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What's a good warframe for me?


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Hi there! I wouldn't say I'm "new" unless you count MR5 as new but I want ed to know what a good warframe would be for my requirements. I like to play a warframe that could take some damege but put out a good bit of it. But I love effects, so something flashy, like excalibur fourth move blade, or loki's cloak, or wukongs cloud. How I get damege out (aoe, st, etc) doesnt matter to me much. Someone with flashy powers, balanced-ish, and is more offensive but can still help out the team.

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25 minutes ago, (PS4)PepperPizzabroso said:

Hi there! I wouldn't say I'm "new" unless you count MR5 as new but I want ed to know what a good warframe would be for my requirements. I like to play a warframe that could take some damege but put out a good bit of it. But I love effects, so something flashy, like excalibur fourth move blade, or loki's cloak, or wukongs cloud. How I get damege out (aoe, st, etc) doesnt matter to me much. Someone with flashy powers, balanced-ish, and is more offensive but can still help out the team.

You can never go wrong with Oberon.  A good mix of damage skills (his first ability knocks down and confuses the target, and spawns orbs that damage, weaken, and can confuse near by targets or circle around to hit the main target), Crowd Control (his second makes grass grow out of the ground, damaging and confusing enemies and removing debuffs from allies), and can heal (his 3 heals all allies for a flat amount on first activation and continuously heals every second until you either run out of energy, turn the skill off, or the person somehow looses the buff.  Plus it gives a straight armor buff for extra durability if they're getting healed and run over your grass at the same time).

Oberon Prime is my daily driver, because he has the tools needed to go anywhere and contribute in any squad.

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Ultimately, you’re going to want to try them all.  Instead of looking for THE frame, just ask what the NEXT frame should be.  

I vote Nezha for you.  Can take damage, can dish it out and looks flashy as.  Flames and spikes and throwing glowy rings.

Edited by LarryYourWaiter
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Plat or Play? I bought at the beginning (also about MR5) Octavia and... well after I had some mods it was the best choice for me. Flashy as hell and the damage scales with the enemy. With metronome and a spam song you are almost not kill able because they dont see you. From MR5 to now MR17 she is a monster and so much fun to play.


Skill her to

1. Duration

2. Range


That's it. Octavia 4 ever! ❤️

 - a biased Octavia main

Edited by DerGreif2
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Oberon is love, Oberon is life.

You could also give Volt a try, a high-Range Discharge certainly fits the "flashy" requirement,
and while Speed may produce mixed reactions from Squad mates (dat high Strength wall face plant),
protection via (mass stuns / kills as well as) Electric Shield and Capacitance shouldn't ruffle any feathers.

Edited by NinjaZeku
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Limbo, Rhino and Trinity when modded right and with the right Arcanes and augments are all great for taking and dealing damage if you know how to use them, though i wouldn't suggest Rhino because it's boring to use.

But try not to rely on tanking much because that will not work at high levels.

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Mesa and Nidus can take damage, does a lot of it, and have a fair amount of style.

Mesa reduces projectile damage and wields insanely powerful aimbot guns, while Nidus has high health, damage reduction, and offensive capabilities that increase over time in battle and at the height of his power he can outright cheat death at least 6 times.

Of course, I doubt you'll be getting them anytime soon unless you outright buy them, but if you are, those two are some of the best out there.

Easier to acquire would be Rhino and Nezha. Rhino can take and deal damage in a "HULK SMASH" sort of style which I am not a fan of, but I have admit he's strong. Nezha can take and deal damage with style while running a trail of fire, but his physical appearance is quite lacking in style. In fact, he looks bland as hell, so unless you have plat to spend on the deluxe skin, 99% of the style will be coming from his abilities.

Valkyr screams a lot, has the highest amount of armor in the game and so can take a fair amount of damage, and can generate energy claws that pretty much insta-kills any star chart bosses that don't have wings, invincibility periods or require you to hit them in a certain area. She has a ripline ability that lets her pull enemies towards her as well as swing around the map like Spider-Man. She's also one of the few if not only frames who can be invincible for more than a handful of seconds. Of course, she is a melee-oriented frame, so if that's not your thing then she probably won't suit you.

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Aside from the above suggested warframes, i want to add atlas. He is pretty tanky, his 3 is a nice CC and is funny to puch enemies in their face.

