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Everything posted by SneakyErvin

  1. Mamma frame donates some DNA in the fun-room and pappa frame then inserts his special bits into the DNA primed wall cooch. After which the eggtimer is set and mamma and pappa frame waits for the product to get done. If pleased by the outcome the thing is kept, if not, well atleast the pets will eat well.
  2. I'm talking out of the PoV of fusing. Where fusing several shards to make a Tau for a frame that doesnt really benefit from the 50% increase to the stat is pointless. Since you consume potential breakpoint options for several other frames in the process. Something that doesnt happen with the current system since we only gain shards overtime, we never lose any. Eventually yes, every frame can get filled with Tau since there is no drawback to it. And as most times you oversimplify what is said, since you for some reason imply I mean all frames. Which is odd since in I've repeatedly refered to as Tau as upgrades as needed while also advocating the "free" use of Taus with the current system. Glad you cleared that part up since the post I initially answered to seemed to imply just fusion versus the current system.
  3. No I'm saying different frames build for different stats and that different skills have different mechanics. Atlas will never be able to wipe maps without continous use of his #1, which in the end really just replaces a weapon. There is no reason to build a Saryn without sufficient range, so spores are more or less passive after they've been applied aslong as you react fast enough to apply things that allow them to spread, which isnt hard considering the skill that does so has no LoS requirement, nor does the spores. I dont use slash, or more accurately I dont build with slash in mind, since it is utterly pointless outside of running level cap. Which the game itself isnt planned to be balanced around in the first place. It is hard to get to a point in WF where utilizing slash isnt pointless. And in the few places where there is a point to it, I just run Garuda since she is most suited for those activites eitherway. Because I sure as hell hope you arent implying you have to rely on HM or slash in general for regular SP content, such as a couple of hours in endless. Viral+Heat is more than enough for that, or in a case like Hydroid where you can grab corrosive and viral easily from other sources, gas or pure heat does a wonderful job at wiping enemies.
  4. Which is the same post calling out Khora players even though they havent been particularly vocal prior to your post. And the post is also fully about stat sticks after you're finished calling out the Khora players, yet you find it odd that I drew the conclussion that the "abuse"you refer to was about the use of stat sticks? So in short you didnt read the posts prior to posting yours and decided to just assume. And your original context was all about stat sticks in relation to calling out some "abuse". Kinda hard to interpret it as being about anything but stat sticks at that point. Nothing in your post indicates you talk about anything else, and when it follows calling out abuse (without going into detail what you refer to) one likely assumes it is in reference to what you continue to talk about in the same post. So you still havent actually read the posts. There are practically no posts referencing Khora on the first page aside from an example in a screenshot. Which is more there to show the damage when not using a stat stick on frames that rely on it in general. Which I must say is done properly, since the strongest baseline skill is used in that example, which means other pseudo-exalteds would be even worse of in such a scenario. So not really a Khora-protective-behavior-wha-wha post even.
