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Bloodshed Sigil


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i have a question about this sigil, you can only get it with the garuda collection, and on the bundle description it says "timed bundle-exclusive bloodshed sigil", does that mean that itll only be limited to the bundle for a certain amount of time and that youll be able to buy it separately later on, or that the sigil is a timed exclusive thatll disappear soon? i feel like this is something that should be stated clearer, i dont wanna spend plat on the garuda collection only to find out the sigil will be available separately soon

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Tbh I really dislike how it either forces us to buy stuff we don't like to buy or wait an indefinite amount of time to get it for free.

I thought DE had figured out many of us like to earn our gear, forcing us to buy Garuda this way doesn't sit well with me. If it was tossed in with a bunch of other market-only cosmetics in a pack I'd be fine with that but having it tied to buying the Warframe. Yeah, not a fan.

And to those going "you can get it later for free". Suuuure, we all know how the Warframe community is comprised of completionists and fashionistas so I'm sure that this is a very effective money maker for them. It just doesn't sit well with me.

Edited by marelooke
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7 hours ago, marelooke said:

Tbh I really dislike how it either forces us to buy stuff we don't like to buy or wait an indefinite amount of time to get it for free.

I thought DE had figured out many of us like to earn our gear, forcing us to buy Garuda this way doesn't sit well with me. If it was tossed in with a bunch of other market-only cosmetics in a pack I'd be fine with that but having it tied to buying the Warframe. Yeah, not a fan.

And to those going "you can get it later for free". Suuuure, we all know how the Warframe community is comprised of completionists and fashionistas so I'm sure that this is a very effective money maker for them. It just doesn't sit well with me.

same, if there was a "garuda cosmetics bundle" that came with her helmet, syandana and the sigil ide have no problem buying that, especially since that alt helmet is infinitely better than her default, but buying the full frame and the weapon to? im not really a fan of that

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On ‎2018‎-‎11‎-‎09 at 7:43 PM, marelooke said:

Tbh I really dislike how it either forces us to buy stuff we don't like to buy or wait an indefinite amount of time to get it for free.

I thought DE had figured out many of us like to earn our gear, forcing us to buy Garuda this way doesn't sit well with me. If it was tossed in with a bunch of other market-only cosmetics in a pack I'd be fine with that but having it tied to buying the Warframe. Yeah, not a fan.

And to those going "you can get it later for free". Suuuure, we all know how the Warframe community is comprised of completionists and fashionistas so I'm sure that this is a very effective money maker for them. It just doesn't sit well with me.

Though I do agree that it is something to pay attention to in terms of their ways of incentivizing players to buy plat/market items, I honestly think it's at least somewhat forgivable, given they gave us so much for free in the update. Not that I like it or agree with it, but, it's different in my mind than if they just added a random frame during a small update or something and did the same thing. 

Also, while I know this point is drilled into everyone's minds by now, you don't need to buy the plat off of DE, you can always trade. Might take longer, but if a completionist wants the bundle, they could make enough plat by trading pretty easily. 

Just my opinion.

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i bought garuda frame (didint have enough  plat for  colection) i payed it 325p   after a fiew days  i colected  plat and  bought  whole colection becaus the   sigil   and   nagantak  and i cant use or see it in game only  in   arsenal ??? WTF DE ???  can someone   help mee  and  point mee in direction  where i can file  official complain? i want some refund because this is stupid i   fid outh  that this is  the way sigil work, after i bought it  ON  BLOODY GOOGLE 😄 

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4 minutes ago, grobar084 said:

i bought garuda frame (didint have enough  plat for  colection) i payed it 325p   after a fiew days  i colected  plat and  bought  whole colection becaus the   sigil   and   nagantak  and i cant use or see it in game only  in   arsenal ??? WTF DE ???  can someone   help mee  and  point mee in direction  where i can file  official complain? i want some refund because this is stupid i   fid outh  that this is  the way sigil work, after i bought it  ON  BLOODY GOOGLE 😄 

It shows up when you take health damage in the game which is kinda boring, but it works as intended

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Little surprised by anyone who is negative about this, it's not Primed Chamber,  or a piece of legidment gear. Cosmetics,  while very desirable are understandable with needing purchases. 

