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Everything posted by GPrime96

  1. Rhino is the closest to a eximus than any frame thanks to his scaling Iron Skin that’s also Overguard but for himself. Intrepid Stand Styanax pre - nerf would’ve been the closest to Rhino but it’s also a team wide buff (Final Stand also helps Shields so kind of makes sense to cap his Overguard) with energy regen built into his kit that’s enhanced by Nourish.
  2. What i find weird is his Overguard don’t work on NPCs in a Sortie/Archon Hunt Defense even though the Overguard is clearly showing on the NPC.
  3. That’s supposed to be Sacrificial Mods but we still don’t use it for Sentient Killing.
  4. I would agree but the thing i know about Overguard is it’s not the best in survivability when it comes to taking hits (shield gating dunks on it anyday), but it supports it by giving you a extra bar/gating and status immunity so you wouldn’t instantly drop to the floor from toxin damage/proc. So it’s not like Overguard is there to make you a god at a certain point (since Overguard isn’t affected by DR), but if it did, you would see a WHOLE lot more Kullervos than Dantes for Endurance Runs.
  5. Wiki’s also thinks it’s bugged due to it being a additive buff, making it useless when you already have stronger alternatives.
  6. Still great art for my beloved queen😊
  7. Disruption is good fun to level cap in even though two of my 9999 level runs was the normal Kappa, Sedna.
  8. It’s alright, it’s not uncommon for a incarnon to break at release. Remember how buggy the SP Incarnon Adapters were?
  9. I was definitely disappointed in Ruvox, i’ve been using Onos for a good bit after crafting it. Onos shoots like a very small bast radius Staticor with it’s normal fire but shoots a Opticor shot with extra juice for it’s Incarnon as a Arm Cannon. Main thing holding it back are bugs. Now Ruvox, that weapon wants Melee Influence or bust, it’s slow attack speed can be dealt with by mods but can’t say much for it’s kill speed without the 35% damage vulnerability from status after impaling and Melee Influencing electric procs.
  10. Onos do have some weird bugs. Sequential Skullbuster not working for it's Incarnon, Galvanized Shot being multiplicative for it's base form, Non incarnon form bouncing off of Scourge's Bullet Attractor, and maybe another one Wiki posted which is Impaler's Ferocity being additive to mods.
  11. Reading this made me understand how this upgrade works because when i first tried it, i wasn’t sure if it was doing anything. I did go for this than Sequential Skullbuster because even though it can do a lot with that upgrade, trying to use it everyday was annoying.
  12. For a AoE Weapon, it ❤️ headshot damage than AoE damage oddly. Only way i can get chunk of damage from is if i use it like the Opticor but with Cascadia Flare due to it’s ease of heat procs. Although the beams from it’s incarnon can deal enough damage at lower levels to kill enemies before the big blast gets to go off but against lvl 225 SP enemies in Sanctum Simulacrum, it’s beams primes enemies for the big blast.
  13. Honestly, this is more of a problem of Arm Cannons in general. They like to be in your face when trying to while while you’re not in the air or hipfire, but Onos is more visually busy than the other two.
  14. I'm doing that challenge currently and it seems to track progress half of the time. First time i did it, i had to extract to make sure it's keeping track because the challenge would pop up to show it or not pop up.
  15. “and all three to chew through infested” except for Cambion Drift ones
  16. A nerfed Revenant would be a lot better than Inaros, sand boy’s that bad currently and the reason he’s getting a rework
  17. 3. If you select a relic to start a Fissure Mission, and the game sends you to the Dojo before the mission, you would enter the mission with no relic, forcing you to abort.
  18. Hopefully one of the bugs you want to list is enemies in Netracells not taking direct hit damage.
  19. When you use DLSS (not sure if the option before DLSS does the same thing), Seeking Talons won't show the circle that shows up after the Initial Cast but if you disable Upscaling, the ability works as intended. I would show what i mean in this Video:
  20. Honestly, besides Tenet Plasmor, Torid Incarnon is better than other AoE Weapons you posted and it’s not even close. Not only it got AoE Explosive shots, it also got a Laser Beam that does pretty good damage, chains, and last for a nice amount. Although that just reinforces the AoE meta in a certain way more than other normal AoE Weapons.
  21. Especially with the scalability Tenet Plasmor have over Bramma.
  22. I could be wrong but i think Dread Mirror can be casted on a Blood Altar’d enemy but this synergy for damage would be much better, it atleast gives a reason to use Blood Altar over a Helminth.
  23. This would always happen when you’re using a Bow/Arm Secondaries/etc. until you aim glide, no matter what your FoV is.
  24. I’m glad someone feels the same for my girl’s Deluxe Skin.
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