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Everything posted by PR1D3

  1. You need a support frame and have someone dedicated to getting the glyphs. I was both. I was cc with Lavos and just picking up shinies with the occasional Lavos Wombo Combo to help clear out mobs. I had gotten 379 by the time we were done, while my team was focused on fighting. Made them chuckle and remark how I must really love the parkour collecting modes (and to be fair I do love the S#&$ out of Void Flood and Mirror Defense). I've been very fortunate with public teammates. Even on the launch, first game had a guy who rage quit in the first min after he got one shot. We still did it without it getting crazy as a 3 man. We only had to verbally communicate during the disruption just to set the rule of popping the terminal when everyone was there since one of our guys was in a Voidrig and couldn't move as fast. People complaining that they can't kill super fast and thus can do nothing. I know people want to denigrate support cause of muh eximus units but they're only one class and in this mode where you can't spawn kill as easily, controlling the flow of the cannon fodder goes a long way. Also I'm going to just say it. A lot of builds are trash and when people bring them in suboptimal situations where they don't have their normal cheeze setups the flaws of them become apparent. You might have to just make something specific for that week's run. Run the Murmur Bane mods if you have to even. This is a end game activity. Hopefully you didn't put all your forma into a half dozen things and you didn't blow all your plat on a copy of Primed Chamber and Arcane Energize instead of slots.
  2. They already put out an answer for something like that. The answer is no. Now since we have Cross Play the tech limitation for last gen consoles prevents them from pumping up the numbers.
  3. AND like what Public said you're delusional if you think you're getting locked out of rewards. But then again we're back in the eternal WF community and content circle of you all demanding the little crumbs of challenge we get to get lobotomized to the standard of everything else and full access to rewards sans any effort whatsoever. Y'all complained about arbitrations, complained about the enemy scalling in the Vallis, hell you people still complain about the New War and how Veso's puzzles whooped your asses. Again, with the head cannoning of the purpose behind the mode. I, we, wholly reject your delusions. Hell, the fact that you guys are having trouble cheesing it is why you're complaining about it. Otherwise, you would just do whatever go to/stock standard cheese that was put out and call it a day. You say it's not hard but I bet it's really is for you probably due to you don't have a youtuber showing you what to do, step by step, with what you rolled that week. So again, start experimenting or make some friends who will carry you (if that "loophole" is so good but you won't cause that would require some level of effort). Yeah you guys complained about Circuit and they gave you even more decrees that made the mode easier. They gave you more leeway with DA whether you want to admit it or not and IT'S STILL NOT ENOUGH FOR YOU ALL. Cause when you get right down to it you people want it all with no effort. Placate you enough and eventually you'll have an issue with the modifyiers and you'll want that to get the ol' yeller treatment.
  4. Ok, sure. Then run it like normal and/or do Netracells.
  5. Lol, that the problem. They don't. For the longest time I could remember, heck, you can probably still see it in region chat, other players give terri-bad advice on gear. Player goes in region, asks for what's good for whatever reason, others throat goat the current meta selections, tells everything else is fodder, sell when you get the mastery, only spend slots on meta gear. Ignoring that this is Warframe. People who been here for far too long to approach the game like that. It takes 1 update to shake up everything so to cling on to certain meta gear, especially new stuff that seems too good to be true is a recipe for disaster. And do they learn? Hell no. They didn't learn when Helminth came. People were crying about how they just sold the base WF after people in region told them to sell as there was no reason to keep it. They could had gave to Helminth and now have to farm it back. They didn't learn when Duviri came out with the first randomizer. They got stupid with their Tauforges when the Orange Secondary Crit buff was broken. They just did it again with Dante, and in both instances they came to the forums to cry about it. Demanding that DE reverses it cause they're not "respecting their investments". They want to play whatever cracked out way they've fooled themselves in being the 'correct' way and anything that DE does that goes against that is obviously wrong and needs to shift to what they're doing.
