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Everything posted by Tiltskillet

  1. Does it work on other injected abilities?
  2. There is a lot of stuff it doesn't work well on, but hopefully it helps in this case. If it's like Nightwatch Napalm was, the only true solution is to smash your monitor lower "Visual Effects Intensity". Unfortunately this has a general aesthetic effect you might not like and reduces visual cues you might prefer to have at full strength.
  3. That's reminiscent of the old Ogris Napalm spam, which eventually had its visuals addressed. Is it like that was, in that does "Reduce Teammate Visual Effects" does nothing?
  4. Don't really have a specific one, but I like it when a SP Void incursion or fissure is up. In general I think solo Void / Corrupted are good for testing due to the variety and enemy damage bonus. Maybe even moreso in your case since you want a challenging setting but not SP. I will say I don't feel a build is completely vetted until I've used it against Infested missions though. That's interesting. I haven't used it for that, but I know other people have liked Circulus for testing.
  5. I was not the person who brought up precedent. And yes, of course the second sentence is so often true in this game. My use of the word "fix" was casual as I didn't look up the patch note before posting. But they did use that word, yes. However not in a way that I feel I can declare is meant to apply to abilities in general. Increased Frost's Avalanche armor reduction from 40% to 60% and changed the armor reduction to be permanent. Frost’s Avalanche can also now reduce armor from targets even if they are immune to crowd control abilities. Fixed enemies affected by Frost’s Avalanche not losing any armor while Overguard is active. However when I was looking that up just now, I did find this old patch note from 2016: Terrify will no longer fear boss-type enemies, but will continue to apply an armor reduction debuff. Are Acolytes bosses? Are they intended to be an exception? I don't know for sure, but the patch note suggests to me that its armor strip component was supposed to work on almost everything at that point, and I can't find any documention later saying they changed their minds. It doesn't work on Acolytes and at least some world bosses now.
  6. Still kind of rare where I play, but I've run into them more than I did a couple of months ago. Not having played it, I'm not going to speculate on whether it's unbalanced or not. But I have definitely seen/heard it kpm competitively in 30 minute SP and Duviri. So whatever its ceiling is, it's not just a base star chart cheese strat like some things. It is definitely hell on my eardrums though, so I hope DE addresses that aspect even if they do nothing else.
  7. Not exactly. Putting aside that faction damage is a separate multiplicative layer than Serration, etc., the main interesting difference to me is that damage procs benefit twice from faction bonuses. I often think it would be better to delete dedicated faction mods than consolidate them. But if that were to happen I'd like them to be replaced by a universal DoT bonus mod, with (very roughly) an equivalent effect on damage procs.
  8. Incarnon Soma is fun, I think. Although its caused a lot of angst among long-suffering Soma fans and meta-junkies, so beware if one of those descriptions fits you. Burston is probably the most powerful pick. Nami Solo is my favorite Incarnon melee out of the ones I've made, but I'm a biased fan of machetes from way back.
  9. Ok. That's not true for me, but I think I can understand the sentiment. I do change up weapons all the time, but I just get that variety from playing different missions. There have been times I've wanted two sidearms or two primaries. But carrying a dozen weapons in a gear wheel, and not having to think about which weapons I most want to use for a mission just sounds less interesting to me than what we've got.
  10. It's the same weekly cycle as Archon Hunts, yeah. The rotation is set and always in the same order. (At least until they add new ones.) So you'll have a week for Soma, the week after that will be the Stalker weapons...and Torid should be back on 20 Nov, if I'm looking at my calendar right. You can see the rotations here: https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Incarnon?so=search#Reward_Rotation
  11. That's exactly right. And I'm generally not yoinked except in that situation: flying through a map so that I'm out of sight of the Acolyte by the time it spawns in. Sometimes it happens more unpredictably in a squad situation, but that's rare...and I consider it a convenient thing when it does happen. Very rarely I've tried to escape the Acolyte rather than kill it, and it'll happen then too. Which is exactly what I think it's meant to do. Oh, I misunderstood you. I thought you were saying I was underestimating the immense distances they can yoink. I have had it happen when I'm nearby, but so rarely that's part of why I considered it a bug. Are you often trying to get out of Acolyte LoS? Like maybe to kill it with an AoE weapon?
  12. What gave you that impression, lol? Ok, to put it another way, I'm saying I don't even need Silence to prevent the yoink 95% of the time. And I don't think you do either, even though Silence is a great thing to have in general. Reason being, 95% of the time it happens it's when the Acolyte first spawns in and I'm too far away for it to engage. Since I want to kill the dang thing, that's absolutely fine with me.
  13. I meant to remove the word "encouraging" in my answer. Like so: "For me this is a case of a limitation creating more interesting choices than loosening up the limitation would." I don't understand what your second sentence has to do with anything I said though.
  14. Silence is a great counter to Acolytes, I would never argue that. It's not really good counterplay to getting yoinked though, since Silence doesn't counter getting yoinked at the ranges where it's going to happen most of the time. Instead the Acolyte is going to be approaching, or shooting, or using one of its other special abilities. Again, I don't understand what the big deal about counterplay is here though, except when Tele-yoink bugs out. By all means, fix the bugs, but all it's supposed to do is force a confrontation. I don't think there needs to be counterplay to that. (Although there is a little.)
  15. For me this is a case of a limitation encouraging creating more interesting choices than loosening up the limitation would.
  16. Silence has a range. Acolyte Tele-yoink basically doesn't. Not that I actually care about Tele-yoink, except when it bugs out--like getting spammed when I'm within sight of the Acolyte, or pulling me to somewhere other than where the Acolyte is. I think all it's meant to do is force a fight. Same idea but different method as Stalker's area lockdown.
  17. There's never been a precedent. Sometimes they work; sometimes they don't. It's not CC immunity in Terrify's case--not strictly speaking, anyway--because unlike Avalanche before it was fixed, it does work on units protected by Overguard and immune to its fear.
  18. I can sympathize with that argument, minus the last part. They could keep all those playstyle elements you like and make other improvements, and still not approach the "watering down" of the game of some other frames and weapons. edit: And actually his ability to use lift and ragdoll could be improved. I mean, do you enjoy the fact that damage from your Progeny or pet can end the lift condition on enemies prematurely?
  19. I haven't played Arbitration for a couple of years. Does it boot everyone if the host leaves now? As far as the main topic goes, I think it would probably be fine if the mission just stayed up for the whole hour rather than disappearing once a round is completed.
  20. One could say the same thing about many powerful weapons. The only thing unusual about Incarnon Genesis in this regard is that lowering dispo particularly shafts people who get rivens for those weapons and don't have adapters yet. Or have the adapters but don't use them for the mode that "wipes rooms".
  21. I'd honestly prefer the foundry style 23 hour cancel button instead of "AYSYWTDT,,,Type CONFIRM to confirm your confirmation" confirmation. But I can imagine there are people who prefer it the way it is. It does though. It specifies what frame is being devoured, and even specifies how many forma and shards are installed. (And you can only do it with the frame you have equipped.) I only wish it were so specific when it came to mod and appearance configs, where if you have duplicates of the same rank you kind of have to guess which one is being copied to. I still wouldn't object to the OP's proposal, but it's not because I think the current implementation is deeply flawed or anything.
  22. Not sure about Radial Blind, and I'll have to check when I'm in game, but nearly all blinds work through Overguard. The one on Exalted Blade does, for instance. edit: Nope, RB doesn't work, unlike most blinds.
  23. But my original comment that was replied to was about current riven prices, not directly about usage.
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