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It is enough of new Warframes please no more, thanks.


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It is appreciated the intention of new content with new characters but I think that is already new Warframes suffix, and there are many and many go straight to collect dust, instead of new frames could focus on making new skins, skills, make new adventures or create more lore around those that are already. My opinion is not with the intention of offending anyone, only a recommendation that I hope will be well received, thank you. :community:

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1 minute ago, DEGONI. said:

oh my god how much toxicity in the forum of this game


Well you’re asking for something that isn’t gonna happen until they’ve stopped adding content entirely. You’re using the Conclave and PSA tags despite the fact this has nothing to do with either of those topic. You’re using the Megathread tag despite you not being an employee of DE. We’re not being toxic (well, I am) we’re being right.

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Just now, (XB1)Cubic Clem said:

I only know of two more >_> baruuk and a "wisp" frame.. or sth like that idk tbh

On the interview Tactical Potato had. Apparently, there's six - the two you've said and four unaccounted for.

Although we have no details so they may never reach the light of day, but you get the idea.

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Title and tags misleading. Reword those please.

As for the argument of 'less Warframes/weapons, more skins/cosmetics/stories', why not both? Keep adding more items, but perhaps gate them with mini-Quests like with Mask of the Revenant if they're particularly powerful? Sure, this would possibly take multiple months in bigger cases - like with Railjack and New War - but there are ways to work around this.


When we get the ability to post custom missions/quests/alerts/weapons via Tennogen is when we will finally have more content than we can munch on, proverbially speaking.

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12 minutes ago, DEGONI. said:

oh my god how much toxicity in the forum of this game


Oh noes, people disagree with me, help, help i'm being oppressed!

6 minutes ago, (PS4)chubbslawson said:

I get what you are saying op. They have so much to fix that they should get to 

And they have been, but alas the "CoNtEnT DrOuGhTeRs" appear to have more sway thanks to their predatory youtubers.

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Yes let's get rid of new possible play styles and new weapons. Creativity and new methods of approach? Yea to hell with that.

Prime Access adds a new frame every 3 months. Might as well get rid of that too despite how much money the devs get from it.

Let's also get rid of the void since it "collects dust" aside from argon farming and relics (which are on every destination except the kuva fortress afaik).


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1 minute ago, (XB1)Thy Divinity said:

I know your intentions might be pure, and usually I can see some merit in a lot of misguided threads, however:



This thread is bad and you should feel bad

"Might" Is giving about 300% too much credence to what pretty much is a joke post who revealed their intentions on their first reply.

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3 hours ago, DEGONI. said:

It is appreciated the intention of new content with new characters but I think that is already new Warframes suffix, and there are many and many go straight to collect dust, instead of new frames could focus on making new skins, skills, make new adventures or create more lore around those that are already. My opinion is not with the intention of offending anyone, only a recommendation that I hope will be well received, thank you. :community:


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