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What missions you should and shouldn’t do solo?



Hello all!

so I have been put off by this game a while ago cause how difficult it was to learn everything but now it’s on Switch I thought I’d bite the bullet and start again. I just got myself Mesa using Platinum so I think I’m gonna stay.

the only thing I’m mainly scratching my head over, is moreso how soloable this game is. I was watching a friend play and he was getting rekt on an interception mission on Ceres (I think) and had to cooperate to actually pass the first round. This got me intimidated as I was planning to mainly play solo. Then all the discussion like “is this frame soloable?” which doesn’t help cause I assumed you can solo with any Frame regardless of godly reflexes or not.

That may not be the case however. what mission types can be solo’d easily and which ones are recommended for a group?

overall I love this game and more than I thought but man, I really need some clarification lol.





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19 answers to this question

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It's not really about the mission type so much as it's about your loadout. If you're just starting the game, a level 40 defense mission is going to be horrible to solo. If you've got a fully modded frame plus weapons, you can take it on easily. Interception is geared more towards cooperation than other modes, so it's probably the most annoying to do by yourself.

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Interceptions are probably the only missions that would come close to requiring team play, but it depends on the map and/or how good you are at covering multiple control points. Some frames will make it easier, and some guns are better than others.

In the end, though, stick with it and you should be able to do just about everything solo, once you get used to how the game plays and learned about the different frames and weapons. If you want some more info on specific mission types, let me know and I'll give what help and advice I can.

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Interception should be soloed, less enemy to deal with, faster to capture point.


Hijack should be solo with high shield build.


Spy solo because public kinda stupid sometimes.


Exterminate shouldnt be solo so you can finish the mission with more team more enemies spawn.

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1 hour ago, tychondus said:

Every mission in this game can be solo'ed; personally i prefer it that way. The only one you don't want to solo is void fissure, because higher chance for better loot.

This. With the right set up everything can be soloed. And in most cases the game’ll become easier.

but keep in mind there are advantages of having a group.. for example: more players in most cases will spawn more enemies. which, depending on how you play and what is your objectives, is a good thing.

so going back to your question.. my answer is gonna be what do you want to get from this mission?


the thing about interception is that in most cases players misunderstood the objectives of the mission.

The objective is to capture the towers and make sure no enemies hack them back. We’re not told to kill all of them during the first part. So pay attention to the tower indicator next to your map. When the symbol of a tower is blinking that means somebody is hacking that tower. So go there and kill the enemies that are infront of the console of that tower. Leave the rest of them be.

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You can pretty much solo all missions... 

Assuming you are playing at a suitable level for your load out. 

Trying to do lvl 40 missions with unmodded kraken and high strength with no duration loki at lvl 0 as your only weapon and frame is obviously not gonna be a good choice.

The opposite is also true,

specific frames and weapons shine exceptionally well in specific missions. 

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Aside from fissures, you also have an advantage in derelict, survivals (if your team camps one room or at least stays close enough,), ESO and excavation, not counting Eidolons which is more or less optional content.

Usually better to solo everything else if you want to make sure no one messes up. (especially spy fissures, where everyone just usually seems to run to different corners of the map resulting in only one teammate having reactants)

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There are niche cases to the below where having a coordinated team would be way faster than doing it solo. Or doing it solo would just be way faster than a team (this is especially true for me as I seem to be just about one of the fastest moving players around and in many maps I beat or keep up with even speed Volt without being sped up myself). What I'm trying to say is, there is no concrete answer to your questions. Just opinions and ideas that change with every scenario. But in general, the below is how I feel about things.For the record, I almost always team up with pubs.


Assassination - solo
Capture - solo
Deception - team
Defense - team
Exterminate - team
Interception - team
Mobile Defense - solo
Rescue - solo, unless Lua
Sabotage - solo is faster most of the time but if you have someone as fast or faster than you then team
Spy - team, unless the team doesn't know how to do it, then solo (this is the number 1 sortie failure)
Survival - solo

Solo everything except interception or defense unless you think you'll get carried. There's a fair chance of that happening if you're new but things are easier solo. Unless you just want to play with others, then team up.

Team up.

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On ‎28‎/‎11‎/‎2018 at 4:53 AM, (NSW)negazina said:

Hello all!

so I have been put off by this game a while ago cause how difficult it was to learn everything but now it’s on Switch I thought I’d bite the bullet and start again. I just got myself Mesa using Platinum so I think I’m gonna stay.

the only thing I’m mainly scratching my head over, is moreso how soloable this game is. I was watching a friend play and he was getting rekt on an interception mission on Ceres (I think) and had to cooperate to actually pass the first round. This got me intimidated as I was planning to mainly play solo. Then all the discussion like “is this frame soloable?” which doesn’t help cause I assumed you can solo with any Frame regardless of godly reflexes or not.

That may not be the case however. what mission types can be solo’d easily and which ones are recommended for a group?

overall I love this game and more than I thought but man, I really need some clarification lol.

Mesa can solo most everything with very little to no problem. For interception Slowa (Slow Nova) is a walk in the park. Sortie rescues I prefer Limbo, tossing the rescue person into the rift and just walking out. ESO is easily soloed with Saryn, Eq, Volt or even Mesa (she has to work a bit harder though depending on map and line of sight.)
Spy is trivalised by Ivara and the augment.

Tridolon is the only thing I'd say team up.

Edit: Leveling stuff efficently is best done in a group. In Hydron for example.

Edited by wakestarr
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As others have pointed out, every star chart mission can be done solo. It’s far less about the mission type than it is about the Warframe used. Some warframes have abilities that lend themselves to making the mission type easier to do alone. For example, Nyx’s chaos ability trivializes most any interception. Ivara or Loki can become invisible for spy vaults. Frost, Vauban, or Limbo can protect a defense target very well with snow globe, bastille, or cataclysm/stasis respectively. 


