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Everything posted by (PSN)slightconfuzzled

  1. Certain Duviri Decrees do this with certain elements. It makes Lavos a pretty unstoppable powerhouse in those missions. (More specifically the idea about two statuses on an enemy creating a third), so I do think its something they could technically implement with a Warframe. Might be too powerful to be a passive though, as opposed to a power. Again, using Lavos as an example in Duviri. Of course if we are talking about a brand new Warframe, they could be balanced around such an idea, and be pretty interesting. Didn't you also have a weather mage Warframe idea? Sounds like they could sort of draw on that idea as far as drawing upon the elements but their effect on enemies interacting in various ways. Like freezing then shocking them, or burning then poisoning them, etc. Either way cool idea.
  2. That would be a great idea, and hopefully their intention. If in non Netracell missions, they marked the Whisper or whatever the closest "secret" is. Sort of like the creepy Zariman children.
  3. Hello there, and welcome back to the game! Glad you enjoyed the new quest, so did I. As far as your difficulties? Eh, thats potentially a lot more complicated. Like there are potentially a lot of different ways you could improve, to find the difficulty lessened. There are also different approaches you can take. For example, I know you said you have been a way for a year? Except it almost seems like longer? Or, did you still have a lot of game you hadn't explored when you left? For example did you do much high level Zariman missions? Even the non Steel Path high end missions can be pretty tough, Ignis Wraith is incredibly powerful in the early and mid game, but starts to fall off considerably against tougher enemies, unless you find ways to compensate (like armour stripping enemies etc). Steel Path also isn't necessarily vital, especially if you don't want to do it, but its the kind of challenge that demands that you refine, understand and really learn about the games various mechanics and systems, to see what can work, and what doesn't and sort of develop your ability to put together build ideas and theory that you can then use to empower more of your builds. If that sounds a bit too abstract and theoretical, basically what I mean, is a lot of people think that you need the best weapons to do Steel Path, but thats really not true. I personally take hundreds of different types of weapons into Steel Path regularly, the very best weapons, just make it, way easier, more thoughtless, and straight forward. Like there are these weapons called Incarnons, which you have heard about already. There are a few different types, the originals you get from Zariman, the additions you get from Duviri. Some of them are so strong, as long as you fill each mod slot, you'll probably kill a lot of tough enemies with them. If you want to take a weapon like Exergis or Daikyu, you'll still be able to kill enemies, but you'll have to know the weapons strengths, weaknesses, potential synergies, understand why/how the games elemental systems work, whether you should go Viral, Corrosive, Gas, Heat, etc, whether the weapon has something like a forced procc element, like the Daikyu... which forces an Impact. Then why does that matter? Well because there is a mod that could turn that into slash... which bypasses enemy armour... You sort of see what I am getting at? Chances are you can use a lot of your favourite weapons, if you invest into them, however... you may have to spend time learning, relearning the game, and understanding certain interactions, systems, mechanisms... Which some people like myself? I really enjoy that, so thats a positive and more content. That also may mean having to backtrack though too. For example, when we look at your Ignis Wraith build? its decent, but also a bit redundant. Did you know, there is actually an Arcane slot for most weapons now, and mods like Serration and Heavy Caliber aren't often used that often anymore? Well Serration has its place on certain builds, but to many older players, Serration was a mandatory mod, but now its not anymore. A lot of people get that raw damage from Arcanes instead, specifically Primary Merciless. There is also a set of new mods, Galvanised Mods, one which can assist that way too. Serration and Heavy Caliber in general is a bit redundant but even more so now. Ignis Wraith also comes with default Heat right? So, depending on your mod configuration set up, it sounds like you have Corrosive and Radiation damage? Which can be decent, but one of the strengths of a status beam weapon like Ignis is the ability to build a lot of heat procs against enemies. So you'd probably rather want Viral and Heat, with the Viral assisting the Heat (Viral caps, Heat doesn't), but also... thats just more of a generalised idea... not the games new content, which specifically is strong/resistant to what the meta was/is... Now if a lot of what I am saying, is