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Everything posted by Tiltskillet

  1. It's standard for reload bonuses to only affect reload delay rather than recharge rate on battery weapons. Reload speed is definitely affecting the delay on Bubonico. Probably not a bug if it isn't affecting rate. And if there is a bug, it's a general one for battery weapons, not one specific to Bubonico.
  2. I would do terrible things to get little QoLs like making Sonic Boom a one-handed cast and having it break containers. This, so much this, lol. Like people are actually pleased, because of Roar/Pillage/Gloom/whatever, when a new frame comes with a bad ability.
  3. I'd love it if the cost were removed entirely. But on the assumption that DE wants to keep this as some sort of resource sink, I'll say what I always do: Most of what's punishing about it is it's all Bile. Make it a spread of 3 secretions, based on the distributions we already have for ability injection. It can even be a larger total resource sink than it is now and still allow more flexibility. Other QoLs I'd suggest that don't remove resource cost (not necessarily all of these together): Allow us to clear all the shards for some reasonable cost. (Or create a new consumable reward that does this.) Allow keeping the color but changing the affix on a shard for 0 cost. Allow switching an installed shard with the tau version for 0 cost. "You want to replace the yellow with a tau yellow you were so excited to get? Sorry, that's still 50% Bile!"
  4. Solo clan is what I did. It is a fair amount of investment, but pretty worth it for all the frames, weapons, misc. items, and trading. Some people join clans temporarily. Others just buy what they can with plat.
  5. Corrosive affects enemies through Overguard. It affects all three types of enemy armor. (Probably Tenno armor too, but I don't know for sure.)
  6. That I'm aware of. I don't play true endurance though, so it's been really rare for me ever since DE fixed nuclear grenade damage.
  7. Decrees can't be seen from the Orbiter, and it's possible some players still go to the Cave and ditch if they don't like the options. There are also a couple of bugs with the previews that might make some people distrustful of relying on them. But I think what is more common is that they're checking out who else is there, how strong their selections seem to be, and ditching if they don't like how promising these seem. Or it could be I'm projecting, because I do some of that myself. (Although Decrees I either scout solo or don't fret over.) I forgot that there's one more reason I'll do it: if I'm not hosting I might ditch, particularly if I have really fun rolls and have a good amount of time to play. Obviously that doesn't put people through host migration. But conceivably there might be people who don't want to host, who ditch if they're selected. I could see doing this myself if I might get interrupted and need to bail. Better to have someone else hosting in that case.
  8. Certain about it bypassing shieldgate? @Terroriced Or are you just talking hits where toxin is involved? Other than toxin, I've always assumed it kills me in the gaps after a shield gate has elapsed and before recharge has started. But it rarely happens to me at all, and I haven't made a close study of it.
  9. Ah, gotcha. I noticed that, but thought you were giving feedback on both spawn-ins while hacking etc., and spawned enemy behavior while hacking etc. Apologies for misunderstanding. I don't know what you mean.
  10. I use Silence a lot. I'm not saying none of that ever happens, but I can't expressly recall seeing it in normal play. I just played around with it a bit in the Sim and Silence seemed to apply normally to eximus abilities regardless of height or intervening barriers. Maybe worth noting that Silence suppresses eximus ability usage, but won't immediately cancel or interrupt all of them. Shock and Leech for instance can linger for a while if Silence is cast while the Eximus ability is active. So maybe some of the symptoms you're describing could be attributed to lag? Have you seen it on maps other than the Hydron type? It's possible there is something particular to that map that's imposing LoS restrictions on abilities that should ignore LoS. That's more feedback than bug report. But for what it's worth, I don't feel like enemies should just declare a truce and politely hang out while I use a gear item or hack or whatever. (Although if you watch carefully while solo, you'll notice that a lot of enemies do exactly that even in normal combat. Just not all of them at once.) I don't know how far you are in the game, but there are some very effective workarounds for this issue that you'll have access to eventually. The immediate workaround is to clear enemies out of the immediate area first, get faster at hacking and accessing gear, and maybe build for some tankiness.
  11. I can't speak for anybody else's motivation. For me it's probably not worth the time overall, but occasionally can make a difference in the build I pick. Or even make me configure a build around a decree. And if nothing else it's nice to have one less thing to dither over in the Cave. I like not having the squad waiting on me, or keeping it to the minimum if I'm still the slow one. * * * Unrelated to the above but I've had an odd bug in the Circuit I wanted to tell you about since it seems like something you might understand: Occasionally I'll lag behind most or all of the squad when loading into each new area. Like, a lot of lag, maybe 20 seconds or so, because sometimes they'll have picked up all the decrees by the time I get there. The interesting thing is it -only- has happened when I'm hosting. Not every time I host, maybe 20% of the time. But when it happens on a run it will happen on every load in, getting neither better nor worse that a can tell. I've never had this happen with Onslaught that I can recall, which seems the most similar to Circuit. No issues with gameplay once I get there. Ping is always in the normal range and AFAICT it's not associated with other internet issues on my end.
