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Everything posted by Tiltskillet

  1. I agree, the way the game handles duplicates is pretty poor in some ways. A similar thing can happen with frames when invigorating. It would be great if the game defaulted to Lenz I, Lenz II and so on. Besides the workarounds you mentioned, the other ones I use are manual renaming and skins. Unfortunately both cost money, and skins aren't always available or visible in every menu. I'm sure it's not very many players, but it's not just one either. For me it's often rivens that push me over the edge into making duplicates Although this isn't the only situation where two or more specific builds can't fit on the same polarity map. Anyway, that's how I ended up with 3 Veldts, lol, among other things. Melee weapons and Kuva/Tenet weapons have it easier for obvious reasons, although I still ended up with a couple of Destrezas (one for dps, one for stealth kills) and would like to have more than one KTonkor (for different progenitor elements).
  2. Long story short: basically every frame is annoying the hell out of somebody.
  3. The usual method is to roll out of the Magnetize field, leaving it behind. Sometimes it's hard to see, but there is an audio cue. Or you can and probably should just assume its cast on you if he appears in your area. There is a CD before Malice can cast it again. If you've got a decent melee weapon and are solo, you can also just hold off on using ranged weapons until he's dealt with. I think you can still be killed by squadmate projectiles, so this isn't totally safe when teamed up.
  4. How powerful does it need to be? Especially when DE is drifting more toward focusing power in Nemesis and Incarnon weapons rather than primes anyway? Anyway, I found Strun Prime pretty desirable before Incarnon adapters were a thing, same for Braton and Latron Prime. Same, although less so, for Lex Prime. And I know there were fans of Soma, Boltor, and Skana Prime. Power isn't the only driver here. And of course, one of the most interesting things about the Adapter system is that evolution power is getting downgraded (to a degree) on variants. If I were setting odds in Vegas, I'd say Incarnon Kunai does reduce the chance of Kunai Prime. But certainly not rule it out or anything close to that. Pre-existing primes don't block Incarnon adapters, so pre-existing adapters wouldn't have to be blocking primes.
  5. Wow, it's amazing that with so many dang weapons in this game, all of them seem to have at least one huge fan. :P I didn't think we were in desperate need of another dual pistol either. But honestly, I really like Afuris Prime. It's competent, nothing special. But I love the sound. I have no special attachment to Kunai. If a throwing weapon were to get primed, I'm hoping for T-t-t-Talons. Fun and at least a bit more practical for current Warframe. I do still hope that the single target throwing weapons all get buffed/reworked.
  6. Added Primary Obstruct: Jams ranged weapons through Overguard. Also CCs at least some melee units, OG or not, that Counter Pulse doesn't. Parazon Out of Sight: does not blind OGs. Which ruins my observation that every Blind in the game works through Overguard. DE: consistently inconsistent.
  7. True, although dispelling the Acolyte with barrel explosions seems like it might take a while.
  8. Ok, I'll bite: why did you feel it important to buff Laetum and make it easier to use? That was by far the oddest thing I noticed. The thing I'd most like to see in a Incarnon rework (Besides bugfixes. So. Many. Bugfixes.) is to give most of the weapons interesting use cases in both forms. Rather than just using the conventional form (usually) as an inconvenient but necessary stepping stone. This would basically double the interest of the system for me, as it'd be two weapons for one, in a sense.
  9. Do you have a reason to think it's not benefiting from multi, other than "low damage"? It's definitely benefiting from multi in the simulacrum. This is easy to test by just looking at damage popups. Without more information, the most obvious explanation would be its harsh falloff, which starts at just 8m without mods. Although I would think you'd have noticed that sometime in the course of ranking it up 6 times. It seemed like a fun weapon to me, but not a really powerful one compared to something like vanilla Plasmor. If you're looking for tips, one is to make sure you're using Galvanized Savvy on it and maybe priming. It's one of those weapons that GunCO multiplies base damage mods/arcanes rather than being additive with them.
  10. Yeah, Kuva Seer's ammo was crazy even before its pick up got nerfed. It's a solid weapon, but it's so weird somebody decided it needed a drawback when it came at the same time as much better weapons with no drawbacks.
  11. It always seems odd to me too, but I regularly see questions about whether free frames come with a permanent free slot. I probably wondered the same thing when I started.