just... too much, understandable, but thats sort of my point, it sounds like you have missed out on a fair bit. So its sort of your choice about whether all that interests you, or bores you, and then what to do about it. Since catching up in different parts of the game, in order to progress, will require different bits of knowledge and information. For example, I am not sure if you would struggle getting some of the Zariman Incarnons, let alone the Duviri Incarnons. Or whether you might find doing basic Steel Path to get some of those Arcanes would help, or voce versa. Arbitrations might be a good place to start to get Galvanised Mods, but some find that a bit tricky as well. Depending on how long you have been gone, there may also be a lot of new Warframes you might prefer. Like if you like Inaros, I wouldn't try to tell you otherwise, but weirdly Inaros isn't as tanky/survivable as he once was, because Warframe introduced shield gating. There are enemies that can occasionally one shot us Warframes, but most will survive because of how shields work. Inaros has no shields so... Nidus doesn't either, but he has his stacks and a damage resist ability. There are Warframes now, that can press one button and become invincible for a while... There is even an Operator ability, that when you die, you don't die, you get a window to kill enemies, and if you succeed, you auto revive... There is also content where if you do die, its mission failure/no manual revive... So there is a bit of a gear check going on, but also a knowledge check too. Its sort of the combination, which can balance each other out. A lot of people can get by, with variety of builds/kits because they have the knowledge, but a lot of people don't care about that, and they can get by fine too and have fun, with the gear aspect (though both may require building progression from easier areas/parts of the game too. Anyway I said a lot, hopefully it wasn't too confusing, if you have more specific questions or worries, please feel free to ask. You might want to sort of think about a route of progression for getting more powerful/improving your builds. Give yourself goals to accomplish. Like, if you like Ignis Wraith? hats essentially a beam weapon that can hit multiple opponents. Well the strongest version of that type of weapon right now, is Torid Incarnon, which turns into a powerful beam, that hits multiple opponents and will be far more effective in killing them. That being said, thats also not an easy weapon to just get, but you could make that a goal and get prepared to attain it. By the way this is just an example of what I mean.
  4. Hmm tough question, Qorvex is still in my Foundry crafting, and the other three this year were so unique, with fun synergies. Maybe Citrine. Really enjoyed this year in Warframe, one particular monetisation issue aside, in fact I think this might be my favourite year in Warframe ever, really enjoyed Whispers and Duviri updates, really like the Incarnon additions, got to see Tennocon return in person (well not in, in person, but for others). Really looking forward to Warframes future. Thanks. Hope everyone is safe and well during the holiday season.
  5. Am happy for you and the others. Cross save won't affect me personally too much, but its great to see it for the people that will make use of it, and I have a few friends and know a few people that will benefit as well. Also pleasantly surprised they rolled this out before the end of the year. I saw plenty of skepticism (and I understand why), and it hasn't always been smooth, but very cool to see Christmas come early for many.
  6. As per usual and my prediction, from my initial original post, Chipper has a blue/Azure, and the Archon is Boreal with a blue/Azure, which means next week the rotation/cycle begins anew. With Amar offering Red/Crimson, and Chipper... well, they have changed the colours slightly, man, the new yellow "Amber" looks weird, not a fan, but yeah. Its the inverse of the following week (Nira offering the yellow/Amber, Chipper offering Red/Crimson). Objections about colouring aside, did anyone not get blue/blue this week?
  7. Here is Warframes problem. It needs to ditch the PVE and focus exclusively on PVP Team Battles. There are too many Warframes and weapons, so get rid of all them, and replace them all with a single Warframe that has all their abilities, but nerfed versions, that don't do any damage. To use each ability you need to enter a 10 digit pin code. Also maps too small, make it one huge area, but then you can't just have two teams of people versus, make it 25 teams, of 4 players each. No violent weapons either, players get big inflatable bananas. Basically unless Warframe turns into a Battle Royal Team PVP in the style and manner of Fortnite X Overwatch 2 X Ape Escape X Warframe, then there isn't really anything to do, TBH, when you really think about it, so I will quit in 3 days, 3 hours, and 3 seconds. Which will surely spell bad things for Warframe, for that is the number of the half beast!
