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Lets Brain storm way's to get new people to join us in Warframe like making the start easy to understand.


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Its pretty interesting but... it's to much without any explanation. I had to watch multiple beginner guides to get into this game. It took WEEKS for me to realize how to do a bullet jump and how to climb a wall! I wish there where a tutorial that shows the buttons and maybe also explain the nodding system a bit more. I think a lot of people are scared away from this kind of fact.

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Just now, DerGreif2 said:

Its pretty interesting but... it's to much without any explanation. I had to watch multiple beginner guides to get into this game. It took WEEKS for me to realize how to do a bullet jump and how to climb a wall! I wish there where a tutorial that shows the buttons and maybe also explain the nodding system a bit more. I think a lot of people are scared away from this kind of fact.

there is a tutorial for bullet jump, theres a tutorial for modding aswell, its in the codex

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1 minute ago, vid23 said:

there is a tutorial for bullet jump, theres a tutorial for modding aswell, its in the codex

It took a month to figure out what the lodex is... that's just my input. It was hard but I am glad to have gone through it. And glad that a Player helping Player forum exists...

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The biggest hurdle I see for new players is the leveling and modding system.  Sure they may explain HOW to mod your gun, but what's confusing to a lot of new players is the fact that your weapon doesn't get more powerful as you level it.  It's counter to how basically ever other game works.  You only get more mod points, not more damage, so the importance of mods and mod points are lost on people. 

"My gun is level 30, why does it do 4 damage per bullet?"  lol  New players run through the planets and don't grind for better mods in the planets they have opened, so they hit a wall with no explanation.  The game is old though, with a ton of content from year's past, so it's going to be intimidating regardless of any tutorial system, just because there is so much to do when you first play that it's overwhelming.  

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The game has way too much stuff in it early on, it lacks a clear objective when it comes to game progression and when you see the market for the first time it screams pay-to-win (which the game obviously isn't).

Purchasing blueprints should be made more obvious and easier, rewards of early missions should be changed to be more focused on giving you a great start at modding weapons and frames. The only ''guidance'' you really have are the junctions to unlock new planets.

Edited by Wyrmius_Prime
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2 hours ago, Kanes_Legion said:

I try to get my friends to play but they say the Start is not interesting or they could not understand it or the movement in the game. So I was thinking the community might have some good ideas to get new players in.

DE has found that people will do whatever it takes to play the game if they want to play. You can't get people who aren't hooked to play the game no matter what the New Player Experience is.

This may just not be the game for them.

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1 hour ago, Wyrmius_Prime said:

Purchasing blueprints should be made more obvious and easier, rewards of early missions should be changed to be more focused on giving you a great start at modding weapons and frames.

TL; DR: Many of the early game problems are lack of intuitive UI, no hints in orbiter, slot limits, and coaching someone on building something from the market. Controller on PC needs new default settings and customization settings.

 New players see platinum costs in arsenal and don't know how else to get frames and weapons those should literally be removed asap. The codex tutorials/menus are difficult to find because it looks more like a place to buy mods from first glance. 

Explaining the 3 day crafting cost for their first warframe is depressing for new players, making this feel like a mobile game. The starting slot limit for warframes is absolute garbage making platinum gating mandatory. With no auction house asking a new player to find plat by trading mods they can't farm or prime trash for hours is boring and complicated. Not saying we should have an auction house. We should have more than the 2 starting slots for over 30 warframes in roster. Finding your way through junctions is tedious from a new player perspective (e.g. you can't run mariana on earth to kill 100 frontier grineer cause it isn't the forest tile).

There is a mod upgrade option in the arsenal, but you have to go to the mod menu to rank up these mods. Endo and credits are spent like mad while early missions do not give much credits/endo until literally neptune. Polarities, drain, and capacity are not well understood or illustrated when first opening the arsenal. E.g. mouse over these areas to get hints as to what the heck they do. New players have no idea what catalysts and reactors are, which have the biggest effect when leveling your first warframe so you can fit on enough mods in the first place. Forma aren't explained but you don't need it until about saturn anyway.

Assassination missions do not list what warframe blueprints drop from there, which is the whole point of those boring assassination missions with invulnerability phases and what seems like infinite health for unmodded gear. There is no tutorial for the gear wheel unless you do Saya's vigil, which is an optional quest in progression. What is mastery rank and how do I get mastery?

Even when you complete these assassination missions, there is no "New Blueprint in Foundry" alert. I've had to remind anyone that completes the earth venus junction that they can craft taxon, which is amazing QoL to have vacuum and overshields in early game. Enemies don't drop health orbs naturally. That sucks so people have to bash open containers everywhere which is slow and boring, especially when you don't have any native loot radar.

Some people want to play this game on controller, where controller aiming sucks on PC. There are awful dead zones and diagonal dead zones with PC controller that don't exist in any other console or PC controller scheme. There is also extreme aim acceleration with the joysticks (e.g. holding a direction increases look speed over time). None of these settings can be changed in game. This makes aiming feel awful and kill warframe's fluid combat interface and solid fps mechanics. If you first pick up this game on controller it will feel like crap.

