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Everything posted by PollexMessier

  1. Khorra's currently the oldest available prime that hasn't been vaulted yet, and her systems is a common part. That's basically the absolute lowest possible position a prime part can be in for value. So of course it's worthless. The trick to dealing with this is utilizing chat filters.
  2. You understand that's a bad thing right? And watch as the impossible to defend moving target is rapidly vaporized, unless you aggressively babysit it with a meta Aoe weapon. Sounds like a blast.
  3. Yeah... The extended missions on sortie and archon hunts are pretty rude in general. But defense is just the worst. I don't think it should be removed, just cus they obviously put in a lot of work for chipper to be the defense objective. But 10 waves is too much.
  4. You probably have access to Phenmor. That's a really good primary to aim for. I've seen a lot of people say Felarx is also really good but I haven't been able to get it to work for me and neither have friends of mine. I'd go for Strun prime instead if you want a shotgun. Strun P's op as hell at base and then you can get an incarnon adapter for it on top of that later. Cedo is also a very good and fun shotgun but I'm not sure how well it holds up compared to incarnons in the late game these days. Lotta good shotguns in this game. Laetum is probably one of if not the most unreasonably op secondary in the game. As for builds on any of those I'd just look up some build videos on youtube. I know it's kindof a pain but I think that's how most people learn to mod things. Leyzar is my favorite youtuber for this. It also always helps if your warframe has an ability to armor-strip. Removing enemy armor is somewhat mandatory in steel path unless you bypass it with slash status.
  5. When I find reload speed to be too oppressive on a weapon I usually just slap a "reload when holstered" mod in the exilus slot and swipe my mele between shots. But yeah slow reloads are infuriating and it feels like DE is leaning more and more into giving weapons abysmally slow reload speed over time.
  6. I did. Why? Cus I didn't feel like changing my pet. It's stupid, but for me it really is as simple as: Smeeta is useful sometimes, and the times it is useful, I get really frustrated when I forget to equip it because I was using something else. The inverse doesn't happen, because even despite how powerful some other pets are, I barely even notice when I forget to switch to them from smeeta. so I'd rather just keep smeeta on all the time and not worry about it. It's kindof the same issue as faction mods. It's just inconvenient as all hell to need to switch it constantly. So most people just, don't. So the question becomes: What do you care about more? Getting more loot, or overkilling enemies harder?
  7. @SymbolicSunshine It's not a bug. They tucked it away in a hidden menu that shows up if you hover your cursor over magazine capacity. They crammed a lot of stats into these. I hate it. I feel like reload speed is way too important to be hidden like that.
  8. I prefer to just solo index. In the interior room you can literally spawncamp enemies if you're solo. And the gamemode is extremely easy now. I kinda miss when it was actually difficult tbh. But not enough to go asking DE to make it harder or nerf every god damn thing.
  9. Because you don't need it, has been the answer to that question for myself. If I can't die, and easily vaporize most enemies already, why do I need a companion that improves ether of those two aspects of the game? Smeeta, on the other hand, does something that actively saves me time. Which for me as an endgame player is completely invaluable. And it's worth to earlygame players should be obscenely obvious. I also just, don't like swapping out my pet whenever I change activities between something smeeta is beneficial to me in, and something it's not. when I forget to swap back to it it's annoying. When I forget to swap off of it to a more combat-focused pet I barely even notice
  10. The fact the game doesn't tell you you can so this is pretty annoying. there's so much stuff in the game that you can basically only know by reading the wiki. Tho, doesn't doing this not give you back the ammo and energy you spent during the ability? Which is like the majority of the point of it?
  11. Pretty much this. Charm's resource buff is a solution to a problem the devs created. If they want to remove the solution. They also have to remove the problem it's solving or they'll be deliberately making the game worse. What's more, this problem is felt vastly more on new players. Which has two significant issues. The obvious one being, new player retention will go down. This is very bad for DE. And the second one is that it's directly contradicting something DE said. That they want to reduce the grind of the early game. If they make it worse by nerfing charm without ether lowering the cost or upping the gain of, well, absolutely everything affected by it, then that would make their earlier statement a lie, and harm their reputation with longstanding players as well.
  12. Did it not keep your Circuit progress? As of the Dante Unbound update, Circuit is supposed to save your progress each round instead of you losing everything if you fail. Unless it makes a special exception for leaving which would be kindof stupid because, well, bugs like that happen. As for if the devs are good about giving you lost progress back?... I've never personally bothered. But it probably just depends on if they can prove on their end that you did in fact spend the time in the mission you claimed you did, and how much the support working on the other end feels like actually doing their job that day. Personally I don't see stuff like this as much different than losing a few hours of progress in any other game due to a crash and not having saved in a while. It just happens. Tho, I guess on the last day of a circuit rotation that is a little bit different.