  8. We are a little similar but also a little different. Whilst I would personally like some harder missions, that reward good team work, its... a tricky thing to ask for, since not all Warframe players necessarily have the same goals, gameplay styles, motivations. Some are here to collect, some are here for the MP aspects, some the power fantasy, some for specific Warframes, weapons, some combinations of prior... we also have different ideas of whats fun, good etc When I play certain other team based games, usually you can also still solo, and even then, the goal is usually more uniform. There is usually a lot more balance as well, but also there are far far less options as far as weapons and characters too, and systems. Also the online stability is often much better. The main point I am trying to get to, is that having to specifically rely on other team mates in Warframe, isn't necessarily the same as enjoying good team work... I also personally like playing solo, a lot. Maybe around half of my current time is solo. Why? Well, I still enjoy looking at the environments, and having increased visual clarity, of the enemies, of myself and my own powers, and there are so many fun weapons, that are single shot, and reward good aim. Bows like the Daikyu, Paris, weapons like Exergis, Trumna, the new Mandonel weapon too. Extremely fun and satisfying. Granted, I usually have set ups, where I can take such weapons into MP and find success... even with people with nukes/stronger weapons. I just enjoy the pacing and ambience of going solo a lot, hence I do. That being said, I also often solo with Warframes liek Xaku, Saryn, or use weapons like Boar, Latron, Miter Incarnon, which destroy large groups of enemies. People can have multiple preferences and playstyles... I wouldn't want a rigidity where I can't enjoy that variety, even without the MP aspect. Then even adding the MP aspect... fortunately I haven't been in a situation where a single player carried that hard there is nothing left to do, unless... I strictly load into a low level Relic Capture/Exterminate late. Which is why I tend to dislike those missions, but may occasionally run them if they are the only good options for Relics and I really need a Forma BP or its new Prime time. I also consider it a player attitude thing too. I play with many people, myself included who can nuke and destroy enemies... but take a more reserved attitude, as far as attempting to make sure, we all get to have fun and accomodate each others play styles. Unless the mission objective is at risk, Like say Disruption. No one cares for the MR30 plus getting 99% damage and kills with three brand new players excited to try out the game, on Mars Defence. Except a lot of MR30 plus people are chilled and friendly and will hold back. At least the type I have met. So... can depend on the situation. I don't expect people in certain missions to hold back though, because often usually in certain types, its really more about speed and the reward. I can't really fault that. That being said, I think there is some potential for accomodating more play styles via new modes too. Like the new secret boss requires relatively more team work, and active participating. I find Circuit really interesting and different as far as how people approach it via game theory. A new mode with tougher but less enemies where certain weapons are stronger, or even modes with a singular enemy but its longer or so on... Catering to and accommodating more play styles. Do wish though, that most of them should be soloed by a player prepared and practiced enough, all the same.
  9. Misinformation, misunderstanding, and miscommunication, can overlap in several ways, but also differ. I don't disagree with the idea of people being more careful about spreading misinformation, but also enough to have spent time learning about the mechanisms involved with why and how it commonly occurs. So it often becomes more about context and framing. Like one way of dealing with misinformation, is putting it into context to help people learn how to deal with it adequately, especially for low risk situations, where misunderstandings, misinformation isn't necessarily the most severe or urgent issue. Younger people especially, children etc, having to learn a bit more about context sensitive issues, nuance, truth, absence of truth, distortions, manipulations, intent, lack of intent, knowledge, lack of knowledge, understanding, limited understanding so on. Which then can be used as a basis to help with far larger more complicated issues and scenarios. More on topic, I... haven't really been in a position to hear what the "community" has been saying about Qorvex, nor many videos at all. Have seen a few, one was very positive, the other was disappointed in nature. So I want to be transparent I am not claiming to know what the community is saying, and whether they are being misleading. It is quite a complex idea though as far as beliefs and claims about how influential they might be with such perspectives. Also as far as redundancy, well, it depends. ideas can have differences of perspectives and views and can be acknowledged as such. Sometimes an individuals idea or perspective, also isn't intended to be taken as the final word either. Or it may again involve context. Like I think Pablos choice of words is fine and good, as far as original passive plans, especially with the idea of using his kit. That being said, a player who uses guns/melee more and abilities less, could find the older passive very very useful. For CO/GO builds. Then regardless of that discussion, I am not necessarily seeing why/how that should influence to the larger idea of the Warframe being "bad/good". as strong opinions, aren't necessarily the same as misinformation. Also, such opinions, would likely naturally exist even if there wasn't a misunderstanding around the passive. This thread is a good example of that as far as differing peoples views on other Warframes, and how they/we frame such issues. To be clear again though, I don't disagree with OP, and I especially agree with the last part, in a generalised way. Language and communication are great subjects to learn about when you can that can be incredibly useful tool, given how much information is now available to use, and how often its used by others (including some sources that can be quite nefarious, that people often overlook), its just very beneficial to be mindful of such ideas with a but more nuance and understanding. In general and in regards to Qorvex's passive.
