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Everything posted by GPrime96

  1. This has all of what i feel about the gamemode, basically have to play the gamemode the way it’s intended to make it feel the way it is instead of our way which would only make it another Sortie (normal mode can still be that way depending on the rotation) and of course when we play it like a Sortie, the rewards are even worse in a very questionable way. Endgame is what you just said in the post and Deep Archimedea only tried to be that way.
  2. No different from any other late game activity. That’s just the way the gamemode’s balanced around currently, not so much for the invested loadouts🤷‍♂️
  3. I rather see that if they can hold their own for the team than having to carry the whole team at the final mission.
  4. Only when the frame is already mastered. When they’re not, they have reduced stats.
  5. Garuda has been my #1 frame since release. Queen of Gore and my everlasting love. Being able to keep myself in the air and proc slash constantly, having ways to keep her energy up to 100% or near it without outside sources like Grimoire or Zenurik, scaling damage that becomes stronger when enemies are stronger, double damage passive that’s separately multiplicative to everything, fun subsume synergies (just like my recent discovery of Damage Decoy + Seeking Talons, try it out), her Prime Claws being the best in the game (when not counting the Melee Arcanes normal melees can get), and those fashion ideas with her Prime😋. Wisp being my second favorite. Passive buffs, multiplicative Breach Surge damage that’s affected by weapon buffs (despite it keep getting nerfs), passive invisibility, brief invincibility which synergize well with the current Shield Gating, but her 4 is forgettable unless you fully built into it. <—- Main thing that brings her down. Besides those, she also got, something extra👀. Citrine would be a close third, main thing is of how fun she can be with builds. Want to be a strength heavy supporter? A walking tank? A red critter with a augment which makes it last longer by duplicating on different enemies? She got your back. Dagath being 4th, Immortality button that let me restore health and Energy when killing enemies after dying, easy viral primer, crit damage buffer, easy defense strip while doing a lot of damage at the same time. Out of the 4 frames, Dagath is the only one i wouldn’t mind using Subsumes on because her 1 - 4 are great with each other. Only reason why she’s 4th is when enemies are hitting hard, her Immortality buff would happen a lot due to her being pretty squishy without it which makes you play more carefully until the cooldown goes away between deaths. I would put Mag or Protea at fifth if i would be honest, her main problem is Pulverize being very weak at stripping armor compare to her 4’s Augment and when it comes to damaging shields + her Passive being, there i guess. Other than that, Mag got the tool kit to be a very efficient high level mob slayer when played correctly. Her bubble gaining damage from enemies and you shooting into it, her 4 stripping armor, Pull working as intended nowadays which synergize well with Magnetize. Protea wasn’t a frame i would love until Veilbreaker. The Duration Shards mainly boosted my enjoyment of making builds on her due to how low her Dispensary last without them. Archon Vitality being the cherry on top for her, unranked or not. All 5 being effective with subsumes as well (with Dagath being not as flexible).
  6. Took me two attempts with randoms to complete this mission and the EDA itself, what i don’t get is the Conduits being targeted by everything. Sometimes enemies can take multiple hits on it and my teammates kill the demo in time, sometimes the conduit gets destroyed instantly after i put in the key. Rest of the modifiers wasn’t too bad for me (especially when my 37 Point run gave me a lucky loadout) but yeah one of them went weird.
  7. This would be true if the rewards wasn’t tied to the randomized loadouts and only tied to the modifiers. Right now, it’s not feeling forced, but “all or nothing” forced
  8. That would make more sense for what Deep Archimedea should be.
  9. They used to do something like this for Sentient Adaptation but that got changed for New War due to Necramech usage pretty sure.
  10. All of them was already dealt with and nothing.
  11. I would be glad to have mine. Still haven’t been given my Email for so long.
  12. Mostly because Shield Gating is what keep a high level player alive, other frames can give like 500k Overguard or something like that and quickly falls apart later on just like health but if given to a shielded frame like Dante, the i frames prevent instant death from happening for a certain duration so the shield gating frame can get their shields back and if there’s a overguard giving frame in the squad, they would be given Overguard as a breather. So it’s less of a amount being a thing for Overguard and more of it being supportive no matter what.
  13. Since enemies are squishier solo, i would imagine a loadout that’s pretty average.
  14. And you only need to do it once for the rewards if you activate enough modifiers, even when you’re going for the Sumdali that’s in the mode. So anyone would did get the Sumdali would just play it like a Archon Hunt where they turn on the modifiers, get the rewards, and leave until next week.
  15. The new LoS fix has brought the Page Flight + Dark Verse + Tragedy back to be a good combo again, decent - ish kill speed but usable. The Overguard buff is something i was less interested in due to how Overguard is.
  16. There wouldn’t be cheaper prices but he will sell Boosters.
  17. I use it on my Skaut over the hands from Fragmented One because it looks cooler imo. But i would agree with this comment.
  18. Especially when you’re forced to use those loadouts to unlock it’s higher level mode. Even then, you’re still forced to use it to reach it’s final reward.
  19. Overguard was definitely made for Eximus to not instantly die but also came with a property that hurt one thing than the main thing it’s trying to be a bigger barrier of.
  20. I got Elite Deep Archimedea completed with all of the rewards, only died once due to me trying to melee a level 250+ Nercramech on normal Deep Archimedea. It’s not as hard as level cap runs i’ve been in but it’s a good middle of the road level where team play still matter (although i was kind of lucky with the loadout it recommends)
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