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Everything posted by SneakyErvin

  1. No I refered to actually getting our void invaded so to speak. Hence why it wasnt seriously written in any way. You are the one trying to decide what someone else ment or implied with what they wrote. And for some odd reason refuse to accept what was actually ment, even when the person who wrote it tells you. edit: Having a case of savior complex by chance?
  2. Zero reason to actually tennokai on him, no matter the weapon. I currently run a permanent 10x combo Ceramic Dagger on him in one build, soley built for HA spamming through Wrathful Advance. Tennokai mod used is the one that increases chance to 50% while adding passive heavy attack crit damage. I never worry about the Tennokai window. I never really melee either with the build, just HA spamming. Using corrosive melee arcane. My second setup is with a Viral+Electric Dual Ichor. I never use Tennokai actively there either due to the passive efficiency I already get with Kullervo. This build plays more like regular melee, with Wrathful Advance used to keep the buff up and to insta kill heavier things like Acolytes or Voidrigs. Insane damage with the electric melee arcane that results in status spread. It practically leaves corpses all over the map due to the cloud on kill counting as a melee kill when it kills through spreading statuses, so it spreads itself to wherever it lands a kill. It is also a constant healing and OG battery for my pet with primed pack leader. I also love Kullervo for the fact that you can completely skip crit chance mods and still reach absurdly high tiers of red crits. I'm at around 565% final crit with Wrathful Advance+Avenger in my builds. And my Ceramix Dagger sits at 9x crit damage with Tenacious Bond and Dual Ichor sits at x15 before the bonus crit tiers are added.
  3. Mmm and clearly someone referencing that specific incident is serious, because obviously DE would introduce that which rhymes with therapists into the story? Like uh? Wut?
  4. Nope, since if you cant answer it here after having claimed there are "breakdowns" what makes you think I'll waste time talking to you in either the game, DMs or over discord? What would make you not dodge the question there, what would make you provide the material you claim you have when you cant do it here?
  5. That story isnt even about an adult from the Zariman. That is one of the people that were part of the rescue crew sent to Zariman after it emerged from the void. One of the investigators.
  6. A post starting with "I can see it now", being based on a sexual reference and includes "*wink* *wink* *nudge* *nudge*" and is ended with a banana and a donut emote, and you manage to actually take it as serious? Thanks for the good chuckle man!
  7. I dont. I have a problem with the reasoning around this subject, nothing else. And that reasoning just happens to come from you, I'd have the same problem no matter where it came from.
  8. Redundant to make it available to everyone, since there is already a mod for those that cannot fulfill the specific criteria. Frostbite isnt Archon Flow. While Frostbite can potentially proc from companions (can it even?), killing would still be the requirement for Archon Flow. And if people have issues proccing it on Frost, then a companion would be able to proc it more reliably. You would also give up alot of utility to maybe get an energy orb every 10 seconds from your companion. Archon Cont could potentially work better since it is doesnt require killing, but also assumes it would have bugged interaction with your companion. Well if you think Arcane Eruption's proc is valid to call it useful on frames that see no personal use of it, then arent Archon mods already valid enough by bringing atleast the baseline stats of the other versions? Also remember that Archon Flow and Cont arent RNG drops, so already useful to newer players even without access to the bonus stats, since the base stats equal a primed mod with a slightly higher capacity cost. My point however is that we have so many things in the game outside of these mods that are 100% pointless to a bunch of frames. I also personally see no problem with that type of setup. And with the new shards, adding something like a weapon requirement to Archon Cont would mean everyone can suddenly 100% armor strip by never even using corrosive itself and the only trade off is 1-2 extra capacity spent on your frame.
  9. It matters because just because something is official it doesnt make it true. And what you describe is the exact problem with MHF. Other players cannot get involved and interact with others to complete missions. They can only do that if they actively group up, which makes it an MO and not an MMO, since an MMO doesnt require you to group to complete objectives except is certain cases, like specific instance dungeons/raids. In MHF everything is based around instances. And while MMOs have both large open worlds and more linear things, neither of the two define MMOs, that is more an RPG thing itself, if it is open world (Skyrim) or linear (Dark Souls). However, what defines MMOs regarding the world is that it isnt severly limiting number of players on a map/in a zone. When a game limits active players per zone/instance to 4 it isnt an MMO, much less so when those 4 also need to actively group with eachother to end up in the same instance. There are MMOs that also use player limits on world instances, but that is because they make use of mega servers to allow even more people to interact in the open world without a need to group. Like GW2 that allows hundreds of players per zone instance instead of splitting the game up into far more smaller servers. And it allows people to swap instances to find friends without any need to group up and so on. I also dont see the point of going DM with this, because I've asked you several times over here about something concrete that supports MHF being an MMO and you are the one answering back with no actual new info. So if you cannot find anything, why are you still answering? You just keep repeating "they says so" more or less, but with nothing that actually points to which parts of MHF makes in an MMO and not just a co-op MOG. You are also at a point with this last post where you seem to think MMO and RPG are interchangable, since you bring up world design and so on. And we arent questioning if MHF is an RPG or not, so bringing up RPG related things is quite pointless.