  10. Hello there. So, do you see the round orb you are standing on? With the blue cracks that glow? There should be four in the area you are in, near by, however one will won't be glowing. You need to hit that with your Operator/Drifters amp/void energy, it will turn on and glow and the gate will open. Hope that helps. Also for anyone interested, in one of the rooms above, the one with the gating, where the suggestion is a small tunnel elsewhere. There is a spot that you can aim with your amp, that should get the gate to open from the outside, if you rather get in that way, than go the longer way around. Your amp may have to have a small AOE or punch through properties though, and i haven't tested opening with every amp, just mine does.
  11. I haven't had as much opportunity to test it out as much as I would like to, and I am also yet to get all the Tennokai mods either, and for someone like myself, that could be a significant variable as far as how effective or interesting it could be. I may also have to make some adjustments to potential builds as well. All that aside though, the two weapons I have been using the system for, have been great. The Hate Incarnon and the Pennant. Both already have excellent Heavy Attacks, and I just view as net upgrades. I need to do more testing on melee weapons with more unusual combos or heavy melee though, especially those that may not have wide swings or range, or combos that may push enemies away, but also again, I am sort of waiting until I get more Tennokai mods to see what their effects may be, and I may have to Forma some weapons (I used the Pennant with Wisp for example, since I find the increase in attack speed helps overcome what I find to be an annoying stance, then Heavy Attacks do huge damage).
  12. Can depend a little. Like what Warframes, weapons, playstyle you use or enjoy most. Arcane Energise is generally most peoples priority, since it has a phenomenal effect on your energy economy across most Warframes. That plus since its seen as so valuable, and used to only be really available from Tridolon runs... (and one of the rarer drops) it also got expensive to purchase/trade... We have Arcane Dissolution now, but regardless, its combination or value/perceived value, and its effectiveness/utility is so great, its a great Arcane to prioritise. Especially if you don't have it. Then... its even a decent choice to get a double of, just in case you ever want to sell or make some Plat off it in the future sometime. Other rare drops from Eidolons are Grace and Barrier.. If you are really into Inaros and Nidus, or Warframes that health tank, Grace is really good, and rare so, could be good to grab here, if you don't want to do Eidolons, but naturally if you don't care then, less of a priority. Barrier and Aegis are good for Warframes with good shields/synergy with shields. Think Hildryn, Styanax etc, Arcane Trickery is really good with Ash, since you can do Finisher kills so easy, and it grants you invisibility, so it can be a devstating survival tool, and let you be perma invisible without needing to use your ability. If you are still relatively new to Eidolons and interested in doing them, then Arcane Nullifier will make doing them much much easier, which in turn lets you get many of these Arcanes once the event ends... If you are really into the guns of Warframe, then Arcane Avenger is especially good, it gives you flat Crit and can basically make any non Crit weapons, a potentially Crit or Hybrid weapon. It can really buff so many weapons, and make stronger weapons even stronger. Arcane Guardian is a decent survival tool for most Warframes, Arcane Velocity is great if you are really into Mesa (increases pistol fire rate). Depending on how many you want to get now versus later. I would prioritise the rarer, harder to grind, expensive Arcanes first... especially the ones you think you will definitely use, then gradually work on the Arcanes, you think you might find useful or interesting if you might want to experiment or branch out to eventually. When such events first happened, I personally prioritised Energise, Grace, Avenger and Nullifier, because Energise was too expensive to trade, I was really into Nidus at the time, I really like Crit and Red numbers and also was interested in doing more Eidolons in general, so those 4 were my goals. I now have all of them, now, as I am more of a collector/completionist. Good luck, and avoid getting burned out!
