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Everything posted by Voltage

  1. Now with combined grind too! /s
  2. What exactly would be "abused" by having a bit of a window to make purchases? The absolute worst case scenario is you have a bunch of people spending money. I'm only disagreeing with the fashion of this announcement, not the compromise that had to be made. It was known since they first launched TennoGen on console that differing the system from Steam would create this issue for potential cross-save.
  3. It took me almost a year to get 5 Tauforged Amber Shards on Nova Prime. I haven't missed a single Kahl mission or Archon Hunt. I am not saying everyone needs 5 Emerald Shards on every frame, but adding 3 new shards that require fusing and losing shards (which doesn't look refundable) is going to take literal years to kit out just one Warframe, especially if DE goes ahead with the idea of Tauforged versions of the fused Shards.
  4. This is just ridiculous with the current state of Archon Shard time-gating. These aren't really small existing bonuses either. I'm not going to write an essay on why the week-gating and state of Archon Shards absolutely doesn't need to deal with this either, especially when fusing will lower your overall shard amounts.
  5. Oh I read the FAQ. I just think it's really disingenuous to give no heads up and then use this FAQ as their "transparency". Cross-save with time limited accessibility is a big yikes and ruins the entire point of the transfer to begin with. "Getting in early" bonuses for this milestone feature defeats the entire point of adding it to begin with.
  6. Why couldn't players have been informed about this prior so there could be some kind of feedback discussion? EDIT: I read the FAQ. What I meant was why there needs to be an "early adopter" bonus for cross-save. It defeats the entire point of having cross-save.
  7. I've always been a player who has enjoyed high level endurance, but I've almost never done runs due to a couple factors. The speed at which enemy level scales. Rewards being the exact same over time (with some very insignificant exceptions like a Void Fissure Booster or how Affinity scales with enemy level). Overall mission length/commitment (some modes like The Circuit, Void Cascade and Disruption alleviate this issue, but only within those modes, and some still require several hours of chained gameplay). What dawned on me is that these things are entirely possible to address across the board, and it could reward players who reach level-cap, encourage players who like that content to jump into it, and lower the time commitment needed to play the mode at the highest levels without disrupting the way it currently works. This post will aim to provide additions and changes that would apply to all modes at the same time, breathing new life into most modes, while providing a replayability factor that doesn't lock many people out of participating. Some of these changes may seem radical compared to how they currently work, but the basis is for healthy engagement and dialing up the action compared to the power players have accumulated over the years. Currently endurance missions scale anywhere from fast (Cascade, Disruption, The Circuit) to painfully slow (Survival). This tells players who want to reach a state of testing gear limits that they either need to confine themselves into the specific fast scaling modes, or spend 7+ hours in a Survival. This is not appealing to most players as the average person just doesn't have that kind of time. Steel Path alleviated this to a degree, but it wasn't a future proof solution. This is then compounded with the lack of rewards for staying this long. This has been good for the game in ensuring players aren't locked into farms that "begin after X hours" (like Steel Essence used to function). I believe this can be revisited in a way where players are not barred from entry, and the reward encourages players to make loadouts and eventually strive to level-cap atleast once per gamemode. "Endless" I want to start off with removing the "endless" part of endurance missions (with the exception of the Circuit due to how Tiered rewards function. I have feedback on The Circuit specifically if you wish to investigate that mode's feedback). Before comments spring about how bad of a suggestion this is, let's step back and examine how endless missions in Warframe are approached by players. You have the majority that go for one or a few Rotation C rewards, and you have the extreme minority who go as long as possible. Everyone in between are more on the side of group A rather than group B. If we apply how players typically approach these modes to how they are structured, we can reward group B with their achievement without ruining the experience for Group A who just wants a couple of rotation rewards. While approaching these two poles on the spectrum, the players in the middle can enjoy an accelerated scaling that appropriately pushes them towards level-cap without asking hours upon hours of their time. Changing the missions in this way also prevents players from creating any