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mining and fishing is ok but i dont enjoy doing it


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with fortuna getting released at any moment i just want to express that while i dont mind doing it i really dont enjoy it. im not running out to do it tbh, the only reason i do it is to progress

there is a grind behind it for progression and that is part of the issue, the hole thing was a novelty at the start but it has just become tedious to spend time to get crafting materials, with regular missions you get resources/ xp/ mods/ relics ect ect but in cetus you have to dedicate your hole time to a single thing, to do bits here and there would take until the next expansion to complete if you found a few nodes while doing bountys ect

i really dont think it should be the focus of these expansions esp when progression is concerned, idk im sure there is people that really enjoy doing it but for me its very tedious, im not running out to do it only when i have to and i shouldnt have that feeling about a mechanic. am i alone on this? they have it as one of the hypes for fortuna but i really dont see it like that  

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1 minute ago, LupisV0lk said:

Was there a need to post this?

It seems this is another thread railing against having to play the game to get things. Baffling mind set really.

the only thing that is baffling if your lack of comprehension, my post is about the mechanic and being forced to do it and while i dont mind it i dont find it fun to do, where exactly did i say i didnt want to play the game to get items? next time have a read before you ramble on about something that wasnt even said

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8 minutes ago, pig666eon said:

with fortuna getting released at any moment i just want to express that while i dont mind doing it i really dont enjoy it. im not running out to do it tbh, the only reason i do it is to progress

If you can't be bothered to farm/mine/fish for stuff, then just buy it from other players, or from the market. That's the whole point of platinum.
DE shouldn't stop implementing new stuff just because someone doesn't like it.
I like mining and fishing. It's relaxing. You don't have to rush anything. You can just sit there and enjoy some "freetime". And yes, I know it's strange to say something like that about a videogame.

Edited by WhiteMarker
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Assuming they will do similar to what they did with PoE, you will probably be able to trade the mechanical fish as you do currently with regular fish.

Not ideal for people that don’t like fishing/mining, but it does allow you to focus efforts elsewhere where you might enjoy and then trade to get what you need.

There’s plenty of stuff that some people like and others don’t, it’s not possible to please everyone.

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The intent for the design is to specifically have resources behind a dedicated mechanic that they decided would be a mini-game rather than another game mode or a specific action. You could compare it to something like Cryotic. Between running Excavations and Fishing/Mining, at least the latter is something you can do while unwinding at the end of a long day, etc. Without things like these, people would likely just focus on zooming through bounties repeatedly for resources, leaving a lot of untapped potential just laying around the environment that they created. Progression just becomes a one-track sprint of just staying in the area and doing whatever long enough rather than looking for what you need.

I'm not too bothered by it, sure, sometimes, it becomes a bit of a drag when you're in quick need of the materials but you can't say, afford the bait for it, but else, it's nice to have a change of pace to gather resources than to sit in an Excavation mission for 20 minutes or wait for something like Nitain to show up.

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a couple things that may help a bit:

  • Trading is always an option with Fishing, and if Mining was fully Tradable just like Fishing is, that would provide a totally hands off avenue.
  • while dedicated things they may be, as aforementioned it's not too dissimilar in Rewards being in a specific Gamemode.
    • with that in mind, it's worth noting that you can totally do some Mining here and there while doing Bounties currently. Fishing not so much though. but then Fishing is going to not be quite the same on Venus so we'll see if it ends up being something that you can see off in the water, skid to a halt during a Bounty, catch it, and then go back to what you were doing.
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8 minutes ago, (PS4)xtharbadx said:

Assuming they will do similar to what they did with PoE, you will probably be able to trade the mechanical fish as you do currently with regular fish.

Not ideal for people that don’t like fishing/mining, but it does allow you to focus efforts elsewhere where you might enjoy and then trade to get what you need.

There’s plenty of stuff that some people like and others don’t, it’s not possible to please everyone.

yeah i get that you cant please everyone i totally get that and dont get me wrong i will be doing it but to have it as a mandatory way of progression isnt the best way of doing it since its a forced mechanic

4 minutes ago, Flandyrll said:

The intent for the design is to specifically have resources behind a dedicated mechanic that they decided would be a mini-game rather than another game mode or a specific action. You could compare it to something like Cryotic. Between running Excavations and Fishing/Mining, at least the latter is something you can do while unwinding at the end of a long day, etc. Without things like these, people would likely just focus on zooming through bounties repeatedly for resources, leaving a lot of untapped potential just laying around the environment that they created. Progression just becomes a one-track sprint of just staying in the area and doing whatever long enough rather than looking for what you need.

