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Everything posted by Venefik

  1. I prefer Mind Control to stay in case she ever gets reworked. Multiple controlled units yes but as long as the damage stacking mechanics remain the same (augment “Twin Minds” for two units or something). No more than 3 though, and the ability to refresh MC should be a thing IMO. Psychic bolts should not have a target cap, instead affecting a large cone in front of her (though I enjoy the bolt animations). Absorb should not rely on raw damage but on number of targets “affected” by it, yes. And I like the idea of draining enemy minds to give power to Nyx, and yes for absorb improved mobility as well. I personally would prefer if Absorb would drain enemies to empower her own abilities, but between burst damage and weapon buffing, weapons sound more interesting (and less prone to nerf, since Nukesorb has already been nerfed once [though it was an exploit]). Chaos can be underwhelming, but a slight buff might make it much more interesting. Example: enemies affected by Chaos receive a factional damage increase for every other nearby enemy, and it persists for a few seconds after their deaths, or it could uniquely count as three different status effects, making really good for CO build which would go very well with her controller/debuffer role. As for telekinesis: it can be fun, but would ultimately clash with Mag, as she already uses her magnetic powers to grasp, crush and throw her enemies around. Nyx also seems much more inclined towards influencing her enemies rather than actually using telekinesis. Her 1st convinces the enemy to switch sides, her 2nd causes them to fight carelessly, her 3rd confuses them, and her 4th provokes them. There isn’t too much that alludes to her using telekinesis other than Absorb recast, which happens for a very very short while and is an energy explosion, which seems way way less controlled and refined than picking them up and then doing something else like throwing them around or crashing them into another enemy etc. Not a deal breaker, but it really does not sound like her thing (for me at least).
  2. Yup, had that idea before for either an exilus augment or a new hold-cast function. Or, allow Blessed allies to keep the cc/status protection and some of the regen after touching a Well of Life until Blessing expires or is recast. Yes, and this buff would alleviate the absence of Link in case it gets repurposed or a player replaces it using Helminth. My suggestion: higher base durations and upper body animations on her basic kit so she can be more mobile when casting. Overall her kit isn't entirely bad, just a mix of things that make her feel a little too old. Doesn't need a full rework for me though.
  3. This is indeed strange, as Exalteds do indeed inflict ability damage, as Ancient Disruptors decrease direct damage inflicted with them. Hope this gets adressed, as Exalteds already have enough limitations to deal with.
  4. It sucks but is undeniably a possibly good sign that DE might have something bigger planned for him, which would most likely be infinitely better than getting band-aid augments just for him to do the most obvious things (cough Merulina cough but at least we have the option now so I'll take it cough) like conjuring combat focused, scaling sentient drones, something he should be able to do by default. Also, dev bashing is really ugly.
  5. It seems great! ^ The 2nd quote is pretty much what I meant to say. I'm very excited for the augment since the two things I didn't really like on Yareli was her Aquablades and Merulina forcing us into K-Drive mode. Now I can use an augment that rids me of the K-Drive mode and a Helminth to replace the blades, and finally enjoy her like I would have loved to from the beginning, using all my weapons and Helminth subsumes! Now I can't wait for her Prime. >///<
  6. Well, a mod slot and 90% damage reduction seems pretty crazy as a cost just to not ride her and have her cast what seems like a single target version of her not very impressive 1st once every 2s. At this point, swapping Merulina for the reworked Eclipse is propably better. But you're right, just speculations for now.
  7. Definitely, on top of her only real hard CC being single target. I really hope Absorb get some attention at some point, regardless of the 895764895764589674589 possible directions they can choose (Absorb and all the 49857348975 different roles it tries to cover with all the tanking, aggroing, weapon buffing, ccing, direct damaging, etc it tries to do). When I first tried Stalker, my immediate reaction was something like "WHAT HERESY IS THIS" when I realized his is basically a modernized Absorb. Q-Q Like...I'm not even asking for hers to do all that really good slash damage. The ability just needs to be decent. Pretty please? 🥹
  8. I'm soooo excited to try her out without the annoying part of the gameplay. And the best part is that the ability is still there, it is still useful, and still looks great. There is a part of the footage that shows Yareli being shot by a lv40+ enemy and taking very little damage, right after she summons Merulina and shortly after losing the invulnerability. Plus the augment says she no longer -RIDES- Merulina, and not that she no longer benefits from her. Plus she retains the invulnerability on cast, so it would just be natural that she also retains the damage resistance.
  9. Well, to be fair I find it hard to be this faithful when Equinox has 2 debuffs in her kit, one of which is only a cc if augmented (and the ability is still blocked in the absence of the upgrade) and one of which does quite the opposite of controlling since it speeds enemies up. I would say this is pretty important a fix, specially since Overguard supposedly only affects control, yet here we are. As you said yourself, almost two years of no fixes for a broken ability, which has been broken since the release of the mechanic. Taking this into consideration, I think that maybe DE just forgetting about these interations or just not really caring about it to be much more believable than these being actual exceptions. Specially how in the link you've posted, it explicitly says "blinds", and Breach surge pretty much seems like one of if not THE strongest blind ability in the entire game. I guess that if Blinds had an exception, Breach Surge is probably the last option that would cross my mind when thinking about such abilities. As for the actual exceptions, it seems to always be on the safer side of things. A relatively low, non-scaling slow is arguably harmless, though it still breaks the rule of what Overguard is supposed to do regardless. Anyways, if exceptions are going to happen, I hope squishier frames get picked. Its strange to me how an innately tanky frame and a possibly tanky frame (if you build him with his armor bonus in mind) get picked when their tanky stats are somewhat a way to mitigate OG.
