if they hit a wall they would take damage. It was extra neat in that game as it was part brawler and you could do finishers akin to the parazon on 'downed' elite enemies and players. You had little interactions where you launched someone into a wall, it would down them, they ricochet towards you and you melee and do the finisher for the kill.
  8. Cold Our goal with Cold is to emphasize the effectiveness of the fantasy of slowing and freezing your enemies. Cold now has a new effect where you freeze your enemies upon reaching the new Cold stack maximum. ANNNDDD Frost just got another indirect buff and the Biting Frost Augment is throwing a party in the background.
  9. LMFAO They said in the DevStream that there's going to be a Status Effect rework! EDIT: AND BLAST IS ON THE BOARD!!
  10. I've been thinking about effects and honestly, it's not bad but I don't think it's appropriate in the current state for a few reason. One is status duration. Status duration is a funny stat. It's not worthless. Playing Lavos made me appreciate them a lot more. It's just that they're kind of low. Having an enemy accuracy debuff can be impactful especially on units that have hitscan weapons (the things I could say about the existence of hitscan weapons in the game XD). Making them miss actually is super impactful. If you've ever used something that gave butt loads of Evasion then not use it you can immediately tell the difference (Xaku and Titania). But 6 seconds at base is meh. A lot of weapons that do naturally inflict it staggers so they would be already CC for most of that time and when they're battle readied the effect would had fallen off. Honestly I think a lot of amplification and debuffing effects on the statuses should be removed and be set to only be apart of WF ability effects, mostly on dedicated Support Warframes. Cause: If Blast was more like these it wouldn't as much of a meme.
  11. Are we going to mention how wild it was that the Red Text on the update that put her in the game straight up said "Gemussy"? The type of stuff that sends the Region Kickbot and Mods into a homicidal rage XD
  12. Bro. Kuva Javlok. I actually teared up a bit. Our first speargun and he's been forgotten. The Javlok deserves better. If they aren't going to give it a tiny stat buff then I would gladly take a Kuva version. The Unique trait with the heat damage based on magazine size is neat on paper but we're limited in Magazine boost options and even if you get some Primed and Riven mod action that 20% pure heat doesn't feel that impactful. Would be a super interesting single shot and aoe option.
  13. Unfortunately asking for balance is bit of a pipe dream at this point. Many of us have been asking for that for years but at the same time there's a group of players that are basically out antithesis and says, "Screw Balance, More Power Fantasy, Balance doesn't matter in a PVE game". There's been a song and dance for a few days now in the forums about this. As much as people complain about the randomizer and how DE needs to make better engaging content the golden question tends to be, how? How do they make something that could last long enough in this environment where they never reigned in the extreme power discrepancies? What do you do when you have players who are using certain loadouts to cause INT overflows cause they're dealing so much damage that they never intended to the point where the game's brain breaks? Do you balance the game and take the absurdity away from them? Cause I'm sure we all saw how the general player base reacts when you take away some insane power from them. See Dante reactions, WuKong and Ammo Change, or even the discussion of bringing back Self Damage to put a leash on the AOE spam meta.
  14. Those responses. I could go on about how your responses to Public don't address anything he said, the same with mine on how I would never criticize DE and how stupid your elitism rant was. But, what's the point? I'm correct that engaging with you seriously is pointless and the time would be better spent meme'ing on you. PS I had went into recruiting chat, found a group, we coordinated, failed part 1 twice before we created a solid strategy to get past, did the last 2 with mostly no issues. Got 3 shards including a Tauforge with 3 copies of Melee Duplicate. And a ton of Stella. I might actually buy a booster and run it again to get a stockpile going. The squad were some cool dudes. We had FUN with our backs against the wall and overcoming adversity. One sided power fantasy not necessary. It's a shame you're not going to get these same rewards cause reasons. The filtering will continue.
  15. Oh man. Where do you even begin with that? G3, trashed. Hek? Kind of trashed. Kela? Shot in the face. Krill? Kind of in a weird place with that duo with Vor that shouldn't be possible. So mostly in the trash. Storyline with the Elder Queen potentially being revived with Kuva? Who the hell knows. Oh hey! Anyone remembers DOCTOR TENGUS?!?! You know! Creator of the G3, and Ghouls, f'ed over Hek for a joke, potentially re-awoke/discovered the Infestation according to one early quest. Has yet to have an appearance in game. Only in the Hek Origin Story comic. That guy?
  16. Caliban was hinted at the last stream of being looked over. But...if I had to go on personal preference I would want Banshee too as well as Trinity to get looked over. Them having hard animations on all their abilities alone is painful. I've been pondering a lot of frames over and thinking about what would require someone to get a rework on the level of Hydroid and Inaros or for them to get an update like Grendel. Hell, Valkyr doesn't need a rework. She needs an update. I can see all her abilities working. Rip Line and Hysteria are honestly the only ones. Hysteria is just a stance update. The current one is what I would expect to see if I had gotten a 2nd grader and told him to pretend to be how he would think a t-rex that could do kung-fu would fight like.
