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Everything posted by sunderthefirmament

  1. Excellent suggestion. This would also help counteract DE's bad design habit of making NPC's bark and chatter even while the demolyst is approaching, further obscuring the audio cues.
  2. Razor Gyre is truly terrible. I'm convinced that it could restore energy instead of costing it, and it still wouldn't be worth casting. It's just mystifying how DE thought the ability would see any play at all. Caliban is locked behind some truly late game content, so unless you pay for him in plat, you're not very likely to get any use out of his 1st ability at all. The healing is tempting I guess, but there are so many different and better sources of healing out there that it's basically not even worth considering. I typically lump Razor Gyre in with Merulina in terms of how much it takes away from the player and how little it gives in return. I'm glad you're enjoying Caliban over all though. He does have some strengths, but Razor Gyre is far from his only issue. His summons still bodyblock players, which belies an extreme lack of testing and QA on DE's part. If Caliban had been released a few months after TNW instead of bundled with it, I think he might be in a better state. As it stands, he has earned meme status for just how forgotten and neglected he is. I think his only hope for dev attention now is when he gets his prime.
  3. This doesn’t make any sense. I already stated why I don’t play netracells on public. I’ve read too many complaints about people not killing in the circle, along with host migration potentially forcing you to redo it. You seem to have this perception of me as a control freak who dictates how others should play. That’s simply inaccurate. Do you think I would subject myself to others killing outside the circle and needlessly dragging the mission on just so I could attempt to correct their behavior in the chat? Why on earth would I do that when solo / clan play is right there and invariably much faster?
  4. He does need a rework, but this ain’t it. The way he used to be was never good for the health of the game. And now Limbo is left rather binary: off or on. His kit either works at 100% capability, or it doesn’t work at all. In both cases, he is often a detriment to the team due to this game largely valuing kills per second over literally anything else. DE, please give Limbo a rework that dumpsters the rift as it currently stands, keeping it in name only. He doesn’t need to be a DPS god or anything, but he could get utility, mobility, and debuffs that fit with his theme more than the impotent grief-fest that his current kit embodies.
  5. Yep. It’s too clunky for me to want to use it regularly. When Voruna first dropped, I almost immediately Helminthed the ability away. I only looked back and tried it again when she got the augment. I have more fun using the rest of her kit and melee than I do with her 4. And with Tennokai, I can now live in her 1 passive, which makes her feel especially freeing to play.
  6. Obviously I’ll withhold judgment until I actually try him out, but yeah, this is what’s kept me off of Grendel since his rework. I could take the time to swallow enemies with an ability that has unreliable targeting and very frequently won’t swallow anything at all before I use my real abilities. Or I could just clear the screen with a different frame or weapon. I hope that Dante is more fluid than Grendel and Lavos.
  7. Kahl may be shorter, but it’s also what you’re doing during that time that’s important- not just how long the activity takes. Let me try an analogy here. I would rather go for a pleasant stroll through a nature preserve for 30-45 minutes than walk over broken glass barefoot for 3-4 seconds. I would rather spend more time on frame content to unlock the same reward than less time with something as shallow as Kahl. You may have memorized my opinion on Kahl content, but you don’t know me or how I play. I frequently carry others on archon hunts. And though I don’t play netracells on public, I do play them with a clanmate who would have trouble clearing them without me. Don’t lump me in with any section of the community besides the ones you have evidence for.
  8. ...? So is Kahl "post endgame" or is he accessible to "New, Casual" players? Or is he somehow both? Neither? Anyone claiming that people who are incapable of hunting an archon or clearing a Netracell are now going to be without their weekly shard are spouting nonsense. To even get to Kahl, you need to have a Necramech and a Railjack. All content associated with those two vehicles is at or above late starchart level. Sure, a player can purchase both of those with plat. Players can also purchase galvanized mods and steel path arcanes with plat (from other players), allowing them to kick outside their coverage and do archon hunts/Netracells without excessive difficulty. Also nothing was stopping people from getting carried through archon hunts. If you've ever played one public, you've likely seen this happen. I will admit that I've literally never played a Netracell on public due to the complaints about randos that I see here and on the subreddit, so I can't speak to that. There's nothing sacred about Kahl. He doesn't need to be respected. He's a largely forgettable masculine stereotype of a character stapled to the same three missions on repeat until the end of time because the reward behind him was just that good. Until DE announces that they're adding something new to Chipper's stock shop, your "end of story" and "facts are facts" comments don't quite seem to grasp what DE has done. They've announced that they're removing the shard from Chipper/Kahl. As far as we know it, that is where the story ends.
  9. I don’t think Kahl is worthy of good rewards. It’s miserable, crap content. It’s fine for it to have the niche archon mods, a frame, a few weapons, the ship, and a few cosmetics. That’s honestly a whole lot more than it deserves. It doesn’t need to be endlessly grindable because it’s just not varied or good enough to sustain that. There are already numerous paths of progression for newer players to gain power. Shards should be elsewhere and Kahl should be forgotten once a player clears out his shop. It’s a good change and will likely go a long way towards staving off burnout. Even if the Cavia costs are sky high, at least it’s frame content, and there are often quick and rewarding bounties available, not to mention the ability to amass tons of voca.
