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Welp, R.I.P. Rev.


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13 minutes ago, SnuggleBuckets said:

Was this worthy of a new topic in and of itself? You couldn't find another Rev topic to leave this as a comment on? Or just have more interesting things to say?

Creating a new thread is not sin you know

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31 minutes ago, Saturmorn_Carvilli said:

Seriously, is this some sort of player conspiracy to see how over powered Digital Extremes will make a frame if we keep complaining it's terrible that we're not in on?

rev is a weird case tbh. his two solid abilitys are quite useful with his 2 being a better rhino iron skin in some casess but being a bit hard to see sometimes and his four being a decent nuking ability with being a little bit pricey in terms of energy. his one is average or below average but cool looking in solo play but utter garbage in team play if de made it so only rev could kill his little minions i think it would be a lot better. his three is a worse hydroids (3?) and imo needs the most work... like the ability is considered hydroids worse ability but at least is has its very niche uses but... revs is just a joke.

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The purpose of Revenant's Thralls is for them to die for you not fight for you. Revenant is not Nyx.

If someone can make an argument for Revenant needing further changes without acting like Thralls are intended to work otherwise I'd love to hear it.

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Just now, stormy505 said:

 his three is a worse hydroids (3?) and imo needs the most work... like the ability is considered hydroids worse ability but at least is has its very niche uses but... revs is just a joke.

You won't get too much of an argument from me on his 3 power (Reave).  Revenant really doesn't have the additional need of an invincibility power.  The buffs are okay-ish.  On a personal note, I play with a controller so cycling through his powers is too slow for a quick escape (like I would ever need it) and Danse Macabre is too energy hungry to allow me to cycle through for the quick sprint.  I would much rather Reave be a ground tethered (like it is now), low friction controlled move of a couple of seconds that continues to do the same things (invincible, life steal and buffs) it does already.  Allowing the player some control over the direction Revenant makes would make it much easier to hit thralls and squad mates.  I wouldn't even mind if the energy cost got bumped up back to 75.

I don't think it will happen, but I very happy with Revenant as is.  I will agree that Mesmer Skin needs to dial back the white mist.  I am practically blind on the Plains at night while this power is up.  However, I find Enthrall to work fine in addition to Mesmer Skin and Danse Macabre.  I think if players would consider it more like an instant enemy stun/removal (with damage effect upon death) more than a lesser version of Nyx's Mind Control they would be a lot happier and see it is as under powered as they believed.

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By now, I thought you guys would know what type of frame DE is going with recently, like rev, gara, khora.....all good, but not that good and pretty well balanced, basically OK frames. It seems that’s all that we’re getting so might as well get used to it, the days of getting Mesa, equinox....etc are gone 

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1 minute ago, GinKenshin said:

By now, I thought you guys would know what type of frame DE is going with recently, like rev, gara, khora.....all good, but not that good and pretty well balanced, basically OK frames. It seems that’s all that we’re getting so might as well get used to it, the days of getting Mesa, equinox....etc are gone 

I think all three of those frames are very underrated.  In anything less than a Sortie, I can have have Gara's wall hold area while I wonder off and do something else for a minute or more.  Pretty good for Excavation, Interception and even solo vault bounties I want to mine/fish while I wait.  Even in a Sorties, I would much rather have a good Gara player for a Mobile Defense/Defense than a Limbo, Vauban or Frost player.  Her wall and DR easily protects the objective/operative while not preventing attacks through it.  If you got the time/patience for it, Gara also becomes a very good ball of slashing death.

As for Khora, while she is a frame I find myself having little interest in playing, I can't argue about her ability tie up a large area of enemies which I find especially useful in Kuva mission where I want clear lines of sight to see where the Kuva Cloud is coming from.  I also have to say the Venari's healing command is about spot on for the amount healing is actually needed most of the time healing is actually needed.  Oberon and Trinity usually are over kill in that department.  

And Revenant is literally good at everything.  Solo as part of group, high level, low level and whatever mission doesn't matter Revenant does well.  He has good enough crowd control.  Which I think is much better than perfect control since it allows enemies to trickle rather than completely stop or too slowing reach you. He has fantastic survivality which just on its own allows for me to make much better use of my weapons than squishier frames ever could since I can take a little extra time to line up head shots (or in the case of Arbitration drone shots) without worry of death or knock down.  And Danse Macabre is a good close range burst AoE attack.

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59 minutes ago, GinKenshin said:

By now, I thought you guys would know what type of frame DE is going with recently, like rev, gara, khora.....all good, but not that good and pretty well balanced, basically OK frames. It seems that’s all that we’re getting so might as well get used to it, the days of getting Mesa, equinox....etc are gone 

Why does everyone throw Gara under the same bus as Khora and Rev. Unlike those 2 she’s actually good. She’s a better frost that can actually tank. 

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1 hour ago, trst said:

The purpose of Revenant's Thralls is for them to die for you not fight for you. Revenant is not Nyx.

If someone can make an argument for Revenant needing further changes without acting like Thralls are intended to work otherwise I'd love to hear it.

Here’s the problem. Yes they die and become damage pillars, but those pillars will likely be immediately useless because they just blew up from your Danse Macabre

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38 minutes ago, (XB1)GearsMatrix301 said:

Here’s the problem. Yes they die and become damage pillars, but those pillars will likely be immediately useless because they just blew up from your Danse Macabre

They're only immediately useless if you choose to blow them up. If you're using a build solely for Danse Macabre then you don't need to be making Thralls in the first place (probably also lacking Natural Talent which is almost mandatory for Thrall spamming) plus you'll probably have a very low duration, making blowing up pillars instantly a good thing.