  6. This is hilarious. This is actually hilarious. From the head cannon assertions to the entitlement. You are nearly the perfect avatar of a certain brand of warframe player short of a few NPC responses. I see a psudeo-"RESPECT MY INVESTMENTS". All we need is demands of reimbursements for time/rewards lost for early adoption.
  7. Read my post again. Very first sentence. It wasn't like that originally.
  8. Eh, pipe dream unfortunately. It's one of the inconsistencies of DE. Hell, I would be ok if there was a way to just view the Prime trailers with Balas voice over in game.
  9. Ok. I'm saying it. weather =/= whether Out of all the things I deal with in the forums, unformatted posts, bad grammar, and bad spelling is the thing that triggers me. We're communicating strictly in text. Please, please, please proof read your posts.
  10. Status effects are kind of in a weird spot imo. I do love them and I do want to note that there have been small occurrences where DE "messed" with them, Boreal's Contempt and some of the Status Intensity stuff with Dante/Ruvox. Even though I do think a good bit are good there are certain effects I wondered if it would had been better to just relegate it to an effect that WF abilities should only inflict. I am saying that as someone who spent lots of time playing SMT games, so they do color my opinions on Debuff and Buffing. They play a vital role in tougher difficulties. Cause I like how puncture now gives you a tiny bit extra crit chance but I still don't understand the reasoning behind putting the "weakening" effect to them. I can see that effect being really good for support if you were inflicting it on groups in an aoe and it had a decent duration. But having it be a part of the weapon status effect RNG that you'll mostly be applying it in a limited fashion, not to mention the low duration of all the Status Effects you won't get much millage out of it, makes the usage of it not as optimal as it could be. The same could be said to something like Blast's lowered accuracy effect as well.
  11. LMFAO the extent you're bending over backwards and being obtuse over to not ask for help, and to not socialize with other people.
  12. LMAO I love it when power creepers suggest something as an "own" but actually suggest something that's been their opposition's position since the beginning, but they're so self-absorbed to even remotely hear out/understand opposite viewpoints. Yes, your terms are acceptable. That's always been our position of consistent, responsible balancing applied to everything applicable. I remember the days when Equinox Maim Nuking was the meta, before we even have the LOS restrictions most of you are familiar with today. It was out of control when you could effectively affect any tile within range, LOS non existent. When Draco was the loot cave/power farming spot with Mesa, Excalibur, and Mag setup. Lest we not forget WORLD ON FIRE EMBER. Braindead, easy god mode is dumb and should be nerfed. EVEN IF IT'S PVE.
  13. Oh hey Public. I'm just going to say and try to leave it at that to not derail OP, and I know you know but, if we did that we be retreading the balance and power creep discussion if we just make every weapon an AOE weapon capable of solo clearing rooms.
  14. That's one of the reasons why I love the enemy Necramechs. You can still raw shoot them for damage but you'll be at the mercy of Damage Attenuation, BUT if you get behind them and shoot them in the weakspot then you do the chonk damage. Funnily enough the Nox units were supposed to fill a similar mechanical/gameplay niche but you hardly notice it cause you can still brute force them fairly easily. Since the announcement of the new DLC, I'm reminded some of the gameplay aspects of Remnant. Heavies/Elites are genuinely scary. I don't fear them in WF. When Lotus says one is coming it's like, meh. When you hear that audio que for a heavy/elite in Remnant, you wake up and your head is on a swivel, looking for it. Necramechs actually been doing that for me a tad bit. Not as scary due to their damage output to be at a level to threaten me immediately nor the tenacity to chase me down, but I do take him more seriously than a Heavy Gunner. There's more small things WF could learn from Remnant. Part of me also wishes for some self reflection on enemy classes/organization. But that's totally a pipe dream.
  15. Cause a long time ago, before Simarus gave them out, once you got rid of them they were gone unless the devs/support restored them to your account. There was always a ton of players who got the weapons, got rid of them for whatever reason, realize they needed them/wanted them, spammed Support to give it back to them, sometimes weeks and months after they did it, and raised a stink about not having it/them. So they just locked it down so everyone wouldn't bog down support for requests to restore.