Anyways, aside from some extremely tanky frames, "tanking" in this game is more about avoiding damage. Running, jumping, rolling... If you just want to stand and shot like a turret, you shuold use mesa's ult.

My advice is learn to move to survive.

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Zephyr is the best , all others should put to rest.

1200 shield, 1200 healt, second hability gives you imunaty to shoots, the 4o a great crowd control, 3o for those though guys, it flies and it runs fast. Doen't need more than a potato and a forma, just use 4/5 slots for shields and health the rest for the abilities as you like.

Ok, ok... just my opinion, but for my long experience using zephyr I'm usually the guy o never dies.

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There is no " good for me , good for you or main frame" in this game.... If you do not bring the proper frame for the mission you automatically perform worst than others , example : never bring slow nova in defence missions , it's gonna take forever to finish the mission and someone always leave at 5 rounds  , unless you are doing something specific and you need safety like in acolyte defence mission where you need the boss slowed at all times , in excavation mission always bring slow nova or frost so the excavators survive , spy missions : always a frame with invisibility until you know where the cameras are or if you want to risk it , risk it solo mode and learn the map , when you see that the mission is progressed fluidly you know everyone is doing their job , when you see that the mission takes longer to complete you will know then what am I talking about . I am hitting 3700 hours in game In a while so making game life easier and safer after all these hours for me and teammates is a priority !! 

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Half of the frames in the game do what you described, some are more effective, others are less effective at it.

As Dragoncroac already said you need to learn how to survive and what mods to go for to make your life easier and the defensive side becomes kind of a non-issue for 95% of all content offered. A frame like Rhino is often recommend to new players because he doesn't need anything fancy to survive or dish out damage, press 2 to not die, press 3 to deal extra damage. As straight forward as it gets.

Once you have aquired and ranked the essential mods to do proper builds you can go for whatever Warframe you like, even the ones that are clearly a bit behind the curve work for most content in the game.

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I feel like most people here suggesting Oberon seem to forget that he is a solidly O-K guy but only really decent with good mods.
Honestly I think the best bet for any newer player is to get a Frost. All 4 of his abilities are usable (which not many frames can claim) and most importantly he'll help you work your way through the star chart without dealing with the frustrations of hopping into missions with people who can't protect the point. 

Rhino will always be the #1 suggestion for learning Warframe as a whole, but Frost sounds much more your speed based on your description.

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19 minutes ago, (PS4)PepperPizzabroso said:

I'm hearing alot of Rhinos, Nezhas, Oberons, and Nidus. I'll try them out and start creating more basic needs for a warframe and mods when I learn the needs for missions in this game and then I'll try out s bunch of others.

Bisedes same specific mission like spy mission, all others is about crowd control and this may be than with weapons or abilities, mostly abilities. Same wfs are good tanks, others good for team support and a very very few room nukers. It all depends of how you like to play but it all came down to mod's (do the math or check the web for builds). This game is based on team effort, so my lasts advises are, play as such and most of all ENJOY IT.

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25 minutes ago, (PS4)PepperPizzabroso said:

I'm hearing alot of Rhinos, Nezhas, Oberons, and Nidus. I'll try them out and start creating more basic needs for a warframe and mods when I learn the needs for missions in this game and then I'll try out s bunch of others.

A good idea. A lot of it's going to come down to your preference on playstyle and such. It can be hard to get a good feel for a warframe without trying it yourself. Rhino's a good starting point, as it's easy to build and very solid all-rounder. Not sure it'll check the flashiness box for ya, but performance wise there's little to complain about.

Oberon is a frame you'll inevitably collect the parts to as you play, but he's kind of a pain to actively farm for. One of my personal favorites though. Once you get an Oberon modded up, it becomes a solid choice for virtually any mission. I'd rate him medium/low on the flashiness scale. All of his moves, minus his heal, look pretty neat, but aren't too crazy in my book. His ult is pretty cool, but I find myself rarely using it.

Nezha requires clan research, but if you got that, then it's not hard to get a hold of, and as others have said, lines up with what you're looking for. I find Nezha to be a lot of fun and quite effective. Probably not a great choice on the days you feel like being lazy against reasonably tough enemies, as it's best with a lot of active ability use.

Nidus is certainly a very strong frame that's got a lot going for it, but be warned that it's an absolute pain to farm in game unless you have absurd luck. That's the single biggest downside to aiming for Nidus.

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