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Everything posted by MutoManiac

  1. Isn’t it great that you can play how you want? Limiting your power can be fun playing solo or pre-made. But in pubs, nobody will appreciate your creativity if it means they have to wait for you before getting the shiny.
  2. Usually it doesn't bother me and I just do my thing, but a lot more of this is going on lately and I take my time to not steal all the kills. My guess is, it's people with phones who join if they are in a bus, a class or wherever and just want to leech. They were all MR 20ish, but I've seen LR 4s do this as well. Most of the time when I see it happen enough times in a row, I just finish my bounties solo. I never bother saying anything unless I can't extract cause they are asleep somewhere. DE please add a leave option for everyone's favorite mode, exterminate. That said, about 75% of the time, people will not do this and I meet a lot a great tennos in pubs.
  3. Ciao ragazzi, you'll need to open a ticket and get support to help you. Is it the confirmation email when creating the account or does the account already exist? If you think it's your email provider, why not just use a gmail account instead?
  4. 2FA is tied to your account. So if someone knows your Warframe.com account info, they can do whatever you can do. Make sure you log out when using a public computer and you should be fine.
  5. I have three big grocery stores within walking distance of my house. Some items are half price at one store and vice versa the next week according to the flyers. Does this mean I’m being scammed because the prices are different?
  6. I’m looking forward to a Warframe that doesn’t give me opaque bricks swirling around me for the whole mission so I can’t see sh!t.
  7. I give them 30 secs to get to the elevator. After that I press the button. Some people just like doing what they do, so they may never even get to the elevator. And people say there is no strategy in WF, blah, blah. Well waiting for them to turn yellow/corrupted is the strategy in capture missions and fissures in general. People just want the most kills and there’s no discipline, so you sometimes don’t succeed. When I wait for them to get corrupted, there’s always someone behind me who blows them up before they turn yellow.
  8. warframe.market is the easiest. 1. Setup two factor authentication from the game's website Warframe.com. 2. You’ll then need to create and authorize your account on Warframe.market by sending a private message here on the forum to user "warmarketman". The message is just a code that warframe.market gives you that identifies your account. You can get your code and verify authorization on this page https://warframe.market/settings. Wait a bit anywhere from like a few secs/mins to half a day to get your warframe.market account authorized. After that you'll be able to trade. See this post: 3. Shop at https://warframe.market web page, but make sure you have enough credits to cover any trade tax. Click the buy button which will just copy the information so you can paste it into trade chat in-game. Warframe.market is just a listing, so you don’t trade on that website itself. The seller will usually invite you to their dojo to trade with after they receive the in-game message.
  9. I’m glad you see the error of your ways and agree with me. Cheers
  10. What are you lacking that you need contributions from others? I don’t need your stinkin’ buffs. People like Wukong and Revenant because it’s hard to die and nobody likes being the guy that dies all the time. It’s not complicated.
  11. Since the launch of WF mobile, Twitch also made a change where you cannot claim the rewards from an iOS mobile device. Apparently going forward, you can watch twitch on iOS, but you’ll have to claim the rewards using another device like a PC. GL
  12. I like the Innodem since it makes you sprint faster and even without armor strip, if you group SP enemies and perform a heavy attack, they magically all go poof.
  13. Montre nous une photo de ton foundry.
  14. For me, he just needs to be a bit tankier. Maybe just higher base armor and health so I can use different shards and arcanes, would be a huge improvement.
  15. In my 3 years of playing, I just bailed for the first time on an arbitration after 5 mins and so did everyone else. Don't know if it was an iOS hosting, but I've never seen it that bad. I usually stay no matter what, but jumping on merulina took over 5 seconds to do and shooting things took them another 5 seconds to die/register that I shot them. Ima scared of what's to come. I think DE achieved their pact with tencent to bring it to mobile so all good. Now they need to put those users in their own coop pool.
  16. I know, but you can do that with any frame so it’s just a weird thing they are doing. The players who like Yareli won’t use it and others will not see a reason to use her since her other abilities are nothing special. Hopefully they’ll eventually rethink it and just incorporate the “companion” merulina as a toggle so we don’t need an augment.
  17. The only issue I've come across now that I’m actually playing her, is that pressing forward and jumping from a stand still position while on merulina doesn’t really make you move a bit forward. You just kind of go straight up and fall back down as if you don’t even have the forward key pressed. The solution is to roll while jumping if you wanted to move forward from being stationary. That’s the only issue for me so far and she’s a ton of fun. Everyone complains about the quest to get her, but you can cheese it by getting a moddable k-drive first and just one extra jump height mod. If you try to do the quest with the free k-drive, you’ll probably regret it. The new augment is just weird that makes you not use merulina. What’s the point in using her then? The reason I like her is that she has a different way to move around tilesets just like Titania and Wukong which makes her fun.
  18. Warframe.market is my go to. They call selling rivens a contract, so it’s a different page than the rest of the mods and arcanes.
  19. DE wants you to forma everything out the wazoo so they can stay in business. In all fairness, Duviri/circuit forced me to appreciate and use a lot more frames and at the same time making me enjoy the game more. Looking forward to the new stuff.
  20. As long as the weapon is decent, it should be easy, especially in a squad. Out of four players, someone is always going to get a frame they can play and carry everyone, so no biggy about the rng. Still I can hear the moaning and see the host migrations already.
  21. For me, unlinking and linking worked, but only from using Edge (ugh). Didn’t work with Chrome or Firefox.
  22. People want to do their next Netracell and bounty as quickly as possible so they can get their shards or ranking to buy arcanes. Do the regular versions for what you want. But yes a better extract like Zariman would be great.
  23. Can’t wait to try him since I usually health tank with most frames anyway. One of those frames I’ve never really used, but I’ve seen some players demolish archons with Inaros when they were actually harder. These days archons are really easy for some reason, even solo.
  24. Absolutely. And I just started using Yareli more (had her for a while collecting dust) and she’s a blast. Just have to get better riding merulina. I find players just don’t like anything that they suck at, which is normal I guess.
  25. I’d rather pay a flat fee than subscription. I dropped all Adobe products when they switched to subscription. Subscriptions for software is the worst idea for consumers in general. I rarely experience host migrations and if people are actually half decent, the host doesn’t usually bail on them if that is the reason some of them leave. As much as I love WF, if they did that, I would leave and not come back and so would others.
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