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Everything posted by PollexMessier

  1. It does sort of make things a bit too easy. I feel like the distance at which it's marked should be halved. I do understand why they did it, but they definitely overcompensated by a lot.
  2. I don't understand why they "moved" it, instead of just leaving the one in Kahl's shop and adding this new one on top of it.... or why they even thought it was necessary to begin with. But what's one extra shard a week for the handful of people psychotic enough to do every god damn weekly, every single week? It's not like anyone's gonna max out shards by the time they come up with their next multi-year grind scheme.
  3. Yeah DE's idea of a nerf is straight up obliterating the thing. They are incapable of moderation when it comes to nerfs. There's no "This is a bit too powerful let's bring it down to other similar things' level" Only "We hate this thing, destroy it. Even if the fallout hits a ton of other niche things and makes build diversity worse in the process" And on the off chance they accidentally don't nerf something into oblivion, they're likely to nerf it again. It's also exceptionally hilarious when they do this with weapons that aren't even that strong. Like the 3+ times they nerfed Shedu.
  4. Ah yeah, that. Feels like they find a new way to nerf this thing every other major update. I don't understand why they wanna nerf it again now that zaws can't even remotely compete with incarnon weapons. That was like the one singular thing zaws had that made them deal comparable damage, and barely since it was such a cumbersome attack to preform.
  5. I absolutely love ability casters. I always have the most fun with warframes that do nothing but rapid-fire off abilities. I think Gyre is somewhere between ability and weapon caster. One of the strongest parts of her kit is specifically a weapon buff, but she can go almost pure ability damage if she wants. I love her kit but I wish she had even modicum of survivability. Been loving styanax a lot. But doing damage with his abilities is largely just spamming his 4, and that gets old really fast. He's got all the survivability and energy economy you could possibly want, but he's a bit boring. What I'd give for a caster frame that has a fun and damaging ability rotation, and doesn't die the moment a lancer looks at them funny. Well, that would be Gara actually.... If she didn't require a stat stick which is a mechanic I refuse to engage with.
  6. Staticor is probably the weapon I care about most in the entire game. not just for this topic, but in general. It deserves an upgrade. A Titron variant has been up there on my want list for a while Buzlok is a weapon I always thought deserved more than it got. I'm not sure if it was ever even once a viable weapon. it certainly wasn't when I started 6-7 years ago. Jat kusar and Jat Kittag are two weapons I was surprised to not see up there. Both are insanely cool weapons that were once pretty powerful but have fallen off significantly. Kusar in particular I want cus I love the blade and whip meles, and they've always fallen just short of the meta. Part of the issue with adding more of these tho is the more get added, the harder and harder it becomes to get the one you want. We'd have to have a better way to influence the type of weapon our litch/sister candidate spawns with, or things would get out of hand if we got too many more. Something like, they have a higher chance to have the weapon type you killed them with, and a much higher chance if it was with the base version of the kuva variant you're after. And we'd need a way to undo the rng protection of not being able to roll the same weapon again until you cycle through all of them, if not just have that system removed in light of some other system making rolling the weapon you want easier, in case you miss a candidate for some reason. Like say a teamate rushed ahead of you in a mission, downed the candidate, didn't mercy it, and it died before you could get to it. This happening to the weapon you want in a roster of 50 others with the current way the system works is hours of time wasted.
  7. DE's whole excuse for not putting voidshell on everything was that older models use different code or something. They never said anything about it being too much effort to do on everything released after the fact. And yet... they haven't. Voidshell should have become the default, and maybe just retroactively implemented to one older frame every few months or so in order of popularity. But instead they limited it to one specific line of skins, and it didn't take them very long to just completely abandon the system. It's so frustrating. They really could've made a lotta platinum sales on materials. So many materials... if they made them actually worth getting by having voidhell be a standard and not a rare exception.
  8. I just keep getting "redemption failed" Edit: Logged out then back in and it worked.
  9. I don't know how one would even go about using trade chat without filtering for the specific thing(s) you're looking for
  10. From what I've gathered, Cross save accounts just count as PC accounts in the system. Regardless of what you set your primary account as. I'm not sure how it'll affect 3rd party market sites like Riven market. But worst case you'll just need to make a new account there. I practically redo all my listings whenever I go to use trading sites anyways just to make sure I still have everything listed and the prices are all up to date. So I can't imagine you'd lose much unless you were some sort of bigshot or paying a subscription or something. It's far more annoying what it does to your forum account lol.
  11. I was thankfully aware of this ahead of time and spent like a week trying to get stalker scans before progressing to second dream. But unfortunately spoiled myself on operators in the process. If DE would expand the amount of things we could spawn in simulacrum to include small bosses then you could ask someone to invite you into their simulacrum to get scans of it. Cus hilariously, you can actually get scans you don't have in someone else's simluacrum. At least you could last I checked, but that was a while ago. I think they should cus that would also include a lot of permanently misable scans from Sands of Inaros... tho that quest should really just be made re-playable.