  10. I mean they could have done OG as the 1HK stopper like it is now, then made shields useful in some other way. Instead we got SG, then now recently we got both OG and improved SG, which have given some frames some seriously ridiculous survivability, while at the same time the problem with the poor pure HP frames is still an issue, same as Toxin 1HK for low armor/low hp shield frames, including Hildryn if you dont invest in health/armor.
  11. If you did you wouldnt add to the metaphor. No one mentioned the rest of the scene, just the specific part with Marsellus, Maynard and Zed. Not what happens before and not what happens after (Butch showing up), just what happens to Marsellus in that very moment of brotherly love. You also seem sure that I was serious regarding it actually happening in WF, like... how?
  12. That is all ok since I disagree with your view on this aswell. I'm just used to it from other games where certain items have absolutely no meaning to another class or hero. And since these mods already have other versions that fit the whole roster, making another that also fits the whole roster would be uhm kinda redundant. I mean, if they made cold and toxin apply to weapon kills and weapon damage aswell to make them viable to the whole roster it wouldnt change much, since players would also need to actually make use of those damage types on their weapons instead of combining. So it would really just open up the option for those mods to another frame or two at most. This has also been a thing for WF since forever, because there are plenty of items completely unusable by certain frames. Aegis, Barrier, shield mods etc. see no use on Pure HP frames, Energize and most of the Zenurik tree along with shards and specific mods are unusable on Lavos and Hildryn, including certain shield mods since the frames have no energy.
  13. In my opinion it is too bad DE didnt introduce Overguard instead of shield gate back when they implemented shield gate. Would have solved most of the issues that came with shield gate and could have applied to frames like Inaros and Nidus aswell if Augur mods and Brief Respite had been converted.
  14. It really depends on what is truth and fact or not in the WF universe. If Eternalism is truth, then only one tenno can exsist, since Eternalism is about which angle we observe and experience out of all that occur in past, present and future all at once, meaning there really is no past, present or future as such and no alternates we can actually co-exsist with. However, if Eternalism isnt actually true, then there is a potential for alternate realities where each version of the tenno exsists as a unique individual. Drifter and Tenno for instance only ever interacts inside the void, which is seperated from practically everything considered reality. And in TNW a choice is made regarding which of the two will carry on in reality, since they cant both exsist. So by the looks of it in the story one is absorbed by the other. And us changing between the two as if they were socks or underwear is just a gameplay mechanic in order to not have the choice result in cosmetics etc. that we've payed really money for just disappearing. However for Wally those rules likely dont apply, since Wally isnt a person as such. We also dont know if Wally is unique or there are others of him, like Q in Star Trek. So Wally whom is a void entity is either unaffected by the concept of time and can appear in two places (or maybe more accurately spaces) at once as two different manifestations (Albrecht Wally and Tenno Wally) and interact with himself (that sounds nasty) at the same void of time. So it is very possible Wally is two but one and makes a reality of the hope Granny had regarding the void allowing for true interaction with Eternalism. Though Albrecht Wally isnt really an eternalistic outcome unique in comparison to Tenno Wally, since the two are from different outcomes at different point in what we percieve as time. Since Albrecht Wally came to be long long long before the Zariman where Tenno Wally appeared, so they arent alternate outcomes from the same event. So Albrecht Wally can be the same Wally that appreared to the Tenno on the Zariman. Which really draws me more to the thought that Albrecth Wally and Tenno Wally are two seperate void entities, or they are the same and connected to a completely different situation that led to two (or more) different outcomes. Could be something as simple as a choice made by Wally, where one of the choices was to travel to the point where Albrecht enters the void and the other was to travel to the point where the deal was made with the Tenno. It's also possible that same point of outcomes led to several other outcomes aswell where Wally did something important we've seen or maybe are yet to see/experience. We know too little about what Wally actually is and what he/it is capable of to draw any real conclussions though. But since Wally seems to be void, I'd say anything is possible due to the timeless nature and seperation it has from the laws of reality. edit: Also some food for thought. Maybe the Zariman incident is the result of what we are about to experience, or set in motion by Wally so we could become the chosen in order to get where we need to go soon.
  15. Na Yareli doesnt shrug of the negative effects, it is just that the negative effects are like the rest of us and dont want to touch her even with a 10 foot pole. What is that smell? Oh a fried fish stick due to the massive burn!
  16. Like I said it wouldnt matter if it was official, since it doesnt specify what it is with their game that they think makes it an MMO. You cant even explain it yourself, you cant provide a single example or a formulated opinion regarding what makes it an MMO. I've provided you 3 points that are part of MMOs, none of which can be applied to MHF. Can you provide some point that is unique to MMOs that can also be applied to MHF? I'm not exactly asking much, you are afterall sounding like you think you know what an MMO is, so it shouldnt really be hard to give an example of such a point.