  16. You're noticing something that a lot of people don't like you noticing and especially posting about. Prepare yourself cause the usual suspects are going to pop up on this post now to call you a killjoy and/or crazy.
  17. Honestly I think missions/level generation should get overhauled. Cause, yeah, Assault is kind of a Sabotage mission, but with different destroy parameters that haven't been updated since the Grineer Galleon Sabotage Mission Update. A lot of the missions could be consolidated and even be made more dynamic and interactive. Again, its one of those inconsistencies of DE cause there are bits and pieces of it here and there already in game. I think I'm one of the few people who actually liked Defection missions. One of the small visual and gameplay flavors is the fact that you're taking the Kavors to an escape ship. Then there's the standard Rescue mission that hasn't really seen changes since the addition of the whole Jail Cells/Warden mechanic. You would think we would now have to take those guys to an extraction ship zone separate from ours, but no. Defense missions could be more dynamic. Honestly Hijack should be retooled and renamed to be Mobile Defense. You could have various scenarios for guarding a mobile target. Be it the Formorian Core on Sedna or possibly an escape craft of some kind in Emperion, maybe? There's actually a cool Mobile Defense segment as an objective in Corpus Railjack. You have to destroy a security satellite. The terminal is on an open platform and while you do it enemies spawn from above and attack from the high ground. When you complete a defense the terminal rises to the next segment while the old part explodes and break away, and you have to leave it. Of course they have the ship version of this where its horizontal instead of vertical but it's still fun and very interactable. There's also the Lua Defense that changes a couple of times that changes up how enemies attack the target. Also the NPC Defense could be touched up to be less non sensical. I do think there are tons of small little things to make missions more interesting. Bounties and Deep Archa are proof but it's almost like a pipe dream. People want stuff in the extremes. Either you can speed run it or be in it for absurd amounts of time (if they're dropping a ton of rewards, cause otherwise even people who cream themselves over it don't want to do it otherwise).
  18. During a Deep Arch run we had a Mirror Defense and strangely enough we had an option to spawn a necramech boss to fight to lower the timer. So that is very much in the realm of possibility, but as it stand now it's only implemented in one thing. Which is par the course. Also, with your list. You completely forgot about the existence of Hijack and Assault. Both of which only have 2 and 1 tiles respectively dedicated to them.
  19. Ok then. You better get a move on collecting stuff and stop with the whole "I'll sell non meta gear for the slots" so you'll have better chances of maxing out. Or just git good. Or don't and get gatekept due to your shortcomings, refusal to adapt, and incessant whine more on how everything needs to have a low barrier of entry to access and achieve the rewards.
  20. Ok, now i see it. Thank you. That's so silly DE, but ok. Got to re calibrate what I'm used to now.
  21. What the title said. The stat screen shows everything but that stuff, even if you modify it. Considering certain guns handling mechanics revolves around reload speed like the Exergis, not having it is a slight inconvenience. EDIT: lol nevermind someone corrected me about the new UI changes. Derp moment.
  22. LOL. LMAO even. Good luck with that buddy.
  23. Bro, it was not like that. I've been here since 2013. The mob spawn rates has been a gradual thing throughout the years. Honestly it actually correlates to the power creep of the game's life cycle and honestly player nuke abuse. From the Launcher/AOE weapon meta back to the old Press 4 to Win meta. People go crazy with a method, they head cannon some glitch, exploit or overturned item is the 'Correct' way to play, and it was totally intended by the devs *cough*DANTE*cough*. And despite these players incessance that balance isn't a thing they demand the game be balanced and structured around whatever meta they coalesced around. And I can bet @PublikDomain can attest to this, it's why almost every end of the year survey had a question on mob density and without fail people always tell the to pump it up cause everything's too easy. DE bears responsibility in the state of thing but also the player base cause they demanded for this clown world bs.
  24. If you listen closely you can hear people type "NO THEY HAVE TO RESPECT MY INVESTMENTS!", as if the time they spent in a live service f2p game is some kind of stock portfolio.
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