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Everything posted by (XBOX)K1jker

  1. That's why I'm questioning why Ember needed to go through multiple nerfs until the whole removal of abilities.. No one plays her anymore because of it.. When we now have way better, easier and scaling ways to do what she did.
  2. DE doesn't make the cross play/save/merge rules, platform owner does. Just look at switch players not being allowed to trade. It's the price publishers pay for "making" their game cross anything, instead of launching it cross anything.
  3. That's how it goes! 😄 I don't play SP but I'm enjoying her in conjunction survival 80-100, A LOT. But it always irks me that when she gets going, she goes endlessly basically. And tbh it's rather easy to get her back after falling or nullifiers, unless she falls twice 😅 I should try it 😄
  4. I would say efficient.. but in the end it's the same 😅 I don't play steel path, neither did old Ember.. Idk if steel path should be used in a balance pass.. considering DEs past statements about what steel path is. But neither was Ember.. the only place she shined was lith level content. And had constant energy consumption in the process. Yet it was considered low effort and changed. I feel like Gyre fits that with the augment.
  5. Not having to push buttons with her going endlessly seems so. No backdraws either unless someone walks into nullifiers every minute. I use Aquablades on her for even less button pressing. OP?
  6. That's sadly not gonna happen because of new players. Just 5 grineer in front of them makes them struggle, and with no energy to use AoE abilities it's just gonna make it worse. They can't fight hordes. That's why the spawns are bad outside of steel path (to us). Our power and effectiveness increases from new player to veteran, but the density of enemies stays the same, even when staying a while in a mission. (I don't have time for 8 hour missions 😅) Your examples are perfect because they have the same issue in common: not enough enemies. That's why I don't play them. The latter is a huge assumption, considering they had to nerf steel path rewards because people were playing it too much and got too much steel essence. People are legit playing steel path regularly, how many, only DE knows. But it's enough to upkeep SP and added fissures to it. But I'm open for other ways to make missions feel alive instead of an empty desert.
  7. Now I'm confused :) There's no change to the rewards in steel path (regarding rotational rewards) outside the acolyte's steel essence and the singular one for fissures, so DE wouldn't need to add anything special to it, that's not what I'm asking for. And the matchmaking, which was an elaborate discussion before steel path released turned out to be just wind. Especially now with cross play, there's no dent to how it works. Veterans sit in steel path while new, casual players sit in the star chart. Before steel path it was new, casual players in star chart, and veterans weren't playing anything outside of arbitrations and the like. I don't see it affecting matchmaking in a noticable way. You can't take something away (regular star chart players) that isn't really there in the first place. I did the new player experience twice and everything was empty before and after steel path. I'm not asking for any change to rewards or to add a store or anything, just the density increase and MAYBE the movement speed increase. There doesn't need to be extra rewards, fighting more enemies is always a welcome thing and incentive enough for a lot of players as far as I've read on both the forums and reddit. That's something that could work as well. :) But having it as a third option would be nice to automatically matchmake with like minded players. And would then be good if someone has to leave early, the enemy density would stay the same. (Keeping co-op players in mind) back when I played mostly online, that was a huge gripe when someone left early, that the session started to feel like to not be worth it because the jump from 4 to 3 players in density seems to be big.
  8. That's precisely why I don't enjoy steel path. I'm not even doing the dailies anymore. Not even umbra forma from there makes me enjoy it. Because playing solo on console is extremely boring, with barely any enemies around. Most noticably in stuff like survival, or defense. Or even interception with only a handful trying to capture 1 point at a time. Certain Warframe stop working as intended as well, because they need enemy density to function the best. For example, hydroids new ability. I do play solo to not be faced with bad pings and host migration. I even level my gear mostly solo these days because of it. So I'd enjoy a bump to enemy density and maybe movement speed to experience the game in its fullest. Much like others do that with steel path. I don't like it because of the spongy-ness and the massive reduction in viable gear because of the defense increase of enemies. The spawns are the only positive thing about it but I just can't enjoy it.
  9. That just increases enemy spawns and enemy movement speed? That's basically what I would enjoy the most. And it is always said, all good things are three. (Normal, This and steel path) (I'm a solo player btw, enemy spawns are heavily reduced as of now)
  10. It's a.. idk how to call it design, but it gave me Lavos vibes.. he does look weird. But if he's fun to play, I can overlook it until his deluxe or prime 😅
  11. I did mine solo and wouldn't mind a reduction. It was a pain in the..
  12. I rolled my eyes on his ultimate. I expected a lot of concrete and effects, buffs and enemy debuffs but.. it's just a laser.. idk it felt underwhelming.
  13. Bile is too expensive, rotate the resource pool needed every 24hrs.
  14. Same. Another game I'm playing, people don't claim the rewards of the "battlepass like content" until the last minute, and of course some screw up and lost a whole season for.. something. Lesson learned, op. (I hope but also doubt)
  15. With every rotation giving a pinion as a reward? Like conjunction survival with Lua Thrax plasm. A void angel could spawn every 5 or 10 minutes as well. That would be neat 😄
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