  17. I just hope they end up using the same wording on all item types and stats. So if say it is a flat additive bonus that cannot be modified through mods etc. it should say "final" like the crit damage bonus on Tenacious Bond phrases it. So that should apply to Avenger, Adarza precept and so on aswell. Then things like Incarnon Torid Evolution 4 should say "base", then crit mods should preferably phrase it like the new bane mod text, so if a mod increases crit with 100% it would be phrased "multiplies base critical chance by x2.0".
  18. I was refering to the specific scene/incident which went *whoosh* far far above your head apparently. It could have been referenced to any movie with a similar scene/incident, but PF, Marsellus, Maynard and Zed was the situation that first came to mind. I could have probably referenced an adult "art" film aswell if I had thought long enough about it, or the couple in Mad Max 2 getting chased down on the road, "played" with and then executed.
  19. Two different types of niche in the context. Filling a niche and being a niche arent really the same thing. In the case of these Archon mods, they are niche mods since they fill a spot in niche builds i.e very specific builds not really mainstream and connected to a select few frames. Amalgam Diffusion isnt a niche nor does it fill the needs of a niche group of builds. Parkour and building for it is popular and quite widespread, so Amalgam Diffusion is really just another regular mod option.
  20. No one said it was because of stuff you couldnt have. I said you likely didnt care about the basic loot when SP released, atleast not to a point where you considered how much more beneficial it was to run SP compared to normal. The innate bonus of SP and the impact it has on rare loot is exactly like SP impacting other types of loot distribution, like increased rotational probabilities or straight up adding extra loot for certain modes (new event for instance). But it is also not something new to WF that came with SP, it has been part of the game for a very long time where higher difficulty equals more loot. Fissures, Bounties and SO/ESO are examples of that, all out dating SP by far. And if you look at SP nothing has really changed, it's just that reworking old drop tables to cater to SP would have been a waste, but with new content added post SP it's natural to have drop tables etc. be altered to fit the idea of SP i.e being more rewarding. The mode already has an innate modifier to rare loot, which practically works the same for guaranteed rare loot as a flat increase to boss specific loot does. So The Fragmented One's loot distribution is pretty much inline with things like Oxium when you run SP, And that you get twice the reward for the same effort... well congrats, you are geared enough to run SP efficiently! There are others that arent in that situation, where SP is slower but rewards more for the extra effort. The game cannot be balanced and tweaked around you when the power floor and power ceiling have a massive gap between them. Or should we suddenly also see a reduction to everything else in SP since we've had the power ceiling raise further from the point it was at when SP released? There are still a constant amount of people that refuse to do SP or see it as too difficulty, so there are those that also experience it as the sweet spot, where risk vs time vs reward is just right since they can handle it just well enough, then there are those of us that feel no difference between star chart Lith and SP Mot. How can you possibly know what it does to newer players? How is giving new players a goal screwing them over? It wouldnt matter which difficulty had the higher loot, players would push it just the same if they feel a need to rush. SP is no different than any other higher level content released or content with several different difficulties/level bands. T5 bounties for instance give a crap load of more standing than a T1, staying for max rotation bonuses in fissures is far more rewarding than leaving after C1 and so on.
  21. He's extremely powerful thanks to all the passive buffs he has gotten more recently. I do however think Biting Frost is extremely overrated since the enemies that it effects are already without armor, so no real need for more crit stats. And versus the squishy factions/units, the extra stats are overkill when all of those squishies already just stand there to be killed without putting up a fight. I'm currently running an umbra build together with energy nexus, stretch, streamline, primed flow and icy avalanche, with brief respite and primed sure footed. Skill 1 replaced with Nourish in that build. Allows for serious avalanche spamming. I've got another similar build but it replaces primed flow with fleeting expertise and Nourish with Breach Surge since that build is comfortable even with negative duration because both avalanche's freeze and breach surge last long enough for enemies to die before they end.
  22. It has been the optimal way to play ever since it released. The difference is you likely didnt give a S#&$ about the drops from the missions at that point in time but find an issue with it when new content arrives with new resources you actually want. So SP hasnt changed, your priorities and needs have. The mode is still the same, and still the optimal way to play. Why you find a problem with SP being more rewarding at the same time as you are OK with the higher/lower level star chart missions tied to Voruna for instance is odd. It is practically the same thing, a high level version giving more loot and iirc a better chance at the actual rotational rewards. So why is it OK to have 2 difficulties with increasing yield but not 3?
  23. No need to change something just because it currently fills a niche. They could however make them consistant, so Toxin Lash for instance can proc Archon Cont, since it adds a standalone toxin damage instance and the skill visual also implies it is part of Saryn and not the weapon iirc. And Flow could likely change to be kills with cold damage skills or targets killed while frozen by skills. Right now though there are a decent amount of frames that can make use of them if people are willing to mod for it. Any exalted frame can use them and then there are frames like Citrine aswell that actually can kill with cold and stack corrosive through toxin. Not everything needs to be usable by everyone.
  24. And that is for you to decide how and why exactly? You clearly didnt get the reference I made, since in that metaphor we are very much Marsellus and not Butch. I also hope you didnt think I was serious about our Drifter/Operator ending up getting some deep deep action in their personal void by an Albwall and Uswall tag team in some shady room in an unknown part of space... or time.
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