  13. Yes, in fact, I have gotten 64 Steel Essence from one Acolyte a few times, during Resource Booster weekends, in combination with the Smeeta Charm buff and the accumulated buffs that stack when you do Relic Grinding in endless missions (they give you small buffs which means, with a normal Resource Booster, you can end up with 8 as the default drop amount from Acolytes, if you stay long enough). Its a great feeling. Get used to it while you can though, Charm will be nerfed sometime in the future.
  14. Yeah this is very nice. More Arcanes to feed into the new dissolution system bwahaha.
  15. If at all possible, could this be something reconsidered or discussed? I actually accidentally did my first few Netracells this way with some friends, and we really really enjoyed it. It was hard, but very fun! Didn't realise it was a possibly a bug/unintended until later. Now that I have seen a few different threads on the Forums and on Reddit, there are actually quite a lot of us, that really enjoy the harder Steel Path Netracell version. Really tests out some of out kits and strategy, and team work. Personally I wouldn't need any extra rewards or incentives, just a toggle. Maybe you could have a screen pop up warning players if they attempt the Netracell that Steel Path was toggled on, and if they wish to toggle it off, or something along those lines. Cheers!
  16. Depends really. Like on what your preferences are, and skill levels. I personally find Lavos, Xaku, Citrine, Mag, and Gyre really good for Exterminate, Survival, Assassinate, etc, since they all have abilities which break boxes really easy. Lavos sliding around breaks boxes, and I slide a lot for his mobility. Xaku's 4 naturally, Gyre's electric ball, Mags bubble. Citrines 1 gives you chance at energy of enemies, as well, so whilst its relatively short range, if you have the energy economy for it, you can spam it. Those different picks are also quite different, and I like that variety (if you like more tanky Warframes, Citrine and Lavos are quite tanky). The advantage with breaking so many boxes, is not just the resources, but makes finding Voca easier. Don't forget the Orokin Eye Air Support ability too. Alchemy and Mirror Defence, I like Lavos, Citrine, Kullervo. I also imagine that Revenant, Wukong, Styanax, Wisp would be quite popular as well. They don't necessarily have much by way of box breaking though. You could always use weapons for that though too. Good luck!
  17. I wouldn't be too worried, unless when Infested Liches update in 2024 arrives, and they remove the Railjack element from them. Broad Community viewpoints can also be well... fickle, amorphous, split, undivided and shifting. Also Railjack on launch was very different, from its several big updates, small updates, and fine tuning its received, including stability/bug issues. Unfortunately not many stuck through to see if their views might have changed over time, and some just have a bad taste for it. Not me personally. Whilst there are some older Railjack ideas I feel we have lost, like Gian Point type missions, I think Railjack has developed to be great now, especially with having a Railjack crew. At the same time, unless you use recruiting or have friends, clan members, doing PUB Railjack can be very frustrating, which creates a compounding problem as far as the public side of Railjack (loading into someones paper thin Railjack to see players arguing and trying to resolve such conflicts whilst trying to repair the ship and achieve objectives...) meaning many people just solo, so it can also be a barrier for some (where as much of the other game will have people carry). The Corpus update was especially great in my eyes, especially visually with the backdrops and new enemies. I was glad to see the new Alchemy mode in Whispers borrows some elements from Volatile missions too. Some of your Railjack powers are really fun too, I mean you can shoot a giant black hole, as well as a few dozen seeking rockets, and sniping Crews ships from thousands of miles away never gets old. Oh and remember the more you manually craft, the more of certain resources will build as well (incentivising longer/multiple missions). Having like 8 dome charges is very nice! Oh and there are a decent sized community of Warframe players that do like and enjoy Railjack, especially more in the last few years after a lot of changes/fixes. If DE ever does Infested Railjack, will probably see decent engagement/positivity (well, and likely some negativity/cynicism too, its relatively polarising still).
  18. I think they made it (for extra clarity the two specific "Legendary" Arcanes that at the moment, only available via Netracells), a bit too rare, and hard to obtain. Like just in general I am against items that are time gated, relatively rare and involve RNG elements combined. Less so when you involve pity systems. Just because some people can get extremely unlucky. That also being said... If I had to guess, Gargoyles Cry the event, in a few days... will probably give us another way to acquire them. Just guessing though. Also, eventually, these Arcanes will be added to the new dissolution system for Arcanes. So like, if there are people that are extremely unlucky, its not like you are locked out completely forever. Maybe in 6+ months, even if you miss Gargoyles (assuming), you'll have another way to get them. As it is though, yeah rough.