  5. That doesnt matter one bit, since common folk and most orokin for that matter dont know that there is an operator and a frame. So it is the Tenno as a whole i.e Operator+Warframe they refer to as Inaros or the Saint of Altra, because they think it is one, a warrior in battle armor. You have to remember that all of what surrounds the tenno and their link to the frames is very hush-hush and a main plot point of what Ballas' treason involves when he hands all that info to Hunhow. Not even our regular villains throughout the game know about the duality, only a select few suspect it. So common people knowing it and refering to frames seperate from operators would be very very unlikely and extremely silly, making the villains look like complete incompetent fools aswell. Natural armor being a suit or not depends very much on the animal in question. However it matters little when it comes to this, since how it is worded comes down to the author (from a lore perspective) and what he/she actually knows. Which in the case you bring up is under the assumption that it is a warrior wearing an armor. Since the author lacks the knowledge that the frame is a forced mutation where the warrior and armor is one, and where there is also an external source controlling it. Yeah, it seems to just be a periodical compilation done by the author, where the entires handle thing that are based on the knowledge possessed at the moment of writing. As report after report further evolves as more knowledge is gained. In the first report we can see that it is based on only old war knowledge, since it mentions that the tenno have not been seen since the end of the old war/fall. So the compilition isnt written in the present. Heck the first entry might have very well been written long before the game actually starts, since our Tenno is not the first to awake after the old war as far as we know. We just happen to be the chosen. We can test it partly in the game. If you are inside the orbiter, your operator will transfer their whole physical form from one place to another. Namely from wherever you are and back to an unoccupied chair. The only thing that differentiates from missions is that when you transfer from frame to operator you instead break the link while in the orbiter, so instead of appearing at the frame the operator rises from the chair. But when you re-link the operator transfers his whole form to the chair. Just as the operator does in some other parts of the game upon death when no frame is present and we know the operator is physically there. Those things occur in earlier states, but when we've unlocked the full power they arent bound by those weaknesses. And the kid being fully magical or not wouldnt really matter for the quest, since it is a decision Ordis makes, and Ordis lacks knowledge. And at that point in the quest, if the powers are gone they might very well be mortal, so can potentially die. But our tenno has all the powers eventually, we arent in that middle state of earlier quests, nor lacking our void powers completely. The thing we know nothing about really is what would happen if all our "anchors" get destroyed, will the tenno die permamently at that point, return to and become part of the void, be reborn in the void or what? Yep can see it in the movie Possessor aswell, where assassins use other people as suits/weapons to kill their target. This is done by drugging the "suit" and implanting a fleeting form of tech in their skull ahead of time, then they link up with them through a super computer to control them. Also, how would Venom, Carnage and the other symbiotes class? Wouldnt they be suits of armor for their host, since they effectively protect the host while attached to them.
  6. They should be refered to as "suits of armour" considering the context and that the author doesnt positively know that tenno and frames are seperate entities, or know of the warframe creation process at all. We know that they arent suits of armor, but that is because we have meta knowledge about the game world. Knowledge that isnt positive the in game author or creator of a lore fragment might have. Since they havent gone through the quests etc. that we have. It's like a historian writing about ancient civilizations, they cant be sure what they write is actually correct. Just look at the different interpretations of the word Bärsärk (Berserker). Ranging from crazed wild warriors to some elite caste, where one is seen as wearing nothing but a bear skin while going primal in combat. And the other wears the skin as a symbol of elite status while simply being extraordinary warriors in several ways. With the elite version also had the whole "edelweiss" idea behind it, but instead of climbing a mountain to pick a specific flower they went to kill a bear.
  7. Nope the commoners dont see Warframes as some gods of war, they see the Tenno as gods of war, which means the warframes are their godly armors according to those commoners. Many know about the Tenno, few know what the Tenno actually are. I'd just like to comment on this too. A compilation doesnt mean it is a canon part of the game as a whole, just that the info obtained in the game is available in the compliation aswell. So breaking the 4th wall by also saying "These files reveal details of events before and durging the game, tread carefully Tenno!" isnt true, since we the playerbase are also refered to as Tenno, just as the caste in the game. Just as the in-game hints refer to game mechanics that would potentially be 4th wall breaking knowledge and phrasing and signed Tenno Counsiler X for instance. Just as we have very "gamey" references and explainations within the codex for certain game modes that would also break a 4th wall since they all imply we are just playing a game by explaining it the way the codex does. Except biology references the skin as natural armor. Just as some animals have natural armor that cannot be removed.
