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Everything posted by Slayer-.

  1. My Nekros 70-metre range means I'll park him anywhere, I should park him under the Orb Mother on the roof and see how that goes. lol
  2. The normal Lone Story is such an easy mission solo, with a guaranteed drop of 10 Clamps, just be glad DE didn't treat clamps like holokeys. I stopped doing the Steel Pah version Solo because of the extra stages in the worm fight adding time and wow for an extra 5 clamps for me it wasn't worth it.
  3. Don't know but here's a video someone did.
  4. No not really. The best place I found IMO to rank up my two Mechs was Orb Vallis at the Enrichment Lab, where the Orb Mother sits on the roof. Doing it there out on the road is a double bonus you get to farm Calda Toroids at the same time. What I did was go out of the elevator go to the front of Enrichment Lab and go into the prison cell leave your Warframe inside at the back and drop your Mech then go outside and let the alert level climb up to 4 and you'll get a constant stream of enemies, don't destroy the beacon poles, let new enemy soldiers place new poles to keep the alert level refreshed, you can tell them by the ones with the backpacks, kill everything else first then when you see them place a beacon they can be killed. You can do the same thing at the other Labs either outside or inside to farm Toroids and rank up the mech/s at the same time, if it starts to get too rough out there go back in the gate of the elevator and come back out rinse and repeat.
  5. Welcome to Warframe where you can do hundreds of runs and still not get that one bit, or the whole set, I'm talking from experience RNG hates me.
  6. I don't, I like the shorter distance to get around the ship, the old ship was like getting around in this as cool as it was in the show.
  7. I like having my large pile, shows me how many I have done over the years. Who really cares though, we end up with a lot of duplicate stuff in the game and unless DE gives us the option to sell for credits, unless you need a quick fix they aren't really worth it, seeing you've been playing since 2013 you should be rolling in lots of stuff.
  8. Having a Nekros in the SP circuit with a shield of shadows build can be distracting at times, when I run SOS I have a bright colour set up to help them stand out. In the splash of explosive colours on the screen in SP circuit it can be quite easy to start shooting at one of the shadows but after a millisecond you notice it's friendly. Had a Nekros yesterday I was using Mesa, it's great with a Nekros SOS seeing some players run colours that blend with enemies at times.
  9. The funny part is any command changes you do in a mission, revert once back in the Dojo.
  10. I have something that sticks with the theme a bit, Riven Transmuter I'm down to my last 96.
  11. Lots, we have just forgotten about them until they affect us again.
  12. The one in flight with a bow, I had that one the other day and couldn't work out what I was doing wrong, the riven didn't display the full text on entering the plains, because I was cracking a few of them I didn't notice until I went back in the gate and looked at it that it also stated while aim gliding which wasn't showing when you hit escape and look at the riven.
  13. I guess that would be the Rolypoly fight where your eyes are screwed by the time you get to the fight because someone thought it would be a good thing to block a fair part of the monitor, half the size would have been better.
  14. I didn't think they were high, though I was sitting on millions of excess focus before DE's rework, the day DE did the latest focus rework I was able to max all schools and still had heaps leftover to buy every shop of all its goods. I wish they added more to those shops so I could use the millions of extra focus I've built up in each school since then, no idea what they could add, I guess that'd be another thread on that topic. I can see how it would look expensive to players, I've always had a focus lens on a lot of the stuff I use and only use the focus orb if I've crashed into it while playing.
  15. Yeah that's like when cracking relics doing spy missions the corrupted tend to spawn into one of the grineer vaults, the one where you if you want to you can disable the top and bottom Lazor wave sensor and they trigger the alarm.
  16. It's very easy to do, yes my crew are the same on my Railjack they will destroy anything that gets within range all I did was I went to the Veil I could have gone to a lower planet to do it quicker but thought why not go all out, I left my ship once the enemies spawned into the fight area I actually archwinged to a ship instead of using slingshot, killed the crew by freezing them all with my Frost, takeover pilot seat, kill three little ships after awhile because Veil region remember, omni back to my ship that has littered debris around it and corpses in it, job done go home. Now if I was to complain about that mission I'd be talking about how we cannot see the health of our railjack while in the enemies pilot seat because you don't have a status bar for your railjack I had to jump off the seat to double check my crew buddies were handling the enemies without much hassle which they were.
  17. Ahhaha could you imagine all the newer players if it went back to the old way, they'd freak out having to play smart, now it's fire at feet.
  18. 👍 I didn't bother mentioning warframe.market or the Riven market because the player has no profile on them.
  19. No need to do that, keep your 500 plat. What mod is it you're after? When in the game chat type in /profile hiredcannibal it will take you to the player's profile. L2 hiredcannibal#121 You could also search or post in this thread and see if someone notices. https://forums.warframe.com/forum/85-recruitment/
  20. The only problem with that idea is I was the Host and doing it Solo, if I was in a group I'd say over text chat let me die gotta fix a bug, (yes tried jumping off the map as Warframe and operator when you can). then the rest can cover and be aware they're one player down until I get back to helping the team. I don't often get bugs, but when I do, I do them like a BOSS and go all out.
  21. Did this one just the other day, Titania I fly around in Archwing see them blow up the Dargyn let them hit the ground swoop down and use Spellbound on them let them get off the ground kill them = winner. Or fly around and see Dargyns on the ground land near them so the flies don't kill them and hit them with Spellbound wait until they float a little bit kill them = winner.
  22. Never really had a problem with pubs, though I'll stay until round 8 regardless if players leave, guess that's the Solo player coming out in me.
  23. Players will always then want to fit them all in, it's human nature simple as that.
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