  13. That really depends on your perspective of the game. Cus "a pointless tragedy caused by the greed of a handful" Is exactly how I would characterize... pretty much the entire story of warframe. But also nearly every individual mission against anything other than the Infested or Murmur. One stupid little interaction I had with the game that really stuck with me is when I rushed through a door and immediately fired off my plasmor just on reflex. And the wave blasted straight through a corpus crewman that was just, sitting there. I had never even noticed enemies sitting down in the game up to that point. Dude was probably just on his lunch break or something, completely unaware of any danger, and within fraction of a second a rampaging war machine barrels through the nearest door and vaporizes him. Felt kindof similar to that scene in Arcane (if you know, you know). That moment really changed my perspective on the enemies in the game. Most of them are just, doing their job, working under some tyrant they have no choice in. And we're just running around slaughtering them for reasons we haven't even really been fully given. Every time a warframe vaporizes a room of enemies it's a horrifying tragedy caused by both the greed of the enemy leaders they're fighting against, and the Tenno themselves.
  14. So you know how overpowered protagonists have been really popular in anime for a long time? It's that, but in game form. Same people that like this sort of playstyle are the people that thought the Megiddo scene in the slime anime was the coolest thing an anime protagonist has ever done. It's really that simple. Some people find absolutely vaporizing hoards of enemies fun. And as it happens there's not a lot of games, particularly rpgs, that actually let you do that to the same extent Warframe does. So it's filling a niche that pretty much nothing else of it's quality and genre does. In short. Fun is subjective. And what you don't personally find fun about warframe happens to be the thing it's doing that a lot of other people find fun, and other games aren't doing. I've heard Black Desert also kinda does this.... but Black Desert feels like a whale-fishing mobile game that just got too big and needed to be put in PC. Complete with a dumb af "energy" system where you can only do so many tasks a day, and barely functional afk mechanics. So, absolute trash game in comparison.
  15. I mean. when the reset happens you'll see it flooded, and then it'll die out as the week progresses, and then it'll flood back up next reset. that's just kinda how these things work. I don't think i'll be doing it much. but Not because I don't like it. But because I'm not playing the game much at all anymore. Honestly for the time it takes to complete the rewards are fantastic. and I personally didn't find it to be all that hard. Tho my tune on that might change if I ever wanna play it when I get a bad roll. I don't think it's that bad tho.
  16. Faction damage on a riven is instant trash for me, not sorry. Why would I ever want a riven that's ether only at peak strength against one specific faction, or completely worthless against a specific faction? That's just stupid. Those stats should just be removed from the riven stat pools imo. I do think there's plenty of negatives other than zoom that are fine. It's just universally a stat that's at worst not detrimental at all to have as a negative, and in some cases outright beneficial. Most other stats that are good or at least unimpactful to have as a negative are specific to the weapon they're for, and having every possible decent negative on every weapon memorized is just an absolutely insane ask. If you're looking for a riven for a specific weapon tho it is something you should be aware of for that particular weapon.
  17. The mobile port is what happened. Yeah that would also do it. Destiny 2 is an absolute cesspool of a game
  18. About that. A lot of forum accounts look like fresh accounts because they were console accounts that enabled cross-save and their forum account got flushed. Cus DE screwed up nearly every single minute detail of crossave possible. So it's really hard to look at account history like that now and say "They're a new player that doesn't have any idea what they're talking about" Because there's a good chance they're not, and they only look that way because crossave screwed their forum account. Other than that tho. Yeah, the DE boot-lickers are absolutely infuriating as they always are.
  19. This has happened to me multiple times now, and doesn't happen with any other mission. Specifically I've been running steel path Duviri experience and spending upwards of an hour each run trying to grind for Cinta. Frequently after going through the end portal the game will massively spike in disk usage and freeze my whole computer for several seconds to a minute. My computer's pretty old at this point. But if other mission's aren't doing this then I can't imagine it's a hardware issue, or a software issue on my side. Something about loading out of Duviri experience specifically is seriously hanging up the game.