I'm not too bothered by it, sure, sometimes, it becomes a bit of a drag when you're in quick need of the materials but you can't say, afford the bait for it, but else, it's nice to have a change of pace to gather resources than to sit in an Excavation mission for 20 minutes or wait for something like Nitain to show up.

yeah if it was a side mechanic that you could do to unwind or do something else that would be great but to have it mandatory and have a grind behind it i feel devalues what its ment to be, i realize that other resources are behind other tedious things but when you do them your also doing alot of other things so it doesnt feel like as much of a chore, its not like i can run bountys and turn that experience into fish or gems like you can if your were mining or fishing and turn that into experience. some days i dont want to fish but i have to because i need that item to be made, its a good mechanic but being forced to grind it has made it not as fun as it should be

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The good thing is, as already said above, you can trade for most of the stuff, not minerals but gems and fish yes. I hope they continue this trend of being able to trade things so people like me have more sources of platinum. And so that people like OP are not forced to do stuff to get stuff.

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I sometimes just go to PoE free roam on solo to take a break from shooting stuff. I equip the mining tool and go around Gara's lake looking for Cetus wisps while also mining nearby nodes and fishing in hotspots if there are any. Basically doing everything together is very fast and fun way for me to get resources for zaws and amps. If I happen to get resource booster as daily login bonus then it's even better as Cetus wisps and all ores also goes x2, not sure about fish.

The hardest part of mining and fishing is getting standing with Ostrons up to the level where you finally get your hands on last mining tool (because it shows mining nodes on minimap and mining becomes much, much faster) and all fishing baits. After that anywhere you go you get resources pouring at you.

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part of the game now I'm afraid. i'd say the best thing to do is take your time with it: you'll hate mining a lot more if you're forcing yourself to do it. the things you'll need the ores and gems for aren't going anywhere, they're permanent, so just get them in your own time and mine at your own pace. even if it's one spot per day, it's better than nothing. plus it should be way less tedious now that we have the new system, which is much faster and can yield multiple resources. I'd say DE have done a pretty decent job of improving the Mining mechanic.

Edited by (PS4)robotwars7
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i like fishing and mining as an alternative to bounties to get the standing i need to progress but i didn't like them before that i had to do them, the difference is that now i'm choosing to do these and that's why i get the enjoyment out of them. for me grinding for something specific is the worst part of the game, but when i'm listening to a podcast and chilling i can fish or mine for hours.

all i want is a passive mode or session where enemies won't spawn at all and i'm left alone to do what i want as i please, also the animal catching mini-game they showed looked awful and i don't want to do them at all and i hope progress is not locked behind them (it will be)

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I actually enjoy mining and fishing and theoretically I don't mind the artificial grind walls........


That said, the thing that does get my goat is that I distinctly recall DE saying that they weren't going to pull the whole "re-grind mining/fishing" thing with Fortuna. Instead opting to add other minigames that you would grind. What with the whole "whelp new zone, time to relearn all the skills you learned in the last zone" was, lets just say sub optimal. 

Flash forward to the Fortuna Hype page and not only does it sound like they're gearing up to pull the "relearn mining/fishing" shtick but it sounds like they're locking the "new & Improved" mining mechanic that sounded like something they where just going to outright replace the old tracing mechanic with behind said re-grind wall. 

Maybe I'm wrong about that and I really hope I am but...... I'm already mentally preparing for it. 

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4 hours ago, pig666eon said:

with fortuna getting released at any moment i just want to express that while i dont mind doing it i really dont enjoy it. im not running out to do it tbh, the only reason i do it is to progress

there is a grind behind it for progression and that is part of the issue, the hole thing was a novelty at the start but it has just become tedious to spend time to get crafting materials, with regular missions you get resources/ xp/ mods/ relics ect ect but in cetus you have to dedicate your hole time to a single thing, to do bits here and there would take until the next expansion to complete if you found a few nodes while doing bountys ect

i really dont think it should be the focus of these expansions esp when progression is concerned, idk im sure there is people that really enjoy doing it but for me its very tedious, im not running out to do it only when i have to and i shouldnt have that feeling about a mechanic. am i alone on this? they have it as one of the hypes for fortuna but i really dont see it like that  

I doubt many people really enjoy mining & fishing...though personally I find them a nice change of pace when I don't want to be madly parkouring around in missions.

Its just how the game is designed...you need resources to build stuff and thats how you get them - by farming. Unless you're willing to buy them form the shop or trade for them.

As I've said to other people, if this aspect of the game really bothers you that much, maybe Warframe isn't the right game for you. It was never meant to be purely a fast-paced shooter. A lot of mundane, grindy stuff was deliberately built in, to make you explore, find stuff and uncover info about the Warframe universe.


I will agree that farming for certain things can seem excessive or painfully slow at times. I think DE could rework some things in this regard, but overall, I think they've got it broadly right. It just makes me feel like I've really earned something, when I finally get to build it.



Edited by FlusteredFerret
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