  8. Wow! You dont say!? I'm getting a Lloyd-ish "we've landed on the moon!" vibe here. What on earth does Saryns modding have to do with Atlas modding? You just fail more and more at your absurd comparisons. Two widely different frames that rely on different modding and different approaches to killing enemies. You'll still deal damage from your weapons and the skill still deals damage to the mob so less slash procs need to work if you feel some odd need to slot slash on Saryn that is. It also improves how much damage your Lash will deal through your weapon by facing less armor. Honestly I cant recall the last time I actually used slash on a single weapon outside of Garuda through Seeking Talons. It does deal comparable damage since it deals it to the whole map, resulting in less time needed per mob when you get to dealing with them. You have to remember that Spores is nearly fully passive and deals damage to everything if affects each second while Landslide is used instead of your weapon through manual use and "melee". Saryn has access to weapons as Spores deal their damage and debuffs aswell. Now if Spores locked out weapon use, sure you'd have a point since then Saryn would all of a sudden also rely on killing through skills, but that isnt even remotely the case. It is in the end a game where KPM matters the most and while Atlas can pull of high KPM, Saryn will do it better since she does it over long distances across rooms. I did read them all, and few of them are actually bringing up Khora specifically. Some do, most dont. Talk is generally about stat sticks and with comparisons to exalteds etc. Yet for some reason, you whom obviously also read it all I assume, got it to something about Khora? And no clearly it wasnt about me, I was more questioning how stat sticking is abuse since the general context of the thread has been about stat sticks overall and exalted as the other "mod frame skills" option. Also why should I have asked about something that would mostly come natural from someone if someone else misinterprets what they ment? Instead you went on to add further confusions to what you now claim you actually ment, instead of just simply saying in your first reply to me "oh no, that isnt what I ment" at which point I would have gone "cool cool". What posts show you some clear Khora vs others camp? I see generic comments, quite sensible overall with no specific "zomg mah Khorawawawa!" or similar. I see mostly "just removing stat sticks wont help" and some that seem to think just removing them and doing nothing else will work and leave the frames fine (do those people even play any of those frames?). I'm all for a removal of stat sticks and modding baked into the skills similar to exalteds, with stats reworked to make them all actually useful and fairly balanced to eachother.
  9. Because it is all accurate considering very few actually know/knew what Tenno and Warframes actually are/were. Which also answers your last question with a "most". They arent inside the frame, but the frame is an anchor to them which also lets them physically manifest on the field of battle by exiting the frame. They are just beyond the point of physical or void, which is likely why the infested can do nothing to them. And how they survive in space is either due to their suits or simply due to them being part void aswell. As to the operator picking things up, I think that makes it more clear they are physically there, since if you transfer back you drop what you are holding in your hands. Which is a mechanic specific to the operator, since the frame still holds whatever they held in their hands as you transfer out of them. It likely has something to do with conceptualized embodyment that the tenno can control to dematerialize and transfer themselves (and their equipment) to where they want aslong as there is an anchor such as the frame, chair or necramech nearby. If all those are gone and the tenno goes down it would likely end up dying or becoming pure void or something. The chair seems to be the true anchor since it spans far and wide, while the other things need to be far closer.
  10. I mean the post I answered to in a thread about stat sticks did say... It is kinda hard to take it any other way at that point. And the way you answered me after that didnt really help clarify what you supposedly ment either. Then you went on and said it wasnt about power and stats etc. Which kinda also makes it even more vague, since how exactly does the Khora then abuse through her damage if it isnt about the power of it resulting in killing enemies before others have a chance? I mean we have plenty of frames abusive in lower level content, but the higher we get the easier it is to play around them since they no longer 1HK. So stats and power must clearly have something to do with it, or?
  11. Sure there are, if you dont need more than the stats from a normal there is no reason to use a Tau. If the cap requires 10% (or less) strength/duration there is no reason to use a 15% Tau. There would still be the loss even if you can get it back incase fusion was inplace of the current system. Since you would lose 5 shards (or whichever number) when you wanted the guaranteed Tau. So you'd have less normals at that point to use on other frames. Which would also make the system far slower, since you would need to cover your stats that normals provide before actually getting anything out of a Tau obtained from fusion. But you wouldnt kit them out in a month. As you say unspecificed colors. Just slapping Taus in a frame wouldnt be kitting them out since it would be the wrong colors. And that would result in a much much slower system if you actually want to use the Tau you gain for stat improvements and not just use them "cos Tau". Fusion instead of failsafe would result in weeks of either not being able to create a Tau to utilize or weeks of lower stats overall. For instance if we use the 3:1 fusion, at 5.36 weeks you'd sit at 15% strength with the Tau compared to keeping the normals for 30%. With the current failsafe system you'd have atleast 30% strength after the same amount of time, but it could also be higher without you having to sacrifice anything. Meaning you see fruit from your labor gradually as you progress. And the moment you get done with that frame, those normals also provide fruit from your labor as you can instantly hand them over to another frame as you start the shard progress on that one.