  20. Thank you for fixing Divine retribution. That is much more reasonable For those wondering, Divine spear's base range is 19. Which makes this a range reduction of about 26.3%. Almost half the reduction it was before, and more generous than even the 30% suggestion I saw a lot of people floating around. This I'm super happy with. The "while shields are depleted" qualifier on rage and adrenaline working for overguard is.... a bit dumb tbh. It might as well just say what it means: "Only works on overguard for frames that don't have shields" which, imo, is really stupid. It does also kinda work on frames that can deplete their own shields intentionally. But there's literally only one frame that can do that, that doesn't already have an inbuilt method of energy generation. Valkyr... who really doesn't need it. I do get that it's a bit op to get get free energy from overguard damage. But I'm sure there's plenty of other options you could have come up with that aren't so restrictive. I'm really happy to see something finally being done about LoS issues in the game.... But, and I've said this already in a previous post, it REALLY should not have taken such a long time to get to, and such a major screw up to prompt this fix. It's been a massive issue with the game people have been complaining about for years. If this was fixed ages ago, and you guys actually tested things well enough to determine you'd want to put Los on tragedy before release, this wouldn't have been an issue. That said, anything less than a nearly full revert of Dante at this point is just not enough. And that "nearly" modifier, is only there because reducing overguard generation on just allies, and not Dante himself, is a sensible nerf to his release state. It really doesn't even matter how survivable he is with his nerfed overguard, and how much damage he does with LoS at this point. Why? Because you lied. You guys said it would be a "small tweak" and then you more than halved his overguard generation, and gave tragedy line of sight. Which, weather LoS is functional or not, is a massive nerf to tragedy, not a ""small tweak"". You guys halved his overall power at the least. That might be the single hardest nerf you've ever made in the game. And by extension, Dante getting a "small tweak" might be the biggest lie to ever come out of any of the devs' mouths in regards to the game. You guys absolutely blew it with this one. Full stop. It was an objective, undeniable mistake that you guys need to fix. You took a sledgehammer to a pipe in your walls, and you need to replace that pipe entirely and patch up the hole you made, not slap some ducktape over it and call it good. Every time you guys make a mistake like this, and don't fix it, more and more players get fed up with it. And you've done this a lot at this point. There's only so many times you can kick us in the balls and then give us flowers before we start to wise up and realize no matter how pretty and extravagant those flowers are, you're just gonna kick us in the balls again. So, as much as I appreciate that you've tried to patch things up, and did genuinely fix some real issues... You haven't patched up everything properly, you haven't stayed true to your word, and you've proven time and time again that this is how you're going to keep acting. I'm getting sick of it. I used to play this game hours a day and enjoy every second of it. Now i barely play an hour a week. And it's not cus I don't find the game fun anymore. It's because you guys have burned me so many times it's hard for me to enjoy playing it anymore. And I have at least 3 friends I used to play this with that hit the same breaking point long before I did, 1 that this particular update broke them, and 2 who are fairly new that bought Dante, and I can already tell their opinion and enjoyment of the game has dropped drastically from how they were acting prior to the update. These two in particular put more money into the game in their first month of playing than I have over the course of several years, so those are well-paying customers you've damaged your reputation with. You're hemorrhaging players and money to this crap.
  21. The really frustrating thing about it is that getting a critical buff from any source basically just disables it. I get they didn't wanna make it too overpowerd. But there's gotta be a way they could have made it so getting hit with a crit buff, or running a frame that relies on crit buffs, or a companion that buffs your crit, or having a vigilante mod in your kit somewhere... exct, didn't reduce the effectiveness of it.
  22. You see what happened is, the devs obliterated an entire playstyle and killed several frames by giving enemies a BS health mechanic called overguard, and everybody hated that. But instead of admitting it was a bad addition to the game they doubled down like they usually do and gave it to the players as well.
  23. You can summon your necramech with one of the computer terminals. Sort of a fail-safe if you get absolutely garbage gear. If you manage your mech's abilities well the boss can't even touch your health. Kinda surprised I haven't seen any of the tryhards complaining the mech makes it too easy tbh. My main complaint with it is that it picks one of the team member's mechs at random to summon instead of the person that called them. And then all the terminals in the map go on a cooldown. So you've gotta be on top of those terminals early to ensure you can get yours. (inb4 there turns out to be a modifier that disables the mech terminals) The real issue is that consistent challenge is impossible to achieve in Warframe. This game has a really narrow space between "no challenge at all" and "outright impossible" that is different for every unique combination of gear and mods in the game. It's completely unbalanceable. And there's basically no way to fix that problem at this point without just, making an entirely different game. DE is desperately grasping at straws trying to appease the crowd that wants challenge in a game that fundamentally can't have it.
  24. This is the entire problem. Being forced into a specific focus school to make something usable is so god damn stupid. Naramon's combo decay should just be a default combo mechanic and replace the skill with something else. Cus mele is just way too dependent on it. And you know what could easily replace it? Combo efficiency, or combo count chance, two incredibly useful combo related buffs that aren't nearly as mandatory but would still make naramon a great combo-focused school The way combo works just needs to be made way more lineint anyways. The only mele I enjoy using anymore are incarnons with evolutions that practically let you ignore the combo meter. It's an agonizing mechanic that's easily disrupted by teamates just existing. If DE cares about disruptive mechanics, literally just having another player on your squad can outright disable your ability to build combo at all, because of how unforgiving it is for absolutely no reason. And they'd basically have to completely erase the idea of the game being a power fantasy to fix this issue in any way other than making combo ether or both easier to build or harder to lose.
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