  12. Decrees can't be seen from the Orbiter, and it's possible some players still go to the Cave and ditch if they don't like the options. There are also a couple of bugs with the previews that might make some people distrustful of relying on them. But I think what is more common is that they're checking out who else is there, how strong their selections seem to be, and ditching if they don't like how promising these seem. Or it could be I'm projecting, because I do some of that myself. (Although Decrees I either scout solo or don't fret over.)
  13. They eventually get rotated back in on the Nightwave intermissions. Wouldn't worry too much about it. Wild Frenzy and Napalm Grenades haven't come back since Intermission 2, 3.5 years years ago. Efficient Beams has never come back, so it's been 4 years since it was available through gameplay. I'd consider gaps that large a problem that should have been addressed long ago.
  14. I'd vastly prefer the hitbox be reduced to match the visuals better rather than expanding the visual indicator. We certainly don't need more visual pollution, and it would still be the signature massive AoE damage eximus effect by a long shot.
  15. Just to get the other obvious stuff out of the way, Hysteria is activated, and the enemy is in range, unobstructed, and not standing up against any walls or objects?
  16. I'm not sure what the issue is on your end but I just tested it in the simulacrum and it seems like it works fine? Same. I used it in a mission too, and had no problems. It's a bad augment, only partly saved by being exilus. But it's working for me. Besides user error--which is no joke: I found myself hitting the Ripline key from habit before I got it through my head I needed to melee--the only thought that occurs to me is that some other jumps and teles can have problems working on targets that are too close to geometry. I didn't actually have that problem with this, but I only spent 5 minutes on it.
  17. Literally as in literally? Like, you're in Hysteria, you aim at an enemy in range, hit the melee button, and nothing ever happens other than standing there like a doofus?
  18. I thought of her as a "Don't use against Infested" frame before Blazing Pillage was released, and didn't feel that was a terrible restriction. I probably would have felt differently if I was looking for a main, or needed another super-versatile frame for my toolbox, but I wasn't and I didn't. After Blazing Pillage came out, I slotted it, and barely thought about it again. (The rare exception being a couple of bosses that can bug out from heat procs.) Every once in a while I'll use the augment for her 1 too, for the same reason. Occasionally I run into an issue where I think I'm competing too much with squadmates over enemies to strip. But it's rare. I do think she'd ideally have some of that augment functionality built in to her base kit. Which isn't exactly an uncommon problem among frames.
  19. I don't really care about the mechanic. I wish it hadn't been a sneaky large scale nerf disguised as a Torid bugfix, but in a way I appreciate that most Incarnons were made less useful against low level targets. But if they're going to keep it the way it is--and there's been no indication of them doing otherwise--I wish they would rebalance the charge requirements so that a few weapons weren't inordinately hard or easy to Incarnononanate.
  20. Do you have crossplay turned off? I'm not suggesting the problem doesn't exist otherwise, but that's the only time I can recall encountering it myself.
  21. It's been so long I don't remember what I did the first time and had to look at the wiki, but the Phylaxes are optional. And if you're in squad, other people can use theirs to reach the max. Getting the initial rank and standing for the BP is very fast. It might only take 1 run. And the foundry time is 1 minute for 5. But they said they're restructuring the event in some ways, and it wouldn't surprise me if this is one of those ways. (The accessibility of built forma is another one that wouldn't surprise me.) Anyway, I wouldn't worry about it before they announce a date and how it will work this time. Edit: oops
  22. In terms of mastery points, it just happened. Ranking stuff that's new to me to 30 is just something I do without thinking about it, although I'm never in any particular rush. (I nearly always rank stuff by using it rather than trying to do so passively.) In terms of the rank itself, I preferred displaying 28, and might never have made the jump to 29 and 30 if it weren't for the extra riven slots. Mostly those, a bit the extra loadout slots and other perks, and a bit of the satisfaction of beating the MR test "for real".
  23. Nah. Even if it was 10x as powerful as it was before the nerfs all it would amount to is an overpowered anti-ability. If DE thinks Undertow is too passive and unengaging for Warframe, Sound Quake is so much worse.
  24. Dang, I gotta get on Twitter. "Pablo...please tell me that Caliban is getting an augment before his prime access." "Pablo, when Banshee came out DE forgot to give her a 4th ability. Any chance this is finally getting fixed in the next update?" "Pablo: Can you make Decoy do something? I press the button, there is a brief flash of something materializing where my cursor is, and then...nothing. ????"
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