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Everything posted by Tiltskillet

  1. Publik was addressing diversity though. You can't have diversity without freedom, but freedom doesn't produce a lot of diversity when choices aren't vaguely balanced.
  2. One guess I have is that a lot of people don't use melee much, and/or don't want to feel constrained to do so. Another guess is that so many people are using Panzer full time, and don't feel lifesteal is a priority on top of its self-revive when deciding between Pack Leader and another mod. I could probably come up wit more reasons if I spent some time thinking about it. So I can understand people not finding it useful, I guess. But issuing a proclamation that it's useless without further qualification is funny to me.
  3. It's true. Although I'll point out that some of this is because DE never made multiple Zaw/Kitguns within each class very enticing, and modular weapons have stayed basically static in power level, and new modular weapons and arcanes almost non-existent. If there was a good reason to make, say, 3 very different builds of each grip and chamber, and new choices were coming out regularly, we might want more than one riven for each type. And now that a lot of these have been powercrept, wanting even one riven of each is pretty dubious. Anyway, DE tried to account for this somewhat with the Sortie and (I think) Palladino percentages... Melee 29.18% Pistol 27.28% Rifle 24.34% Kitgun 7.17% Zaw 7.17% Shotgun 4.87% ...but not an adequate job, and it's getting worse as more regular weapons are added. But worse than that is the Circuit, where percentages are equal for each type. :/ (Although I guess that's good news for Shotgun riven hunters.) Personally I think I'd like it if all the sortie and Circuit rewards were consolidated into tokens, convertible into whichever riven type one wanted. Palladino could be tokens too, if limiting direct purchase to two a week is too complicated.
  4. Not that I know of, but maybe 75% of them are on or close to the outer perimeter of the maps. So generally one person goes one way around the circle and another person the other, and often that will get all four without having to look in the middle. Keep your eye out for their glow, which you can see from quite a distance if they aren't obstructed--first thing I do when I load in is sweep the area visually. And ideally you should have your sound on, as this helps when you're in medium distance but still can't see them. Also Loot Detector helps until you have the locations memorized. I imagine especially when they're invisible, which is a bug that sometimes happens.
  5. I'm aware. I'd really welcome a higher cap on top of that, and basing it at least to some extent on modded shield value rather than the flat 1200 for everybody except Harrow and companions. Not to play the Cynical Tenno schtick too hard, but it's exactly the sort of lapse that doesn't surprise me. Not that I predicted this specific thing would be overlooked, but I always expect something major to get oopsied in a major patch. The only question now is "What else?" :P I wonder how long it'll be until the next Cert build.
  6. Honestly makes sense to me that it's not intended to do so. But I wish they'd raise the cap on overshields.
  7. I played around with this in popular fissures a few months ago, comparing number of PC players I linked with, both with crossplay turned on and off. And with it off I did get two people on PC who said they had crossplay turned on. Which surprised me, as up to that point I'd thought it was impossible. Were they mistaken? Was it a bug? I don't know. That said though, I never got more than one squadmate in the same fissure I was usually getting 2 or 3 PC players with crossplay on. So I'd really appreciate some review of matchmaking priority like you're suggesting.
  8. Ok, it'll cost 100 Unobtainium from Tau Ceti, 1000 SE, and 300 Nitain. :P
  9. It's a lot easier since Deimos was introduced. If playing more Deimos has any appeal to you or your clan for other reasons, like the current event, for example.
  10. At the time I assumed that was just meant to apply to people who had already lost shards that way, i.e., before there was a warning. Yeah, I wish they would have done this. But then people would be uninstalling shards "for free", and we can't have that, can we? :P
  11. If it happens, I think the key resource will be new, almost no matter what. Because a sink for new resources has more potential value to DE than a sink for old resources. It's fun to imagine the response to a thousand SE cost or 10x that though. There'd be loads of freaking out. But there'd also be some people who'd quietly look at their stockpiles and frame needs and think little of it. A new resource avoids some of that dichotomy. And they could always have SE or whatever be a secondary cost if they want to push old content and reduce stockpiles too.
  12. I don't know, other than it would need to be less than melee. Perhaps restricting it to direct damage. I don't think there is any elegant and simple way to get around the divide between slow and fast weapons though. Even percentage-based doesn't, since even now weaker but more constant lifesteal from fast melee works better for pets than bigger lifesteal from slower melee does.
  13. A nerf can also be a fix. DE is definitely trying for both in this case, since there was almost no reason to use a ranked Primed Pack Leader over a partially ranked regular version. As long a the mod is still worth consideration for a slot on a melee build, I won't be unhappy with the change. I won't know until I test it for a while. That being said, I wish they were improving it by making some of the life steal work on ranged weapon damage, so it wasn't absolutely reliant on melee builds. But oh well.
