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Everything posted by Zakkhar

  1. 34-37? If praying to RNgesus doesnt work, you may try sacrifice. Or just chill with EDA completely and just do Netracells 5 times. PS: You can buy one normal shard from Bird 3 (Cavia rep) every week.
  2. To add to the above, that is the harshest example of this. People bought limited edition of tennogen for real money just for it to be in game available for eveyone to grind? Would be the same outrage as Escape from Tarkov now, even though situations are different. When you sell something as limited and excusive and make it common after a while it is false advertising. But have no fear, fashionframe is still going and there will be many more new beautiful designs to chose from in the future.
  3. Only thing Heavy Caliber is worth using on is Ignis/Phantasma, but instead of Serration. Because it actually makes your cone of damage wider. Also may be considered for carpet bombing with ay launcher so the multishot grenades fall a bit further apart and their radials do not overlap as much. Worth on lower content on Kuva Ogris/Bramma since the single grenade of those with proper modding is already an overkill. We got plenty of %dmg sources since HC got introduced and it is not only not competiive but also %dmg value on modding got quite diminished.
  4. Every frame without massive speed boost is slow if you just going to sprint. Waeve in other velocity/parkour movements (roll, slide, bullet jump, air kick) and it goes much faster. My Loki, even though built for speed with 1,25 base 15% sprint boost aura, rush 30% and 12% speed drift alonng with Amalgam Serration (it works even if your current weapon isnt primary). resulting in over 2 sprint speed only gets seriously speedy after Runtime procs (15s of +75% sprint after hacking). I use him for kuva spy because it is a f running simulator. Also, are you sure you are actually sprinting?
  5. Crew slots only affect how many crew members you can equip at the time (active slots), but you can have multiple available to equip (waiting room). It is like with Primary, Secondary, Melee. You can only equip 1 at once, but you can have however many to choose from. If you convert the lich it will be available both to trade and as a crew member, regardless of your current active slots amount.
  6. In order to be able to assign Lich/Sister as a crew member you need a slot for the Lich to be equipped in the RJ menu (as Defender). You also need Intrinsics Command rank 8. It is however only an option, not a requirement. Conversion has nothing to do with Crew assignment. You can convert however many Liches you want without even owning Railjack (figure of speech, it may be hard nowdays due to how final showdown occurs in RJ). Lich trading occurs inside a Clan Dojo's Crimson Branch room that is completely separate to Dry Dock.
  7. They do. As long as it is not repeated too frequently, it will most likely be granted. First occurence should be ~100%.
  8. With my example stats 1 + X (4-1) (for yellow: X=1, orange: X=2, tier 1 red=3, tier 2 red=4) so it is Yellow 1+(4-1), so x4 Orange 1+2*(4-1), so x7 Tier 1 red 1+3*(4-1), so x10 Tier 2 red 1+4*(4-1), so x13 Thanks for the correction.
  9. Glaxion has cold as base damage so innate cold is absolute waste considering it is a primary and gun CO exists. Toxin is safe, magnetic is not bad.
  10. Lenz status application/explosion is singificantly delayed, which makes the enemies go out of the bubble before it happens. I mod cold myself only for NW cold damage kills and once on sentinel for a bit of CC when everything had 50% HP as overguard. And I cold rad/cold on Imperator Vandal for PT, but it is status immune, so i do not think that matters.
  11. I use Phantasma modded for viral+electricity. You mean Gyre's ability number 2? How much dedication does it require?
  12. Also you can filter the recruit chat by the relics you want to open, using the looking glass in top left corner. For Grendel BP, systems and chasis you need 3 filters: Neo S18 Axi G11 Meso G6 (there is also Lith G8, but it is unlikely because it is vaulted). You can click on each linked one in chat to see how many you have.
  13. I have similar problem with Akarius Receiver. How did you manage to get 3 Neurotics? They drop from different era relics than the Blueprint, chasis and systems. Do you run correct relics? Do you refine them? Neuroptics is a common one, BP and System are rare and chasis is uncommon.
  14. Need more infinite body penetration beams. Team Ignis/Phantasma.
  15. Mastery Rank/Checklist | WARFRAME Wiki | Fandom There are several hidden items that do not show on profile equipment page as incomplete until you obtain them. I think all exclusive ones dont, and several others: Exclusive Mastery | WARFRAME Wiki | Fandom notably the infested K-Drive.
  16. I played this game before I knew what Warframe is. However, this video is just concept and I do not think anything was included in final game. But I see Arthur concept is making a comeback in Warframe 1999.
  17. Ranks of the weapons mean nothing in this game. All you get is bigger capacity for mods. How do you mod the weapons? Do you have the mods ranked up? Can you name the mods and ranks of them you have on your Boltor? As for strategy, soft cover* and constant breaking line of sight is the best idea or he will just sit in his bubble forever. *) soft cover mechanics abuses the third person perspective, it allows you to see the enemy and shoot it, while it cannnot see or shoot you. You have to utilise many of the pillars present in the Junction room for that. This can be further improved by using Volt's shield. Alternatively you could just activate speed, quickly break the distance and heavy attack him constantly with your best melee weapon (sufficiently modded Dual skana).
  18. Seeing them in a game world is not required to use the trade console at all.
  19. It doesnt seem like it is converted. I want to sell Heathrow Airport. I do not own it, but will be mine soon. Trust me, bro.
  20. Hopefully this incovenience will be enough to give you a valuable life lesson. I happen to have over 1000 Nora credits from several previous seasons as I did not manage to spend them before the Season ended. You know what the consequences are? I got less stuff. I actually got multiple life lessons from this, but most important one is probably, that it is just a game and the Fear of Missing Out should not have any control over me.
  21. So basically you repeated what you said earlier. Maybe wait for the Enemy Vulnerabilities rework, which kinda indicates that DE doesnt want the need to use all those elements?
  22. What problems? Name one. Just one. I don't, hence not everyone. Why do people tend to say we or everyone, when they really mean "me"? How do you know? Have you contacted support?
  23. Why does it have to be the same weapon? Synergy happens even when it is not. Nobody checks for that! You can have viral/heat on sentinel primer, toxin on primary and gas on the melee. Only option to achieve that on same weapon is Secondary Encumber | WARFRAME Wiki | Fandom My Kuva Nukor has innate rad, lich mag, modded viral+heat, as well as weapon specific microwave - the arcane can add anything from puncture to gas.
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