  10. Actual exceptions? Then I guess I can see it working for Nyx too (though this logic is kinda horrible on warframe since powercreep exists but anyways). But I’m curious now, which abilities were made into exceptions?
  11. Exactly because of that. A dps frame (with no access to cc) using an ability to break through a barrier that stops CC would make sense. A CC frame using an ability to break the barrier that is supposed to counter them does not. BTW its not that I don't want her to do that, I guess I meant that in a more "Overguard making sense" point of view. I would very much enjoy if Mind Control and Chaos would bypass Overguard since only one of these is a hard CC, and that hard cc is single target. I just don't really think it'll happen since it wouldn't make too much sense to start making exceptions (and with that, lots and lots of "if Nyx can, so should X frames" threads lol).
  12. I doubt either would happen, but if she had a way to counter Overguard, I'd prefer if she'd bypass it using Mind Control. This way you can pick eximus with no risk of them dying after losing OG, and could also be used to safely kill them by debuffing first, then controlling and stacking damage afterwards. Not that I think they'd do this, but it makes a little more sense since Mind Control is a single target skill that can affect a maximum of one enemy (and you could have just killed them with your weapon instead of casting). Removing overguard would only kinda make sense if it's a full dps frame with no cc or utility. And even then, you could just helminth CC into your build, so it'd still not really make that much sense. What I think she really needs is a rework to that horrible 4th, and then just nice buffs to her base kit to reinforce her role as debuffer and controller and revitalize her into a modern control frame. No target cap on her 2nd, Chaos could count as a status or provide a small factional damage boost (if enemies are fighting their own allies and at least within x distance of each other, damage boost applies (and lingers for a few 5s after either one dies), Mind Control gets a speed multiplier after N of its former allies die in it's vicinity, Mind Control's teleporting trigger on recasting instead of on it's own, a way to refresh Mind Control duration, Absorb's bubble can be 'escaped' by Nyx to bypass it's long recast animation and the sphere lingers drawing enemy fire (with no damage to energy penalty but she loses the invulnerability) etc etc etc.
  13. That is because Eximus must be a threat, except for Revenant. Standing still and face tanking through anything that can't nullify your skills is obviously genious gameplay, but cc? DID YOU DARE TO SAY CROWD CONTROL? UNFORGIVABLE! SUMMON THE VENOMOUS HYEKKA EXIMUS SQUAD NOW!
  14. It got buffed to provide cc and status immunity for anyone inside the radius, making it more useful and do something Blessing doesn't. It also enables you to replace Link for something less selfish and more group supporting without losing all its benefits, since losing status protection for yourself is not that bad in missions where WoL use is viable as it will provide that to all the squad. Sure you lose some DR but depending on the Helminth choice it can still up your (and allies) survivability.
  15. Nullifiers aren't balanced though. The impact a Nullifier has over Tempest Barrage is inverted: not only Barrage is not dispelled, it will actually damage and reduce their bubbles to the point 3 casts will almost immediately break their bubbles as soon as they regenerate, basically nullifying the nullies inside a pretty large radius. Mallet does the same. On the other hand, 'dome' class of skills and some other objects and zones placed on the field become almost unusable since a nullie spawning anywhere nearby will insta dispell it just for existing. Why must Tempest Barrage and Mallet (25 energy, powerful DPS and debuffing/cc tools) be almost non-dispellable while Cataclysm (100 energy, ultimate) simply vanishes when a nullie touches it?? Saying Nullies ruin the game would indeed be exaggerating. I have an amp that allows me to pop nullie bubbles with ease, and some of my warframe choices like Titania make nullies look cute when you can vaporize their protection. But saying "they aren't problematic and need no fixes" is a huge lie. There are warframes that I simply do not bring into corpus missions even when I want to play them simply because of Nullifiers and how uneven their effect on the roster is.
  16. Isn't this like... the SECOND grind relief system we have to get shiny gems? It almost seems to me like we should be thankful this is even a thing.
  17. Progeny’s Diversified Denial: similar to the hound pet, each summoned ally will divide into 3 brachiolysts to increase the chance of body blocking and self-staggering! Passive: +25% ability range for Lethal Progeny. ;P Seriously though, anything that allows the minions to be refreshed is a win. Not only that will address one of the afore mentioned issues, but it also enables an optional summoner build with Infection, especially if the augment comes with something like “calls a battalyst/ortholyst while all conculysts are active”. Infection Nekros does unspeakable things (for summoners in warframe anyways lol) in Lua and archon missions when he starts playing around with Battas and some armor strips and damage buffs from Infection. Granted, using two kitguns sux but its sweet to see enemies flying around whenever your battalysts point at someone lmao.
  18. Oculysts that scan enemies for weaknesses are a really cool idea, but I’m afraid that if DE ever gives Caliban some attention, they would just give buffs to make his basic kit more reliable (his 3 being less expensive and refreshable, his 2 having a less obnoxious type of cc, his 1 having a meaningful use, etc). As cool as these ideas are, they have a better chance of happening with a second sentient frame release than with Caliban himself, and let’s just say it will be a while until we get a second sentient frame, if that even happens (I don’t think it will lol).
  19. Good points. One handed + upper body animations (aka cast while moving and shooting) for her basic kit would do wonders for the fluidity of her gameplay, and more base duration would make her feel better to play and mod, I’m sure. Other than this, I’d raise the damage reduction cap on her Blessing to 90% to be on par with most other DR skills. Some non-ultimate skills offer more damage reduction, and some of these are as easy to use as blessing, or need less strength investiments, so Blessing should be brought up to be on par with modern warframe powers IMO.
  20. Venefik