  12. And this is far from Khora being a special case and has very little to do with stat sticks. You are more or less describing every damage dealing frame or loadout carrying an AoE. Also, is it really abuse to bring an AoE option to modes where AoE is promoted and expected? But those arent even remotely comparable skills. Spores is more or less map wide, Landslide hits enemies within 2-6m at base, likely somewhere between 3-10m with some range modding. Obviously Landslide needs to do alot more damage due to the far lower uptime and need for constant use. Spores should be compared to other far reaching AoE, which we dont have very many with massive damage output. We however have plenty that can be compared to Landslide, either mobile or stationary. And this is if we completely ignore the actual reason for spores, the corrosive debuff, which again is more or less map wide. So whenever you eventually get to the targets afflicted by spores they'll have far less armor to stop your weapons. And it doesnt stop there, since you need to consider the kit as a whole. Saryn effectively has something to handle every single faction very effectively. Her skills are also not designed around direct killing, her skills are designed around buffing weapons she uses while debuffing the enemy so those weapons deal more damage, while the skills also serve well to wipe out trash (or everything but ancients if we face infested). If we are to compare kit vs kit you suddenly end up with a full useful kit for Saryn and 2 skills for Atlas, where you can potentially salvage his 4 aswell by replacing 2 with Nourish in order to turn Rumblers into living viral spreaders.
  13. No I read it alright but there is nothing that would result in a player not missing that extra window just as they miss the current one. It is just an extention of time, and if they cant already spot 1 out of 3 different info tags regarding the end time another week with a shop open wouldnt help. And if you look at the OP's reason and "problem" nothing would change there either, since they wanted to hold onto the currency to the absolute last possible moment incase any of the items available in the shop would drop from sorties. That would stay the same with an extended shop-only window after the event ends since the sorties would still exsist just the same and result in the same dilemma. Also, thanks for all the examples of the games that let their shops stay after events and seasonals. /s
  14. If you arent looking at the power then what are you looking at? Since power is really the only metric we can go on since it is what makes the building with sticks included comparable to building normal skills. The sticks doesnt take them above and beyond, they help them reach a useful state and then improve them to a great state with better sticks used. Not unlike how regular modding makes a skill good and then great modding makes the skill great. I mean, if we arent looking stats nor power to gauge intent, then what are we looking at? And what do you mean by looking at gameplay to make the judgement? It isnt whipclaw that is abusive if you look at her in groups, it is Strangledome which hogs all enemies and slows down the pace of the mission, more so now when Whipclaw requires LoS. Whipclaw itself is no more or less abusive than a AoE gun, with the downside of having to build up combo and augment before actually dealing comparable damage. With Strangledome it does alot more, but then again we have other frames that do the same through synergy and without a need for a stat stick. So what exactly is the abuse with Khora?
