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Get gud


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It was originally a Dark Souls meme. There might be earlier examples but Dark Souls is where it hit the mainstream. Basically the Dark Souls fanbase is stereotyped as being a bunch of smug elitist airheads and that anyone who ever has even the slightest bit of difficulty with the series will only ever be told "stop sucking so badly and maybe you can earn your fun, you pathetic pleb". I don't think that's actually true, but stereotypes are stereotypes

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Git Gud is cretin speak for "get good", and is usually found as the linguistic centrepiece of a 12 year old trolls desperate attempt to unsettle you.

This moronic bastion of socially awkward nomenclature asserts in no uncertain terms how awful you are and how awesome they are.

It is a core tenet of their philosophy. 

Aside from questioning your sexuality (or not, as the case may be), reminding you of their regular intimacy with your mother, and screaming racial slurs at the top of their scrawny little lungs, they use "git gud" as their piece de resistance, their great finale, before they scuttle off to rehydrate with energy drinks.

In short, if you hear it, ignore it.


Edited by (PS4)RhinoCharging00
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I believe git gud was created or at least made popular with birth of Dark Souls series.

"Git gud" is often used in response to questions such as "how do i beat X?" or "Why is Y so hard? Nerf please!" 

Git gud is a call to the player to stop seeking help on the side or whining about how he cant deal with something and instead get better as a player by developing some skill at playing the game.

Now, "git gud" can change its meaning and tone based on context its used in. For example answering "git gud" to legit well argumented criticism of something is rather obnoxious.

But, for example, if the OP was something like "Boss X is too overpowered and bullS#&$! Screw you, developers!" then - based on how much does the general community disagrees with the statement - "git gud" is a well deserved response.

The slogan also applies to PvP as well, although to a lesser degree (especially if said PvP is extremely unbalanced)

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