    Nyx rework

    I meant that it should still teleport, but on demand. Tap to cast, tap while active to teleport them to Nyx, and hold to release. MC can deal usable damage if you stack them enough but melee enemies and mid range units almost never do anything because they teleport back to Nyx every time they try to engage in combat or get in their optimal range.
  21. Venefik

    Nyx rework

    She needs an update on her abilities but not a rework, especially not in the fashion of reworks like Ember's or Hydroid's where we lose abilities that either fit them or that feel fun to use just to get extremely bland replacements that will turn her into "that frame but bad". Her 4th needs the most work, but fixing at least it's two main issues would be a lot already: damage to energy conversion should have a cap, and the recast animation should be way faster with a little extra invul period so she can reposition. Maybe even allow us to roll away and skip the animation altogether. Her 2nd needs, at the very least, to have the number of bolts scale with ability range or have the target cap removed. Her 3rd is very solid. Maybe it's debuff could count as a status, just a little something to give her debuff/cc role an extra oomph, but overall not needed. Her Mind Controlled target should not teleport automatically, but manually instead, as this disrupts the few moments where they actually engage in combat and do something meaningful. Also, only special and mission relevant enemies should resist mind control in order do avoid breaking missions. Ordinary enemies should NOT resist a true single target cc/utility skill. Amalgams, Sentient drones, Eximus and others with overguard, all of these should not affect or diminish Mind Control at all. Finally, her passive. A 20% to accuracy reduction is hard to notice but not every passive is amazing. I'd maybe say reduced threat level on Nyx outside of Absorb to give her some freedom even when right next to an enemy as long as they're under Chaos, but thats mostly it.
  22. What annoys me is that the devs didn't really lack creativity to solve the problem of WoF: look at Gyre's 4th. If WoF worked like that with better scaling damage and minus the aura, it'd have been basically fixed. Or simply making it into a low damage defence strip that would eat away at armor and shields over time would also have sufficed. But what really shocks me is how they just got rid of Accelerant as well. It was the one part of her kit that didn't falloff with enemy level, and it didn't really harm the health of the game in any way. It used to make builds more interesting and all its uses carried over to higher levels since cc doesn't take level into consideration and its damage effectiveness relied on weapons. Her garbage 3rd was preserved instead and her armor strip was put in it, which got buffed to be useful but it's line of sight check is still a blind bat. But nerfing her lith clear speed seems to be more important than making her at least smooth to play to compensate for the excess of micromanagement trash (which almost everyone bypasses anyways with maxed efficiency which just makes it almost pointless). Anyways, Ember is probably not coming back, but threads like this hold some value to at least communicate to the devs that improving skills instead of removing them completely is much better. We also have a pretty large amount of puddle threads, and the upcoming Inaros rework is an opportunity to exercise that.
  23. More modding slots for beast pets in a similar fashion to necramechs is pretty up there in my wishlist.
  24. Title. Melee weapons have now an exilus slot. Since Rift Strike does nothing more than teleport the player on a heavy attack, it seems like it would fit right into an exilus slot. 👍
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