  12. Where is this dismissal happening? In my experience people in game barely ever comment on builds at all. If they do, it's somewhat more likely to be positive than negative. But context makes some difference. For instance, if somebody asks in a Players Helping Players thread for the best Survival frame, and I recommend Cali, I'd expect some LOLs. Likewise if I'm bragging in Regional Chat about how my Conculysts take down Archons while I watch cat videos. But what I really want to know is, what makes a Summoner Caliban different than any other Caliban? Surely nobody is replacing Lethal Progeny on the poor guy, when Razor Gyre exists. :P
  13. Get a free Styanax Warframe Tharros Strike Subsume and a Frame Slot when you tune in! Cool, cool.
  14. Well, to an extent, game modes that encourage us to use certain frames are a good thing IMO. I'm certain this isn't what you're suggesting, but to put it in the most extreme way for illustration: the more we can do all modes equally easily with any frame and weapon, the closer frame and weapon choice gets to a soup of functionally meaningless choices. Just saying I think there's a good balance to be struck between the extremes.
  15. One change I've seen suggested that I'd like is for headshot kills to have a higher chance of life support drops, higher still in the case of eximus. Or, to be more creative about it, special uncommon Survival enemies that are highly resistant to AoE damage (and maybe somewhat resistant to high RoF weapons too) that are guaranteed to drop multiple LS. Wrong, like, absurdly wrong I'd say it depends on what they mean by "comfortably". I can do a SP Survival incursion with a Veldt for 5 minutes. Longer than that and I'll want to be very careful about having some combination of priming / gas / electric / armor strip / grouping / rivens and maybe being pickier about the single target weapon I'm using. Bullet hose types generally being easier than slow semi types. And it still gets very "uncomfortable"--for me--very fast, especially with those slow ST weapons. Snipers and Chakkhur can push this further, but it's still an issue. (edit: forgot Chakkhur has AoE.) I've seen videos of people using some very non-meta ST weapons in SP to 4 digit levels, so I know it's possible to take things pretty far. But definitely outside my personal comfort level.
  16. I should have been more clear I was referencing the initial post there.
  17. I'm fond of Gensen as is, and I'll be mildly disappointed if Gunsen Prime gets heavy attack projectiles. A different type might be interesting, although none would also be fine. I'd rather they focused on stat improvements. Boring, I know. Quassus Prime better have them though! (FWIW I also suspect the window to get new mechanics for Gunsen Prime was long past even when it was announced.)
  18. The wiki has this formula for energy: L30 Energy + (L0 Energy * total mod multiplier) = Total Energy Ivara: 300 + ( 200 * 2.9 ) = 880 Garuda P: 360 + ( 160 * 2.9 ) = 824 Not sure why you came up with 800 for Garuda. When I put the same build on her, I did get 824.
  19. Basically choose one of two groups: RED VEIL, New Loka, Perrin Sequence, (Steel Meridian) or STEEL MERIDIAN, Cephalon Suda, Arbiters of Hexis, (Red Veil) The bolded syndicates are the key ones you should pledge and focus on running alerts for, with the one in ALL CAPs being the most important and efficient. The third one you don't pledge, and their alerts aren't very efficient but can be nice to run if you have the time. The fourth in parenthesis you don't pledge or run alerts for: they just rank up passively. Generally the strategy is rank up Veil or Meridian first. Then Loka or Suda. Then go back to Veil/Meridian to get the progress lost on the fourth, passive syndicate. So Veil or Meridian are the default pledges. Loka or Suda you pledge only when you're running their alerts, the third syndicate's alerts, or need to top them off. I feel like I haven't explained this very clearly, especially if you're new to syndicate running. If there is anything you want clarified, just ask. I always max four, but it's sort of questionable whether it's worth using that strategy rather than just three. Four has some advantages, but three is definitely simpler and faster, especially if you don't mind trading for syndicate gear or have friends you can get it from.
  20. I dunno. Ammo has never been a concern. I don't shoot it a lot. Just enough to keep my stacks up, do the deacon objectives, murder whatever unlucky eximus cross my reticle, and pump the archon and decoys with 2-12 shots. I'm generally not using my other weapon slots at all except on Boreal's Aerolysts, I am going for headshots on everything, which helps a lot with ammo efficiency. Killing eximus helps too, since they're more likely to drop ammo.
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