  15. I cant recall a single good game where the shop has been open after the event or season ended. But you obviously must have some in mind and there should likely be plenty of them if they are somewhat a norm to you. And why someone would miss the regular window and somehow notice it during a lingering one is very odd, since the lingering one would essentially be the same with its own end date. It isnt like we have a short notice here either, it was up for a about a month and then 2 weeks for the actual timer in-game. Which kinda serves the purpose of a lingering ship. Those 2 weeks with the time present are effectively that. NW doesnt have enough items to really justify waiting until the last minute. You pretty much have tater, tater and nitain. And since nitain is very limited in use, taters are the obvious choice. Hilarious statement that last one! Since what we have in NW currently is exactly what was asked for as the needed addition for NW and the end date. But like I said back then when people asked for an in-game timer, it wont matter, people will complain that they didnt see it and then ask for more. Which will then not be enough and even more things will be asked for, things that then go on being ignored by the players followed by more things asked for. Which involves trading and the risk of potentially bad plat, along with the time you have to spend on trading, finding a buyer and so on. And you most likely also have enough other items to trade on a regular basis if you are into trading to start with.
  16. With the new extra guaranteed acts I'll likely care little what random acts will pop since I can just skip the ones I dont feel like doing and still end up with roughly the same progress as previous NWs.
  17. And I really dont see the abusive part in using the system here as intended with the options presented to us by DE. It's like saying you abuse Baruuk by running 13% duration to easily utilize his restraint mechanic in order to keep his Serene Storm active 24/7. Plus Khora isnt miles above other frames either by building all out for her whip with the best options available, she is still a moderately used frame. It is just that those options actually makes her whip work, more notably together with her augment. Which isnt much unlike other frames building to utilize a high damage skill. But for some reason, because Khora (and Atlas) need a stat stick to get any form of damage out of those skills it is uhm abuse? Even when we have frames that doesnt need stat sticks to pull off massive damage with their skills? Or are we abusing them aswell by just adding run of the mill mods to increase their numbers of death and destruction? I'd say Khora and Atlas make use of a crutch since without their stat sticks they are cripples. What we see or not doesnt really matter. I go on what I can experience solo with the frames. If I went on what I see in groups, neither Atlas or Khora exsist in the game. Congratulations, you just decribed 99% of the skills in the game.
  18. Yeah that makes more sense. But you still only care about Tau. Those spares would get eaten so it would not be possible to place them as hand me downs on other frames since the frame that need Taus would still need those Taus. Each Tau obtained through the "failsafe" in that system would eat 5 normals to get 1 Tau. With the current system we keep all shards so they can be used on lesser used frames whenever we replace a normal on a frame we play often or one that needs Tau to min-max a build. And overall the fusion system would be slower. Since even after 5 rotation you wouldnt really be able to make use of a Tau as a direct upgrade since you'd need to practically eat the power you already have on the frame to gain a 50% increase on a single shard. So say you have 5 red already equipped on a frame, then you'd lose 35% duration or strength if you decide to upgrade after 5 rotations. So you'd effectively have to wait until you have enough shards to make enough Taus for that frame before you see any return from that system. With the current failsafe we know that after a maximum of 5 rotations we will have a straight upgrade for whichever frame and stat we need a Tau,
  19. But at that point the whole collectors items idea is thrown out the window, since we are back at looking at it like any other cosmetic and comparing it to those. The price isnt particularly high for a collectors item, it is high if you look at it as if it was just another item. There is nothing wrong adding limited collectors items no matter where you are at in your success. I for instance enjoy buying collectors editions from artists when it comes to music. Even though they dont really need the revenue from those items, nor that the materials in those items are worth the price being asked. But it is a fun collectors item that simply adds to the value of an otherwise mundane thing. I for instance have a $45 or so Surtur miniature standing infront of me here on my desk which comes from a collectors edition of Surtur Rising by Amon Amarth. If this was just a regular miniature it would probably cost uhm $10 at most. I'd like to hear those reasons. Since all I've seen throughout the years regarding the specific company in question is a massive amount of misconceptions and mistaking it for a subsidiary within that company. I've had the same misconceptions until I started to actually look those things up when they got involved in PoE which I played at the time. I'm fairly happy that they dont treat founders and CCs differently, since there is zero reason to because their status is not a guarantee for any extensive knowledge on any matter over any other player. Most CCs on YT are straight up horrible and produce the most meaningless crap with flashy titles, the content itself is pretty much like highlighting that water is wet.