  14. I'd call it more "Ask for the smart thing they probably won't do, not the stupid thing they've outright said they won't." :P I'm in your corner on this subject. DE absolutely should not add an augment slot without making thorough examination of augments and their overall purpose, and overhauling hem accordingly. However I still think it even less likely they do that than that Pablo changes his mind on augment slots, or gets told to make them happen. Or moves on and gets replaced by somebody who thinks slapping on an augment slot for grind/plat is too easy and juicy a hype-job to pass up, balance shmalance. (If it happens it won't be something they add for a negligible cost like the OP suggested though: 25 slivers and some credits, lol. I think it'll almost certainly require a new grind, and/or a plat bypass.)
  15. "Most" seems accurate. But there are a fair amount of exceptions. For frame abilities, where a non CC component doesn't work... Atlas Petrify: resistance reduction Equinox Rage: damage vulnerability, Pacify: damage reduction Garuda Dread Mirror and Blood Altar: leap targeting Harrow Condemn: shield restore Ivara Prowl: pickpocketing (Prowl has no CC component at all, but I can't make a list of these without mentioning it.) Nekros Soul Punch: minion creation Sevagoth Shadow Consume: doesn't damage, so no self revive gimmick Styanax Axios Javelin: vortex creation Volt Discharge Capacitance augment: shield restore Wisp Breach Surge: sparking Which doesn't seem too bad relative to the amount of frames we have. Although I'm sure there are more that I don't know about, especially on the 75% of the roster I don't really play. Also I'm not getting into operator, companion, or weapon effects, and there are some more exceptions with those.
  16. It's fun to look at the wiki cryotic BP list. The weapon that needs the second most cryotic behind Sibear is the Pandero...at 5500. But at least it's not Hema and mutagen samples.
  17. Circuit definitely helps. But I won't call the playerbase truly blase about cryotic until Sibear stops selling out whenever it shows up at Darvo.
  18. I really don't know then, other than maybe you got very unlucky with the capsule placement and the map exit.
  19. I've never noticed this happening a lot except for a couple of weeks after a prime release. If it's getting more common now, we're in for a treat in a couple of days. I don't think there needs to be a punishment. I do think that ideally relic choices would be hidden in open co-op (i.e., no invite) until the rewards screen.
  20. I use Ivara too. I don't think I ever failed, except the very first time I did it and accidentally killed an enemy. But it was much tighter early on. I think a few things might have helped make it easy: - More strength is helpful for speeding up movement with Infiltrate. Not a necessity, but helpful. Make sure you have at least neutral strength to guarantee Prowl success. - Some range makes pickpocketing less annoying, from less fiddling around trying to stay within distance of the target. - Duration speeds up pickpocketing directly, although you probably have high duration anyway. - Carrier is nice with its crate opener mod. Shooting barrels can be a good substitute, although I wouldn't do this after the next update. - Open lockers too. - Steel Path seems like it may have better Prowl drops, and it's definitely less easy to kill something accidentally. I almost always do regular though, as I hate having an Acolyte spawn and not killing it. My general idea is to keep my meter between 50-80% or so, so as not to waste any life support. And to make sure I don't use a capsule unless I'm on the low end of that, since they give 30%. Once I use a capsule I'll move toward the next one, opening containers and lockers on the way. If I'm close to topped off, I'll go further out of my way to get crates, and may save some targets for pickpocketing later. If you're already doing all that, you might have just gotten really unlucky with the map.
  21. For the last few years, and maybe forever, Dev Workshops have been informational rather than consultational, with pre-release changes being extremely rare, other than some error checking. (Perhaps it's noteworthy that Dev Workshops are in the "News" section, rather than "Feedback" or an update feedback subforum.) They probably want the content played before even considering dramatic revisions. Which seems reasonable as long as they're prepared to act on overwhelming feedback post-release. I think all you can do is start outlining your case to put in a feedback thread on Wednesday, and hope that a lot of people have the same opinion you do.
  22. Shuriken is another "weapon" damage ability though. edit: I guess what I'm saying is that the ability tip could be based on a misunderstanding or poor wording by whoever wrote it. i.e., her passive works on both [her] abilities and [her] weapons, because her abilities happen to be coded as weapons.* It's impossible to say for sure, but if Traum is right and it works on these odd "weapon" abilities and no other injected abilities, it's at least suggestive that's the case. * Although as a trivial aside, it doesn't apply to her shield bash damage. Things are never simple with DE. :P
  23. In between me asking and you answering I looked at Breach Surge sparks and Reave. Breach Surge it worked. It didn't help with Reave. Reave is unusual though, being "health drain", and might not be representative of normal damage abilities. Those are the only two I've ever injected on her. I don't know whether it should work on injected abilities or not. I kind of lean toward "better if it doesn't" but I can see it both ways. But in any case it would be nice if it did one or the other consistently, lol.
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