  19. You can't beat it with a modless Inaros with only the Stug, only using your elbows, and blindfolded though. Though yeah I did similar, it was a lot of fun. Pretty good challenge. My first was blind in the Netracell mission, which was kind of tough with the restrictions, and I wasn't really prepared. Steel Path version was more prepared and smoother. Very welcome addition to the game. (Edit oh, assuming its the same secret enemy/boss as well, for all I know, there may be multiple). Another Edit: With more hindsight and time, I now know OP is talking about a totally different boss aka 60 Eyes. Though RIP Steel Path Netracell version of the Whisper side boss) 60 Eyes was great too, but I heard about them before hand so didn't get to experience blind.
  20. We fell short (sorry OP, as far as Fulmin), but I was mostly personally most excited for the Arca Plasma skin. Its got some really nice colouring I prefer over the Tenet skin style. Scratch that, we did get the Fulmin skin too, just in a seperate later instance! Nice!
  21. It wasn't bad poetry, I don't necessarily disagree, as I do get what you are saying, even if I lean on the idea there are different ways of playing. Crit status or hybrid, utility or support, if you know the game mechanics swell, I'll be happy to report, you can make a variety of different functional builds, effective as relatively purported, dysfunctional only if your knowledge is disconcerted. Synergies with Arcanes, other weapons and Warframes, additional variables in the games so no blame. Of course, its a lot to account for, recommend around, and contour to, but tell me this, why they call it a Kaithe when its clearly a horse yo?
  22. No and yes, in the sense that they are the first child, in which the parents get to practice on first, which means they can get some advantages and disadvantages. There will always be additional factors as well. For example if Founders outnumbered non Founders, would they be the first to get cross save? They actually wouldn't, because DE are approaching this in a stress test sort of way, as in smaller groups are preferable. So if Founders were larger, they would instead have looked for a different smaller group. However in reality, Founders are a smaller group to use as a stress test. Their may be other reasons as well, to do with the complexities of the tasks they are trying to accomplish. Also you do not have to apologise for being mad, but for your own benefit, its really important to understand that being frustrated and annoyed is something very different than attributing special motivation or treatment to others at your own exclusion. Have you eaten anything recently? Well I haven't and I am hungry, when you last ate a meal... did you do that to spite me? Why are you giving yourself special treatment? Well... you aren't really, thats not how most people operate or behave. You know there are some Founders who aren't really that interested in being first with merging or cross save? They would rather wait until they know its a tested and practiced, bug free experience in a few weeks? After others? Well, for you and your situation... you probably don't care right? Since it sounds like you have wanted to play Warframe for a long time, and are just trying to wait patiently for cross save so you can start to catch up right? Which many would sympathise, and thats very fair and valid... but again, thats from a position of frustration from having to wait. Would you rather it be done fast and ruined or right, albeit slower and more careful? Its very much less about giving any group special treatment here and more about DE trying to implement without screwing up majorly and breaking peoples accounts, in ways that can't be fixed, which would be way worse. Again, sympathies but also all of above.
  23. Same. I am very much liking this update. The cinematic quest is. a bit short, sure, compared to say New War, but I prefer these sorts of updates much more in the sense, there is a lot more gameplay additions, we have new tile sets, enemies, lore, collectibles, modes, a decent amount of QOL, and I already like Qorvex more than Caliban. Also my enjoyment and appreciation, is definitely not here to invalidate or counter anyone else's criticisms or gripes, you know, subjectivity, and preferences and all, but its an excellent update for myself, and I can already tell I'm going to spend a lot of time with it, and enjoying it.
  24. Well, its Whispers, so you have to listen really really hard. Some scientists speculate they are already here, we just aren't listening hard enough. Personally? I am going to get a glass and sit by the wall with my ear pressed against the glass against the Wall, in the hopes that helps. I wish you all the best of luck in these trying times. Man in the Wall save us All!
  25. Analog stick users slow walking towards you menacingly... Though yeah, I use to run a lot of Corrupted Vaults solo and carrying all the keys, and may have gotten bored a few times and made specialised builds with Rivens to create some really slow types of melee, because there is something quite neat and amusing about swing a melee weapon really really slowly at an enemy.
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