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Everything posted by GPrime96

  1. High level Saryns would definitely rely on weapons than spores to kill enemies (since Corrosive don’t scale that well and mainly use for Condition Overload/Galvanized Aptitude/Shot/Savvy) unless it’s a Expedite Suffering Saryn. So reaching the spore cap would be a rarity unless the Saryn is killing the enemies very slow.
  2. This is the most significant change to Saryn since her 1 builds up damage the longer they’re on a enemy until it’s own damage cap and the damage type is Corrosive which isn’t something to rely on everytime. Her spores synergy with Toxic Lash, Condition Overload, and Miasma is what keeps it being a worthy ability (especially with how strong Toxic Lash is for DoT builds).
  3. Except the chaining beams aren’t doing much after a certain point. It’s basically Ocucor’s strings but with the power of weaker mods outside of Hunter Munitions. Still a single target weapon when it comes to damage but not as much for general use add clear.
  4. Only thing i wanted as a tenet version, before the Incarnon Genesis, was Staticor
  5. AoE Ammo Economy really is a joke there
  6. With Incarnon Genesis Guns like Torid, Dual Toxocyst, Latron, and Strun existing now, Kuva Zarr/Bramma basically became redundant when it comes to wide add clear while they have the single target damage when they need it and keeping a good ammo economy in the long run. They might bring it back to life but the competition would be extremely tight still. The only pair of Incarnon Genesis Weapons Kuva Bramma/Zarr surpasses is the trash ones like Zylok and this week’s Incarnons
  7. Would make sense if she was focusing on power equivalent to a Nuclear explosion, but the sun got enough power to orbit all of our planets in the Solar System while giving them heat at the same time. Sort of power she would’ve had to insta melt level cap enemies armored or not from Radiation alone realistically. But the chances of us seeing that amount of power would be slim.
  8. Boltor or Burston Boltor because of it’s crit friendliness with HM for beefy slash procs in Incarnon Mode and Puncture procs on normal mode helping it’s CC more after the buff. Burston because of it’s 600 round AoE rounds in one Incarnon Mode, making you use it for almost all of a short mission while having the performance for SP and further.
  9. i still wouldn’t rely on Cold for the main damage dealer over heat.
  10. Since Sol Gate is suppose to be like a portal to the sun and the sun’s radioactive, Radiation is a part of it’s theme but i would agree, it’s not doing any help for it’s DPS.I would love to see increased heat proc rate though.
  11. I only see Polarize as a subsume slot, especially with how good Fracturing Crush is and Archon Shards boosting casting speed, saving a Natural Talent slot.
  12. Since he can tank at any level while standing still, you’re not wrong.
  13. Two things that can amplify any weapon’s performance with her
  14. I would love this command tbh, i’ve been in situations where i need to die from the enemies because the game completely bugged me out but my teammates keep reviving me so i would stay bugged. A command like this would help with the flow of the game when situations like that happens.
  15. Yeah subsumes like that and Aquablades lower their hitbox while being above the Puddle after casting the ability. Not fun
  16. The second implementation alone would fix shields in general.
  17. Boar’s Incarnon is one of those Incarnons i don’t see the hype about. Everytime i use it, i only think of it as a poor man’s Cascadia Flare Beam Weapon but without the damage.
  18. If i managed to get Garuda with Twofold Torment, Fearsome Bonanza, Bombastine’s Malice and Close Contagion, that’s when i know i would be chilling for a while😏
  19. Except the grenades provide very little or next to no DPS benefits and only there to keep you and the team shield gated. So it’s like she have no other option than her turrets for main DPS which ramps up much faster with grouping.
  20. And her Blaze Artillery wouldn’t be at the same TTK without grouping up with ensare when using the armor strip from her 4 (seriously, with nearly max duration, + Duration Shards, grouping and nuking 20 SP lvl 195 Juggernaut Behemoths in 10 seconds with just one turret is so satisfying). Although if someone is using her in a Interception, her 4’s augment might make a difference.
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