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Everything posted by Chewarette

  1. I see what you mean, and I don't necessarily disagree with that, except the last point. You say we have lots of proofs about that, but that's surprising considering DE doesn't discuss ban details in the open. So all we have is plenty of people saying "I got banned for cheating/being toxic in chat but I never did", who were in fact banned for very valid reasons. That some wrongful bans happen ? Sure, this is everywhere. "A lot" ? Not sure
  2. Something that was proposed (I think) years ago was to allow for overpowering the excavators by feeding them additional power cells. As one Power Cell is 20% energy, using another one on it should make the extractor extract 20 more cryotics over 20 seconds. It would both increase the cryotics drops and potentially increase the difficulty of excavation if you're too greedy (fewer cells laying around to refill the shields), so at one point you might need to balance the difficulty / benefit.
  3. Well, for one, we shouldn't judge anything based on a forum story. We have no element to judge except the ones provided by the victim. In this case, DE says they have "records". Unclear which ones, but they seem strong enough for them to keep his account(s) banned. And anyway, the account being sold by you or someone else doesn't change much... Otherwise I can sell mine, take the cash, complain to DE and they'll magically give it back to me without asking ? I understand they don't do that.
  4. 20% https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Sisters_of_Parvos/Rewards#Ephemera
  5. Exactly that. There are plenty of painfully boring grinds, but when it comes to "standard" resources (= not limited to a single place), you should just... play the game and you'll get them eventually. That's usually my advice to newcomers asking for "the best spot to grind Neurodes". I just tell them to not focus one single thing specifically, otherwise they risk burning them out very quickly (or at least not enjoying their time spent in game), for no real benefit anyway. I can understand the complaint on the very limited resources that "force" you to focus in one mission for way too long if you don't enjoy it, but Cryotics are fine. Sibear is not even a meta weapon
  6. Depending on what to test, ESO is kinda good too. No SP modifiers, level a bit higher than normal starchart, varying enemies, can leave whenever you want (provided the weapon/warframe you're testing can sustain the required kill rate)
  7. Depends if you need the plat to be honest. If you don't even own this weapon, I'd advise to take it, you won't regret. If you need plat, then go for it, but imo plats are pretty easy to make through many other ways anyway.
  8. According to the wiki : It doesn't mention the 4th+ configuration so I would assume it behaves the same, no having a 4th configuration on the exalted weapon equate to an unmodded exalted weapon ?
  9. There was a point in time when I loved my Nightinox for extra long missions - Pacify was so damn OP, but it's true she kinda fell into irrelevancy nowadays (Dayquinox is still usable though). Maybe Mend regenerating Shields will benefit from the Shieldgating update though. But I agree Equinox needs something. Currently it works as 2 Warframes, it should have something to make them work in true synergy
  10. Chewarette


    Let us know if that works (˵ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°˵)
  11. Riven mods were already a bad idea to begin with, don't bring that to Warframes please. Of course you'd like to get a +Range +Strength +Duration -Shield recharge mod but that ain't gonna happen
  12. The New War was a pretty intense quest tbh, it was a slog at times but it's on purpose. I'm not sure what kind of story could be told if you could blitzkrieg through the quests with Mesa ? "Once upon a time, a Warfra... the end"
  13. That wouldn't make the slightest sense. The omni teleportation ability was made to facilitate a bit the Railjack's extraction, it doesn't need to be used for ground mission - Mostly because the Railjack is in orbit and I doubt the omni-tool can teleport us that far. Has the last generation of gamers lost the latest slice of patience they could have ? that they can't bear 30 seconds of running to the extraction point to complete the mission ?
  14. Both are meta Warframes capable of reaching very high levels, so I would recommend to pick the one which suit your preferences best (as they have radically different gameplays).
  15. For ammo, we have this on the wiki : It seems to be lacking info for the other pickups
  16. This thing has always driven me crazy, it's about time we get an update indeed.
  17. Something I feel could be thematic to such frame as well is to have an ability around minions. An incubus warframe could probably subjugate some enemies, but then to find something that would be different from Nekros/Nyx/Revenant... Maybe an ability that makes you subjugate an enemy, making him fight for you, and which would sacrifice his life for you when you would get killed ?
  18. I don't think it's OP imo. 5m is nothing, it would basically protect against some melee units which is good but not crazy powerful. I'd tone down the armor reduction though
  19. Garuda losing Energy based on the hypothetical use of Flow / Primed Flow is a $&*^ move. In fact it's the case for all the reduced stats, it assumes everyone is playing with Vitality/Redirection/Fiber/Flow, which is far from being the case.
  20. I guess we have to test that one though. 50 HP per Hit doesn't feel huge, but the melee attack speed and/or range might keep it great. Maybe that's part of the new mods they didn't talk about (unless I missed them). They could implement a "Pacifist" mod for companions that would make them follow you, why not even with some damage reduction on top of that
  21. To summarize, you request Warframe to become a totally different game. 3b, for example, sounds totally boring to me. Cool cool, a stalker with shield gates and boring-ass mechanics, that's totally fun *yawns*
  22. They seem to have abandoned straight upgrades in favor of conditional mods (Galvanized, Archon-like)
  23. Yup that's probably the reason. But something they could (and should, honestly) have added is a "hidden" description for all weapons, allowing you to filter with the Search. Type "Secondary" and it will filter all your secondaries. It would be useful for "Sniper/Shotgun only sorties" as well.
  24. The problem is that the Inventory only has one tab - Weapons. Where it's sorted by alphabetical order or sell value, but a newplayer not knowing the weapons doesn't know if it's Primary or Secondary (or Melee), which is OP's problem here. And imo he's right, it wouldn't cost much to add 2 tabs to that list
  25. Indeed, that's weird that the Profile is split per categories but not the Inventory page.
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