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Most Powerful warframes lorewise


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3 minutes ago, ranks21 said:

nova is prolly the only one of the frames that can destroy a whole planet with her 2+4 combo, other frames can manipulate stun or even kill a city but nova is in a class by herself when it comes to raw power.

We've never seen her 4 affect things that aren't enemies though. And all her 2 can do is produce an explosion that is at maximum 500,000 units of damage, which, if we assume that the bosses we fight are at their canonical strength in their starchart encounters, can be survived by numerous, sufficiently powerful, fighters - particularly Kela De Thaym, who even without invincibility phases can flat-out tank it, Nova's 4 nonwithstanding.

If this kind of power can be withstood by mere mortals, then it's unlikely she can destroy a planet - I doubt that Kela De Thaym, being vulnerable to bullets, is more durable than an entire celestial body. Although I imagine Nova could certainly demolish buildings with ease by targeting lower parts of the structures, enabling the levelling of cities in a relatively timely fashion. By comparison, most frames could probably wipe out the populace in a similar timeframe, or possibly faster with frames like Saryn, but would probably leave most of the structures relatively untouched. Though Nova does have the issue that, though her raw power is great, she's a little lacking in other stats compared to several other frames, so I could see other frames being generally higher on an overall power scale despite having lower destructive capability thanks to that. 

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Most powerful should be narrowed down to highest potential and greatest feats shown. At least Lore wise.
But it is fair to say that many modern frames are no where close to their original wielders.

Highest potential
Limbo. Yes he literally walk to different planets, but got too cocky and popped. But if he had full mastery, he will be literally untouchable in Warframe.
Modern Tenno Limbo is far more modest in capability, but then again, you are not really the original Limbo, but just the modern Tenno  had only a tiny tiny grasp of his knowledge and power.... So to the extent of his power and potential is still extremely unknown, coupled with safety mechanisms in modern copies, well, they might never know.

Greatest feats shown
Inaros: Form a huge colony wide sandstorm (if colonies are asteroids size or even a small city, that IS A BIG tornado) that engulf an entire colony and decimated all the infested away, WITHOUT harming a single colonist.A level of mastery and control over his power that is practically unheard of for even most Warframes, unfortunately at great damage to himself. Again new builds have toned it down considerably.

Mirage: Fought Sentients bare handed and shields was already damaged (and she has the 2nd lowest hp of any warframe).  Sentient literally drop ships after ships of Sentient fighters on top of her.
Also possibly the Warframe with the strongest ego. Did not break down mentality even after being tortured by Ballas, nor was afraid of her impending death at the Sentients.

Mag Prime: Shot by Sentient capital ship grade weapons multiple times (not many AWs can tank a direct hit from a Formorian laser) as she rescued a soldier from destroyed ship.

Harrow / Rell: Literally held back the Void God / Entity who literally gave the tenno their powers for eons while the rest slept.

Edited by fatpig84
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4 hours ago, Loza03 said:

We've never seen her 4 affect things that aren't enemies though. And all her 2 can do is produce an explosion that is at maximum 500,000 units of damage, which, if we assume that the bosses we fight are at their canonical strength in their starchart encounters, can be survived by numerous, sufficiently powerful, fighters - particularly Kela De Thaym, who even without invincibility phases can flat-out tank it, Nova's 4 nonwithstanding.

If this kind of power can be withstood by mere mortals, then it's unlikely she can destroy a planet - I doubt that Kela De Thaym, being vulnerable to bullets, is more durable than an entire celestial body. Although I imagine Nova could certainly demolish buildings with ease by targeting lower parts of the structures, enabling the levelling of cities in a relatively timely fashion. By comparison, most frames could probably wipe out the populace in a similar timeframe, or possibly faster with frames like Saryn, but would probably leave most of the structures relatively untouched. Though Nova does have the issue that, though her raw power is great, she's a little lacking in other stats compared to several other frames, so I could see other frames being generally higher on an overall power scale despite having lower destructive capability thanks to that. 

That's a dang good analyst.  I like it.  

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Hmm, I rather like Oberon, and if we went by his namesake instead of Paladin theme, he would likely be among the most powerful warframes but often comes across as a front-line all rounder warframe in practice. The Chroma warframe is described by Lotus as one of the most powerful warframes; though it could just be her upselling him. As far as past warframe feats, those are likely more about the Tenno who controlled those warframes than the warframe themselves.

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3 hours ago, fatpig84 said:

Mirage: Fought Sentients bare handed and shields was already damaged (and she has the 2nd lowest hp of any warframe).  Sentient literally drop ships after ships of Sentient fighters on top of her.

