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Everything posted by Zakkhar

  1. Abilities no, thread title however, exatly Atlas. If you changed Boxer for Brawler then maybe.
  2. And by therapy you mean brainwashing and heavy medical sedation?
  3. To add to what my predecesor said. Vasca may look cool but is not very useful in current meta outside very special cases. Other animal pets (Smeeta, Panzer, even Adarza) as well as Sentinels (Diriga, Nautilus) and robotic animals with Bonds are way more useful. I use Chesa Kubrow (mini Nekros) more often than I use Vasca.
  4. I do not say you as a person, but you in general. This is not the first topic about this, you know.
  5. Seems it would totally change something considering how avidly you advocate about it and how coldly DE completely ignores you. Prime weapon = Prime or custom skin. Normal weapon = normal or custom skin. Incarnon = Incarnon skin trumps all. I do not even think you need an article about it.
  6. Wont work. You buy a skin for base weapon. Once you incarnon it and activate it, it becomes completely different weapon with Incarnon prefix and completely different effects. Maybe they will fix it some day or may not. All Incarnons (Zarinam and Duviri) have exact same problem.
  7. Yes, the thing that is one of main sources of profit for developers in F2P games. Why give a free one if you can make custom pointy, glinty, superduper paid one?
  8. I am, generally against handholding, but you seem to be missing a point. Let my "friend" here give you a bit of perspective: In short, certain caps are warranted and certain others completely ridiculous and reek of mobile P2W games. Arcane cap, though has nothing to do with players wellbeing, it is just marketed as such. It is simply an attempt to control the supply of arcanes on the market. Possibly something to do with Tencent pandering and Asian gaming culture. Western community doesnt want that, it is just Stokholm Syndrome or Simping.
  9. What I mean, is that usiing normal skiiin for prime frame does not technically deceive anyone, but using normal skin of a prime a weapon is like using a case from classic guitar to hold electric one. Technically it is doable, but it just doesnt fit. Those are two different weapons with different dispo, stats and effects.
  10. Completely normal phenomenon. Once you enable your Incarnon the Incarnon skin will overwrite any existing ones till extraction. At this point it is not known whether it was intended or unintended mechanic.
  11. Proposed many times, unlikely to hapen There is miniscule difference between Prime and non prime frame - it has same abilities and stats for those abilities essentially. Prime, variant and normal weapon tend to vary in stats way more, sometimes with completely different mechanics (eg. radiant attacks), you can use custom Rifle/Pistol/Weapon class skins (although Incarnon will overwrite them).
  12. So, you have been essenentially attempting to introduce players to a game that has very little handholding by extensively handholding them. You can do that to an extent, if create your own new smurf account. Carrying, taxing, giving them free stuff, playing the game for them from an established account will not only ruin their experience, but also make them less invested. You can explain do's and don't, but do not get into details.
  13. Dude are you for real or is this some kind of out of season April Fools joke? Everything outside Umbra forma here is literally trash, not even vendor trash.
  14. It took me a while. You meant The Circuit, not Circus. Best bug report: No details, no evidence, mission name botched. Best solution for any hickups in the Circuit is having Host Migration. It can be done if Host (player number 1) does alt+f4 and comes back. Sadly such player loses all Decrees. Coming back is not mandatory.
  15. She is not evil, she just has an agenda that is different than yours.
  16. Out of curiousity. What do you plan to use Stance Forma on? I got a couple, but yet to find a suitable target. I think it is most useless forma out there.
  17. Max range LImbo is bad idea. You only need as much range to cover the point. Anythiing outside that will hinder yourself and you team. Khora, Frost, Limbo (with proper range) all work. Hell evven Protea does. I just find the defendiing boring and relying on my team to get points quite slow, so I just queue Bronze on a carry (my Carry is Titania) and get 99% points/kiills for my team.
  18. Quit is a resource/option to use. I find it useless to keep it minimal, I will not even check. There is nothing to brag about.
  19. Just run the mission normally and hope for the best. Or dont. Kinda shallow reason to make the whole system around it. For me most missions with team are slower. This one included. Just run max range Saryn and there is hardly any extermination involved as everything dies whiile you look for the Defixios and the killed enemy condition is met just before you get to the extraction, or 5 seconds after, when you mow the rest down.
  20. That doesnt make any sense. Have you read the OP? https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Warrior's_Rest Still withiin the bounds of Warframe. What OP is proposing is the real cruelty.
  21. No sane person would use this for this passive. Especially coonsidering how bugged it is due to cancelliing every possible buff during Transference. Also then it should apply to Titania's Nezha's Passive Disabling Auguments: https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Controlled_Slide https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Ironclad_Flight Are you seriously comparing Accesibility options with an option that breaks the lore, fashionframe and what not? How is that QOL for anyone? Why not erase Umbra from existence completely and only sell his accesories and ability effects for plat? Then you could toggle them all day long.
  22. Please don't. It may be super great idea for a bored veteran, but is a terrible one for literally everyone else.
  23. That is where you are wrong.
  24. So basically matchmaking system with a queue instead of instant. If people want to farm the spot just run the mission. You really do not need any aditional systems. If they are tentative because they cant carry solo or worse, expect freeloadiing off someone. Well, tough luck.
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