I bet however we will have the opposite crowed who fails to read this,  get upset because they bought it, when it becomes free. 

Paid early access to a cosmetic is not detrimental to our free to play game. 

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3 minutes ago, (XB1)Evilpricetag said:

Little surprised by anyone who is negative about this, it's not Primed Chamber,  or a piece of legidment gear. Cosmetics,  while very desirable are understandable with needing purchases. 

I bet however we will have the opposite crowed who fails to read this,  get upset because they bought it, when it becomes free. 

Paid early access to a cosmetic is not detrimental to our free to play game. 

when this comes back in an event i cant wait to see all the entitled idiots complaining with stuff like "BuT mUh ExClUsIvEnEsS!", even after DE already said its coming back as an event item

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2 hours ago, CoolDudeMcCool said:

I just tried it out on my Trinity, I don't think it worked either but I didn't try for a while, maybe a bug

did it with excalibur umbra due to all the health and armor, after getting over 1000 health damage without healing from pet or sentinel, i started to notice some blood starting to form, using the health regen aura and blind to take a break, you'd have to take alot of health damage for it to look like it dos in arsenal, and you cant take health damage in relays so its useless for fashion frame.

Edited by BloodKitten
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On 2018-11-17 at 1:55 PM, BloodKitten said:

did it with excalibur umbra due to all the health and armor, after getting over 1000 health damage without healing from pet or sentinel, i started to notice some blood starting to form, using the health regen aura and blind to take a break, you'd have to take alot of health damage for it to look like it dos in arsenal, and you cant take health damage in relays so its useless for fashion frame.

yep it is useless  and you nead to wonder what is the point of it  ???? you can farm frame and buy  naganatak  weapon for 128p   that sydana looks stupid  too.... MINE MAIN PROBLEM WITH THIS IS  THAT I DIDINT READ  ONLY  SIGIL  DESCRIPTION  BECAUSE YOU CANT GOO AND SEE TRUGHT  COLECTION PURCHASE  SCREAN SOO FOR MEE THEY ADWERTISE  THAT YOU BUYING FRAME WITH SIGIL THAT MAKES YOUR FRAME  LOKS  LIKE IS HAVING A BLOOD STAINS  AND YOU GOT   SIGIL THAT   SOMETIMES GEAWE YOU  THAT LOO. and i  dont nead to  goo on some   forum to learn that  i nead to   have that info on stuff that i am buying SOO  I FEALL  CHEATED AND THAT IS IT ;)


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  • 1 month later...

Apparently, I was not the only one buying the Bundle for this exclusive Sigil.

It is not acceptable, that it can be available later on in the game in some event.

No need to say that all others items can be acquired by playing the game, while the Syandana can be bought cheap with a coupon.

This should be clarified to all.




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It seems so obvious to me that they need to change the sigil so that your Frame becomes bloodier the faster and more enemies you kill in a short span of time.  This would be so much cooler and allow players to see the sigil/blood more often!  My hope is that they do this eventually....

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1 hour ago, (PS4)Touha9 said:

It seems so obvious to me that they need to change the sigil so that your Frame becomes bloodier the faster and more enemies you kill in a short span of time.  This would be so much cooler and allow players to see the sigil/blood more often!  My hope is that they do this eventually....

The bloodshed Sigil is in the drop table of the profit taker. For fortuna Part 2.

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3 hours ago, Godzilla853 said:

he bloodshed Sigil is in the drop table of the profit taker. For fortuna Part 2.

not because i don't belive you...but because that source might give more info on the 2nd part of profit taker and i want to know more 😃

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7 minutes ago, kuchn said:

not because i don't belive you...but because that source might give more info on the 2nd part of profit taker and i want to know more 😃

It says on the wiki (yeah I know) and I've had a couple of people say they've got it from it too.  Personally I haven't seen it but the drop rate is something like 1% at best so not surprising if I/you haven't seen it drop lol. 

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