  12. They're probably talking about the Alienware giveaway on the 11th anniversary page.
  13. Here's the thing... Brace yourself for this one... Not everybody likes roguelikes. In fact, a lot of people hate them. And I'd wager the demographic of a long-term progression-heavy mmo is particularly prone of that disposition as it's basically the absolute polar opposite of a roguelike. A lot of people were not happy the idea of adding a roguelike into the game was even considered at all. There's no way DE removed the ability for any of your progression to affect duviri and it would go over well with the vast majority of players. Almost every time they try that exact thing the forums are flooded with people pissed at the decision. It's just not good to look at your players and say: "Those thousands of hours of progress? Yeah we don't care." So, the only reasonable suggestion here is for the default builds to not be garbage. And honestly, just that alone would be enough to mitigate most of what you're complaining about besides the lack of difficulty which, fun fact, is subjective. Just having a proper endgame build on everything by default eliminates any issue with personal builds being "better" because ether the default builds are far better than anything you came up with on your own; They're about even; Or your builds are only really slightly better, and the advantage is mostly just knowing how your build works and having it catered more to your playstyle. Beyond that, I'd say being able to bring your own power in from the rest of the game is absolutely integral to Duviri when taking the playerbase into account. Because without it, anyone that dislikes roguelikes would despise Duviri. And a lot of them already do. I've seen probably about 100 posts asking for the complete removal of randomization from Duviri, and this is probably the only one I've ever seen asking for it to be made less controllable. Now I don't think the randomization should be removed ether, but in my opinion, Duviri's roguelike elements were implimented about as well as they possibly could have been while still respecting the time player's have already dedicated to the game. Aside from the absolute garbage default mod loadouts. Hell it's my favorite part of the game. And almost redeemed the whole game for me right up until DE pulled that Heirloom BS.
  14. I can't say I've noticed any phone sounds myself. But it might be some sort of teaser for 1999. Like how prior to duviri, oroworms would show up when void jumping in raijack, or looking through the void mirror in Isolation vaults.
  15. That's what I said before it was even released. It looks and feels like it was fully intended for players that had completed angels of the zariman, but some corporate shenanigans forced them to make it available to new players. That's the only thing that really makes sense to me. I know DE has made some legendarily stupid decisions but Duviri being available to brand new players felt out of character for them. On top of that, the Mele weapons from Duviri are a massively powerful. They almost invalidate any sense of progression in mele weapons across the rest of the game until you get to incarnons. With a few standout exceptions. It feels weird that you can easily grab them before even unlocking a junction. Cinta is also noteable despite it's mastery requirement, due to it being an upgrade/sidegrade (depending on who you ask) to Nataruk. Nataruk felt super special in TNW due to it's pretty extreme amount of power and it's unique mechanic. Getting Cinta before Nataruk changes that experience pretty substantially. This isn't really something DE can change now tho. They'd get too much backlash from players that were enjoying playing it before going through the arduous grind through the main story. But I don't think it should have been immediately accessible like it was. At least locked behind war within at the earliest. But the part about it that stands out to me as screaming "We initially designed this to be post-zariman content then changed our minds" Is the dormizone access in teshin's cave, and the ability to extract to your dormizone from duviri. That connection point really just doesn't make a lot of sense to me with the story. I think at some point it might have even been intended for that to be the only access point into Duviri. Or at least the initiation point of the quest. It feels like there's a piece of the story missing, or cut, that makes that door make more sense.
  16. Someone already brought this up but... we have a focus booster. It's called an affinity booster. It does both because focus is scaled off affinity. A focus booster would double on top of that which is just a bit overkill imo. And with that knowledge, it should become very obvious what you can do to get focus extremely quickly... Look at affinity farms. I do think "buying focus" isn't the worst idea, but only if it's implemented as follows: Make eidolan shards tradable. Overall tho I don't think focus is too problematic as it is for a few reasons. You get a lot farming eidolans for their arcanes. Unless you manage to catch an event that makes these arcanes a lot easier to get, this is a farm that's important to do and you're likely to max out your focus schools long before you come close to maxing out any of the legendary arcanes from them. And this is not the only farm like this. Cascade for Aeolak and zariman arcanes will get you a lot of focus for killing the large amount of thrax that spawn in that mission type. And just farming weapon exp or, (god forbid) Braton Vandal from elite sanctuary will have you rolling in focus. There's a lot of places in the game that just pour out focus. and it's not like you need to max out absolutely everything. Just the waybounds and 2-3 schools you actually plan on using. I almost exclusively use madurai cus it's basically mandatory to do enough damage as operator to make use of last grasp in steel path. Which imo is a pretty significant issue the devs need to address.