sort of AFK farm where they can go to sleep, work, or complete idle and come back to extract whenever they please. For the sake of understanding, I will use Survival as a benchmark given it is just time at 5 minute intervals. Every other mode can be assumed to be a comparable amount of rotations equal to the time structures I am considering. Special missions will be mentioned where appropriate. However, the aim here is to treat all endurance missions equally in these propositions, no matter if it's Void Fissure Survival or Infected Salvage. The mission length would be limited to a maximum of 2 hours (or equivalent rotations) and split into three 40 minute sectors. The aim is to add congruency to mission length with the same end-point of a level-cap scenario. This also removes any sort of bug associated with hitting a rotation cap that breaks the mission (notably seen in Interception). Sector 1 (0 - 40 minutes) Absolutely no changes are made here. For those who play endurance missions right now, there would be no changes to your gameplay. Sector 2 (40 - 80 minutes) Enemy scaling ramps up tremendously. From 40 minutes to 80 minutes, the enemies quickly skyrocket in level towards 9999. The milestone jumps in enemy scaling would occur at 60 minutes to give the player ample time to extract at a C rotation should they feel that they cannot handle the scaling. At 80 minutes the enemies would reach level 9999. Sector 3 (80 - 120 minutes/extraction) Enemies are now at maximum level and you need to survive and complete the objective for the next 40 minutes to score the final reward at extraction. This is where players can test level-cap enemies without a massive time commitment. Missions with rotations may be done much faster than 80-120 minutes, but this would be the ceiling of time required. Rewards Part of what drives many players away from these missions is the lack of change in rewards. Arbitrations offer their special reward rotations and Void Fissures provide boosters, but this is hardly enough to really grab the attention of players. Changing rotational rewards as the player accomplishes sectors would go down the route of locking out players who enjoy the rotation C and extraction gameplay. This is where many players fall, and it would be unfair to damage that. However, we can still use Sectors to sprinkle some changes and rewards that only encourages players without making a farm worse for those not progressing as far. This can also be used to preserve the achievement previously earned from the endless nature of missions that I proposed to remove. For example, Void Fissure boosters could cap out at 100% at the start of Sector 3. Reaching the end of Sector 3 and extracting would grant the player a cosmetic to represent their achievement for that gamemode. Every gamemode would have a similar cosmetic. This could be a badge, sigil, glyph or similar item. The cosmetic would then display the number of duplicate completions earned for these items and gamemodes. Similar to Stratos Emblems and the Scarlet Spear badges, players would then be rewarded with a representation of their continued endurance gameplay elsewhere as they play. A profile stat could be incorporated here as well, but that wouldn't be necessary. Because each gamemode offers a different cosmetic, this encourages players to eventually round out their arsenal and earn atleast one "Sector 3 completion" of every endurance mode. Withholding from these cosmetics would not hinder your ability to farm the gamemodes at your leisure in their current form. Adding something like this would preserve the achievement shown by players who want to reach these levels while allowing the mission to become much shorter and closer to the burst content that Warframe frequently adds. In the end, I wanted to explore the idea of shortening endurance to just the action while still retaining the significance of reaching level-cap. These missions currently often feel drawn out and unrewarding. They've always felt like untapped potential to me as well, especially with the power ceiling players have reached.
  8. There's over 100 pages of information for the question you asked. I don't need to rehash that here. If that's your takeaway, there's nothing I can do to help you look less oblivious.
  9. You're certainly not wrong. Maybe I'm still just hoping they actually learn from these things, but maybe they thought the Founders Pack or several other comparisons were different and this was the exception.
  10. Like Thrax? I rather have Nullifiers spawning in large quantities on my Circuit runs. DE's run out of ideas with ways to combat the player arsenal besides just locking it off in the form of mission modifiers like Orphix with Necramech, The Circuit with random gear, and things like The Cambion Drift where Viral will not work. Thrax is the cheapest design I've seen for a gameplay disrupting type of enemy. Nullifiers are extremely dated, but with some tweaks as mentioned in this thread earlier, they would be absolutely fine. Enemies like Thrax are the ones with problematic design imo, and that's excluding the bugs associated with them.
