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how to git gud at corpus hacking



so i feel ashamed of saying this but i am like mr 13 almost 14 on ps4 and mr 12 on pc whenever i started WF i just used to use ciphers cuz well how ez the hacks were when using them and now i have a habbit of just using them and whenever i do a nightmare or sortie missions i just become f ing useless cuz i just cant do the puzzle heck most of the time i clear the room and ask my team for the hack ...grinner is just too easy for me but the corpus ....oh god...its a nightmare sooo is there any way to get better at this shet? 

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I rarely use ciphers unless I set an alarm off and I don't have much time to hack (mainly the Grineer ones). The ones that you literally reverse in direction with each section is time consuming for me. Get bored waiting for it to go around 😛 I usually have maybe 10 ciphers as a "just in case" moment.


However, I do the same as the first person. Outside ring first. Then spin the middle until it finishes.

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Spin outer rings and make sure they can connect logically with each other outer rings, save for the plate that has only a single line in it because depending on the puzzle, it can connect to either the outer or inner plate.

PC players can keep their finger hovering over the 'Use Cipher' shortcut (default: Y) in case they foresee that they couldn't solve the puzzle in time, but certain missions bars the usage of ciphers. Not sure if the consoles have such shortcut though.

The exilus mod Intruder could help by extending the time you have for hacking by few seconds but personal opinion? It is a waste of a very valuable slot.

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39 minutes ago, Newnobiez said:

i hv a issue about when i try to rotate that "line" to connect it but why rotation is opposite from my mouse click i.e when i clicked right mouse it rotate it to the left, is there a way to change it?

clockwise is left mouse, counter clockwise is right mouse. and no there isnt a way to change it afaik...just something you need to get used to, though not that hard.

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You just need to practice, as others mentioned.

I also find corpus hacking way harder than grineer. I imagine this is common for controller players. With a mouse (PC) would be much easier than using controller to select the nodes. Probably PC users find corpus easier than grineer, I wouldn't be surprised.


Side note: I read somewhere that there is a web site that has a hacking simulator for warframe. I don't have the link and never used it myself, but maybe search around as that could be a good option to train.

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1 - Line up the outer ring segments which have 3 points, these will be your base segments to base everything else on

2 - Line up the outer ring segments which have 2 points, these would line up easily with the 3 pointed segments

3 - Line up the outer ring segments which have 1 point, the previous two will give way easily to this

4 - Spam click the centre using which ever mouse finger's your fastest, the maximum you'll ever need to do is 5 turns anyway

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As others have stated:

" I line up the outer ring first and then spin the middle piece until it solves the puzzle. ".

Also "practice".

There is a warframe which requires you to crack all 3 vaults to have an RNG chance of getting the chassis. After 100+ spy missions solo, I am quite confident with spy missions.

Good luck.

Have fun and may RNG be forever in your favor.

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21 hours ago, Newnobiez said:

i hv a issue about when i try to rotate that "line" to connect it but why rotation is opposite from my mouse click i.e when i clicked right mouse it rotate it to the left, is there a way to change it?

Just change the way you think of it.  Your mouse clicks “push” the rotation, not “pull” it.

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On 2018-08-22 at 11:03 PM, (PS4)ZombieHunter-kun said:

and now i have a habbit of just using them

If you want to learn to hack then just stop using ciphers.  You can run easy spy missions a few times to see puzzles that are much less complex to solve.  Then run some medium level spy for slightly harder puzzles and then finally move up to the hardest spy nodes.  If you haven't run Oceanum on Pluto hundreds of times then you are doing something wrong in warframe (IMO - because spy is a very rewarding mission type).

The only other thing I would add to the puzzle solving advice is make sure you spin the pieces in the shorter direction.  If you can spin one 1 or 2 times one way vs 5 or 6 the other way that is a big difference in time.  As you get better at recognizing the pieces and patterns the hard rule of start with the three line pieces becomes less important but as a noob use that as a hard rule.

You should be able to crack most corpus puzzles in under 5 seconds and the timer is 12.  That's more than 2x the time you need so stay calm and know that you have plenty of time.  

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