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Everything posted by -Krism-

  1. *Oneshots a hallway full of lvl 150 enemies* No
  2. It'll just end up looking like a blob of effects
  3. Agreed, with how important fashion frame is, pet appearances' shouldn't rely on RNG
  4. OP feels like the game is dying, unless when there are updates released Nah, I understood that, & it's wrong on many levels
  5. There's so much wrong with this sentence alone, I don't even know where to begin
  6. Thing is, monkey brain is more attracted to a discount than a bonus, even if they technically even out
  7. So we aren't allowed to disagree with you, got it
  8. Says I already redeemed it, sure it's not in here already?
  9. All incarnon charges are based on a percentage of the damage you're doing, so yes, as you stated, more multishot means more damage output, & so, more charge being granted
  10. Ok, well, this is the Players helping Players section, so what do you need help with?
  11. Non, mais tu peut simplement entrer directement dans le portail, ça te donnera des armes & un frame au hasard
  12. What mission? 'Cause I don't remember having this happen in exterminate, but if it's other missions, that's completely normal Also, unless you're are completely new, I don't see why that matters
  13. DE à donné leur raison en Devstream, créé des histoires differentes à chaque nouvelle saison de Nightwave prennais beaucoup trop de resources par rapport aux histoires des autres quêtes
  14. He said her 4 wouldn't change as it doesn't need to I don't have Twitter, (as I see it as a complete sh*tshow), so I can't give you the source
  15. You know exactly what that means, as in it is created upon the players connecting to each other
  16. Sounds like someone doesn't understand how squad connections work The game uses the internet connection of the host to connect everybody together in a single instance, they do not work like a server does; if you keep having issues, that means the problem comes from you, not the game's
  17. Reb said: "What if you could control something bigger than a warframe", That's all we know I doubt they will act like a Necramech or frame, as in, customize, mod, & play with whenever you want; my guess is that they'll be tied solely to story gameplay
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