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Everything posted by Tiltskillet

  1. I tried that already. The only thing I get is Velocitus. All my filters are off. I looked manually in both the Market and Arsenal appearance tab too. Ah, that's the problem. I like those well enough maybe I'll consider using Steam temporarily.
  2. Looks like it's no longer available? Too bad, those are good looking shoulders.
  3. My most used weapons were definitely my favorites at one time. That's not necessarily useful to me now. (Ripkas 4evah tho.) If we could do it, I would often favorite weapons that aren't covered well by DEs dubious usage statistic, whether because they're too new, or too niche.
  4. Hopefully. But regardless, I think the point has been adequately demonstrated that Charm -can- have an impressive effect on resource drops, if one is willing to be diligent about leveraging it. Which, gamers being gamers, some are going to be, and many will have no patience for whatsoever.
  5. @Hexerin Yeah, I was just adding a missing piece to your analysis, not suggesting that the picture is now complete.
  6. Did it ever work smoothly? I've basically assumed that stuff like its effect on targets still recovering from the last cast or from other CC is a limitation of the engine. Still works decently despite all that, and I'm soooo looking forward to seeing how far I can push it with the changes to ground finishers.
  7. They're very good at single target dps, but not as good as they should be considering the limitations: range, poor crit, and surprisingly mediocre status application for all that multishot. It's easier to shoehorn a sniper rifle or bow into hordeplay, and get fantastic ST damage on top. I'd kill for an advanced version or Incarnon with faster reload, better status, and either crit, punch through, or better fall off. Even more damage would not go amiss either, since the spread does tend to make some of its damage...go amiss.
  8. It's not mine either. My first thought was, "Shogun already covered what to use for a robotic status weapon when he was laying out why the class needs an overhaul...and Artax is not the answer." ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ And I don't believe Artax is better than Verglas for this anyway, practically speaking. It's nice that it can apply an additional proc, but it's quite slow at applying the modded ones. Whereas Verglas is very fast to max what it's got. Considering Verglas does about 50x the damage of Artax too, this is a good demonstration of why robotic weapons could use some refinement.
  9. Oh, you're right. For some reason I thought her health/shields were staying at 300. So that's even better, though I don't think I'll be able to tell the difference in shield gate duration.
  10. I could be wrong, but I just don't see it making much difference in my Banshee play. She's barely under the threshold for the 1.3s shield gate, partial shield gate will be better most of the time than now, and what shields she does have will be a little tougher. edit: oh now I get it, you mean "as a frame that tends to rely on keygating". That's probably true for a lot of players, but that's not something I do seriously. So from that perspective, this update looks non-threatening. However from the dragon key perspective, I think she's one of the easier frames to make space for Catalyzing Shields.
  11. It's available "for free" with a Prime account; and for plat through the Market without one. I don't know about the sale. I guess if it sticks around after the promotion ends but goes up to 40, it's legit. If it just disappears at that point, that's...a little shady, but not unlike things businesses do all the time. I'm not a lawyer though. edit: interesting little article on this concept https://chainstoreage.com/news/on-sale-or-always-on-sale-the-risks-of-fictitious-pricing-in-retail There's also more stuff under "Deceptive Pricing Laws" at least in the US.
  12. This used to happen a lot, and it felt pretty unfair. But if I've seen it at all in the last two or three years, it's been once in a blue moon. More often than not there's an audible when the fissure opens and before the corrupted spawn. And more importantly, the Nullifiers will spawn without their drone deployed. I think if it does happen it may be a case of desync as client.
  13. I mean, ➕1️⃣ . More loadouts please. But... I've always presumed that if they could give us 5x or 10x as many loadouts or more, and charge us for the privilege, that there must be a very good technical reason for -not- doing so. It's not even like the riven situation, where one could argue there could be a player economy incentive for DE to keep slots limited, in addition to whatever database issues there are.
  14. My first thought is they're giving a bit of a boost to two underused mods and ignoring the one that's used a lot already. I don't actually know the usage rates, but I have a strong impression that's how it pans out.
  15. I agree it's not literally a necessity. What it does opens up options if I want to use weapons aren't top tier, or that don't have good bleed capability, or if I want to use frames that aren't OP, or do want to play long run endurance, against factions that are armored. I'd consider "opening up options" to be a vital role in this game with its incredible wealth of build possibilities and incredibly poor balance. It's possible we have differing definitions of "fine". :P
  16. I wouldn't call it mandatory by any means, but it can have a big impact even in quick SP runs. Outside of long endurance, what I'd say it does more than anything is open up options especially against heavy units. If I want to use Synoid Heliocor or Sancti Castanas to clear Grineer: no problem. And it's a godsend for ability damage. Like the difference between Maim with Terrify vs. without it is almost...day and night, lol.
  17. I don't know what exactly the problem is, but it happens with finishers in general occasionally, i.e., without Fatal Teleport. I have a theory that sometimes the game is registering finishers as stealth finishers instead, even on alerted targets. Which would explain Destreza not getting its forced slash, as the perk only applies to standard front/back finishers. But why this could occur on alerted targets I don't know. That shouldn't happen as the finisher will be 100% true damage. It's either forced slash or nothing. When it's working, rapiers also have forced slash on standing (non-stealth finishers). This bug report has nothing to do with their ground finisher.
  18. It's not intended to update. Lots of people have speculated that may change at some point, but there's been no word from DE to that effect.
  19. Apparently they'll all be plat items with AoD in 2 weeks. (You'll need to go down a few comments to see the one about Lotus.)
  20. Generally speaking, self-buffing frames have a lot of advantages elsewhere in the game, so it sort of balances out. Not that I'm against a few more frames getting "nullification decay" mechanics rather than "nullification dispel". If Harrow is one of those frames, I'm living proof that that's not true!
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