  17. Except the foundry already does this? You're not able to craft items with an MR requirement higher than you. You can still get these blueprints from a relic if your MR is too low, you just won't be able to craft them. I think you should be able to trade for stuff that has a higher MR requirement than you have, but it should give both parties a warning about this before allowing them to accept the trade. At the very least, it should let you put the item in the trade window, and then fail the trade and tell both players about the MR requirement issue, so the seller doesn't have to explain it every single time that happens. or, absolute minimum, make it so you can see a player's MR through the chat window, and a blueprint's MR requirement in your inventory, so it's easy to check at a glance if you can trade it to them or not instead of needing to take 5 minutes navigating through menus and googling items just to tell, at which point it's faster to just say you'll do the trade and discover you can't while in the trade menu, wasting everyone's time.
  18. Ideally, for me, I wouldn't have to change my loadout every other mission. Feels like I already spend half the game in the modding menu as it is. And I'd be able to do cool stuff with well-balanced status effects without needing to worry about elemental resistances, and not have to rely on a bug to make any off-meta elemental damage remotely viable. Also the whole idea of faction damage mods is instantly defeated by crossfire, factions that just don't have one, or straight up factionless enemies. And often times enemies that are unaffected by faction-specific mods are the biggest threats in the game (Angels, Thrax, Sentient, Archons, Acolytes, exct.). If you're building to deal with these... you're most likely not struggling against anything actually affected by faction damage with the same builds. So why bother? Why would/should I build any of my weapons around this system when it's not even always useable? It's drastically more convenient, fun, and in a lot of cases outright better, to not use these.
  19. Honestly, agree. They should not exist. They're way too restrictive and their existence is basically DE's excuse to not look at how garbage status-only weapons are, because of a bug with faction mods that make status-only builds actually useable. Barring the deletion of faction damage entirely tho... The faction stats should at least not exist on rivens, at all. Whoever made that decision is hands down the worst developer of the game.
  20. Yeah that's not an official video. That's just someone else's screen recordings of in-game cutscenes. Hence the confusion. But yeah that's one of my favorite ephemeras in the game.
  21. It's not easier to buy everything. For one there's a lot in the game you can't buy. But there's also a lot in the game that is just easier or more fulfilling to farm for. The point everyone's been trying to make is, this ain't it. Relics are the most repetitive grind in the game. You're not losing out on anything by admitting you're sick of it and bypassing some bad luck stints with some platinum. It's basically the same system as the belric and rania crystals, just with the extra steps of needing to sell some stuff and interact with other players... in an mmo... You get bad luck, you sell the crap you got that you don't want, you buy the thing you wanted. That's how the system was built and balanced. That is part of the experience of the game. You're not robbing yourself of anything by using the trading system, you're participating in the game as-intended. It's not the game's fault you refuse to do this. It's yours. This is 100% a you problem.
  22. They bought some stuff and it's not showing up across all their linked accounts because of the ridiculous restrictions DE has in place around what items in your account are and aren't available through cross-save. Unfortunately I wouldn't hold my breath on this. Among the many anti-player issues crossave released with... some of them have caused significant issues with founder accounts. resulting in people being forced to ether lose thousands of hours worth of playtime, or lose their founder items and status to participate in cross-save. In case you don't know. "Founders" are people that monetarily supported the game in the early stages of development. They are a major reason this game even exists today. And DE's response to these issues was a pretty blunt "No, we're not changing it." And that's only one of the 3 major groups of people cross-save's massively screwed over. The other two being the entirety of switch players, and anyone that participated in previous account migration events. Which have both also gotten pretty much the same response for their respective game-ruining issues. On the off chance they do actually fix any of these issues... it's probably not gonna be for another year. Cus when it comes to actually doing the right thing they tend to operate at a snail's pace.
  23. Yeah the restrictions on cross save are disgusting. If it was any other company I'd be shocked they let it release like this. With DE tho I'd be shocked if they ever release a single thing in an acceptable state. Still even for them this sort of stuff is pretty abhorrent. I haven't played it myself but you might find armored core 6 interesting. It's near the top of my list of games to try once I get the money to upgrade my PC. Gives me almost a mix of Warframe, Darksouls, and Nier Automata vibes.
  24. :/ Not everyone's in a 2000+ member clan full of people jonesing to jump on the first person to ask for a relicshare of any kind. Or has a large group of friends that play the game willing to just drop everything to help you farm one stupid prime part. Some people are in tiny clans, or personal clans, and none of their friends are into the game. It's not a difficult thing to wrap your head around.
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