  17. LMAO you honestly think this is better? You're still going to get the same complaints now. If you honestly think WF players are going to modify their builds to accommodate some modifier you're fooling yourself. You would still get floored by all the comments of "you're punishing me for using x,y,z", "you're invalidating my build and not respecting my investment", "you're forcing me to do something I normally wouldn't", and "I'm getting punished and locked out of rewards cause I refuse to play the game in the specific way DE wants". I would bet money you will still get those complaints and a few comments saying you're a S#&$ game dev who doesn't understand what true "fun" is.
  18. How about a compromise. A 20% buff to your ammo reserves, but Self Damage gets reintroduced back into the game finally?
  19. LMAO what a fun roundabout way to admit that this has #*!%ing nothing to do with the "fun" you've been psychotically ranting about for days now. It's your rewards FOMO and arrogance tweaking the #*!% out. I'm expecting some response of "not me", but you clearly have a problem. This could be a real moment of reflection, and the taking of the proverbial Chill Pills. But this is the WF forums. And I honestly don't expect that happening. You'll continue to rage at me, Public, or whomever and it will go nowhere. And if that's the case anything you say going forward should just be responded with this meme. You are your own worst enemy and the architect of your own misery. For literally nothing. Except for the type of laughter that puts me to tears.
  20. Honestly if it could get buff I can only see Pablo making it around 40% and then changing the stack conditional to something like loosing a stack for repeat cast instead of the whole lot as an additional buff that's not raw numbers. So one of if not both those things would be an easier sell, to me at least with the experience I've had with this game and the balancing they typically do. Maybe have better success if one frames it with how not only would it be more competitive with the Zariman Acanes but more forgiving for Mobile users. I haven't tried it yet but I can see a pitch of lessening up the trigger for butterfingers on mobile XP
  21. Cause the trigger conditional is more instant where Augment needs 250 kills for max efficacy and Vigor is limited to 1 cast. Acquisition time frame makes no difference and despite what is a typical community thought on builds, blowing your butt out with absurd amounts of power strength while giving a middle finger to everything else for every build is not necessary. You might just need a certain amount to counter act something in particular, get you over the hump of a particular effect or combine it with something else to move somethings around to not use a mod space. Considering that any power strength increase that isn't Intensify or Umbral Intensify comes with some kind of drawback. Cause, hell, you could combine this with Umbral Intensify alone and get 70%. Are there other things that you could use that gives you more? Yeah, but you're going to have some limiter or curse to deal with. Now if we're actually talking about what it is currently, numbers wise, like I said maybe there is an argument that can be made for buffing it. And maybe not just in the numbers department but in handling like others suggested. Cause, going back to your original post, making it 70% - 80% is a bit too much when Vigor is 45% and Augment is 60% even accounting the trigger. And whether you like it or not, stuff have to be balance and the trigger conditional plays a part in how much they're willing to give it. And how it's triggered would make DE hesitant to buff it to such a degree. It's not that much of a hurdle to stagger your casting order to avoid overlap and not to mention the spam people tend to do. You make it that high, that arcane would dominate usage.
  22. I don't think you do get their points and your idea of a 'solution' is so off base. They adequately explained it in that there are pros and cons of using it. You bring up shards and mods completely invalidate them. Ignoring, again, conditions, pros/cons, build intent, they all matter. You can easily flip your rebuttal back on you. "Why would you use shards for power strength when you have mods and arcanes for it? 15% is nothing compared to Vanilla Intensify or even Augur Secrets." And of course the answer is what I and the others stated before. Maybe there's a discussion on if the numbers for Power Ramp could get a slight boost. I think the better solution would just address the somewhat of the actual handling and conditions of the mod or even better UI. Especially better UI. The Buff Bar has gotten cramped over the years.
  23. ...Is this a joke? With the OP's name and how silly the post is, this seems like a joke/bait post.
  24. No augments for Caliban now. It's completely pointless to do it now. During the PAX Devstream the team said he's under the gaze of Pablo right now. I would rather wait for that before we do bandaid augment shenanigans on Caliban.
  25. Funny you say that cause enemy Voidrigs are that but they use Damage Attenuation in combination with their weakspots. Love em. The Juggernauts had a similar function but could use some tweaks. And I don't find them imposing when in regular missions, they're the size of a really fat Kubrow. Now if OG was how you described that would also be super. The sad part is that WF's sandbox is amazing in its own right. The pieces are there but things are in their own box and/or unoptimized. That's another downside of the content islands. They also tend to localize the good ideas along with the bad ones. The new team has been slightly bucking this trend but they still have some room for improvement, but they inspire hope in me. They could do so much content just from balancing and breaking things out of their box and implementing them across the wider game.
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