What makes the mission soloable is your approach to it. 

Edited by Thaelyn2
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If you are doing solo interceptions at a low level, try to get a few spectres. You can order them to stay at a point and they will give you more fire power on the map while giving you extra time to get to the point if it is being taken by the enemy. Note spectres do not count for holding an interception point. If you get Frost this makes the whole thing even easier.

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There is one consideration I would not solo. The dojo because it offers weapon and frame bp not generally available without plat. Soloing the resource gathering is a recipe for some deep masochist grind.

Farming relics is also not so good solo because you have more choices of reward with a full squad.

You can complete the content but solo the reward won’t be the same.

Soloing is mostly a gear check as others have noted. It’s also a matter of mood.

Edited by (PS4)teacup775
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1 hour ago, hooperinius said:

I usually do spy missions solo just so that if I goof it up I won't ruin everyone else game. And vice versa, lots of people will set off an alarm and them log out lol.

In sorties people will screw up and just not say anything. >_>

Also in sorties, I try to request that if you don't know how to do the spy to just go around and try to find Amber Stars for the team. I can and will solo the entire spy run so long as you don't mess it up for us and while I have been known to mess up now and again it's very rare and much less frequently than random pubs seem to mess it up. I think there was only a few times where I forcibly chose to solo the spy mission instead of run it with pubs. I think it was after 8 or so failures in a row that randoms messed it up so I just got fed up with it and did it solo.

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20 hours ago, uAir said:

I think it was after 8 or so failures in a row that randoms messed it up so I just got fed up with it and did it solo.

THAT is the main reason to always solo spy missions.  Getting it done once solo is waaayyy faster than possibly doing it multiple times because someone in the group screwed up.  Which is almost guaranteed to happen in a Pub.  That whole argument that spies are faster in groups is total BS in general.  It's only faster if you have a group of players that actually know what they're doing, which is quite rare in random pubs. 

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Interceptions are quite easy to solo and take only slightly longer than in a full group of well-equipped players.  What you lose by not having teammates you gain by having much fewer enemies to deal with and more importantly, you capture points much faster.  You can simply jump from point to point, not defending at all, and merely recapturing after the enemies leave to capture the next one.  If you have a warframe with a hands off ability that will delay the main group of enemies (Limbo, Nyx[with augment], Octavia, Vauban), they are one of the easiest mission types to solo.

On the other hand, Rescues can sometimes be tricky solo.  Specifically, high level corpus rescues.  If some nullifiers crowd near the prison cell, you can have a tough time getting the hostage out.  You can end up falling into a loop where the hostage dies, you resurrect him, nullifier + enemies crowd you while you are rezzing so you die, you resurrect yourself, and while that is happening the hostage dies again, repeating the loop.

Defense, Defection, and Sortie Hijack are the only ones where a party is so helpful you should always have one.  Mobile Def, elimination, and rescue I'd say parties are recommend for, but not strictly needed.  Anything else is either neutral or easier solo. 

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As long as you own certain Warframes that can perform certain roles (like using Frost which can defend an objective from enemy fire) and have decent weapons to kill enemies, every mission you can solo just fine. I solo a ton, though I have access to most of the stuff in game so I have a lot of options. Since it seems like you just started, you may want to party up for some of the missions if you find them difficult to solo.

Since there are a lot of missions, I'll list the ones recommended for groups. Defense, Interception, Mobile Defense, Hijack, and Defection. Basically most missions where you need to defend an objective is tougher solo if you don't abilities to protect said objective since you risk failing from something else dying.

Interception, the mission you mentioned, funny enough I always prefer to do that solo no matter how difficult it is. Fun fact: the more people in your party, the slower it is for one person to capture an Interception point. If you solo, you basically capture at the speed of 4 people on one point. For the interception mission, the key is speed and CC. You CC/kill you get enemies off the point so you can capture. You speed over to the next point, and so on. When you have all 4 captured, you just need to watch which nodes are being captured and keep the enemies off the capture terminals. From what I've seen doing it solo, enemy AI usually group up at 1 or 2 nodes to start capturing so you aren't frantically running around trying to clear all 4 points.

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I've been playing for 1-2 months, MR8 now and so far I've soloed everything. Made my way to Uranus (with lots of side trips to PoE/Fortuna) unlocking every node along the way, and don't feel like the ramp-up of difficulty makes it impossible to continue yet. According to my profile I have a 94% completion rate so it's certainly not a frustrating experience. It's all about using the right tool for the job. If someone tells you "You can solo everything on frame X" they probably haven't soloed much, to use a single frame for every mission is terribly inefficient.

A frame like Ivara with a perma-ghost build is great for spy, survival and sabotage, but she is far from optimal for the others. Rhino does a great job at defense but I wouldn't want to run a spy mission on that lug. Vauban gets a lot of hate but his teslas/mines make him a great choice for soloing Interception, defense and mobile defense missions. Learn the strengths and weaknesses of the frames you find, and hunt for the ones that fill the gaps in your toolset. There will always be content geared towards teams in games like these, but those are often the most fun and satisfying to accomplish alone.

I don't agree that defense and mobile defense need a team, they are soloable quite easily with the right frame. The hardest to do solo I would say are defection and interception but even those can be built for, but the choice of frame and weapons is definitely more important in these than most other missions and you may need to fail a few times before you figure out how to do them, and maybe work your way around them until you have the right tools for the job.

It does take more time of course. If you want to rush to the point where any game without a subscription model would have a Game Over screen as seems to be the norm these days, you're going to need a team and clan with all research done. If on the other hand you want to play the game at your own pace (which is kind of intrinsic to solo play by definition) soloing is not a problem IMO.


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