Also possibly the Warframe with the strongest ego. Did not break down mentality even after being tortured by Ballas, nor was afraid of her impending death at the Sentients.

Uh, I wouldn't say she didn't mentally snap. Her laughter was at her acceptance of her role- she was to play the monster to fight the other monsters, all created by the orokin for whom she danced. Hence she took the form of the harlequin. It was a reflection of what her role was to be: the jester that entertains the nobles.

The others all went mad from the process itself.

She went mad before it- and on her own initiative.

This is also evident in her deathwish when Lotus recounts what I suspect was the debriefing of the Tenno who was in charge of Mirage Umbra. She was ruthless and effective because she had no care for herself. This was all an act, after all. Her death was written into the script and (to her) nothing she could do would change it. Be it fighting these monsters, or the next.

So she faced her end with an unhinged grin. As either the curtains were finally closing, or something would force the show to go on.

Edited by Eirshy
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11 hours ago, Loza03 said:

We've never seen her 4 affect things that aren't enemies though. And all her 2 can do is produce an explosion that is at maximum 500,000 units of damage, which, if we assume that the bosses we fight are at their canonical strength in their starchart encounters, can be survived by numerous, sufficiently powerful, fighters - particularly Kela De Thaym, who even without invincibility phases can flat-out tank it, Nova's 4 nonwithstanding.

If this kind of power can be withstood by mere mortals, then it's unlikely she can destroy a planet - I doubt that Kela De Thaym, being vulnerable to bullets, is more durable than an entire celestial body. Although I imagine Nova could certainly demolish buildings with ease by targeting lower parts of the structures, enabling the levelling of cities in a relatively timely fashion. By comparison, most frames could probably wipe out the populace in a similar timeframe, or possibly faster with frames like Saryn, but would probably leave most of the structures relatively untouched. Though Nova does have the issue that, though her raw power is great, she's a little lacking in other stats compared to several other frames, so I could see other frames being generally higher on an overall power scale despite having lower destructive capability thanks to that. 

You'll like my old post lol

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8 minutes ago, (PS4)Crixus044 said:

You'll like my old post lol

...Wow. I... uh... wow. Poor Nova XD

EDIT: Your point about Limbo stands, at least in terms of combat potential. Though the rift DOES provide a fairly constant supply of energy. If you could somehow figure out how to draw this out and put it into the network, that would be functionally infinite energy, although probably a fairly low amount of it. Still, it could lighten the load a little.

Edited by Loza03
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18 hours ago, Loza03 said:

We've never seen her 4 affect things that aren't enemies though. And all her 2 can do is produce an explosion that is at maximum 500,000 units of damage, which, if we assume that the bosses we fight are at their canonical strength in their starchart encounters, can be survived by numerous, sufficiently powerful, fighters - particularly Kela De Thaym, who even without invincibility phases can flat-out tank it, Nova's 4 nonwithstanding.

If this kind of power can be withstood by mere mortals, then it's unlikely she can destroy a planet - I doubt that Kela De Thaym, being vulnerable to bullets, is more durable than an entire celestial body. Although I imagine Nova could certainly demolish buildings with ease by targeting lower parts of the structures, enabling the levelling of cities in a relatively timely fashion. By comparison, most frames could probably wipe out the populace in a similar timeframe, or possibly faster with frames like Saryn, but would probably leave most of the structures relatively untouched. Though Nova does have the issue that, though her raw power is great, she's a little lacking in other stats compared to several other frames, so I could see other frames being generally higher on an overall power scale despite having lower destructive capability thanks to that. 

Great reasoning 

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  • 1 month later...

Valkyr, as I said in a different thread Im a diehard Valkyr main, and I'm sad to see no one realizes shes literally op story wise.


Guys, shes a freaken main character from warframe the anime, her backstory involves her being tortured by the corpus. And the main character of any anime has to have a tragic backstory that drives them to become the very best in order to take down the person that killed their fath- 

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hace 8 minutos, (XB1)Lwyu dijo:

Valkyr, as I said in a different thread Im a diehard Valkyr main, and I'm sad to see no one realizes shes literally op story wise.


Guys, shes a freaken main character from warframe the anime, her backstory involves her being tortured by the corpus. And the main character of any anime has to have a tragic backstory that drives them to become the very best in order to take down the person that killed their fath- 

Yeah but nullifiers have plot armor anyway

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12 minutes ago, (XB1)Lwyu said:

Guys, shes a freaken main character from warframe the anime, her backstory involves her being tortured by the corpus. And the main character of any anime has to have a tragic backstory that drives them to become the very best in order to take down the person that killed their fath- 

Saitama's backstory is tragic enough?

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