If you're using a build for both Thralls and Danse then you can just not use Danse except when pillars are going to expire anyways. Or just make your build solely around his Thralls pillars and don't use Danse at all.

Detonating pillars is only a problem and limitation if you choose to make it such. While it's in your benefit if you choose to utilize it effectively.


Also if you honestly think Khora is as bad as you think Revenant is then I implore you to try a Accumulating Whipclaw build with a stat-stick melee on her; it actually makes her one of the highest damage frames in the game.

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4 minutes ago, trst said:

They're only immediately useless if you choose to blow them up.

its almost like for content under level 200 the most used builds/frames are nukers so yea like i said in an above post in solo play there below average in team play they're worthless and useless. 

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so from the sound of this topic, DE beat Rev over the head with a nerf hammer because its 4 was too OP ? 

does that really kill a warframe ?

what is the percentage of the player base that goes past an hour or two playing a frame in high level missions anyway and how bad is the damage nerf on most of the past frames ?

I'm on PS4 so i am real curious about this sorta stuff 😛 


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40 minutes ago, (PS4)SlyFox5679 said:

so from the sound of this topic, DE beat Rev over the head with a nerf hammer because its 4 was too OP ? 

does that really kill a warframe ?

what is the percentage of the player base that goes past an hour or two playing a frame in high level missions anyway and how bad is the damage nerf on most of the past frames ?

I'm on PS4 so i am real curious about this sorta stuff 😛 


Rev is dead because despite the nerf his 4 is still his only practical ability with the other 3 having glaring issues that keep them from being as useful as other frames abilities that do similar things.

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I looked at the patch notes and changes and etc and Im not seeing what you're seeing apparently. The only nerf I see is that you cant kill nullifiers with your 4. How has this suddenly killed Revenant? Everything else seems like a fix of some sort. Whatever change you're seeing, Im not seeing it. And frankly, Revenant is a really strong warframe, I think youre just talking out of your ass tbh. Maybe its a console player thing.

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29 minutes ago, Lordmotav said:

I looked at the patch notes and changes and etc and Im not seeing what you're seeing apparently. The only nerf I see is that you cant kill nullifiers with your 4. How has this suddenly killed Revenant? Everything else seems like a fix of some sort. Whatever change you're seeing, Im not seeing it. And frankly, Revenant is a really strong warframe, I think youre just talking out of your ass tbh. Maybe its a console player thing.

They took the direct feed back post for him off the forums. No foreseeable changes for him.

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1 hour ago, Lordmotav said:

I looked at the patch notes and changes and etc and Im not seeing what you're seeing apparently. The only nerf I see is that you cant kill nullifiers with your 4. How has this suddenly killed Revenant? Everything else seems like a fix of some sort. Whatever change you're seeing, Im not seeing it. And frankly, Revenant is a really strong warframe, I think youre just talking out of your ass tbh. Maybe its a console player thing.

Rev is a really strong frame in low level content. His most costly ability (4) is useless in higher level content.

The massive power drain 4 does less damage than pretty much any well modded gun.

He is good at surviving for sure, and maybe that's why people say he is a good frame. But being able to survive doesn't make a frame good. Take Wukong for example.

Thralls are situational some cases they are great for, others they slow things down.

Reave is just bad imo. And I have no ideas on how it could be better without replacing the whole skill.

4th ability doesn't scale well at all and has to much of a power drain. If it were maybe a % health per second on targets that scales with power; then it might be good.

If your looking for a good well designed frame in which to gauge a balanced design... Look at Nidus. Synergy, survivalibility, and scales very well.

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21 minutes ago, Diveris said:

Reave is just bad imo. And I have no ideas on how it could be better without replacing the whole skill. 

I'll just leave this here.

Revenant is one of the strongest, best-scaling frames in the game.  His 1, 2, and 3 scale effectively to any enemy level.

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Il y a 9 heures, Saturmorn_Carvilli a dit :

Seriously, is this some sort of player conspiracy to see how over powered Digital Extremes will make a frame if we keep complaining it's terrible that we're not in on?

I think so. Not sure. Still think his thralls should get a pass, in that we spread the enthralling too slowly for it to become actually interesting. 

Il y a 7 heures, (XB1)GearsMatrix301 a dit :

More like one of the worst. Literally only outclassing the absolute bottom tier.


Il y a 5 heures, (XB1)GearsMatrix301 a dit :

Rev is dead because despite the nerf his 4 is still his only practical ability with the other 3 having glaring issues that keep them from being as useful as other frames abilities that do similar things.

Uh... You wat? The one glaring issue revenant has is about his thralls being made too slowly. The other skills are a complete invulnerability with CC attatched and a nice escape/recovery skill. You think that's "bottom tier"? Wow. 

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  1. dropped 3 forma into revenant 
  2. got adaptation
  3. didn't bother ranking it up because it works swell base
  4. bought power donation via golden nitain 
  5. did a build that would trigger people 
  6. made sentient color scheme
  7. did chimera prologue
  8. made the thing
  9. formad the thing 5 times 
  10. made a knight of hunhow

im serious the build would and probably will trigger someone but man is it fun 




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10 hours ago, trst said:

The purpose of Revenant's Thralls is for them to die for you not fight for you. Revenant is not Nyx.

If someone can make an argument for Revenant needing further changes without acting like Thralls are intended to work otherwise I'd love to hear it.

appreciate that but they may as well just die on enthrall 
The "death reward" for destroying thralls needs a HUGE improvement since most of them get killed by saryns and volts et al, they dont get killed in high traffic areas most of the time so their little tiny AoE column of light is moot.

I'd rather they just explode on the spot with some sort of proc 

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