Yeah if some people pick up this game and think the levels are boring then it isn't the game for them. However, if these aforementioned problems with solutions are corrected and added then the new player experience will be much smoother, which is the key retaining your 38 million losers.

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45 minutes ago, peterc3 said:

DE has found that people will do whatever it takes to play the game if they want to play. You can't get people who aren't hooked to play the game no matter what the New Player Experience is.

This may just not be the game for them.

Then they should invest in some sort of "hook" to get new players to play the game.

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Either people will like this game or they won't....no amount of tutorial, hand holding, or streamlining will help or change that.  The whole idea that doing "X" will somehow improve player retention has been proven as "false" by many other game houses and confirmed by DE....that is they they STOPPED doing it.    Amused by how people forget the history of this game sometimes.

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vor 3 Stunden schrieb peterc3:

DE has found that people will do whatever it takes to play the game if they want to play. You can't get people who aren't hooked to play the game no matter what the New Player Experience is.

This may just not be the game for them.

I like how you always talk with an authority as if you were actually part of the team 😄 . Problem is, the Devs did mention they want to make it easier for new players to find into the game and their actions reflect that. I mean it's common sense that you're more likely to like a game if you don't feel overwhelmed while getting no clues of what you should do. If you make the first hours too miserable a player wont reach the point at which he is so intruiged he will invest himself to get into the struggle to learn everything he can and becomes hooked.

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Game needs to take out all the noob traps in the Marketplace and do a complete repricing.

The prices of guns and consumable crafting materials on the marketplace makes the game's monetization feel incredibly shady to new players who do not know about the alternative means to acquire them ingame.

This misunderstanding probably costed DE more new players than any other single factor.

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Forced tutorial is more bad than good.

And this is a very old game, should not be hard to find instruction.

DE only to integrate wiki information in game, like an archive or something, cause it is so fun that need to alt-tab all the time to check information.

Then players just check the archive if they feel confused. No need for those "press w for moving forward, move the mouse to look around" tutorial.

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20 hours ago, Lewtenant said:

TL; DR: Many of the early game problems are lack of intuitive UI, no hints in orbiter, slot limits, and coaching someone on building something from the market. Controller on PC needs new default settings and customization settings.

 New players see platinum costs in arsenal and don't know how else to get frames and weapons those should literally be removed asap. The codex tutorials/menus are difficult to find because it looks more like a place to buy mods from first glance. 

Explaining the 3 day crafting cost for their first warframe is depressing for new players, making this feel like a mobile game. The starting slot limit for warframes is absolute garbage making platinum gating mandatory. With no auction house asking a new player to find plat by trading mods they can't farm or prime trash for hours is boring and complicated. Not saying we should have an auction house. We should have more than the 2 starting slots for over 30 warframes in roster. Finding your way through junctions is tedious from a new player perspective (e.g. you can't run mariana on earth to kill 100 frontier grineer cause it isn't the forest tile).

There is a mod upgrade option in the arsenal, but you have to go to the mod menu to rank up these mods. Endo and credits are spent like mad while early missions do not give much credits/endo until literally neptune. Polarities, drain, and capacity are not well understood or illustrated when first opening the arsenal. E.g. mouse over these areas to get hints as to what the heck they do. New players have no idea what catalysts and reactors are, which have the biggest effect when leveling your first warframe so you can fit on enough mods in the first place. Forma aren't explained but you don't need it until about saturn anyway.

Assassination missions do not list what warframe blueprints drop from there, which is the whole point of those boring assassination missions with invulnerability phases and what seems like infinite health for unmodded gear. There is no tutorial for the gear wheel unless you do Saya's vigil, which is an optional quest in progression. What is mastery rank and how do I get mastery?

Even when you complete these assassination missions, there is no "New Blueprint in Foundry" alert. I've had to remind anyone that completes the earth venus junction that they can craft taxon, which is amazing QoL to have vacuum and overshields in early game. Enemies don't drop health orbs naturally. That sucks so people have to bash open containers everywhere which is slow and boring, especially when you don't have any native loot radar.

Some people want to play this game on controller, where controller aiming sucks on PC. There are awful dead zones and diagonal dead zones with PC controller that don't exist in any other console or PC controller scheme. There is also extreme aim acceleration with the joysticks (e.g. holding a direction increases look speed over time). None of these settings can be changed in game. This makes aiming feel awful and kill warframe's fluid combat interface and solid fps mechanics. If you first pick up this game on controller it will feel like crap.

Yeah if some people pick up this game and think the levels are boring then it isn't the game for them. However, if these aforementioned problems with solutions are corrected and added then the new player experience will be much smoother, which is the key retaining your 38 million losers.

Could not have said it any better! :clap:

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42 minutes ago, Toppien said:

this game is not for everyone

True. You find out if this game is right for you by playing it. Plenty of people get into this and are later bored by the gameplay loop and lack of PVP.

Unfortunately, you don't find out what this game is or how it works for about 50-100 hours. Cutting down on that time lets people find what the game is, and if they like it, before abandoning it for something with more transparency.

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