  10. They can buy archon mods, hold onto them for a while, and then sell them to other players for plat. Right, but archon shards are still the new hotness. They’re increasingly more valuable with the shard fusion system and with the upcoming ability to combine them to form tauforged shards. Shards are going to stay valuable and relevant indefinitely because DE keeps adding new frames. Such a valuable reward shouldn’t be locked behind non-frame content. I’m overjoyed that DE is addressing this. If Kahl had non-endgame relevant loot for his weekly I don’t think people would have complained as much about his awful chore missions. If it wasn’t clear, I don’t think it’s fair to compare doing a Kahl mission for a shard to running the weekly Clem or ayatan mission for a useless specter or a chunk of endo.
  11. Most importantly, normal missions also feature variation from our arsenals… if we so choose. Kahl ignores all that. It’s no wonder he got stale so fast.
  12. That's fair and insightful. It's obviously way too late at this point, but DE should never have released a frame with a K Drive as a gimmick if they weren't committed to actually making it playable and removing its many, many bugs. This augment is welcome, but it's also a bare minimum given how glitchy and clunky Merulina is. I wish they had higher standards for their product, especially as they continue to expand across platforms and grow as a corporation. QOL and stability matter.
  13. Good point. I forgot about the Circuit method of getting augments. There really isn't much of an excuse not to use it then.
  14. I view their lack of dying as contributing. The bar is that low in this game. You don't have to agree, of course. When I do play Revenant, I always have Mesmer Shield stapled to my build. That's another way he contributes, or can contribute. If a player can afford Mesmer Shield, they should always have it on, honestly. It's not like Revenant is really hurting for mod space.
  15. Sorry, I think you're misunderstanding me. I show up to literally every mission in this game prepared to solo carry. That isn't a brag. It's just how I play the game. I'm not the Revenant in this situation. I just don't mind seeing him on my team. When I see a Revenant, I think "Oh, I won't have to waste any of my time reviving this player."
  16. I came here to say this. Thank you for beating me to it. In a game where it's this easy to solo-carry basically any/all content in the game, something as simple as "not dying" is in fact contributing. I shudder every time I'm trying to kill a demolyst in Archon Hunt Disruption only to have a teammate go down. Now I have to make a choice. Do I focus on the demo or focus on the dying teammate? If I can't do both, I'll likely be in the mission longer saving another conduit (or whatever we're actually doing in Disruption). Mesmer Skin is really, really strong. And Revenant could likely use some changes. But "not dying" is one of my personal favorite ways that my teammates contribute in this game. Also up there are: reaching the friendship door at the same time as (or before) me reaching the elevator in a timely fashion reaching extraction in a timely fashion not overriding my Zenurik energy bubbles with a lower rank version using a cipher to insta-hack if they beat me to a console
  17. Good: Verglas Helstrum Deconstructor Prime Bad/Mediocre/Niche: the rest of them This isn't meant to offend anyone. It's just what I've found in my own usage. I am certainly open to differing opinions.
  18. In a straight-away it can be faster. I absolutely agree on maneuverability. I'd like a tap/hold so I don't need to use 2 configs/loadout slots for Yareli just to have a usable one (Loyal Merulina) and one that unlock the NW K Drive kills challenge.
  19. Agreed. Transmission messages can be incredibly disruptive... especially in disruption, when you're trying to listen for the demolyst. I really like Alad V's (newer) Jupiter voicelines, and Little Duck also has excellent delivery, but I don't want to hear their voices when I'm straining my ears trying to pick up a faint beeping in the distance. It's incongruent design, and should be rectified in this area and in others.
  20. Coming off a little aggressive there. I didn't abuse it. I tried it, once, with a melee Voruna and the Rakta Dark Dagger. A few days later, DE nerfed it, and now I've wasted two (normal) shards. Not a huge deal in the grand scheme of things, but it is annoying that there really isn't anything worthwhile on orange right now.
  21. Agreed. If they're going to outright kill a fused shard with patches/updates, then we should be able to get our investment back.
  22. Devouring Attrition is a fairly recent addition, which can make crit buffs unwelcome. Combat Discipline is another fairly recent addition. More than one on the team can ruin certain setups, though even more recent changes to Equilibrium have ameliorated that. Then there's poor Chroma trying desperately to take damage alongside the likes of Intrepid Stand and Mesmer Shield. Poor dragon. And then there are certain recent arcanes that reward using niche status effects... alongside a nearly ubiquitous viral weighting due to Helminthed Nourish in basically every random group.
  23. Sure, but this is still an error that should be rectified in game, and an inconsistency that should be smoothed out.
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