  20. I'll use what I use now, an arcane (Grace or Reaper) or a companion with synth deconstruct and/or hunter recovery. But it depends on his actual stats. Plus he has passive radiation on everything, so enemies should fight eachother mostly since they'll be closer to eachother compared to you.
  21. They scale pretty quickly and the damage of spores is per spore. So if you see 3k damage it deals up towards 9k damage if the target is inflicted by the max amount of spores, which isnt exactly hard to manage since they spread whenever you kill or directly hit them and apply to everyone within spread range and adds a further spore up to the cap. You quite quickly hit a point in endless where spores kill so fast on their own that you risk having them not spreading. And with the upcoming shard options, if the leaked info makes it to live, Saryn will also be able to strip all armor very effectively. I wouldnt call it abuse when the skills are designed the way they are with intent, to the point where it is mentioned in the tooltip even. I also love that people rain hell on Khora when Atlas is just as ape these days with his Landslide and the gearing options available. Now I wouldnt mind a removal of stat sticks and the skills becoming self sufficient in modding. But it is risky to ask for it, since we might end up with an exalted vs regular melee situation, where the thing that should be the better option for the frame in question is quite a bit worse than a regular weapon. And exalteds will likely see normal melee widen the gap even further with the WitW update due to Tenno-Kai and Arcanes for regular melee.
  22. It really depends which playstyle you prefer. In endless there are few situations where you actually ever worry about energy on Ember, She is practically indestructible aswell, more so now with further natural DR on shields. I prefer neither Ember or Gauss atm, if I want a heavy nuke frame I rather beat people with dead horses as Dagath.
  23. As others have mentioned Dual Toxocyst or Furis Incarnon are really good. Just make sure to mod for some punch through on Dual Toxocyst since it makes the incarnon form even more deadly. Other than that there is always Laetum aswell, and Angstrum Incarnon is pretty decent.
  24. Not only do they not need to hug the motes to get/keep buffs, Oberon also doesnt provide a buff (or 2) that you might not want at all in your build. I absolutely hate when I get a forced hate mote on me, since mostly I've already build for the fire rate I actually want. And since the mote only provides fire rate/attack speed and not some additional reload speed or ammo efficiency I really dont want it when I dont need it. Same with the shock mote, very annoying when you get it in a random group. I can live with both those motes in use on my own Wisp, since I've built her to work with those motes. At the same time I never bring Wisp when I'm grouping with others since I dont wanna #*!% up their builds. Same as I dont bring Revenant with Mesmer Skin augment to groups, since it can actually screw with the builds of others. Oberon doesnt have that problem since everything is just beneficial when it comes to buffs and the same goes for his debuffs, unless the Oberon has way to much range and spread radiation across the whole tile and slowing it down to a crawl through infighting among enemies. I think Oberon and Citrine are without a doubt my two prefered supports, both to play and when others play them. Citrine taking the top spot due to her ability to spawn an abundance of health and energy orbs while also being affinity range based on her buffs, with the group also improving the strength of her defense.
  25. Regarding armor strip. People should consider that with the release of Qorvex we'll get access to new shards and we just got Barrage updated with Hydroid. So if the shards will include some of the bonuses that were leaked in the Devstream, all frames will have several reliable armor strip options through Helminth, or by going back to the old and grab it on our weapons while grabbing viral from Helminth (or both if you grab Barrage+Augment). And since he is very likely a high hp and high armor frame there shouldnt be much problem slotting 2 corrosive shards on him along with whatever else he might want like cast speed, some duration or wee strength to hit some cap etc. If his status immunity skill does only that, grant status immunity, I will have no problem ditching it for a defense strip of some kind or Nourish. And if his 1 has no real synergy aside from pulsing more often if hit by the walls I'll have no problem replacing that skill either since it is a stationairy in a game where we constantly move. Plus a stationary that inflicts radiation either through itself or through his passive is not really something I wanna leave behind either since it #*!%s up mob spawn flow etc.
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