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Everything posted by Tiltskillet

  1. Lasting Covenant, no. Not because it's OP, but because it's a change to Harrow's playstyle that is disadvantageous is you want to really leverage the invuln on Covenant.
  2. It's not the fact they get interrupted that bothers me, particularly going from conventional to Incarnon. It's that I can end up in a loop where I'm trying to shoot from an empty Incarnon mode weapon. If they get interrupted it should automatically transition to conventional mode when the reload duration would have finished.
  3. Qriist already answered, but I'll mention it also happens to be the same patch when they introduced Tharros Strike, another powerful, injectable armor strip. I think the case that DE is categorically allergic to more armor strips is not well supported. Well I'm not going to defend it, as it's offtopic and would take a lot of energy, and I don't find it completely defensible anyway. But I'll just note there is big time gap between those. I doubt in 2020 DE had any idea what they were going to do with ability armor strips more than 2 years later.
  4. Are you actually invested in what you imagine to be DE's balance logic in a feedback thread? It doesn't seem like you share the same (hypothetical) opinion, based on other things you've said here. But as far as that argument goes, keep in mind this is the same DE that buffed most ability armor strips a year ago. Long after they nerfed Corrosive.
  5. Well that, and the reload animations are one of the things that are a slight drawback to many of these weapons' potential for absurd damage output. Personally I find it rewarding that reload speed modifiers can be so impactful for Incarnon. Though one semi-related thing I do want fixed is the transition from Incarnon to regular mode getting interrupted. (If it hasn't been fixed already.)
  6. I've been playing with keeping Duration neutral or a little negative. It does hurt in some ways, but because of the way his Progeny work, it's kind of helpful to have him spamming more. But this is from the POV of having the luxury of having OP weapons, a stupidly powerful Nourish injected and a couple of casting speed shards. Lack of duration would hurt a lot more if any of those things were missing.
  7. I don't see this as inevitable. We already have access to powerful armor strips, and the OP is just asking for more variety. DE just needs to avoid adding overpowered abilities to Helminth that strip armor and do other powerful things. Just another strip or two that carves out an interesting niche from the other ones. Personally I think this would be easier if injected Pillage got nerfed. Which is already OP IMO, but still not picked universally over options like Terrify, Tharros, and Unairu. However unless DE is already planning something along these lines, Pillage will stand out even more with the shield changes arriving soon.
  8. The strip does work on Eximus through Overguard though, so it's inability to strip bosses and some mini-bosses isn't strictly tied up with immunity to the fear effect.
  9. Great suggestions. There are a few quirks in his kit you're getting rid of that I'd rather keep. But I'd still play him a lot more if he got the full Zendoker rework. I have one more suggestion I always make in these threads if it's not already covered: Hallowed Ground really needs better vertical coverage. It's very, very easy for it to miss targets that are a little above or a little below where Oberon casts it.
  10. Cool idea. Pretty funny to have Banshee do that! (I think the laugh might just be a copy of the Dax hammer thug's gloat. Still cool though.) edit:
  11. Yeah, I think +range is pretty important on him too. To me he's one of those frames that needs some of everything--including Casting Speed, oh my--so yeah, not very flexible. He probably frustrates the absolute hell out of people who don't have lots of shards to spare. It'll be interesting to see what kind of augment he gets, as it might be a very difficult trade-off.
  12. Even with small range, his 2 by itself will sometimes throw targets across the room. And other effects while they're lifted can sometimes do this. Unfortunately his summons do it a fair bit. It is permanent. Although sometimes it won't affect targets it should, which might be what you're remembering. It works with the Saxum bonus, so I think it does count. This gets suggested a lot. Without some other changes, I think a simultaneous cast is a bad idea for it, as it means that all 3 also expire at the same time. At which point he's extremely vulnerable until they're recast since he won't have their aggro draw or shield restore. (Which is a lot of why staggering his casts over Progeny's duration works much better than casting them one after the other now.) But add the simul-cast and allow Progeny to be recast at will and that addresses most of that issue. There still might be a moment of vulnerability, but the player would have full control over when that happens.
  13. Are you saying your Progeny die fast? They have a lot of irritating characteristics, but being squishy is not one of them afaic.
  14. He's one of my favorite base frame models, but a lot of people seem to dislike the look. It's very good. But it's overwritten by Adaptation, which is irking, especially to people who think he needs Adaptation to survive anyway. Sentient Wrath has what I think is the lowest base percentage of any frame damage vulnerability power, has a target limit, and inflicts a status that often can feel like a negative. Progeny are minions, so in this game they are, by definition, frustrating. These also block friendly movement and weapon fire. Fusion Strike is really good, but its armor strip sometimes won't apply, the effect can be invisible to clients, and its grouping function has never worked. I don't know. I don't see much hate for Caliban and when I do, I think it's mostly joking. I see more apathy and dismissiveness, when he's mentioned at all. Which to me parallels something about the way DE has treated him since his release.
  15. Yes. Last Plague Star was Sep 2021. Rivens were introduced 5 years before that, and predated the first PS by a year.
  16. Well, I said it "entered the chat". To me that means it has to be in the conversation, not that it wins all arguments. But maybe I'm using the meme wrong. Anyway Mesmer has a great case, and some significant advantages over Safeguard Switch. Safeguard has some advantages over Mesmer too though, the major one being that it can't be nullified. I really don't know how to quantify how valuable that is. If I were to judge purely by the fact that anytime there is a "Mesmer Skin maybe a little over the top??" thread, somebody says the nullification shows DE got Mesmer's balance just right...I'd think it's incredibly valuable. :P
  17. Good call. Having it disabled would explain the lack of a combo meter. However it still works in the background. So if the requirements are being met and the damage isn't increasing, that's definitely a bug. I tested very briefly in the Sim with Vulkar Wraith and scope turned off, and it, at least, was functioning correctly.
  18. /Safeguard Switch has entered the chat (If we're calling abilities like Mesmer "death avoidance" anyway.)
  19. Ah ha, players like you are probably the reason DE made this cost Bile. :P
  20. If it's any consolation it's immune to viral too. :P Looks like it's not immune, although it might have the damage resistance of other Terra units. (And I misspoke earlier. It's the Terra Corpus in Orb Valis, not Juno. I always get those mixed up.)
  21. Which ones? (Other than a few non-shielded, or completely status immune of course.) If you're thinking of the Juno corpus variants, these are supposed to have 75% resistance on their health to all the cold variant damage types, including magnetic, but still get affected by mag proc shield debuffs.
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