  11. A player who doesn't participate in the change would see no alteration in gameplay. I'm advocating for a way to make the gamemode more interesting, not trying to preserve some lazy-man's clicker gameplay. Survival is objectively uninteresting. It's just a timer. It's the worst Circuit mode for this reason as well. It's very dated and there are hardly enough enemies to feel like "survival" and more like "enemy funnel simulator". You want to encourage players to actually participate in the game more, not just be playing a game of timers. Void Armageddon is just a modern version of Archwing Defense or Uranus Submersible Defense. It's Mobile Defense with tons of downtime and little going on for it to be an interesting mode. You can completely ignore the turrets too.
  12. So solo players as well as console players get strictly worse Survival efficiency? That sounds worse than what we have now. Having side objectives would encourage the player to have a more diverse loadout for the mission.
  13. Because having a sense of influence over mission results makes those missions feel vastly more rewarding. This is why Disruption and Void Cascade are really solid game modes while Void Armageddon is extremely boring.
  14. DE would be re-opening the can of worms regarding this bundle if they put it on sale. I doubt it would happen. But hey, maybe like supporter packs it will go on sale last minute before it's gone to create a sense urgency for those who haven't bought it so it can be milked a bit more on the way out. To be honest, putting it on sale would be pretty funny, because it would prove that DE could have just lowered the price the entire time.
  15. No, I am just reasonably active and open it every once in a while. It's plastered on the news console, directed to the Forums with an announcement, and it's on an in-game timer. You missing out on spending them is on you. It happens. I've done it myself before. The nice thing about Nightwave as opposed to other systems like this is that there aren't any offerings for Creds that are exclusive to a specific season. It's really no big deal.
  16. There's literally a timer in the Nightwave screen that shows you when it ends. DE is quite prompt with informing players of the end date. You also have comments in [DE]Sam's original announcement about the deadline of Nora's Mix Vol 4 and the start of Vol 5... The whole reason it is setup this way is for engagement, and it's already very tame. Season 1 wasn't even a big deal and that had just enough time for 60 ranks and no catch-up for weekly challenges. We are also getting permanent weeklies as well with next week's Vol 5.
  17. Players who earned standing in this brief window won't keep that progress when the season goes live on the 29th will they? I know it really isn't a huge deal, but I just wanted to bring it up as someone who aims to achieve the highest rank out of every season since Season 1 (in the hopes we get something visual out of Ranks besides the Tune In screen. A Scarlet Spear type badge perhaps one day?). Anyways cheers and thanks for the announcement. Curious to see the details of the next Operation this Friday.
  18. Makes you wonder why we have that week of downtime anyway.
  19. Exclusivity sells. It's not about whether players support it or not lol. You having a Trinity Prime glyph and the Heirloom Pack is the proof right there. I'm in the same boat as you of not enjoying exclusives. I also own several supporter bundles, Prime Accessories, TennoCon digital items, and the Heirloom Collection for the accolade. It's just an evil you have to deal with, and enjoying the game may require you to engage with those things. It is what it is. The Obsidian Ephemera can come back at any time in any form. DE has shown to have little trust in this department with handling exclusives, especially since Primed Chamber. I assume at some point anything would return if the game is in such a low state that it permits the reintroduction.
  20. I doubt it's going to happen as an accessible addition when it's one of the major perks of the very limited $1000 CAD Legendary TennoCon ticket and perks of being a content creator.
  21. These kinds of suggestions is precisely why Railjack is in the state it's in, which is a shell of its former self and what was originally advertised to players. DE undermined all the forced co-op Railjack offered while in skirmish, and this is why it's now just a glorified Archwing to move between objectives. Just saying.
  22. I absolutely agree with no trading, but upgrading could be achieved in a healthy way that still keeps Tau as a "lucky drop" that saves a lot of time. Kahl having no connection to Tauforged whatsoever is why it's dead content for a lot of players.
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